词语大全 无所作为造句_无所作为中英文解释和造句

Posted 成语

篇首语:人的大脑和肢体一样,多用则灵,不用则废。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 无所作为造句_无所作为中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 无所作为造句_无所作为中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 无所不通造句_无所不通中英文解释和造句

词语大全 无所作为造句_无所作为中英文解释和造句

无所作为  wú suǒ zuò wéi







  • 大学管理者需要考虑无所作为的风险。 University managers need to consider the risk of doing nothing.

  • 不犯错误的人往往也就是无所作为的人。 The man who makes no mistakes does not usually make anything.

  • 还有,我们很少选择面对事情无所作为。 And yet we rarely choose action over inaction.

  • 不久,无所作为成为一种习惯你不能打破。 Soon, doing nothing bees a habit you can’t break.

  • 政府政策措施既不能替代和阻碍市场成长,又不能无所作为。 Government policy cannot replace or hinder the growth of market, nor can it acplish nothing.

  • 另外,中国的官僚结构抑制了首创精神,促使人平庸无所作为。 Moreover, the structure of the country’s bureaucracy stifles initiative and promotes mediocrity.

  • 再次无所作为会令俄罗斯付出代价,受困于石油市场的反复无常。 The price of doing nothing again would be to condemn Russia to the vagaries of the oil market.

  • 当你把避免失败作为做事的动机时,就等于走上了无所作为的道路。 The moment you let avoiding failure bee your motivator, you’re down the path of inactivity.

  • 然而,承认这一事实并不是要人无所作为,犹豫不决,或者陷入绝望; To recognize this fact, however, is not to counsel inaction , indecision, or despair.

  • 美国则认为在作战规程上的谨小慎微使得欧洲部队在阿富汗无所作为。 Americans say that timidity over rules of engagement makes some European troops in Afghanistan useless.

  • 由于它们数月来始终无所作为,多哈发展议程被无限期推迟的可能性很大。 The risk of the Doha development agenda being put off indefinitely looms larger with each month of inaction.

  • 要是处在格列高的地位,他可能会张皇失措,沉吟著无所作为而贻误挽救。 In Gregor’s shoes he might have panicked, doubted what was happening, and fatally failed to act.

  • “满”必须导致思想上的固定自封,丧失前进的动力,导致行动上因循守旧,无所作为。 “full” must make in the thought fixed proclaiming, loses the advance the power, causes to move sticks to old ways, acplishes nothing.

  • 我们各自漂浮在自己冰冷黑暗的大海里,无法互助,无所作为,只能为了活命而向前游。 We were each adrift in our own cold, dark sea, unable to help each other, unable to do much but swim for our lives.

  • 基金重仓股基本无所作为,无论是行情特点还是交易数据都显示,游资是此轮行情的主角。 Fund Chong Canggu nothing fundamental, both characteristics of the market or trading data show that hot money is the main character of this round of price.

  • 据无缝管网专家了解,中国并没有在世界铁矿石贸易商和国际投行们的叫嚣中变得无所作为。 Seamless network, according to experts, China has not in the world iron ore traders and the international investment banks have bee shouting their inaction.

  • 我说的是年轻的尼古拉·罗斯托夫,他充满热情,不甘于无所作为,离开了大学,投笔从戎。 I mean the young Nicholas Rostov, whose enthusiasm could not endure inaction, and who has left the university to go and join the army.

  • 《波士顿环球报》的这篇报道显示,教会领导人在阻止对儿童和教会成员犯罪方面无所作为。 The stories in the Globe showed that church leaders had done nothing to stop crimes against children and other church members.

  • 即使如此,在一支也许接下来的几年都可能无所作为的球队结束自己的生涯真的能让纳什高兴吗。 But Nash may not be happy finishing his career with a team that isn’t expected to contend for anything in the next few years.

  • 对于那些忽然发现中层管理无所作为或是想要解雇工厂工人的公司来说,各个国家的解雇成本相差极大。 For panies wanting to chop out middle-management dead wood or sack factory workers, costs can vary enormously across the world.

  • 纯粹从环境角度来看,最坏的结果是无所作为,这会让这个问题的严重性、风险性以及最终代价与日俱增。 Purely from an environmental perspective the worst oute is doing nothing, and every day that we do nothing we increase the magnitude and risk and ultimate cost of the problem.

  • 在法规改革下,有少一部分跟不上的学生的公立学校,他们可以帮助这些学生而不被挂名为“无所作为”。 Under the proposed change, public schools with just a few struggling students could help students without being labeled underperforming.

  • 民意测验显示,不仅因其经济政策不得民心,同时也由于在一系列问题上无所作为,自民党有可能完败于民进党。 Opinion polls suggest that the LDP is likely to be beaten by the Democratic Party of Japan because of a wide set of failings, not just its economic (mis)management.

  • 如果选出不能代表国家和人民利益的领导者和官员,议员就有权监督或罢免正在运行而无所作为或腐败的的领导者或官员。 If leaders and officials electoral cannot act as representatives of the nation or people, councilors are entitled to supervise or dismiss ineffectual or corrupt ones in power.

  • 但他们没有重复伯格斯滕先生对于中国人“拒不服从”的批评,他们认为,“没有一个强有力的G2,G20将无所作为”。 Though they did not repeat Mr Bergsten’s criticism of Chinese “recalcitrance”, they said that “without a strong G2, the G20 will disappoint”.

  • 最近报道说,继任者兰博基尼改版将不会达成到2012年,但是,这并不意味着兰博基尼的设计师和工程师,只是坐在无所作为。 Recent reports say that a successor to the Lamborghini Murcielago won’t arrive until 2012; however, that doesn’t mean Lamborghini designers and engineers are just sitting around doing nothing.

  • 之前小莱特被难缠的鲍马盯得无所作为,但他抓住后者的一个失误取得突破将球传出,德罗巴将球漏给兰帕德,队长的射门被封堵出来。 Wright-Phillips had been having a tough time with tough Bouma, but took advantage of his mistake to race away and square the ball for Drogba to step over and leave for Lampard whose shot was blocked.

  • 如果又有几千人在接下数周死去,真得要那些反对现在采取任何行动的人-尽管没掀起什么波澜-解释一下为何如此热衷无所作为的方针。 If thousands more people are to die in the ing weeks, let those who oppose any action now, however modest its effect, then explain why they favoured a policy of doing nothing.

  • 这是一个西方品牌可以带头的例子,并为中国人数日益壮大的关注环境的公民提供一个关注点,而不是无动于衷,无所作为,直到有强制规定的出台。 It one example where western brands could take the lead and provide a focus for China’s growing band of environmentally concerned citizens, rather than sit back and do nothing until it is mandated.

  • 我们所有在这个院子里的人,过去和现在,都曾经目睹过使我们心碎的人间惨剧而无所作为–不是因为我们不在乎,而是因为我们不知道该做什么。 All of us here in this Yard, at one time or another, have seen human tragedies that broke our hearts, and yet we did nothing – not because we didn’t care, but because we didn’t know what to do.

  • 无所作为造句相关


    词语大全 无所不通造句_无所不通中英文解释和造句

    无所不通  wú suǒ bù tōng








  • 无所不通无所不能是我们团队追求的目标。 Nothing could not omnipotent is our team goal.

  • 他对天文、历算、方志、音乐、医药无所不通。 He astronomy, and Calendar, local records, music, medicine without unreasonable.

  • 无所不通,就是一无所精。/样样皆通,样样稀松。 A jack of all trades is master of none.

  • 据说他是老子的弟子,博学多才,无所不通,尤长计算。 He is said to be disciples of Lao Tzu, and learned, no sense, especially long calculation.

  • 我是一个多才多艺的女孩,吹打弹唱无所不能,琴棋书画无所不会,诗词歌赋无所不通。 I am a versatile girl, wind and percussion Performance almighty, will not painting, no barrier poetry.

  • 无所不通,什么事都能做,他洗衣服,煮饭、洗地板、洗厕,晚上还有时间可以跟我们打牌呢。 He’s a jack of all trades. He can do everything. He does the laundry, the dished, he cooks, washes the floor, the toilet, and still has time to play cards with us at night.

  • 喜好弹文艺体育,摄影,旅游,烹饪无所不通,事业有成,从事过,教师,摄像,灯光,导演,演员和从商。 Literature and art, sports, photography, tourism, cooking no sense, successful, engaged, teachers, cameras, lighting, director, actor and businessman.

  • 他是市井赖,吃喝嫖赌,无所不通,以致家产耗尽,卖妻卖女;走投路之际,只得挥刀自官,入宫当了太监。 He is a rascal with no merits at all, and he had to sell his wife and daughter for money. Finally, he entered the palace and became a eunuch.

  • 无所不通造句相关



    词语大全 无所不通造句_无所不通中英文解释和造句

    无所不通  wúsuǒbùtōng无所不通的意思和解释:通:通晓。没有什么不通晓。形容知道的东西很多。无所不通的出处《孝经·感应》:“孝悌之至,通于神明,光于四海,无所不通。”无所

    词语大全 无所不通造句_无所不通中英文解释和造句

    无所不通  wúsuǒbùtōng无所不通的意思和解释:通:通晓。没有什么不通晓。形容知道的东西很多。无所不通的出处《孝经·感应》:“孝悌之至,通于神明,光于四海,无所不通。”无所

    词语大全 无所不至造句_无所不至中英文解释和造句

    无所不至  wúsuǒbùzhì无所不至的意思和解释:至:到。指没有不到的地方。也指什么坏事都做绝了。无所不至的出处《论语·阳货》:“既得之,患失之,茍患失之,无所不至矣。”无所不

    词语大全 无所回避造句_无所回避中英文解释和造句

    无所回避  wúsuǒhuíbì无所回避的意思和解释:回避:避忌。没有什么避忌或讳言的。无所回避的出处《后汉书·蔡茂传》:“茂辄纠案,无所回避。”无所回避的例子欲以立懦夫,定民志,

    词语大全 无所回避造句_无所回避中英文解释和造句

    无所回避  wúsuǒhuíbì无所回避的意思和解释:回避:避忌。没有什么避忌或讳言的。无所回避的出处《后汉书·蔡茂传》:“茂辄纠案,无所回避。”无所回避的例子欲以立懦夫,定民志,

    词语大全 无所不有造句_无所不有中英文解释和造句

    无所不有  wúsuǒbùyǒu无所不有的意思和解释:什么都有(多指不好的事物)。无所不有的出处唐·李朝威《柳毅传》:“始见台阁相向,门户千万,奇草珍木,无所不有。”无所不有的例子

    词语大全 无所不有造句_无所不有中英文解释和造句

    无所不有  wúsuǒbùyǒu无所不有的意思和解释:什么都有(多指不好的事物)。无所不有的出处唐·李朝威《柳毅传》:“始见台阁相向,门户千万,奇草珍木,无所不有。”无所不有的例子

    词语大全 无所不包造句_无所不包中英文解释和造句

    无所不包  wúsuǒbùbāo无所不包的意思和解释:没有什么不被包括。形容包含的东西非常多。无所不包的出处清·无名氏《杜诗言志》卷一:“‘荡胸’句,言其量之无所不包。”无所不包的

    词语大全 无所不包造句_无所不包中英文解释和造句

    无所不包  wúsuǒbùbāo无所不包的意思和解释:没有什么不被包括。形容包含的东西非常多。无所不包的出处清·无名氏《杜诗言志》卷一:“‘荡胸’句,言其量之无所不包。”无所不包的

    词语大全 无所不为造句_无所不为中英文解释和造句

    无所不为  wúsuǒbùwéi无所不为的意思和解释:没有不干的事情。指什么坏事都干。无所不为的出处《三国志·吴书·张温传》:“揆其奸心,无所不为。”无所不为的例子今专务游荡,~,