词语大全 断章取义造句_断章取义中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:吾生也有涯,而知也无涯。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 断章取义造句_断章取义中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 断章取义造句_断章取义中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 断章摘句造句_断章摘句中英文解释和造句

词语大全 断章取义造句_断章取义中英文解释和造句

断章取义  duàn zhāng qǔ yì








  • 这几句断章取义的话好像很伤他的心。His heart bled over certain phrases taken out of context.
  • 袋子是未加撚和灯泡是断章取义。 The bag is untwisted and the bulb is taken out.

  • 正确,但是我们不应该断章取义。 it is right, but we shouldn’t say something with certainty.

  • 断章取义地引用我的话。 Don’t quote my word in out of context!

  • 断章取义地引用我的话。 Don’t quote my saying out of context;

  • 我认为该媒体这种断章取义的做法是很不妥的。 I think the media this piecemeal approach is very inappropriate.

  • 由于这些生产线有断章取义,不传达的讯息的作者。 Because these lines are taken out of context, they do not convey the message the author intended.

  • 那位市长控告那家报社诽谤,因为他们将他的话断章取义。 The mayor sued the newspaper for slander because they took his words out of context .

  • 断章取义故意截取作者试图否定的部分来烘托自己的观点。 Deliberately taken out of context interception of the author’s part to try to deny Hongtuo their point of view.

  • 断章取义的只谈技术而忽略了相关的其他因素往往是错误的。 A technique item taken out of context without regard to its relationship to other features is usually a wrong procedure.

  • 摘录文件、材料应当保持内容相应的完整性,不得断章取义。 The excerpted documentation or material shall keep the integrality of contents, without garbled quotation.

  • 但球场外就是另外一回事了,他们的话有时候甚至会被断章取义。 Off the pitch is another matter, even if it is logical there will be some sniping.

  • 他坚称媒体不顾上下文就引用他的话,实属故意丑化他的断章取义之举。 He asserts that the media quotes his words out of context to make him look bad.

  • 她坚持认为她在嘎纳的评论是有语境的(前后文的),被人断章取义了。 She insisted her ments in Cannes had been taken out of context.

  • 对这些会是一些问题,从某些感觉上他并不了解你。是断章取义的一些评论。 Yes, it is a problem because they actually do not understand you.

  • 王石说老任受到了一段遭遇不公平待遇,把他的一句话拿出来了,断章取义。 Wang Dan said he was a veteran experienced unfair treatment to his sentence to show that out of context.

  • “思无邪”出自《诗经》,孔子断章取义地引用,表达了《诗经》的社会功用。 “Thinking purely” came from “The Book of Songs”. Confucius quoted it Out of contest to express its social function.

  • 因为这些原因,我有必要怀疑那些用进化论解释不同行为时断章取义式的论断。 For all these reasons and more, we need to be sceptical of headline-grabbing claims about evolutionary explanations for different behaviours.

  • 尽管这句话本身是无可厚非的,可它断章取义,把诚实讲成了一个无需多虑的贱物。 Even though the truth of this statement cannot be denied, it rather reduces honesty to something not really worth considering further more.

  • 总有一些西方的媒体对中国持敌视的态度,他们总是报道中国的阴暗面或者断章取义。 There are some media in the West with the attitude of hostile to China. They choose the dark side of the China’s society and quote only part of the story.

  • 还有些人断章取义地理解宗教文献,认为为了使别人皈依自己的宗教就可以不择手段。 Others can take religious writings out of context to find that they “require” them to convert others by whatever means are necessary.

  • 新快报讯(记者李国辉)“我绝对没有说过这样的话,这是断章取义,我在此辟个谣。” New Express (Reporter Li Guohui), “I never said that this is the case, it is taken out of context, I would like to open a rumor.”

  • 春秋用诗的最大特点是“断章取义”,这与孟子提出的“以意逆志”既有区别又有联系; The most important characteristic of the poems from Spring and Autumn period is quoting out of context;

  • 通过对文本的全面观照,纠正了一些论者断章取义、不客观地拔高“诗缘情”说理论意义的做法。 This article corrects some non objective overestimation of the theoretical significance of this statement, which is quoted out of …

  • “我们现在都是凯恩斯主义者了,”弗里德曼曾经说过,尽管他后来声称,他是被人断章取义了。 “We are all Keynesians now, ” Friedman once said, although he later claimed he was quoted out of context.

  • 他们称那些邮件包含“粗糙和令人讨厌的”语言,却被“断章取义”,又称“不应该从字面上理解”。 They said the emails contained “crude and distasteful” language, but had been taken “out of context” and should “not be taken literally”.

  • 公诉机关表示,辩方断章取义,我国刑法规定“严重危害社会秩序和国家利益的”,检察院应提起公诉。 Public prosecution mechanism expresses, argue just garbles, our country criminal law sets ” endanger social order and national interest badly ” , procuratorate should to sue.

  • 如果埃维安只是集中在包装,而不是水的养护,运输和回收利用,该公司的包装计划将是断章取义,效益低。 If Evian simply focused on the package and not on water conservation, transportation, and recycling, the pany’s packaging programs would be out of context and less effective.

  • 这些意见在赛后是很正常的看法,但有些媒体为了夸大新闻,不惜断章取义,这很不利于我们球员内部的团结。 These opinions are the very normal views after the game, but some media, for the exaggerating news, does not hesitate to quote out of context, this does not favor our player internal unity very much.

  • 我还喜欢对历史(美术史)上的各种样式自说自话和断章取义地理解,之后画出来的东西变成一些片断、一些轮廓和一些痕迹。 I like staying there, doing nothing but dirtying a paper or leaving some marks on a piece of canvas.

  • 断章取义造句相关


    词语大全 断章摘句造句_断章摘句中英文解释和造句

    断章摘句  duàn zhāng zhāi jù










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    词语大全 断章取义造句及断章取义的意思
