词语大全 敲诈勒索造句_敲诈勒索中英文解释和造句

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1、词语大全 敲诈勒索造句_敲诈勒索中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 择肥而噬造句_择肥而噬中英文解释和造句

词语大全 敲诈勒索造句_敲诈勒索中英文解释和造句

敲诈勒索  qiāo zhà lè suǒ







  • 美国和全世界不会接受敲诈勒索。 America and the world will not be blackmailed .

  • 黑客敲诈勒索案侦破现场。 Hackers extortion case detected at the scene.

  • 他通过敲诈勒索其可怜的受害者而发财致富。 He acquired his wealth and prosperity by sucking the blood of his miserable victims.

  • 他经常向她敲诈勒索。 He often extorts money from her.

  • 山西省官员说,假冒记者敲诈勒索在当地时有发生。 Officials in Shanxi say blackmail attempts by fake journalists are mon there.

  • 时滕县官贪赃枉法,敲诈勒索,人民饥寒交迫,苦不堪言。 When corrupt officials滕xian , extortion, and the people suffer hunger and cold, miserable.

  • 史密斯先生一直被敲诈勒索,因为他有短处在这个人手里。 Mr. Smith keeps paying blackmail to a man who has something on him.

  • 五个敲诈勒索者落入了警察的圈套,上个星期被送进了监狱。 five blackmailers were jailed last week after they were snared in a police sting.

  • 绑架罪包含了两个具体构成要件,即敲诈勒索罪和非法拘禁罪。 Kidnapping crime includes two concrete posing items:racketeered offense and illegal imprison offense.

  • 盖儿:你根本就是要来,扯皮投机与敲诈勒索。你一分钱也休想! GALE:Your name will be synonymous with cynical opportunism and blackmail. You won’t get a cent.

  • 向出售带漏洞软件的软件公司索要金钱?听起来有点象敲诈勒索。 Asking for cash from the pany that sold the buggy software in the first place sounds a bit like blackmail.

  • 但无论是恐吓还是敲诈勒索,我国的相关法律都有明确的处罚规定。 But whether it is intimidation or blackmail, China’s relevant laws have specific penalties.

  • 近期,派出所连续受理了四起旅客在机场内的人行道上被敲诈勒索的案件。 Recently, the admissibility of the police station for four passengers at the airport, the sidewalk was the case of extortion.

  • 帮派分子上门敲诈勒索的不法行为,黑社会帮派之间打打杀杀的血腥场面; And the faction molecule blackmails to the doorstep, Make the bloody scene killed between the underworld actions;

  • 日前,罗湖区检察院以涉嫌敲诈勒索罪批准逮捕了涉案的4名犯罪嫌疑人。 The other day, the Luohu area procuratorate was a suspect to extort the crime to authorize to arrest 4 suspects who was involved in a case.

  • 你不得不承认,贝尔热现在还持有这批文物,把这些文物作为其敲诈勒索的筹码。 You have to admit, Berge has balls but it still amounts to blackmail.

  • 今天只是敲诈勒索,明天可能就会公然抢劫,甚至当街杀人,社会岂非永无宁日。 Today only extortion, probably tomorrow will be a flagrant robbery, even murder, yelling, society would have no peace.

  • 为了使自己免于暴力犯罪和敲诈勒索的伤害,寡头们试图使克格勃的一些部分私有化。 To protect themselves from rampant crime and racketeering, the oligarchs tried to privatise parts of the KGB.

  • 陈是2007年四月领导抗议暴力征地的七位农民领袖之一,他被宣告‘敲诈勒索’罪。 Chen was one of seven villagers who led protests against forced land evictions in April 2007, and was convicted of “extortion and blackmail.”

  • 我的孩子们说,除非我让他们去看电影,否则不让我安宁,这和敲诈勒索并没有什么两样。 When my children say they will leave me in peace if I let them go to the pictures it is little short of extortion.

  • 立法,包括关于隐私的法律,信用卡欺诈,并且敲诈勒索,为刑事审判代理提供工具跟生意犯罪作战。 S. legislation, including laws concerning privacy, credit card fraud, and racketeering, provide criminal-justice agencies with tools to fight business crime.

  • 南非检察机关撤销了对南非执政党非洲民族大会领袖雅各布·祖玛的所有指控,包括诈骗和敲诈勒索。 South Africa’s prosecuting authority dropped all charges, including those of fraud and racketeering, against Jacob Zuma, who heads the ruling African National Congress.

  • 就像很多中国其他地区一样,重庆飞速发展。但与经济腾飞相随的,犯罪(特别是敲诈勒索和诈骗)也在上升。 Like much of the rest of China, Chongqing is booming, but, along with the economy, crime has risen, especially extortion and racketeering.

  • 基督在世的时候,当局政治腐败,炎威无道,到处都是敲诈勒索、偏狭顽固、冷酷残忍,弄得民不聊生,怨声四起。 The government under which Jesus lived was corrupt and oppressive; on every hand were crying abuses, –extortion, intolerance, and grinding cruelty.

  • 南非最高上诉法院在1月12日恢复了对雅各布·祖马的18项指控,其中包括贪污,敲诈勒索,诈骗和逃税的罪名。 ON JANUARY 12th South Africa’s Supreme Court of Appeal reinstated 18 counts of corruption, racketeering, fraud and tax evasion against Jacob Zuma.

  • 外国政府已将猛虎视为恐怖主义,并且那些泰米尔少数族,被猛虎敲诈勒索并成为其资金来源,也乐于看到猛虎落败。 The foreign governments that had banned the Tigers as terrorists and from whose Tamil minorities some of the Tigers’ funds had been extorted are glad to see them beaten.

  • 有些财阀就是依靠战争中的敲诈勒索起家的,有着同样的巨大野心,尽管是为了工业竞争——他们有公众的钱作为后盾。 The chaebol, some of which were started by war racketeers, had the same vast ambitions, albeit for industrial conquest—and they had public money to back them.

  • 阿尔巴尼亚政府对这个援助欣然接受,特别是当时正值敲诈勒索的黑手党作风四处蔓延,整个国家形象已经到了不能再糟的地步。 The Albanian government weled the help at a time when Mafia style racketeering was rife and the country’s reputation could not have been worse.

  • 贝卢斯科尼先生的老部下、前经济部长西尼斯卡尔科认为,意大利应当有一部新的选举法来削弱那些善于敲诈勒索的小政党的权力。 Domenico Siniscalco, who was briefly finance minister under Mr Berlusconi, thinks that Italy cannot be reformed without a new electoral system to weaken the blackmailing power of small parties.

  • 同时,为了壮大声势,他们还拉拢身边的朋友刘某(男,27岁,云南人)和李某(男,20岁,贵州人),合伙对他人实施敲诈勒索。 At the same time, in order to enhance the momentum and they draw close friend Liu (male, 27 years old, Yunnan) and Lee (male, 20 years old, Guizhou), a partner of blackmail others.

  • 敲诈勒索造句相关


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