词语大全 旦夕之间造句_旦夕之间中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:树怕烂根,人怕无志。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 旦夕之间造句_旦夕之间中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 旦夕之间造句_旦夕之间中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 危在旦夕造句_危在旦夕中英文解释和造句

词语大全 旦夕之间造句_旦夕之间中英文解释和造句

旦夕之间  dàn xī zhī jiān







  • 再有他的父亲——死亡已在旦夕之间,还在等消息呢! And his father——at death’s door, waiting for the news!

  • 但毁掉一个名牌名店却是旦夕之间的事,怎不令人扼腕叹息。 But finish boutique of a famous brand is the thing between in a short while however, do not make a person clutch wrist groan how.

  • 就在这命在旦夕之间,神马上来到他的面前,伸出祂的手,把他从危难中救拔出来。 Then God came and putting his hand down, pulled David right out of the pit.

  • 旦夕之间造句相关


    词语大全 危在旦夕造句_危在旦夕中英文解释和造句

    危在旦夕  wēi zài dàn xī








  • 很明显,这女孩的生命危在旦夕。 The girl’s life was obviously in immediate danger.

  • 他的病已到了晚期,生命危在旦夕。 His illness has reached an advanced stage, and death is expected at any moment.

  • 这个病人的生命危在旦夕。 The life of the sick man is at stake.

  • 大火向民房逼近,人民的生命财产危在旦夕。 The fire was approaching people’s houses. people’s lives and properties were hang by a thread.

  • 得知他们爱戴的伯父生命危在旦夕,他们很悲伤。 They were very distressed to hear that their beloved uncle was at death’s door.

  • 一个人的生命危在旦夕,而你儿子可能能帮助他。 A man’s life is at stake, and maybe you son can help him.

  • 当时,我被一群野兽包围,感觉到自己的生命危在旦夕。 There I was, surrounded by a pack of wild animals, and felt my life was hanging by a thread.

  • 目前至少有9座房屋已被焚毁,还有更多的房屋危在旦夕。 At least 9 houses are burned to the ground and many more in danger.

  • 如果紧急救援不能马上到达该市,千万人的生命危在旦夕。 Thousands of lives will _________ if emergency aid does not arrive in the city soon.

  • 艾罗兰的未来,精灵的荣耀乃至整个亚山世界的命运危在旦夕。 The future of Irollan, the honor of the Elves, and quite possibly the fate of all of Ashan are at stake.

  • 一位遇车祸生命危在旦夕的人被抬进急救室,大夫将会怎样救治呢? A man was dying after a traffic accident and was brought to the first aid room, how the doctors treated him?

  • 我感到无比绝望,如果空气一旦进入体内,我的生命也就危在旦夕了。 I feel extremely despaired, if air enters the body inner in a single day , my life has also been in imminent danger.

  • 飞机没有了,大人没有了,人类千辛万苦建立起来的文明世界危在旦夕。 There are no plane and no grown-ups, and the civilized world, which is built by human beings with innumerable trials and hardships, is on the verge of destruction.

  • “按照那电报上的说法,文森特夫人生命危在旦夕,”罗伯特心中想道。 Vincent was in a dying state, according to the telegraphic message, ” Robert thought.”

  • 妻子总是追头号他是不是不爱她了,不危在旦夕,怎么会不愿抬眼看她? His wife, he is always chasing the number one is do not love her, not at stake, how could you not want looked up to see her?

  • 最令我乐在其中的是当我的……不断增强的能力让我挽回危在旦夕的生命时。 What I enjoy the very most is when my… enhanced abilities let me save someone who would otherwise have been lost.

  • 在一次丛林远足中,你的好友和你的父亲踩到了一窝蛇,同时被毒蛇咬伤,生命危在旦夕。 You, your closest friend, and your father are on vacation together, hiking in a remote jungle. Your two panions stumble into a nest of poisonous vipers and are bitten repeatedly.

  • 透过模糊的车窗,我看到车外乌云翻滚,大雨如注,两个帐篷像大海中的孤舟,危在旦夕。 Through a fuzzy window, I see dark clouds rolling vehicle, such as the injection of heavy rain, the two tents in the boat as the sea stake.

  • 每一个国家和各地人民的安全和稳定——我们的繁荣、我们的健康和我们的安全——危在旦夕。 The security and stability of each nation and all peoples – our prosperity, our health, our safety – are in jeopardy.

  • 每一个国家和各地人民的安全和稳定——我们的繁荣、我们的健康和我们的安全——危在旦夕。 The security and stability of each nation and all peoples — our prosperity, our health, and our safety — are in jeopardy.

  • 正在这批曹操大军的压境下,荆州危在旦夕,度过了十多年的太平日子的荆州转眼间就阴云密布。 Cao Cao is the army of the border, the Jingzhou stake, spent ten years of peaceful days Jingzhou blink of an eye on the clouds.

  • 但,我来了,我倒十分高兴,”大律师心中思忖著,“如果这可怜的家伙危在旦夕,确实要见我。 But I’m very glad I came, ” thought the barrister, “if this poor creature is dying, and really wishes to see me.

  • 这的确是世界上最艰巨的工作,你们必须做好一切准备,包括两场战争、窜升的油价、危在旦夕的经济。 It is the toughest job in the world and you have to be ready for anything: two wars, skyrocketing oil prices, an economy in crisis.

  • 但是经过多年树立品牌忠诚度的努力之后,这家日本公司的质量品牌和名誉却危在旦夕,至少暂时是这样。 But after years of building loyalty , the Japanese pany may have put its quality brand name at risk, at least temporarily .

  • 即通过接种疫苗和治疗的成本与那些若不给予治疗生命危在旦夕的人将来收入的净现值之比来估量经济成本。 Measuring economic costs weighs the expense of both vaccination and illness against the net present value of the future earnings of someone who would otherwise die from the disease.

  • “他的请求已被考虑。”多斯说,“他的生命危在旦夕。他不是那种容易过度情绪化的人,至少对我是这样。” “He’s concerned, ” Doss said. “His life is at stake. He is not somebody who is an overly emotional person, at least not with me. ”

  • 2007年3月4日,威海市遭遇38年未遇的特大风暴潮袭击,3名群众被困孙家疃远遥渔港码头,生命危在旦夕。 March 4, 2007, Weihai City, suffered 38 years with no serious storm surge of attacks, 3 people were trapped far away Tuan Sun fishing pier, on the verge of death to life.

  • 5月15日上午,为了挽救被坍塌物死死卡住左腿、已经危在旦夕的李月,救援人员无奈之下,作出给她截肢的决定。 On May 15 morning, to save by collapsing is caught stubbornly Li Yue who the left leg, was already on the verge of death, the rescue groups but, make for her the amputation decision.

  • 夏威夷岛的一些植物和鸟类也危在旦夕,有同样遭遇的还有黎巴嫩雪松,鲟鱼,蜜蜂和娇柔的花类,如欧洲杓兰花和雪绒花。 In trouble, too, is some plant and bird life in Hawaii, as well as Lebanon’s wild cedars, some sturgeon species, honeybees and delicate flowers like slipper orchids and edelweiss.

  • 但是如果你是现实NBA中的球员,你能就这样去取得比赛的胜利吗?随着计时器的时间在流逝,而且季后赛的系列赛又危在旦夕•••是获得比赛的胜利从而进入下场比赛的争夺,还是就此输掉比赛回家过暑假呢?这就看你的了。 But how does this pan out if you’re any given player in the real NBA, with a real clock ticking, and playoffs are at stake … going home for the summer instead of living to play another day?

  • 危在旦夕造句相关



    词语大全 旦夕之危造句_旦夕之危中英文解释和造句

    旦夕之危  dànxīzhīwěi旦夕之危的意思和解释:旦夕:比喻短时间内。危:危险。形容危险逼近。旦夕之危的出处《三国志·蜀志·孟光传》:“旦夕之危,倒悬之急。”旦夕之危的例子旦

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    旦夕之危  dànxīzhīwěi旦夕之危的意思和解释:旦夕:比喻短时间内。危:危险。形容危险逼近。旦夕之危的出处《三国志·蜀志·孟光传》:“旦夕之危,倒悬之急。”旦夕之危的例子旦

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    危在旦夕  wēizàidànxī危在旦夕的意思和解释:旦夕:早晨和晚上,形容时间短。形容危险就在眼前。危在旦夕的出处《三国志·吴书·太史慈传》:“今管亥暴乱,北海被围,孤穷无援,

    词语大全 危在旦夕造句_危在旦夕中英文解释和造句

    危在旦夕  wēizàidànxī危在旦夕的意思和解释:旦夕:早晨和晚上,形容时间短。形容危险就在眼前。危在旦夕的出处《三国志·吴书·太史慈传》:“今管亥暴乱,北海被围,孤穷无援,

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    危在旦夕  wēizàidànxī危在旦夕的意思和解释:旦夕:早晨和晚上,形容时间短。形容危险就在眼前。危在旦夕的出处《三国志·吴书·太史慈传》:“今管亥暴乱,北海被围,孤穷无援,

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    危在旦夕  wēizàidànxī危在旦夕的意思和解释:旦夕:早晨和晚上,形容时间短。形容危险就在眼前。危在旦夕的出处《三国志·吴书·太史慈传》:“今管亥暴乱,北海被围,孤穷无援,

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