词语大全 无可非议造句_无可非议中英文解释和造句

Posted 自豪感

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1、词语大全 无可非议造句_无可非议中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 无可置疑造句_无可置疑中英文解释和造句

词语大全 无可非议造句_无可非议中英文解释和造句

无可非议  wú kě fēi yì







  • 这种事情发生在小说中是无可非议的。 It is all very well for such things to occur in fiction.

  • 事实表明,她过去的行为绝非无可非议。 It emerged that her past behaviour was far from irreproachable.

  • 就客户满意度来说,现行政策无可非议。 In terms of customer satisfaction, the current policy cannot be criticized.

  • 这是关于这个主题无可非议的最好的书。 This is beyond dispute the best book on the subject.

  • 无可非议,媒介对标志的流传所发生的强盛影响。 Give no cause for more criticism, the strong influence produced toward spread of the sign of media.

  • 这些绅士们围着桌子坐着,样子都极端地无可非议。 All round the table, the gentlemen looked unimpeachable in the extreme.

  • 对精心确定了补贴对象的政府直接开支也是无可非议的。 Direct government spending on well-defined target groups is also justified.

  • 中国人似乎为他们的经济成就感到自豪,这是无可非议的。 The Chinese seemed justifiably proud of their economic achievements.

  • 如果我们是开车行驶在繁忙的高速公路上,这样做当然无可非议。 There’s certainly nothing wrong in this if we’re driving on a busy highway.

  • 即便钱并不是给你最大满足感的东西,可是它的重要性却无可非议。 Even if money isn’t what gives you the most job satisfaction, no one can argue its importance.

  • 还有一种说法是,虽然北京房价非常高,但是市场行为,无可非议。 Another argument is that although Beijing prices very high, but market behavior, beyond.

  • 魏斯吞先生有无可非议的品德、富裕的家产、合适的年龄和愉快的态度。 Mr. Weston was a man of unexceptionable character, easy fortune, suitable age, and pleasant manners.

  • 甚至一开始,当死亡无可非议地成为解脱的途径时,我也没有考虑过它。 Even in the beginning, when death unquestionably would have been a relief, I didn’t consider it.

  • 像我全文所展示的,舒马赫是一个获得7次F1世界冠军的车手,这无可非议! As I show, through the whole article, Michael Schumacher is the person who has won F1 World Champions 7 times in the circuit.

  • 根据每年不断变换的时尚规律,现在穿着这样的短裤去参加重大晚宴舞会也无可非议。 And with fashion rules changing each year, it is now acceptable to wear this sort of attire even to fairly smart parties and events.

  • 开始时票数比较分散,但不久智慧术获得了越来越多的分数并无可非议地占据了首位。 At first, it was pretty open but soon wisdom got more and more points propelling it to undisputed first place.

  • 尽管现代心理学的多样性是困惑的一个来源,但心理学的研究范围无可非议是广阔的。 Although the variety of opinions about psychology can be confusing, it can also be a source of excitement.

  • 如果谈判失败,我是理所当然的牺牲品——这是无可非议的,不管我对问题的分析如何有道理。 If the negotiations failed, I was the logical victim-and justifiably so whatever the merits of my analysis.

  • 在社会主义市场经济的条件下,经营性土地都必须通过市场经过“招拍挂”取得土地,无可非议。 Under the conditions of the socialist market economy, the land must be operating through the market after “Dr. film to” access to land, beyond.

  • 水往低处流,人往高处走。一个人希望有理想的工作,得到较高的待遇,是人之常情、无可非议的。 Just as water flows downstream, so it is only too naturally for men to seek to make it to the top.

  • 年轻人害怕在战争中送命,一想到被骗走了生活所能赐予的最美好的东西就感到痛苦,这无可非议。 Young men who have reason to fear they will be killed in battle may justifiably feel bitter in the thought that they have been cheated of the best things that life has to offer.

  • 立陶宛过去因为死守原则、不懂变通而付出了惨重的代价,那么,如今立陶宛求稳求安也是无可非议的。 Lithuania has paid a high price for its past approach of principled inpetence; the desire for a quiet life now is understandable.

  • 因为换言之,心理分析总是看透自我—然而教育小说视图塑造自我,使自己的结构成为无可非议的中心。 Because, in other words, psychoanalysis always looks beyond the Ego—whereas the Bildungsroman attempts to build the Ego, and make it the indisputable center of its own structure.

  • 实际上,研究的所有领域都可以得到专利的支持,在我看来,药品研究是需要专利保护的最无可非议的领域。 Indeed, of all the areas of research that might be supported by patents, drug research is, in my view, the clearest case where patents are needed.

  • 雨果站在民主主义的立场上反对拿破仑三世的专制,同时用民主共和的理念谴责他恢复帝制,这本无可非议。 It is unobjectionable that Hugo took the democratic position against the tyranny of Napoleon III and denounced the letter’s restoration of imperialism from the standpoint of democratic republic.

  • 如果说民族自豪感历来无可非议和情有可原,那么,这种自豪感必定不是来自权势和财富,不是来自豪华和荣耀。 If considering sense of national pride always blameless and justifiably, therefor the pride mustn’t e from power and wealth, nor grand or glory.

  • 作为一名90后,展示自己的个性与特点本无可非议,但冯仰妍为了出名,却选择了一条靠出位博眼球的方式,实在让人叹息。 As a 90, to show their personality and characteristics of the above criticism, but Mr Yang Yan to fame, has chosen to rely on a way out of Bo eye, it makes sigh.

  • 社会的缔造者无可非议是我们人类本身,活着是我们创造这一切的根本,那么活着就得需要一个的舞台来让我们展现人类的力量和智慧。 The founder of the munity is nothing wrong with our humanity itself, all this alive is to create a fundamental, if alive, would have needed a stage to show us the strength and wisdom of mankind.

  • 那些年轻人有理由害怕他们将在战斗中被杀害,他们想到生活应给与他们的最美好的东西将会无故被剥夺而感到痛苦,这是无可非议的。 Young men who have reason to fear that they will be killed in battle may justifiably feel bitter in the thought that they have been cheated of the best things that life has to offer.

  • 巴拉克•奥巴马表示:“这一次,对于是否所有美国人都应有高质、可负担的医疗保障,已是无可非议。唯一的问题是,‘如何实现。’” This time, there is no debate about whether all Americans should have quality, affordable health care. The only question is how.

  • 无可非议造句相关


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