词语大全 无伤大体造句_无伤大体中英文解释和造句

Posted 鲁迅

篇首语:既然选择远方,就注定风雨兼程。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 无伤大体造句_无伤大体中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 无伤大体造句_无伤大体中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 无伤大雅造句_无伤大雅中英文解释和造句

词语大全 无伤大体造句_无伤大体中英文解释和造句

无伤大体  wú shāng dà tǐ









词语大全 无伤大雅造句_无伤大雅中英文解释和造句

无伤大雅  wú shāng dà yǎ







  • 那是个无伤大雅的骗术,开个玩笑而已。 It was an innocent deception, meant as joke.

  • 愚人节时人们喜欢开些无伤大雅的玩笑。 On April Fool’s Day, people like to tell white lies.

  • 开始是无伤大雅的斗嘴。 The start of it was slight.

  • 那只是个无伤大雅的笑话。可别把它当真。 The joke was harmless. Don’t take it seriously.

  • 她说了个无伤大雅的谎言,说她头痛要先走。 She told a white lie when she said she had a headache and must leave.

  • 头发不整无伤大雅(没有到世界末日那么严峻)。 It’s not the end of the world if you have a bad hair day.

  • 头发不整无伤大雅(么有到世纪末日那么重大)。 It’s not the end of the globle if you HAs a bad hair day.

  • 大部分时候都是一些无伤大雅的玩笑,不过也有例外。 It was basically good-natured banter, but also more than a little off-putting.

  • 愚人节之际,不少人会找些无伤大雅的玩笑,对朋友开开; When April Fools’ Day rolls around, many people look for little jokes to play on their friends.

  • 适当夸张的包装,只要善于展示个人优势的独特品质却无伤大雅。 A little exaggeration, however, does no harm when it shows the person’s unique qualities to their advantage.

  • 在英国,吧台可能是唯一一个和陌生人搭讪也被认为无伤大雅的的场所。 The bar counter is probably the only site in Britain where friendly conversation with strangers is considered appropriate.

  • 不必担心你把他们的权利,现在-磁带,他们的一些无伤大雅的现货如果您有。 Don’t worry about where you put them right now — tape them to some innocuous spot if you have to.

  • 不过,现在美国的研究人员表示,海豚所发出的一些声音并不只是无伤大雅的闲聊。 Now, however, researchers in America claim that some of the sounds that dolphins make are not just harmless gossip.

  • 嗯,那只是一个无伤大雅的谎言啦,你知道我一直都喜欢她,我只是想和她约会而已。 Well, it was just a fib. You know I always liked her, I just want to ask her for a date.

  • 其中既有关于闲暇活动的相对无伤大雅的假话,也有关于工作经历和犯罪纪录的谎言。 The lies vary from relatively harmless claims about leisure activities to lying about career histories and criminal records, the poll showed.

  • 你说一些你认为完全无伤大雅,或甚至是非常友好的,却没料到你已经冒犯,激怒,骚扰了我们。 You say something that you consider totally innocuous, or even downright nice, only to find that you’ve offended, enraged, or annoyed us.

  • 保持身体干净整齐。我可不是在建议你整天对镜自照哦,不过适度关心个人形象总是无伤大雅的吧。 Keep your body clean. I don’t advise spending your day in front of the mirror, but a minimum of personal care does never hurt.

  • 聊天,讲一些无伤大雅的笑话,(这在古巴家庭中很常见)可能会料到卡斯特罗兄弟怎么需要改革。 Talk, spiced with irreverent jokes, would turn (as it does in many Cuban homes) to how the Castro brothers were slowing needed reforms.

  • 你心里知道这么做无伤大雅,也知道这只是小规模的矿业。我们不太会去管他们,因为他们得活下去。 You know this is not mega; you know this [is] a little mining. We don’t bother them much, because they have to live.

  • 在我为这简单的故事揭开第一页的时候,我心头想到的那些情景,就为无伤大雅的消闲提供了一幅绝妙的背景。 Those that I have in mind in beginning to unfold this simple history offered an admirable setting to an innocent pastime.

  • 言辞夸张无伤大雅,但由于缺少相应法规,撒下弥天大谎及欺骗行径严重的房地产经纪人却多年来得以逍遥法外。 This is harmless stuff, but estate agents who lie and cheat more seriously have enjoyed years of little or no regulation.

  • 小错误无伤大雅,即使你翻了比较大的错误别人不懂你的意思,他们也会努力去弄清楚——或者会直接告诉你他们不明白。 Small mistakes are fine. But even if you make big mistakes people can’t understand you, they will try to understand – or they will tell you if they don’t understand.

  • 小错误无伤大雅,即使妳翻了比较大的错误别人不懂妳的意思,他们也会努力去弄清楚——或者会直接告诉妳他们不明白。 Small mistakes are fine. But even if you make big mistakes and people can’t understand you, they will try to understand – or they will tell you if they don’t understand.

  • 但是,在一个据信人们普遍会在履历撒点无伤大雅的小谎的年代,该公司得到的法律建议是,它很难因为说谎而将这位员工解雇。 But in an age when fibbing on a curriculum vitae is believed to be widely practised, the legal advice was that it would be difficult to dismiss her for lying.

  • 60%以上接受调查的人力资源经理认为,省略这一步也无伤大雅,发一封简短的电子邮件就行──但送贺卡和彩色气球就不必了。 More than 60% of HR managers who responded say skipping the step is not a big deal. A brief email will suffice cards and balloons are all overboard.

  • 男性和女性对于出轨的态度也有所不同,一半的男性认为对伴侣以外的其他女性有非分之想无伤大雅,而只有33%的女性这么认为。 The sexes also differed in their approach to straying. Half of men thought it was harmless to lust after someone other than their partner, pared to 33 percent of women.

  • 针对英国姓氏的一项新分析揭示,在过去120年中,随着其主人将姓氏改成较无伤大雅的姓,这些带有不雅色彩的姓氏是如何锐减的。 A new analysis of British surnames reveals how names with rude overtones have seen the sharpest decline over the past 120 years as their owners have changed them to something more innocuous .

  • 身上有了肿块或是哪个地方颜色出现了异常时,不要急着跑去找大夫,请记住,如果这种异常已经有好几年历史了,那么它更有可能只是天生的、无伤大雅的。 Before you race off to the doctor for every lump or discoloration, remember that anomalies you’ve had for years are more likely to be a harmless part of your genetic makeup.

  • 那么,应聘者要不要在面试后发一封正式的感谢信呢?60%以上接受调查的人力资源经理认为,省略这一步也无伤大雅,发一封简短的电子邮件就行──但送贺卡和彩色气球就不必了。 And the formal thank-you letter after the interview?More than 60% of HR managers who responded say skipping the step is not a big deal. A brief email will suffice cards and balloons are all overboard.

  • 读者翘首期盼已久的《失落的符号》终于面世了,这是丹布朗继2003年销量过百万的《达芬奇密码》之后的又一力作。当然,你不必非在阅读中把自己想象成一名 “共济会会员”,尽管说那样做也无伤大雅。 The wait’s over. The Lost Symbol, the follow-up to Dan Brown’s 2003 mega-seller The Da Vinci Code, is here. And you don’t have to be a Freemason to enjoy it (although it wouldn’t hurt).

  • 无伤大雅造句相关



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