词语大全 无关痛痒造句_无关痛痒中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:努力一点,现在想要的以后你都会有。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 无关痛痒造句_无关痛痒中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 无关痛痒造句_无关痛痒中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 无关大体造句_无关大体中英文解释和造句

词语大全 无关痛痒造句_无关痛痒中英文解释和造句

无关痛痒  wú guān tòng yǎng








  • 现在知道真相,一切已经无关痛痒。 Now know the truth, everything is irrelevant.

  • 没有魔兽,对于网易来讲无关痛痒。 Without demon animal, will tell to Netease have nothing to do difficulties.

  • 你是我猜不到的不知所措,我是你想不到的无关痛痒。 You are my guess of what to do, I can not think of you irrelevant. 5.

  • 这段青春是个无关痛痒的青春。微笑,面对以后的生活。 This youth is irrelevant youth. Smile, the face of later life.

  • 是否存在着其他能取得同一技术结果的形状,是无关痛痒的。 It was irrelevant whether there were other shapes available to perform the same technical result.

  • 然而,如果几乎贷不到什么款,那么信贷价格也就无关痛痒了。 The price of credit is irrelevant, however, if almost none is made available.

  • 对着自己的两个孩子,我常常想,无关痛痒的错,就由他去犯吧! Facing their two children, I often think, bite wrong, mitted Go!

  • 就在我写这些无关痛痒的文字的时候,时光悄悄的从我身后溜走! As I write these words innocuous, quiet time away from my behind!

  • 技术沿革合拍,政策选择相对无关痛痒,帮助英国向京都协议安然迈进。 The rhythm of technological change and relatively painless policy choices have helped put the country on course to meet its Kyoto obligations.

  • 我告诉她不是非去不可,那里的训练课程对我部队军官的事业也无关痛痒。 I explained that I didn’t have to go Ranger School. It wasn’t important or necessary for my career as an Army officer.

  • 地方政府不解决犯罪、贫困和污染这等大事,却在无关痛痒的细节上瞎忙。 The local government fiddled while Rome burned, doing nothing about crime, poverty and pollution.

  • 换言之,有时候撒谎──至少是无关痛痒的小谎──可以有助于两人的关系。 In other words, sometimes lies — at least the little ones — can help our relationships.

  • 任何值得称道的改革不是无关痛痒为时已晚,就是前一届政府早已推行了的。 Any possibly praiseworthy reforms are either superficial and belated, or else were introduced by the previous government.

  • 寻求知识,博览群书,悠然地坐在门廊旁,“欣赏”一些和自己无关痛痒的风景。 Search for knowledge, read more , sit on your porch and admire the view without paying attention to your needs.

  • 所以,许多人都选择以恶劣、粗暴和无礼的态度来对待他们认为对自己无关痛痒的人。 People often choose to be rude, mean, and disrespectful to others whom they feel they don’t need.

  • 而至于像火山爆发这样大自然的偶然动作,不过是日常生活中的小小噪音罢了,无关痛痒。 As for occasional acts of nature like volcanic eruptions, most of them are, literally and metaphorically, noise.

  • 很快他就把话题转移到比较有实际意义的事情,片刻之后我们就讨论回天气这种无关痛痒的话题了。 Quickly he moved the conversation on to a more practical level, and within a moment we were back to a safe discussion on the weather.

  • 调查局虽然找出一些证据,但也仅止于一些无关痛痒的证据,所以只好冠上「违反信任原则」的罪名。 Even though the Investigation Bureau tried to find some corruption, they couldn’t find anything. So the name of a crime that they found was ‘breach of trust.

  • 当你很在意一件事时,它总会不时跳出来吸引你的注意,也许只是平日无视的一些无关痛痒的枝末细节。 When you care a matter very much, its head quarter often jump out attraction you of attention, perhaps just take no cognizance in normal times of some irrelevant end detail.

  • 我说的是那些虚幌一枪,无关痛痒的善意谎言,它们能时不时地充当社交药膏,使我们的关系更加顺畅。 And you know that even in the best marriages and romantic relationships, we sometimes fail to tell the truth.

  • 托尔多已经告别两个年头,他的上一场欧冠要追溯到2006年12月5日那场同拜仁之间无关痛痒的小组赛。 Tuoerduo already said goodbye for two years, his previous Ou Guanyao traces to December 5, 2006 that field with the group match which between Bayern irrelevants.

  • 辩论会上,主持人的提问竟然一直纠缠于无关痛痒的政治立场问题,整整一个小时后才转为民众关心的政策议题。 the moderators threw an odd bag of unexpected identity-politics questions at the candidates for a full hour, before turning to high-minded policy.

  • 但是斯科特拒绝接受因维女王为玛琳创造的人形外观,因此他们之间的谈话完全局限于无关痛痒的实际问题之中。 But Scott refused to be fooled by the human guise the Invid Queen-Mother had fashioned for her, and so their conversations were strictly of the pragmatic sort.

  • 比如有时候我会有很糟糕的事去担忧,一些无关痛痒的担忧就会被取代,比如我的餐具为什么在洗碗机里变成了奇怪的颜色。 If I have big nasty things to worry about, they displace more benign worries such as why my cutlery has suddenly gone a funny colour in the dishwasher.

  • 没错,很久没看到我的你们,你们猜对了,发生了一些事,小事,无关痛痒的小事(现在自己说起来怎么这么轻松,厚脸皮!) C, now I’m here, like a piece of grass, grows back, like what I said, YES! I’m back! The one and the only one is ing back.

  • 我说的是那些虚幌一枪,无关痛痒的善意谎言,它们能时不时地充当社交药膏,使我们的关系更加顺畅。你肯定知道我是什么意思。 I’m talking about the fibs and feints and little white lies that serve as a social salve and help a relationship run smoothly. You know what I mean.

  • 一段时间以前如果有人问我这个问题,我会说自我发展呀,经验呀这些无关痛痒的废话,但是现在,在我心中只有一个答案:挫折! If I were asked few months ago, I could say self-development or experience those kinds of meaningless craps, but now, there is only one word in my mind: FRUSTRATION.

  • 白天上门的顾客看似寥寥无几,但这对于它总体的营业额来说,根本是无关痛痒,因为它著自己的一本生意经,铁算盘敲得可响了! Customers e during the day seem meager, but for its overall turnover is essentially being irrelevant, because it is the own a business sense, iron abacus can knock too loud!

  • 主耶稣,求祢帮助我们不要在这个节日为无关痛痒的事情忧虑,帮助我们把思想集中在祢为我们所成就的事情上,把祢放在我们生命的首位。 Lord Jesus, help us during this season not to worry about things that really don’t matter. Help us concentrate on all you’ve done for us and to put you first in our lives.

  • 跟她比较起来我真觉得自己的弱点太多,所以从今天开始我不会再浪费自己任何的时间去想一些无关痛痒的事,反之往后的时间对我来说都是宝贵的! An i told myself from now on i wont be wasting my time to those unconcern matter anymore i want to use my time wisely to do things good for my own life!

  • 无关痛痒造句相关


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    无关大体  wú guān dà tǐ







  • 膝骨关节炎的大体病理改变严重程度与性别无关,与年龄显著正相关。 The degree of pathological gross change of knee osteoarthritis showed significant positive relation to age, but not to gender.

  • 综观近百年来关于费尔巴哈对马克思影响的争论,大体可以归结为“等同论”、“无关论”、“环节论”三种观点。 In recent centuries, there are three viewpoints on the argument about how Feuerbach affected Marx. They are “the equation theory”, “the irrelevancy theory” and “the link theory”.

  • EGFR的表达与患者的性别、年龄、病变部位和大体分型无关,同时也与胃癌的组织学类型及其分化程度无关(P>0。05)。 There was no significant difference statistically (P>0. 05). (3)The expression of EGFR was independent of sex, age, position of tumor and growth style in gastric cancer.

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