词语大全 放荡不羁造句_放荡不羁中英文解释和造句

Posted 放荡不羁

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1、词语大全 放荡不羁造句_放荡不羁中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 旷达不羁造句_旷达不羁中英文解释和造句

词语大全 放荡不羁造句_放荡不羁中英文解释和造句

放荡不羁  fàng dàng bù jī








  • 这个孩子自从父亲死后就放荡不羁了。Since his father’s death, the boy has had full swing.
  • 那位著名的电影明星过著放荡不羁的生活。 That famous film star leads a bohemian life.

  • 达娜在她年轻的时候是一个完全放荡不羁的人。 Dana was a real swinger in her younger years.

  • 我还听说他生活放荡不羁,但这只是恶意的谣言。 I have also heard that he leads a dissolute lifestyle, that is probably a nasty rumor.

  • 她哥哥在大学时代放荡不羁,但他现在行为检点多了。 Her brother sowed his wild oats while he was in college, but now he is a better man.

  • 一个如此放荡不羁的人总是信仰正统教条真是不可思议。 It is astonishing that such a bohemian man always believes in orthodoxy.

  • 城镇中的穷人,我看,倒往往是过著最放荡不羁的生活。 The town’s poor seems to me often to live the most independent lives of any.

  • 但他从未成为放荡不羁的文化人,不论是性上还是艺术上。 But he was never drawn to bohemianism either in sex or in art.

  • 儿子 : 对不起,爸爸,我不能控制,我的确有点放荡不羁。 Son : Sorry dad, I just couldn’t help it. I must have a wild streak.

  • 共产党总是强烈反对放荡不羁的作风,也许就是为了这个缘故吧。 That was probably why the Communists were always cracking down on Bohemianism .

  • 她的父亲曾是诺福克郡布里克林庄园的乡绅,放荡不羁,脾气暴躁。 When she was eight, her father, the profligate and choleric squire of Blickling Hall in Norfolk, challenged a neighbour to a duel for impugning his valour.

  • 在公开场合他是个彬彬有礼的绅士,但在私下里却是个放荡不羁的人。 He is a gentleman of refinement in public but a man of easy virtue in private.

  • 杰克年轻时生活放荡不羁出了名,但进入中年后就安心过正经日子了。 Jack was known for helling around during his youth, but he settled down when he got to middle age.

  • 我喜欢活人甚于原则,而这世上最叫我喜欢的,就是无原则的,放荡不羁的人。 I like persons better than principles, and I like persons with on principles better than anything else in the world.

  • 我喜欢活人甚于原则,而这世上最叫我喜欢的,就是无原则的,放荡不羁的人。 like persons better than principles, and I like persons with on principles better than anything else in the world.

  • 而明代有关道教题材的小说,对道情说唱及道士放荡不羁形象的描写更为细致。 Novels in Ming Dynasty with Taoist material had more meticulous description with Taoist Chanting and Taoist unconventional and unrestrained behavior.

  • 在晚清湖湘学人中,王闿运以其放荡不羁的性格与乐极进遥的人生态度而别具一格。 Wang Kaiyun was noticed by his unconventional disposition and carefree life among these Hunan scholars in Late Qing dynasty.

  • 这种兔子在澳,新两地没有天敌,结果它们就以兔类那种放荡不羁的杂交方式繁殖起来。 This rabbit had no natural enemies in the Antipodes, so that it multiplied with that promiscuous abandon characteristic of rabbits.

  • 即使我们要选择跟随宽路上的人群,以他们那种放荡不羁的标准生活,也没有任何人能阻止我们。 If we decide to go along with the crowd in the broad road, and live by their uninhibited standards, no one can stop us.

  • 长老应是无可指摘的,只做过一个妻子的丈夫,所有的子女都是信徒,又没有被控告为放荡不羁的。 They must be blameless, married only once, whose children are believers and not open to the charge of being immoral and rebellious.

  • 正如莫扎特怪诞的音乐令同时代的人惊愕不已一样,爱因斯坦年轻时放荡不羁的生活方式让人瞩目。 And just as Mozart’s antics shocked his contemporaries, Einstein pursued a notably Bohemian life in his youth.

  • 桑德拉和特蕾茜离开她们在北英格兰弗切斯特的家乡,直达大都市伦敦,放荡不羁带给她们名声和运气。 Leaving their hometown of Fulchester in the North of England, Sandra and Tracey head for the bright lights of London, shagging and boozing their way to fame and fortune.

  • 他们英勇彪悍、放荡不羁的个性激发了诗人们的兴趣,由此诞生了以讲述高乔人苦难生活为主题的作品。 Their unique way of life inspired poets’ interest in the creation of the gaucho poetry, which narrates the lives and feelings of the people.

  • 随着新塘牛仔产业的迅速发展,今天的新塘牛仔让我们感受的更多的是其自由奔放、放荡不羁的时尚文化气息。 As the rapid development of industry of new pool bull-puncher, today’s new pool bull-puncher lets us experience more it is its free and bold and unrestrained, wanton fashionable culture breath.

  • 他还写了中篇小说第凡内早餐(1958年),刻画了一个放荡不羁的爱玩乐的小姐霍丽·葛莱特利在纽约的生活。 He also wrote the novella  Breakfast at Tiffany’s  (1958), detailing the New York life of an uninhibited playgirl, Holly Golightly.

  • 梅毒又回来了:这种性传播疾病,长久以来一直会使人联想到19世纪放荡不羁的生活,在欧洲又死灰复燃,令人忧虑。 Syphilis is back: The sexually transmitted disease long associated with 19th Century bohemian life is making an alarming resurgence in Europe.

  • 你那放荡不羁所犯的风流罪(当我有时候远远离开你的心)与你的美貌和青春那么相配,无论到哪里,诱惑都把你追寻。 Those petty wrongs that liberty mits, When I am sometime absent from thy heart, Thy beauty and thy years full well befits, For still temptation follows where thou art.

  • 这就叫做“灵魂化身”,特定的智慧生命所面临的挑战就是呈现在他们面前的谜题,否则年轻的灵魂会放荡不羁并中途放弃的。 This is called sparking a soul, when the challenge to that particular intelligent life is such that it presents a puzzle to the stuff of souls, else the young soul dissipates and aborts.

  • 杨谨华饰演工作第一的单身女人,她恍然觉悟自己已成人生中一只败犬,可是放荡不羁的阮经天却视她为女王,两人竟擦出火花! Yang plays a career-minded single woman who feels like a loser, while on the contrary, Ruan looks up to her as a queen!

  • 书中,本?威尔森截取了1789年到1837年这个时间段来叙述18世纪那个放荡不羁的英国是怎样转型至道德主义盛行的维多利亚时代。 BEN WILSON uses the period between 1789 and 1837 to explore how the libertine 18th century became transformed into the moralism of the Victorian age.

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    词语大全 旷达不羁造句_旷达不羁中英文解释和造句

    旷达不羁  kuàng dá bù jī







  • 思想自在、魂灵飘逸、作为旷达的伊莎多拉·邓肯将其不羁的权主义认识带到了舞台上,完全调度了舞蹈这门。 Free thinking, free spirited, free moving Isadora Duncan brought her bohemian feminist consciousness to the dance stage and changed the art of dance forever.

  • 在中国古代文学史上,千古流芳的忧生之作,往往比较多地表现对生命不自由和生命活力不能张扬的痛苦,表现由此而产生的旷达不羁、慷慨悲凉之情。 In Chinese classical literature, imperishable works tend to exhibit the misery caused by the limit in freedom and energy, expressing the libertine and grieving feelings.

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    词语大全 旷达不羁造句_旷达不羁中英文解释和造句

    旷达不羁  kuàngdábùjī旷达不羁的意思和解释:旷达:心胸开阔,想得开;不羁:不受束缚。心胸开阔达观,不受拘束。旷达不羁的出处《晋书·张翰传》:“翰任心自适,不求当世。或谓

    词语大全 旷达不羁造句_旷达不羁中英文解释和造句

    旷达不羁  kuàngdábùjī旷达不羁的意思和解释:旷达:心胸开阔,想得开;不羁:不受束缚。心胸开阔达观,不受拘束。旷达不羁的出处《晋书·张翰传》:“翰任心自适,不求当世。或谓

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    落魄不羁  luòpòbùjī落魄不羁的意思和解释:落魄:穷困,不得意;羁:束缚。潦倒失意,行为放纵。也指豪迈不受拘束。落魄不羁的出处宋·周密《齐东野语》卷四:“实之莆人,登甲科,

    词语大全 落魄不羁造句_落魄不羁中英文解释和造句

    落魄不羁  luòpòbùjī落魄不羁的意思和解释:落魄:穷困,不得意;羁:束缚。潦倒失意,行为放纵。也指豪迈不受拘束。落魄不羁的出处宋·周密《齐东野语》卷四:“实之莆人,登甲科,

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    落拓不羁  luòtuòbùjī落拓不羁的意思和解释:形容人性情豪放,行为散漫。落拓不羁的出处《北史·杨素传》:“少落拓有大志,不拘小节。”落拓不羁的例子阿素是~,就像她的父亲。(

    词语大全 落拓不羁造句_落拓不羁中英文解释和造句

    落拓不羁  luòtuòbùjī落拓不羁的意思和解释:形容人性情豪放,行为散漫。落拓不羁的出处《北史·杨素传》:“少落拓有大志,不拘小节。”落拓不羁的例子阿素是~,就像她的父亲。(

    词语大全 放荡不羁造句


    词语大全 放荡不羁造句


    词语大全 放纵不羁   [fàng zòng bù jī]_成语解释_成语出处_成语造句_近义词_反义词_相关成语_成语接龙_英文翻译

    放纵不羁  [fàngzòngbùjī][放纵不羁]成语解释指恣意行事,不受约束。[放纵不羁]成语出处《晋书·外戚传·王濛》:“濛少时放纵不羁,不为乡曲所齿,晚节始克己励行,有风流

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    劳思逸淫  láosīyìyín劳思逸淫的意思和解释:逸:安逸。指参加实际劳动,才能想到爱惜物力,知道节俭;贪图安逸就容易放荡堕落。劳思逸淫的出处《国语·鲁语》:“劳则思,思则善心