词语大全 无所不有造句_无所不有中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:天才就是百分之九十九的汗水加百分之一的灵感。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 无所不有造句_无所不有中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 无所不有造句_无所不有中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 无所不至造句_无所不至中英文解释和造句

词语大全 无所不有造句_无所不有中英文解释和造句

无所不有  wú suǒ bù yǒu








  • 全世界无产者我们将无所不有; The world proletarian we will have everything;

  • 无所不有的人从某种意义上说是个可怜鬼。 The man who has everything is in some ways a poor man.

  • 白宫厨师乔恩·布尔准备的佳肴无所不有。 The menu, prepared by White House chef Jon Hill, was anything but proletarian.

  • 你可以听到那里在谈论的问题五花八门,无所不有。 One could hear all kinds of things being discussed there.

  • 一个无所不有的人就某些方面来说其实是个“穷”人。 A man who has everything is a poor man in some ways.

  • 什么也逃不过她细致入微的观察和无所不有的好奇心。 Nothing escaped her minute observation and general curiosity.

  • 提出全世界无产者我们一无所有,将改写为我们无所不有; 1st, proposed the world proletarian we does not have a thing in the world, will rewrite for us will have everything;

  • 各种各样的故事,从幻想到新英格兰的历史场面,无所不有。 There was every kind of table, from fantasy to tableaux of New England history.

  • 其实天朝德威远被,万国来王,种种贵重之物,梯航毕集,无所不有。 Our dynasty’s majestic virtue has penetrated unto every country under Heaven, and Kings of all nations have offered their costly tribute by land and sea.

  • 但军事科学的范围很广,从海洋到陆地,从地下到外层空间无所不有。 But military science ranges from sea to land and from underground to outer ace.

  • 然而,最动人心弦的是一个名字叫雷蒙德的孩子的故事。他的问题无所不有。 The most touching story, however, was a kid named Raymond, who had every problem in the book.

  • 数十步,水石益奇,削为芙蓉,伸为神掌,涡盘柱立,翔飞疾驰,无所不有”。 Shu Shibu, water Shiyi surprising cut to Furong, stretch for Shen Zhang, Li-chu-vortex, Xiang Fei race around, everything is.

  • 主啊,那些无所不有却不信仰您的人,反倒讥笑那一无所有而惟独信仰您的人呢。 Those who have everything but thee, my God, laugh at those who have nothing but thyself.

  • 他为科学家们营造的环境堪称完美:社会地位、资金、设备、无人打扰的环境,无所不有。 The conditions created for the scientists were close to ideal: they had status, money, equipment and no distractions.

  • 满足从摇篮到坟墓的所有需求,沃尔玛公司销售的东西从婴儿服装到订婚戒指,无所不有。 Catering for cradle-to-grave needs, Wal-Mart already sells everything from baby wear to engagement rings.

  • 狼。豹。规格从小品到长卷!龙。虎。鹰。佛。工笔。写意。长卷,书法,博古。无所不有。 You can find the paintings of Loong, tiger, eagle, Buddha, Fine-Brush, abstract, scroll, calligraphy, Profound Antiques, etc. without missing anyone.

  • 网络上有各种各样不同志趣的社区:玩偶收集,赛车,在喜马拉雅山骑自行车——无所不有。 There are online munities with an interest in doll collecting, car racing, cycling in the Himalayas—almost anything you care to mention.

  • 海岸上实在没有什么东西足以引诱海水里的小生物,使它们离开那无所不有,无所不包的海洋母体。 a. There was little to induce living things to e ashore, forsaking their all-providing, all-embracing mother sea.

  • 网上销售,家教信息,二手中介,代理报名等各项业务,无所不有,资源覆蓋全北京各大主要高校。 Internet sales, …, used intermediaries, such as agent for the business, everything there, covering the full resources major Beijing University.

  • 其涉及到的内容也非常广泛,大到科普知识、人文地理、历史知识,小到小故事、小幽默,无所不有。 Its contents are also involved in a wide range of popular science knowledge to the great, human geography, history, the small stories of small, small humor, there is not nothing.

  • 他的问题无所不有。但自与计算机打交道一学期后,雷蒙德居然由零起步而完成了七年的数学学习任务。 But in one semester he had with the puter, with zero academic performance, Raymond caught up seven years of mathematics learning.

  • 交互式软盘的内容,可以从讲授体育,运动方法和家庭用品维修秘诀,到五花八门的娱乐消遣,无所不有。 The subjects of interactive discs could range from sports instruction and home -repair tips to an enormous variety of entertainment.

  • 皮影戏中,有历史演义戏、民间传说戏、武侠公案戏、爱情故事戏、神话寓言戏、时装现代戏等等,无所不有。 There are Shadow shows of historical stories, folk legends, martial arts and legal cases, romance, myths, and fashion modern dramas.

  • 奥运会结束后,我心中老想着要再见到她,主要是因为一切美好在她身上可谓无所不有,短短的一瞥是不够的。 After the Olympic Games I was somewhat obsessed1) with seeing her again; mostly due to the fact that it was next to impossible to find anything on her, that little glimpse wasn’t enough.

  • 自从我把小鸡的故事搬上了《纽约时报》,我的邮箱就爆满了各种来信,从正确护理到日常饮食,无所不有,关怀备至。 After I wrote about the chicken in the New York Times, my mailbag was bursting with letters offering advice on the proper care and feeding of chickens.

  • 在他所描述的黑白世界里,没有所谓的中产阶级,是有“无所不有和一无所有的人”,就像被逐出自己归宿的房东一样一无所有。 In his black-and-white world, there is no middle class, just “the people who got it all and the people who got nothing”, as one dispossessed homeowner puts it.

  • 近些年来,消费者习惯了享用各种免费的互联网大餐:新闻、股票报价、音乐、电子邮箱无所不有,甚至高速互联网接入也免费。 IN RECENT years, consumers have bee used to feasting on online freebies of all sorts: news, share quotes, music, e-mail and even speedy internet access.

  • 阿勒颇的集市就不是那么宁静了,居民们挤挤挨挨地买东西,摊档上出售的货品无所不有,有你想要的,还有更多你永远不会想要的。 Altogether less restful was Aleppo’s souk; rammed with city dwellers doing their shopping, and stalls selling just about anything you could need — and lots you don’t.

  • 在这位19世纪的大卫。艾登伯禄笔下,畅销书籍源源问世,所涵盖之内容从蚯蚓、珊瑚礁、情感、兰花、藤壶,到食虫植物,无所不有;当然了,还有人类起源。 Like a 19th-century David Attenborough(注1), he churned out volume after bestselling volume on earthworms, coral reefs, emotion, orchids, barnacles, insectivorous plants and, of course, human origins.

  • 日本素以制造高端精密机器人而著称,从本田公司的仿人机器人阿西莫到会抛煎饼的厨师机器人莫托曼再到帮助老年人排解寂寞的毛茸机器海豹帕罗,五花八门,无所不有。 Japan is already famous for highly sophisticated robots, from Honda’s humanoid Asimo to pancake-flipping chef Motoman to Paro the fluffy robot seal that helps ease loneliness among the elderly.

  • 无所不有造句相关


    词语大全 无所不至造句_无所不至中英文解释和造句

    无所不至  wú suǒ bù zhì








  • 最高税率提高到了79%,政府的干预变得更加广泛,无所不至。 The top tax was boosted to 79 percent and government intervention became more pervasive.

  • 从那以后,日本用无所不至的道路和桥梁建设撕裂了乡村的平静。 Thenceforth, Japan would gash its countryside with roads to nowhere and bridges to nothing.

  • 二是企业信息化仅限于内部网络,没有接入互联网这个无所不至的大环境。 Second, enterprise information is limited to the internal network, no Internet access to everything that the overall environment.

  • 对于国内各少数民族,蒋介石的方针就是实施大汉族主义,摧残镇压,无所不至。 Towards our country’s minority nationalities, his policy is one of Han chauvinism, of persecution and repression by every possible means .

  • 另外,赛门铁克有无所不至的功能,在光盘上列出的禁入者名单已列出36,000个地址,内容不限于色情网站。 Also, Symantec’s list of no-go areas, which on the CD now stand at around 36, 000 addressed, is not confined to sex sites.

  • 现今,连最小的瑕疵在高清晰度电视上都可以展露无遗,小报文化无所不至,明星们现在接受的审查比以前严格得多。 It’s also true that performers are under more scrutiny than ever before, at the mercy of both high-definition TV – which lays bare the tiniest “imperfections” – and tabloid culture.

  • 无所不至造句相关



    词语大全 无所不至造句_无所不至中英文解释和造句

    无所不至  wúsuǒbùzhì无所不至的意思和解释:至:到。指没有不到的地方。也指什么坏事都做绝了。无所不至的出处《论语·阳货》:“既得之,患失之,茍患失之,无所不至矣。”无所不

    词语大全 无所不通造句_无所不通中英文解释和造句

    无所不通  wúsuǒbùtōng无所不通的意思和解释:通:通晓。没有什么不通晓。形容知道的东西很多。无所不通的出处《孝经·感应》:“孝悌之至,通于神明,光于四海,无所不通。”无所

    词语大全 无所不通造句_无所不通中英文解释和造句

    无所不通  wúsuǒbùtōng无所不通的意思和解释:通:通晓。没有什么不通晓。形容知道的东西很多。无所不通的出处《孝经·感应》:“孝悌之至,通于神明,光于四海,无所不通。”无所

    词语大全 无所不包造句_无所不包中英文解释和造句

    无所不包  wúsuǒbùbāo无所不包的意思和解释:没有什么不被包括。形容包含的东西非常多。无所不包的出处清·无名氏《杜诗言志》卷一:“‘荡胸’句,言其量之无所不包。”无所不包的

    词语大全 无所不包造句_无所不包中英文解释和造句

    无所不包  wúsuǒbùbāo无所不包的意思和解释:没有什么不被包括。形容包含的东西非常多。无所不包的出处清·无名氏《杜诗言志》卷一:“‘荡胸’句,言其量之无所不包。”无所不包的

    词语大全 无所不为造句_无所不为中英文解释和造句

    无所不为  wúsuǒbùwéi无所不为的意思和解释:没有不干的事情。指什么坏事都干。无所不为的出处《三国志·吴书·张温传》:“揆其奸心,无所不为。”无所不为的例子今专务游荡,~,

    词语大全 无所不为造句_无所不为中英文解释和造句

    无所不为  wúsuǒbùwéi无所不为的意思和解释:没有不干的事情。指什么坏事都干。无所不为的出处《三国志·吴书·张温传》:“揆其奸心,无所不为。”无所不为的例子今专务游荡,~,

    词语大全 无所不能造句_无所不能中英文解释和造句

    无所不能  wúsuǒbùnéng无所不能的意思和解释:没有什么不能做的。指样样能做。无所不能的出处宋·沈括《梦溪笔谈》卷二十一:“近岁迎紫姑者极多,大率多能文章歌诗,有极工者,予

    词语大全 无所不能造句_无所不能中英文解释和造句

    无所不能  wúsuǒbùnéng无所不能的意思和解释:没有什么不能做的。指样样能做。无所不能的出处宋·沈括《梦溪笔谈》卷二十一:“近岁迎紫姑者极多,大率多能文章歌诗,有极工者,予

    词语大全 在所不惜造句_在所不惜中英文解释和造句

    在所不惜  zàisuǒbùxī在所不惜的意思和解释:决不吝惜(多用在付出大的代价)。在所不惜的出处在所不惜的例子当祖国需要我们的时候,即使赴汤蹈火,我们也~。在所不惜造句为了全人