词语大全 无人问津造句_无人问津中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:只要学不死,就往死里学。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 无人问津造句_无人问津中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 无人问津造句_无人问津中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 后继无人造句_后继无人中英文解释和造句

词语大全 无人问津造句_无人问津中英文解释和造句

无人问津  wú rén wèn jīn








  • 北京最大的限价房地块无人问津。 No bid for Beijing’s largest piece of land for capped-price housing projects.

  • 投资者买基金的热情并不高,而新发基金更是无人问津。 The enthusiasm of investors to buy the fund is not high, and the new UNIFEM is nobody cares about.

  • 因此,多数商店在上午无人问津,员工闲坐在开着的门窗边。 So shops are mostly empty in the mornings and idle employees sit around by open doors and windows.

  • 联盟中还有比卡特更备受关注却又无人问津(购买)的巨星么? Is there a perceived superstar player around the league who is thought less of than Carter?

  • 过去的春天里,自己是一个无人问津的小辈,创业的艰辛一言难尽。 Over the past spring, he is a descendant of a no one is interested, entrepreneurial untold hardships.

  • 商场上“不愁货比三家、但愁无人问津”的定律,在家居业也同样适用。 In the market “did not worry that pares goods, but worried nobody will ask” the law, is living at industry similarly is also suitable.

  • 在美国尤其如此。他的作品只有少数博物馆收藏,而且大部分都无人问津。 This is especially true in America, where his work is thinly scattered across a number of museums and largely ignored.

  • 一般来说,如果我们的产品或服务无人问津,那么我们的企业就得关门了。 Generally speaking, if our products and service have not client, then our enterprise need to close door.

  • 那些不能付款的最终将没有能力付款,他们很容易将漫天要价以致无人问津。 Those who cannot pay will not be able to pay, they will be simply priced out of the market.

  • 地方宽敞、设备齐全、无人问津,这儿用来安置“星期五”,岂非再合适不过? Place spacious, equipment and deserted for resettlement, here Friday, it is again appropriate nevertheless?

  • 现在我们正处在无人问津的情报资料源源而来的阶段,其原因是它们无法检索。 We have got to the stage now that we pour out information that is not used, because it is inaccessible.

  • 留学解答资讯网:现今的大学生旅游市场的开发正处在荒莽阶段,几乎无人问津。 Nowadays the situation of the college tourism market is nearly undeveloped. There is scarcely anybody take care of it.

  • 比这好过一千倍的,是你可以在一个孤僻荒废之所死去,无需夸张作态,也无人问津。 It is a thousand times preferable to die somewhere alone and abandoned so that you can die without melodramatic posturing, unseen by anyone.

  • 你具备了所有外在的良好包装条件,但是缺少迷人的性格,还是无人问津,没人雇用。 You can almost have full package, but without personality, you can’t get hired.

  • 一位纤维厂家的代表说,由于许多原因,纺织物剂在如今的市场上已经到了无人问津的地步。 Textile finishes have in general bee a “no-no” in today’s market place, thanks to many reasons, says a representative of fiber producer.

  • 然而长期以来,对于雁北地区的庙会活动却无人问津,这对庙会研究来说不能不说是个遗憾。 However, nobody studys the temple fairs in the Yan Bei region, which can not but say is a regret.

  • 一位纤维厂家的代表说,由于许多原因,纺织物整理剂在如今的市场上已经到了无人问津的地步。 Textile finishes have in general bee a " no-no" in today’s market place, thanks to many reasons, says a representative of fiber producer.

  • 欧洲的抵押债券市场已重新开放,投资者对银行次级债兴趣重燃,而这类债券几个月前还无人问津。 The European covered bond market has reopened, and appetite has returned for subordinated bank debt, a product given up for dead months ago.

  • 在美国,机构对住房抵押贷款支持证券担保的时间若没有两年之多,那么这类契约根本就无人问津。 No residential MBSs have been sold in America without such backing for more than two years.

  • 同样的,我也不相信阳春白雪的内容绝对无人问津或者所谓“性感”、“热辣”的题目能够肯定成功。 Likewise, I also do not believe that great content alone or a “sexy” or “hot” topic by itself will guarantee success.

  • 然而后者有着更明确也更合乎情理的市场价值,相反,很多森林的多重价值目前在市场上是无人问津的。 Whereas the latter have reasonably clear and identifiable market values, many forest values are currently non-marketed.

  • 在部分地区,大片设施齐备的新建住房无人问津。这些房屋刚建好就闲置起来,而新房还在不断地建设中。 There are a significant number of fully built houses sitting vacant along with a large number of additional houses still under construction.

  • 邦齐期望有其他买主出更高的价格,但最终却无人问津,于是他只好被迫和火箭签下了一份大大缩水的合同。 Wells expected more on the open market, but no one came calling and he was forced to take a significantly smaller contract with the Rockets.

  • 债务人和其他的权利人不得不用几年的时间和“坏”通用耗时耗力,比如无人问津的工厂和品牌土星和庞蒂亚克。 Creditors and other claimants would be left to haggle, perhaps for years, over whatever of value was left in “bad” GM, such as unwanted factories or brands such as Saturn and Pontiac.

  • 有些银行业规模过大的欧元区小国,比如爱尔兰和比利时,它们的债券无人问津,使得借贷利息相对于德国不断走高。 Small euro-area countries with oversized banking industries, such as Ireland and Belgium, found that their bonds were shunned, driving up their borrowing costs relative to Germany’s.

  • 在如今这个仍充斥着无人问津的游艇的世界中,在疲弱的市场上进行真正的无底价拍卖,最终的成交价可能会比这少的多。 Then again, with true no reserve in today’s weak market, where the world is still flooded with unwanted yachts, it could go for much less.

  • 它讲述了发生在丝绸之路上一座无人问津的空堡中的一段古老的爱情传说,抒发著一种令人沉醉的深深哀愁,将你笼罩其中,难以自拔。 The song is based on a legend of unrequited love set in a deserted castle on the ancient Silk Road, it creates a deep and intoxicating sadness which surrounds and inhabits you.

  • 你需要走进那个无人问津的地窖,你的腿将受到很大的压力。你只有通过血浆才能生存下来。在地窖中,你的生命将取决于你反应的速度。 You should go down there where never went, and the leg of the person where from huge pressure. you will be rescued only with the plasma, where your life will depend on speed of your reaction.

  • 过去在我国,厕所一直是一个比较隐晦的话题,厕所卫生、环境和管理的种种问题长期无人问津,使得公共厕所的管理水平滞后,建筑设计水平长期得不到发展。 The behind hand level of the public toilets administration and the undeveloped building design is conduced by which People in China always ignored the problem of toilets before.

  • 由于链接结构是围绕书籍开发的,搜索引擎的程序就可以将接入链接视为“投票”,给予被访问次数多的内容更多的权重,相应的对无人问津的内容减少搜索的比重。 As link structures develop around books, search algorithms can count ining links as “votes”, giving more weight to ining links from much-cited places and less to obscure ones.

  • 无人问津造句相关


    词语大全 后继无人造句_后继无人中英文解释和造句

    后继无人  hòu jì wú rén







  • 民间美术处于后继无人的濒危状态。 Folk Art is in a endangered state of no heir .

  • 但仍值得注意的是,后继无人的问题。 Nonetheless, the lack of new players entering the game is something to take notice of.

  • 中国女子跳水队后继无人的现象令人担忧。 It is very worrying that there is no heir on the Chinese Womens Diving Team.

  • 菊儿胡同已经改造几年了,竟然“后继无人”。 Ms abuse alleyway has years of transformation, even “smaller.”

  • 很多民族乐器,如锯琴,独弦琴都面临后继无人的困境。 Many ethical instruments, such as musical saw and single-string instrument are facing the situation that there will be no followers.

  • 第三,他后继无人,不甚明朗,甚至也不能够左右大选结果了。 A third is his lack of an obvious successor, or even of much influence over the choice.

  • 现代年轻人大都不愿意在山里干活,林枝木担心造吊桥后继无人。 Nowadays younger engineers are reluctant to work in the mountains, so Lin Chih-mu worries who will take on the job after him.

  • 另一种声音则怪罪语文程度节节败退,担心将来青黄不接,后继无人。 The other, on the contrary, voices worry that with the Chinese language fast losing ground, there will be no worthy successors in future to carry the torch.

  • 第三,他后继无人,不甚明朗,虽然他对法国人民未来的选择影响力很大… A third is his lack of an obvious successor, or even of much influence over the choice.

  • 当爱德华三世(1327~1377)统治英国期间,法国国王后继无人。 When Edward III (1327 – 1377) ruled England, the old French line of King died out.

  • 即使阿波罗计划后继无人,它也将永远作为人类最伟大的创举之一留在人们的记忆中。 Even if the Apollo program successors, it will always be a human being, one of the greatest innovation to stay in people’s memory.

  • 没有一个后继的印度领导人,即使是有些领导人并不同意这种观点,也无人敢于挑战这种说法。 No successor Indian government has dared – and many have not been inclined – to challenge that assertion.

  • 但在21世纪的今天,西南地区少数民族传统体育受到多方冲击,有些项目后继无人,面临消失的危险。 They play positive role for the economy development for the northwesteregions. However since 21 century, those sports suffer from many factors and some of them are being vanished.

  • 随着我国文化生活的变迁与发展,中国乡土音乐面临着日益加剧的生存危机,其中不少乡土音乐的种类已到了后继无人,面临失传的境地。 With the development and variance of culture and life in our country, Chinese native music is confronted with the crisis of survival which is getting ever more acute.

  • 很多大老倌,都是从细学起, 当然当时是因为生活,不是因为推粤。 如果要等待有心人士写儿童剧本/粤曲,怕后继无人。 粤剧新光 – 要靠年青人多学习了。 It would take an angel to write scripts just for the kids. The consolation is that many kids are learning opera and schools are also promoting it. Lets keep the opera art alive.

  • 后继无人造句相关



    词语大全 后继无人造句_后继无人中英文解释和造句

    后继无人  hòujìwúrén后继无人的意思和解释:继:继承。没有后人来继承前人的事业。后继无人的出处后继无人的例子任何一个学科都不可~。后继无人造句民间美术处于后继无人的濒危状

    词语大全 后继无人造句_后继无人中英文解释和造句

    后继无人  hòujìwúrén后继无人的意思和解释:继:继承。没有后人来继承前人的事业。后继无人的出处后继无人的例子任何一个学科都不可~。后继无人造句民间美术处于后继无人的濒危状

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    有己无人  yǒujǐwúrén有己无人的意思和解释:自私自利,只顾自己,不顾别人。有己无人的出处有己无人的例子有己无人造句只有诗人的双眼可以拥有这地平线,这是他们农场中最可贵的,

    词语大全 有己无人造句_有己无人中英文解释和造句

    有己无人  yǒujǐwúrén有己无人的意思和解释:自私自利,只顾自己,不顾别人。有己无人的出处有己无人的例子有己无人造句只有诗人的双眼可以拥有这地平线,这是他们农场中最可贵的,

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    寂若无人  jìruòwúrén寂若无人的意思和解释:寂:寂静。寂静得就像没有人一样。寂若无人的出处南朝宋·刘义庆《世说笺本·德行下》:“傅茂远泊然静处,不妄交游民,袁司徒第经其户

    词语大全 寂若无人造句_寂若无人中英文解释和造句

    寂若无人  jìruòwúrén寂若无人的意思和解释:寂:寂静。寂静得就像没有人一样。寂若无人的出处南朝宋·刘义庆《世说笺本·德行下》:“傅茂远泊然静处,不妄交游民,袁司徒第经其户

    词语大全 荒无人烟造句_荒无人烟中英文解释和造句

    荒无人烟  huāngwúrényān荒无人烟的意思和解释:人烟:指住户、居民,因有炊烟的地方就有人居住。形容地方偏僻荒凉,见不到人家。荒无人烟的出处荒无人烟的例子部队指战员忍饥受

    词语大全 荒无人烟造句_荒无人烟中英文解释和造句

    荒无人烟  huāngwúrényān荒无人烟的意思和解释:人烟:指住户、居民,因有炊烟的地方就有人居住。形容地方偏僻荒凉,见不到人家。荒无人烟的出处荒无人烟的例子部队指战员忍饥受

    词语大全 旁若无人造句_旁若无人中英文解释和造句

    旁若无人  pángruòwúrén旁若无人的意思和解释:身旁好象没有人。形容态度傲慢,不把别人放在眼里。旁若无人的出处《史记·刺客列传》:“荆轲嗜酒,日与狗屠及高渐离饮于燕市,酒

    词语大全 旁若无人造句_旁若无人中英文解释和造句

    旁若无人  pángruòwúrén旁若无人的意思和解释:身旁好象没有人。形容态度傲慢,不把别人放在眼里。旁若无人的出处《史记·刺客列传》:“荆轲嗜酒,日与狗屠及高渐离饮于燕市,酒