词语大全 无病呻吟造句_无病呻吟中英文解释和造句
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篇首语:好汉不吃闷头亏,好鸟不钻刺笆林。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 无病呻吟造句_无病呻吟中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 无病呻吟造句_无病呻吟中英文解释和造句
无病呻吟 wú bìng shēn yīn
我并不认为他们在无病呻吟。 It isn’t that I think they are spoiled whiners.
这部小说纯粹是无病呻吟。 The novel is sentimental twaddle.
这部小说纯粹是无病呻吟。 The novel is sentimental twaddle .
是无病呻吟的哀叹。 is sighing woefully which moans without being ill.
不要无病呻吟,否则我就叫你的兄弟来把你带走。 No moping, or I’m calling your brothers to e and get you.
真抱歉,我是在无病呻吟吗?一定是因为太紧张了。 I’m sorry. I am moping, aren’t I? Must be the nerves.
这类文章的共同特点有三个:一是无病呻吟,故作悲伤; A prevalent feature in these positions was a nursed and petted melancholy;
无病呻吟?是这样吗?你也只是一个凡人,不曾了解我… sometimes when we touch, the honesty is too much, how about u?
现在早已不再无病呻吟,强说愁的岁月已经离我很远很远。 Long ago had I ceased plaining, for those plaints had long been outgrown.
但是你不能忍受贝尼特斯的无病呻吟,你能吗?他喜欢这样做。 But you can’t help him (Benitez) whingeing and moaning can you? He loves it.
简单地把“私小说”斥为作家个人感情的无病呻吟是不公平的。 It is unfair to criticize the “private novel” as an affected pose of the writer’s personal emotion.
文字源于结绳或始于八卦的说法,真的是诸先贤捕风捉影或无病呻吟吗? Text from the end of the rope or at the Eight Diagrams, the sages are really all based on hearsay evidence or making a fuss of it?
尽管有衰弱的症状,病人们却被认为是无病呻吟:所谓“雅皮士流感”。 Despite debilitating symptoms, patients have been accused of suffering from an imaginary illness: “yuppie flu”.
但是我们拥有习惯和风格,我们很坦率,有时我们不能抱怨和无病呻吟。 But we all have our quirks and style. We are very transparent and sometimes we can’t help moaning and groaning about things.
劳动密集性行业,使我们失去了很多业余时间,生活似乎处于无病呻吟状。 The labor-intensive industry has taken up too much spare time. Life seems in a morbit state.
不知道是不是真忧伤,也不敢说无病呻吟…但有一点,文笔确实不行,要好好学习。 I’m not the best, but you can hardly find one who is better than me!
抱怨、无病呻吟或牢骚满腹或成为生活的牺牲品,这是我们每一个人都不愿意听到的。 Whining and moaning and groaning and being a victim is no fun for anyone to hear about.
暴动女孩:我不认为她们只是无病呻吟。就像其他受压迫的少数派,她们需要自己的呐喊。 Riot Grrrls:I don’t think they’re moaning whinge-bags. Like any repressed minority, they needed to have a voice.
他们把一些简单的事情想成复杂的,把简单的看成困难的,把无关紧要的看成重要的,甚至无病呻吟。 They have an aptitude for making the simple, plex, the easy, hard, the minor issue, a major drama and the pain-less, pain-full.
的确,他无病呻吟、郁郁寡欢、令人迷醉且行为反复无常,但这只会让他看上去更富有捉摸不定的魅力。 Sure, he’s moody, sleepy, addictive and inconsistent in behavior, but that only adds to his elusive charm.
让我们从劳动开始,这不仅是劳动价值学说中新教伦理的陈词滥调,也不是自慰式文化自虐症的无病呻吟。 “Let’s start with working” is not a cliché of new ethics in the study of labour value or fussing about the masturbation of cultural SM.
我知道我们都已经丧失了爱的勇气,到处都可见千篇一律的无病呻吟以及杂草般疯长的无奈,我们并不可能例外。 I knew we already have all lost the courage which loves, everywhere all obviously stereotyped moans without being ill as well as weedinsane long helpless, our certainly not impossible exception .
躲都躲不了。有幸福的人奇怪,为什么总有人无病呻吟?是呀,你幸福,自然想不到别人的“不幸福”是个什么滋味。 I think we are never perfect, but we have to accept it, an idealist can not be happy, cause this target will never be reached, right?
桑德伯格和林赛走的是绷紧的钢索;假如他们的诗在张力上一放松,就要摔到两个极端去,不是平淡无味,就是无病呻吟。 Sandburg and Lindsay walked the tight-rope; if the tension of their verse slackened; they were precipitated into extremes of prosiness or sentimentality .
当我检视自己的生活,并我的灵命成长过程,我察觉到自己缺乏对这位神的赞美和敬拜,倒是不乏一些无病呻吟、埋怨和疑惑。 As I examine my own life, or my spiritual journey, I recognize the lack of praise and adoration for this God. Instead there have been plenty of whines, plaints and questions.
说比做要容易的多,我什么也不想说了,不然就像倒苦水一样,实际上我并没那么多的忧郁和悲伤,无非是空洞无病呻吟而已。 Is easier said than done more, I do want to say, not like inverted grievances, in fact I did not so much depression and sadness, it is no more than empty Wubingshenyin.
一旦有了真实的痛苦,就可以治愈我们的无病呻吟。我们在幸运地体会到真正的不幸前,会觉得自己已经经历了无数次的不幸。 Real pain can alone cure us of imaginary ills. We feel a thousand miseries till we are lucky enough to feel misery.
标志设计首先要明确标志所要传达的主要理念是什么?有了理念才有接下来的表现。就象说话,总要做到言之有物或有感而发,而不要无病呻吟。 logo design need to understand what is need to be municate in the bigingning. logos is more inporttant than expression. expression need to municate logos exactly.
我一向认为,一个过于理性的人不可能创作出好作品,但是,所谓的感性不是无病呻吟,要做到有感而发,不是为了发表作品而创作,是为了自己的感受而创作。 I have always believed that a rational person can not make a perfect art work. However, sensibility not means make a fuss about an imaginary illness, but really want to say something;
记得写的最多的时候是十年前,那个时候的文章现在看起来大多是很可爱的无病呻吟,真的很佩服我当时的语文老师,他给了我太多的鼓励,不幸的是我还是断断续续的放弃了我一直想追求的东西。 It was very cloudy day today , just like the feelings inside of me. Straggled into my heart between accpet and quit. I knew I need answers which es from my heart. So I trying to look into the sky.
词语大全 无病自炙造句_无病自炙中英文解释和造句
无病自炙 wú bìng zì jiǔ
无病自炙 wúbìngzìjiǔ无病自炙的意思和解释:灸:灼,多指中医用艾叶等灼烧身体某一部分的医疗方法。比喻自找苦吃或自寻烦脑。无病自炙的出处《庄子·盗蹠》:“柳下季曰:‘蹠得
无病自炙 wúbìngzìjiǔ无病自炙的意思和解释:灸:灼,多指中医用艾叶等灼烧身体某一部分的医疗方法。比喻自找苦吃或自寻烦脑。无病自炙的出处《庄子·盗蹠》:“柳下季曰:‘蹠得
虎口逃生 hǔkǒutáoshēng虎口逃生的意思和解释:老虎嘴里幸存下来的生命。比喻逃脱极危险的境地侥幸活下来。虎口逃生的出处《庄子·盗蹠》:“孔子曰:‘然,丘所谓无病而自灸也
虎口逃生 hǔkǒutáoshēng虎口逃生的意思和解释:老虎嘴里幸存下来的生命。比喻逃脱极危险的境地侥幸活下来。虎口逃生的出处《庄子·盗蹠》:“孔子曰:‘然,丘所谓无病而自灸也
千人所指 qiānrénsuǒzhǐ千人所指的意思和解释:千人:众人,许多人;指:指责。为众人所拇,。千人所指的出处《汉书·王嘉传》:“千人所指,无病而死。”千人所指的例子千人所
千人所指 qiānrénsuǒzhǐ千人所指的意思和解释:千人:众人,许多人;指:指责。为众人所拇,。千人所指的出处《汉书·王嘉传》:“千人所指,无病而死。”千人所指的例子千人所
千人所指 qiānrénsuǒzhǐ千人所指的意思和解释:千人:众人,许多人;指:指责。为众人所拇,。千人所指的出处《汉书·王嘉传》:“千人所指,无病而死。”千人所指的例子千人所
千人所指 qiānrénsuǒzhǐ千人所指的意思和解释:千人:众人,许多人;指:指责。为众人所拇,。千人所指的出处《汉书·王嘉传》:“千人所指,无病而死。”千人所指的例子千人所