词语大全 无冬无夏造句_无冬无夏中英文解释和造句
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词语大全 无冬无夏造句_无冬无夏中英文解释和造句
无冬无夏 wú dōng wú xià
这里气候温和,冬无严寒,夏无酷暑。 Here a mild climate, with cold winter and summer without the heat.
冬无严寒,夏无酷暑。 No cold winter and summer without the heat.
这里冬无寒,夏无醋暑,雨量充沛,气候宜人。 No cold here in winter, summer heat without vinegar, rainfall and pleasant weather.
这里冬无严寒,夏无酷暑,雨量充沛汽候温和。 No cold here in winter, summer without heat, steam designate a moderate rainfall.
忻州冬无严寒、夏无酷暑,气候宜人、四季分明。 Dong Xinzhou no cold, no heat of the summer climate with four distinct seasons.
冬无严寒,夏无酷暑,春季升温快,秋多连阴雨。 No winter cold and summer heat-free, quick warming in the spring, autumn and even more rain.
四季分明,阳光充足,冬无严寒,夏无酷暑,气候温和。 Four distinct seasons, sunny, no cold winter and summer without the heat, mild climate.
正确的,对昆明气候的描述应该是-冬无严寒,夏无酷暑。 The accurate way to describe Kunming’s climate is: It is neither extreme hot in Summer, nor extreme cold in Winter.
由于温暖湿润,光热条件优越,雨量充沛,冬无严寒,夏无酷暑。 As the warm and humid, hot conditions favorable light, with plenty of rainfall, not winter cold, summer without heat.
受到海洋性季风的调节,台湾终年气候宜人,冬无严寒,夏无酷热。 Subject to the regulation of maritime monsoon, Taiwan’s year-round pleasant climate without cold winter and summer without heat.
气候资源:长子冬无严寒,夏无酷暑,气候宜人,属温带半湿润大陆性气候。 Climate resources: the eldest son of the winter without cold, no heat of the summer and pleasant weather, is a temperate sub-humid continental climate.
这里气候温和,雨量充沛,冬无严寒,夏无酷暑,被誉为西北地区“小江南”。 Here climate temperate, the rainfall is abundant, The winter is not severely cold, the summer does not have the intense summer heat.
这�气候温和,雨量充沛,冬无严寒,夏无酷暑,被誉为西北地区“小江南”。 Here climate temperate, the rainfall is abundant, The winter is not severely cold, the summer does not have the intense summer heat.
这里气候温和,雨量充沛,冬无严寒,夏无酷暑,被誉为西北地区“小江南”。 The climate here is temperate and abundant with rainfall, being either severe cold in winter or extremely hot in summer.
我的家乡 汕头位于广东东部,这里冬无严寒,夏无酷暑,四季如春,气候宜人。 My hometown Shantou locate in the east of Guangdong , it is neither too cold nor too hot , all the four seasons are like spring, its climate is pleasant.
大自然造就了贵阳宜人的气候,主要特点一是冬无严寒,夏无酷暑,却又四季分明。 Mother nature endows Guiyang with pleasant climate whose mains features are firstly no brutal heat in summer, no bitter cold in winter and a clear rhythm of the seasons.
流水潺潺,泉水甘甜,气候温和,冬无严寒,夏无酷暑,是一避暑消夏的休假胜地。 Gurgling water, sweet spring water, mild climate, with cold winter, not summer heat, is a summer vacation resort.
这里环境优美,地势平坦,交通便利,冬无严寒,夏无酷暑,四季如春,气候宜人。 It has smooth physical features and convenient traffic, it is never too hot or too cold in summer or winter. in four seasons such as spring, the climate is pleasant.
四季分明,阳光充足,冬无严寒、夏无酷暑,气候温和、景色宜人,是避暑旅游胜地。 Four distinct seasons, sunny, no cold winter and summer without the heat, mild climate, scenery and pleasant, is the summer tourist destination.
腾冲属热带季风气候,所平均气温14。8℃,冬无严寒,夏无酷暑,全年适于旅游观光。 Tengchong has a tropical monsoon climate, the mean temperature of 14. 8 ℃, with the winter cold and summer heat without a full year for Tourism.
气候宜人,冬无严寒,夏无酷暑,空气质量常年处于一级水平,是人类居住、创业的地方。 Pleasant climate:it is not severe cold in winter and not intense heat in summer with class A air quality. It is realm an ideal place for living.
因墨境内多为高原地形,冬无严寒,夏无酷暑,四季万木常青,故享有“高原明珠”的美称。 In Mexico, mostly due to altitude terrain, no cold winter and summer without heat, the four seasons evergreen trees, so enjoy “Plateau Pearl” laudatory.
大连位于中国辽东半岛最南端,东濒黄海,西临渤海,冬无严寒,夏无酷署,年平均温度10度。 Dailian lies on the southern end of East Liao Peninsula, China. It is close to Yellow Sea in the west. There’s no chilliness in winter, no broiling in summer, the annual mean temperature 10℃.
气候:大多属于中亚热带季风湿润气候,四季分明,气候温和,冬无严寒,夏无酷暑,雨量充沛。 Climate: this zone mostly belongs to the subtropical monsoon climate, where four seasons are distinguishable, mild climate, winter is not too cold, summer is not too hot, rain fall is abundant.
海阳属暖温带东亚湿润季风型大陆气候,冬无严寒,夏无酷暑,气候宜人,年平均气温12摄氏度。 Hai Duong is a warm humid East Asian continental monsoon climate, with cold winter and summer without the heat, a pleasant climate, the average temperature of 12 degrees Celsius.
安顺属中亚热带,年平均气温14-160C,冬无严寒,夏无酷署,四季适宜旅游,是避寒避署胜地。 Anshun is in sub-tropical, the average annual temperature of 14-160C, with the winter cold and summer Ku Shu-free, appropriate travel seasons, is Bishu cold spots.
由于地处海洋的包围之中,属温带海洋性季风气候,终年温和湿润,与同纬度地区相比冬无严寒,夏无酷暑。 Because is located surrounded by the ocean, the monsoon is a temperate maritime climate, year-round mild and humid, as pared with the same latitudes in winter without cold, no heat of summer.
日本列岛的大部分位于温带,气候属于温带海洋性季风型,主要特征是终年温和湿润,冬无严寒,夏无酷暑。 Most of the Japanese archipelago in the temperate climate is temperate maritime monsoon type, and major features of the year is mild and humid, with the winter cold, summer without the intense heat.
喀纳斯湖属寒温带高寒气候,长冬无夏,春秋相连,七月平均气温15。9度,非常适宜寒温带林林木的生长。 Kanas Lake is a winter cold temperate climate, long summer without winter, spring and autumn connected, the average July temperature of 15. 9 degrees, is suitable for Lin boreal forest growth.
烟台市属于暖温带大陆性季风气候,与同纬度内陆地区相比具有雨水适中,空气湿润,气候温和的特点,可谓冬无严寒,夏无酷暑。 Yantai belongs to the warm temperate continental monsoon climate, pared with latitude inland areas with water, air, mild climate characteristics, winter is not too cold, summer is not too hot.
词语大全 无冬无夏的意思_成语“无冬无夏”是什么意思
成 语 | 无冬无夏 |
成语读音 | wú dōng wú xià |
成语解释 | 无论冬天还是夏天。指一年四季从不间断。 |
常用程度 | 常用 |
感情色彩 | 中性词 |
成语结构 | 联合式 |
成语用法 | 作谓语、定语;指不分寒暑。 |
产生年代 | 古代 |
典故出处 | 《诗经·陈风·宛丘》:“无冬无夏,值其鹭羽。” |
成语例句 | 明·陈荩《修慝馀编》:“日不举火,~,所少者不习一艺耳。” |
近 义 词 | 连续不断 无间冬夏 |
英文翻译 | the whole year <regardless of winter or summer> |
宛丘[作者]佚名 [朝代]先秦子之汤兮,宛丘之上兮。洵有情兮,而无望兮。坎其击鼓,宛丘之下。无冬无夏,值其鹭羽。坎其击缶,宛丘之道。无冬无夏,值其鹭翿。《宛丘》译文你起舞热情奔放,在宛丘山坡
宛丘[作者]佚名 [朝代]先秦子之汤兮,宛丘之上兮。洵有情兮,而无望兮。坎其击鼓,宛丘之下。无冬无夏,值其鹭羽。坎其击缶,宛丘之道。无冬无夏,值其鹭翿。《宛丘》译文你起舞热情奔放,在宛丘山坡
词语大全 无冬历夏 [wú dōng lì xià]什么意思
无冬历夏 [wúdōnglìxià][无冬历夏]成语解释指一年到头。[无冬历夏]百科解释指一年到头。更多→无冬历夏[无冬历夏]相关成语无天无日无有伦比无际可寻无颜落色无风作浪[无
词语大全 横杆垂钓无冬夏灯谜及答案(打一《天龙八部》人名),横杆垂钓无冬夏灯谜及答案(打一《天龙八部》人名)
横杆垂钓无冬夏灯谜及答案(打一《天龙八部》人名) 谜面:横杆垂钓无冬夏(打一《天龙八部》人名) 谜底:丁春秋
词语大全 横杆垂钓无冬夏灯谜及答案(打一《天龙八部》人名),横杆垂钓无冬夏灯谜及答案(打一《天龙八部》人名)
横杆垂钓无冬夏灯谜及答案(打一《天龙八部》人名) 谜面:横杆垂钓无冬夏(打一《天龙八部》人名) 谜底:丁春秋
宛丘佚名系列:关于描写冬天的古诗词宛丘子之汤兮,宛丘之上兮。洵有情兮,而无望兮。坎其击鼓,宛丘之下。无冬无夏,值其鹭羽。坎其击缶,宛丘之道。无冬无夏,值其鹭翿。注释 1汤(dang):「荡」之借字。
宛丘佚名系列:关于描写冬天的古诗词宛丘子之汤兮,宛丘之上兮。洵有情兮,而无望兮。坎其击鼓,宛丘之下。无冬无夏,值其鹭羽。坎其击缶,宛丘之道。无冬无夏,值其鹭翿。注释 1汤(dang):「荡」之借字。