词语大全 故作高深造句_故作高深中英文解释和造句
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词语大全 故作高深造句_故作高深中英文解释和造句
故作高深 gù zuò gāo shēn
词语大全 莫测高深造句_莫测高深中英文解释和造句
莫测高深 mò cè gāo shēn
汉生回到家里,脸上仍是一副莫测高深的表情。 When Hanson came home he wore the same inscrutable demeanour .
本:我动作已经够了,我很想做点莫测高深的动作。 Ben: I’ve had enough of this junk. I’m in the mood to do something unpredictable.
而这种境界莫测高深,实非语言、文字所能描述的。 that realm is so unfathomable that can’t be described with language.
他还是那个莫测高深的他,他还是那个她不了解的他! He is that he’s enigmatic, he or she did not understand that he’s!
伟大的神低声说道,低沉的声音,莫测高深的在他耳边回荡。 Whispered the great god, the deity’s voice resonating with an unfathomable rumble of power.
当俱乐部成员开始讨论爱因斯坦的学说时,我感到莫测高深。 When the members of the club began discussingEinstein’S theory 1 was quite out o/my depth.
他一向觉得绝对不可能和这个既暧昧威严,又莫测高深的人交谈。 He had always felt the absolute impossibility of addressing that enigmatical man, who was, in his eyes, both equivocal and imposing.
这两种过时的分类法,其缺陷与莫测高深之处迷惑困扰著历代图书馆用户。 The inadequacies and vagaries of these two outdated schemes have bewildered and frustrated generations of library users.
令人莫测高深的,剑桥大学培养出来的人类学家,他的一生主要在美国渡过。 An elusive, Cambridge-trained anthropologist made his career largely in the United States.
我猜想这位先生必定俱备了全方位的才能,而其德性亦如天道是莫测高深的。 I guessed that he had overall talent and his virtue was profound as the Tao of Heaven.
就像一些骗子,不故弄玄虚,说些令人莫测高深的话,又如何叫人完全信服呢? Just like some cheaters, if they don’t make themselves profound and deceitful, how do others believe them?
如果他知道自己是弥赛亚,为什么这样畏缩不前,毫无行动,而令人莫测高深呢? They attributed cowardice and weakness to Him. If He knew that He was the Messiah, why this strange reserve and inaction?
外表上,他开朗、朴实和坦率,然而,又令人莫测高深。他的全部性格是难以捉摸的。 On the surface, he appeared open, simple and frank, yet he defied analysis and his whole character was elusive.
那位莫测高深的元首不仅同意了,而且还放弃了反对高级军官乘坐飞机往来的那条规定。 Not only did the unpredictable Führer agree, he waived the rule against airplane travel by senior officers.
我们中谁没有在某个接待室里做过,眼睛盯着那扇含有各种各样可能性的莫测高深的门板? Which one of us has not sat in some anteroom and watched the inscrutable panels of a door that was full of meaning ?
本刊记者也两眼一摸瞎,只见显示屏和前方大屏幕上的图表、数据不时抖动一下,莫测高深。 Our correspondent also Yimo blind eyes, and saw in front of large-screen display on the chart, data from time to time about jitter, enigmatic.
所有的理论都需要扩充,将外遗传现象这个可能举足轻重、但还相当莫测高深的角色包括进来。 And all the theories will need to be expanded to incorporate the role of epigenetic phenomena, which may be pivotal but is still rather mysterious.
他只是懂些东西,有点令人莫测高深,若不仔细观察他的言谈举止,你很难看得出他是不是饱学之士。 Man of practice just knows something enigmatical. If you do not observe his deed and talk, it is difficult to know that he is a bookman.
洛比尔对他自己的表演提出更莫测高深的解释:「在我看来,站在墙上是再正常不过的举动,我是指垂直看。 Lorbeer offers a more enigmatic explanation on his performances: ‘My point of view standing on the wall acts normally; that is to say vertically.
他的计划给他把一个跳栏变成了四个—四个刀一般锋利的壁垒,跳过去,另一方面全都是一次莫测高深的垂直落下。 Her plan turned one hurdle for him into four-four knife-sharp walls, each with a sheer blind drop on the other side .
他的计划给他把一个跳栏变成了四个—四个刀一般锋利的壁垒,跳过去,另一方面全都是一次莫测高深的垂直落下。 Her plan turned one hurdle for him into four-four knife-sharp walls, each with a sheer blind drop on the other side.
我的慷慨像大海,无边无际;我的爱情像大海,莫测高深。我给予你越多,我将越富有,因为爱情与慷慨在我心中无尽又无休。 My bounty is as boundless as the sea , my love as deep , the more I give to you , the more I have , for both are infinite .
她也想到那些盛在名贵碟里的佳肴;她也想到一边吃著粉红色的鲈鱼肉或松鸡的翅膀,一边带着莫测高深的微笑听着男友低诉绵绵情话的情镜。 she imagined delicate food served in marvellous dishes, murmured gallantries, listened to with an inscrutable smile as one trifled with the rosy flesh of trout or wings of asparagus chicken.
冷漠谈判者故意使自己难以理解,深藏不漏。莫测高深并不是中国人独有的专长。几个世纪以来,世界各地谈判专家们一直在成功的使用这种方法。 The impassive negotiator is purposely unreadable. Inscrutability isn’t the exclusive domain of the Chinese; it’s been successfully used by skilled negotiators around the world for centuries.
莫测高深 mòcègāoshēn莫测高深的意思和解释:高深的程度无法揣测。指处世的态度、或说话、文章的内容(多不用在正面,带贬义)。莫测高深的出处《汉书·严延年传》:“吏民莫能测
莫测高深 mòcègāoshēn莫测高深的意思和解释:高深的程度无法揣测。指处世的态度、或说话、文章的内容(多不用在正面,带贬义)。莫测高深的出处《汉书·严延年传》:“吏民莫能测
矫情镇物 jiǎoqíngzhènwù矫情镇物的意思和解释:比喻故作镇静,使人无法猜度。矫情镇物的出处《晋书·谢安传》:“既罢,还内,过户限,心喜甚,不觉屐齿之折,其矫情镇物如此
矫情镇物 jiǎoqíngzhènwù矫情镇物的意思和解释:比喻故作镇静,使人无法猜度。矫情镇物的出处《晋书·谢安传》:“既罢,还内,过户限,心喜甚,不觉屐齿之折,其矫情镇物如此
博大精深 bódàjīngshēn博大精深的意思和解释:博:广,多。形容思想和学识广博高深。博大精深的出处明·姜世昌《〈逸周书〉序》:“迄今读书,若揭日月而行千载,其博大精深之旨
博大精深 bódàjīngshēn博大精深的意思和解释:博:广,多。形容思想和学识广博高深。博大精深的出处明·姜世昌《〈逸周书〉序》:“迄今读书,若揭日月而行千载,其博大精深之旨
博大精深 bódàjīngshēn博大精深的意思和解释:博:广,多。形容思想和学识广博高深。博大精深的出处明·姜世昌《〈逸周书〉序》:“迄今读书,若揭日月而行千载,其博大精深之旨
博大精深 bódàjīngshēn博大精深的意思和解释:博:广,多。形容思想和学识广博高深。博大精深的出处明·姜世昌《〈逸周书〉序》:“迄今读书,若揭日月而行千载,其博大精深之旨
持蠡测海 chílícèhǎi持蠡测海的意思和解释:蠡:瓠瓢,古代舀水用具。指用瓢来测量海水的深浅多少。比喻用浅薄的眼光去看待高深的事物。持蠡测海的出处《汉书·东方朔传》:“以管
持蠡测海 chílícèhǎi持蠡测海的意思和解释:蠡:瓠瓢,古代舀水用具。指用瓢来测量海水的深浅多少。比喻用浅薄的眼光去看待高深的事物。持蠡测海的出处《汉书·东方朔传》:“以管