词语大全 无声无息造句_无声无息中英文解释和造句
Posted 毒素
篇首语:好高骛远的一无所得,埋头苦干的获得知识。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 无声无息造句_无声无息中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 无声无息造句_无声无息中英文解释和造句
无声无息 wú shēng wú xī
眼泪是无声无息(悲痛)的语言。 Tears are the silent language of grief.
此病毒最大的特点是无声无息。 This virus is characterized by the most silent.
太多的日子无声无息地过去。 Too many years have gone by without notice.
零落,无声无息,依然滋养著又一轮花期。 Scattered, silent, still nourishes the prospect of another round of flowering.
他们无声无息的交谈,字字入耳却不需倾听。 People talking without speaking, people hearing without listening.
它走上前来,无声无息偷偷摸摸地摸到了床头。 On it came-on, silently and stealthily , to the bed’s head.
蓝队无声无息地进入,扫视著建筑内的黑暗角落。 Blue Team eased inside, sweeping the dark corners of the building.
半小时过去了,这时船在湖面上无声无息地缓缓滑行。 Half an hour passed, during which time the ark had been slowly stealing over the water.
我从来没忘记过你,因为你,我学会了无声无息的爱。 I had never forgot you, because of you and I, have learned love soundless and motionless.
然而残杀女婴这类事情并不是就这样无声无息地结束了。 Yet the story of the destruction of baby girls does not end in deepest gloom.
因为有个幻影无声无息地爬过,趁我熟睡时留下了种子。 Because a vision softly creeping, left its seeds while I was sleeping.
最有趣的是,相机能无声无息地告诉我们不曾知晓的梦想。 Most amazing of all, cameras can quietly and clearly reveal to us our dreams, dreams we didn’t even know we had.
思念是那样无声无息,慢慢的在房间里蔓延,全是你的画面。 Miss is as quietly and slowly spread in the room, all your pictures.
张了张嘴,那些文字,在舌尖打了个结,终又无声无息地咽下。 Opened has opened mouth, these writing, have hit a knot in the tip of tongue, silently swallowed finally.
安静笼罩着夏夜巨大的星空,覆蓋著整个地球,温柔地无声无息。 Silence silently and gently covers the vast starry sky of summer night and the whole earth.
他发出了“行动”的信号,看着警卫一个接一个无声无息的倒下。 He gave the “go” signal and watched as one guard and then another silently fell over.
克莱伦司公爵无声无息,同女演员约夫人在蒲谢园里住了许多年。 The Duke of Clarence had lived for many years in plete obscurity with Mrs. Jordan, the actress, in Bushey Park.
如果它只是一种痛楚,它将融化成晶莹的泪滴,无声无息地折射出心底的秘密。 If it were merely a pain, it would melt in limpid tears, reflecting its inmost secret without a word.
美好的圣诞蜡烛在无声无息当中温柔地付出,因着无私的给予而逐渐燃烧殆尽。 Christmas candle is a lovely thing; It makes no noise at all, But softly gives itself away; While quite unselfish, it grows small.
我们需要无声无息地,在根本上拓宽教育不可避免的必需,教学生自我发现的需要。 We need to widen, at base, and invisibly, the inevitable necessity of teaching students the need for self-discovery.
可是,我常常听说他,听说他怎样在轰轰烈烈的爱恋中,又怎样无声无息的结束掉。 However, I often heard him, he heard how the dynamic of love, what’s the end of the fall silent.
那口大钟以前不分昼夜地打点报时,但在很多年以前遭到破坏,从此便无声无息了。 The big clock which used to strick the hours day and night was damaged many years ago and has been silent ever since.
教堂的钟很大,以前不分昼夜打点报时,但在很多年前遭到毁坏,从此便无声无息了。 The big clock which used to strike the hours day and night was damaged many years ago and has been silent ever since.
瑞德在铁栏那儿等著,抽著烟,倾听着。他探起头向下朝安迪的号房看去,无声无息。 Red waits at the bars. Smoking. Listening. He cranes his head, peers down toward Andy’s cell. Nothing. Not a peep.
日子缓缓汇入了时间的河流,就像针尖上的一滴水消失在无垠的大海,无声无息,无影无踪。 Like a drop of water from the point of a needle disappearing into the ocean, my days are dripping into the stream of time, soundless, traceless.
金亚倩悄然退开,感到一片厚而重的乌云,正从窗外向窗内游来,那阴影无声无息地庞罩着整个房间里。 Kim Yaqian Tuikai quietly, is a thick, heavy cloud, moving from window to window to swim in, then covered with huge shadow quietly throughout the room.
很多人把视力这种恩赐视为理所当然的事,但很可能无声无息,没有任何征兆的慢慢丧失视力,等发现时已经来不及了。 The gift of eyesight is something many of us take for granted , but slowly , silently , your vision can be lost without any warning signs until it’s too late.
伦敦(路透社)——英国女王伊丽莎白本周在伦敦,当他和他的丈夫无声无息在最后一分钟进入剧场看戏时,震惊了观众。 LONDON (Reuters) – Britain’s Queen Elizabeth stunned theater-goers in London this week when she and her husband slipped in to see a play unannounced and at the last minute, newspapers reported.
当博豆的身影在街边消失,一个身穿粉色纱质衣衫,带着面纱的女子,无声无息的出现在一个街角,寒寒的望着他们离去的方向… When Po and Doug have departed this street, a lady in yarn-made pink clothes with a muffler quietly shows up at a street corner and is coldly looking toward the direction Po and Doug left in.
它看似很好,它的香味很好,它的味道都很好,但隐藏在蛋糕里面是致命的毒素-这毒素会无声无息地传播,除非你在吃蛋糕前小心分析它。 It looks good, it smells good, it even tastes good, but hidden in the cake is a deadly poison – a poison that would pass unnoticed unless you carefully analysed the cake before eating.
词语大全 夜静更阑造句_夜静更阑中英文解释和造句
夜静更阑 yè jìng gēng lán
夜静更阑 yèjìnggēnglán夜静更阑的意思和解释:阑:尽。无声无息的深夜。夜静更阑的出处元·无名氏《连环计》第四折:“现如今是阿谁,忙出去问真实,则见他气丕丕的斜倚著门儿
夜静更阑 yèjìnggēnglán夜静更阑的意思和解释:阑:尽。无声无息的深夜。夜静更阑的出处元·无名氏《连环计》第四折:“现如今是阿谁,忙出去问真实,则见他气丕丕的斜倚著门儿
词语大全 悄无声息 [qiǎo wú shēng xī]_成语解释_成语出处_成语造句_近义词_反义词_相关成语_成语接龙_英文翻译
悄无声息 [qiǎowúshēngxī][悄无声息]成语解释1.形容没有声音或声音很轻。2.形容没有名声,默默无闻。[悄无声息]百科解释1.形容没有声音或声音很轻.2.形容没有名
寂然不动 jìránbùdòng寂然不动的意思和解释:寂:寂静。寂静无声,一点动静都没有。寂然不动的出处《周易·系辞下》:“《易》无思也,无为也,寂然不动,感而遂通天下之故。”寂
寂然不动 jìránbùdòng寂然不动的意思和解释:寂:寂静。寂静无声,一点动静都没有。寂然不动的出处《周易·系辞下》:“《易》无思也,无为也,寂然不动,感而遂通天下之故。”寂
孤掌难鸣 gūzhǎngnánmíng孤掌难鸣的意思和解释:一个巴掌拍不响。比喻力量孤单,难以成事。孤掌难鸣的出处《韩非子·功名》:“人主之患在莫之应,故曰:一手独拍,虽疾无声。
孤掌难鸣 gūzhǎngnánmíng孤掌难鸣的意思和解释:一个巴掌拍不响。比喻力量孤单,难以成事。孤掌难鸣的出处《韩非子·功名》:“人主之患在莫之应,故曰:一手独拍,虽疾无声。
杳如黄鹤 yǎorúhuánghè杳如黄鹤的意思和解释:杳:无影无声;黄鹤:传说中仙人所乘的鹤。原指传说中仙人骑着黄鹤飞去,从此不再回来。现比喻无影无踪或下落不明。杳如黄鹤的出处
杳如黄鹤 yǎorúhuánghè杳如黄鹤的意思和解释:杳:无影无声;黄鹤:传说中仙人所乘的鹤。原指传说中仙人骑着黄鹤飞去,从此不再回来。现比喻无影无踪或下落不明。杳如黄鹤的出处