词语大全 昂首挺胸造句_昂首挺胸中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:健儿须快马,快马须健儿。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 昂首挺胸造句_昂首挺胸中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 昂首挺胸造句_昂首挺胸中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 挺胸凸肚造句_挺胸凸肚中英文解释和造句

词语大全 昂首挺胸造句_昂首挺胸中英文解释和造句

昂首挺胸  áng shǒu tǐng xiōng







  • 因此我昂首挺胸,随意走到你面前。 That is why I hold my head high and carelessly e into you presence.

  • 他们昂首挺胸地走进了会场。 They held their heads high when they walked into the meeting hall.

  • 整株花昂首挺胸,如同打了胜仗的将军。 Whole flower heads held high, as the generals fought victory.

  • 现在我们感到我们又可以昂首挺胸地做人了。 Now we feel we can hold our heads high again.

  • 当祖国强大富裕的时候,她的人民就昂首挺胸! when the motherland prosperous powerful, she heads held high on the people!

  • 当你遭遇挫折时,你将有能力昂首挺胸力挽狂澜。 And you’ll be able to stay one up on what used to get you down.

  • 他喜欢这种昂首挺胸的感觉,觉得自己活得像个男人。 He like this kind of felling which raise head to stick out chest, feel oneself to live be like a men.

  • 我只需要昂首挺胸,在下一场比赛中再次尽最大的努力。 I just keep my head high and push as hard as I can in the next race again.

  • 他走起路来是昂首挺胸、满怀自信,还是弯腰曲背,卑微猥琐? Does he walk erect and confident or is he humbly stooped?

  • 昂首挺胸,一副自豪的样子,因为她终于有了自己的“鬃毛”了。 She was very proud, and even strutted as she walked, because she had a “mane”now.

  • 当你昂首挺胸疾走的时候,亲爱的朋友,请留神那脚下的石坎或断沟。 Rush heads held high when you time, dear friends, please pay attention at the foot of the ditch or off.

  • 让自己去爱,卸下枷锁,目光高远。昂首挺胸往前走,你有权利这样! Let yourself fall in love, break free and set your sights high. Hold your head aloft because you have earned that right.

  • 而当他昂首挺胸漫步在舞台上,几乎看不出步履艰难及传说中的可怜相。 But as he struts and sashays across the stage he’s hardly the hobbling, pathetic figure of lore.

  • 春风得意自然好,风雨才是好调料,青春美好正年少,昂首挺胸最重要; Flushed with Success naturally good, the wind and rain is a good condiment. youth is a beautiful young, straight up in the most important;

  • 出租小巴士一路把我带到庄园门口,两个武装警卫昂首挺胸,向我敬礼致意。 As I pulled up to the gates in a hired minibus, two armed guards straightened their backs and saluted.

  • 只见灯光刹那间暗下来,隐隐约约可以看见演员们昂首挺胸、信心百倍地走上舞台。 Saw a flash light down the dark, vague actors can see heads held high, stepped onto the stage with confidence.

  • 每年十一月份,斯德哥尔摩国际电影节最佳导演有竞争力提供了新的论坛昂首挺胸地。 Each November, the Stockholm International Film Festival offers new filmmakers a petitive forum in which to strut their stuff.

  • 第二天早上,我昂首挺胸地走进学校,因为我知道那将是我穿着这双过时的鞋子的最后一天。 the following day in the morning, I hold my head high the ground that hold out a bosom walks into the school, because I know, that will be the last day that I am wearing this pair of antiquated shoe.

  • 她们拐下大路,路过一片黑乎乎的菜园。一棵棵白菜根昂首挺胸地立在地上,上面盖满了黑灰。 They turned off the main road, past a black patch of mon-garden, where sooty cabbage stumps stood shameless .

  • 作品雕工精湛,线条流畅,刻画生动细腻,栩栩如生,精琢的雄鹰昂首挺胸,脚踏树干,引颈待起。 Superb work patterns, lines of smooth, lively and detailed characterization, vivid and brilliant cut the Eagle with pride and foot trunk, and starting to be more patience.

  • 最后奴隶终得解放,联邦得以恢复,强大的美利坚共和国再次可以在国际上昂首挺胸……好评(0。 for in the end the slave was freed, the Union restored, and the mighty American Republic placed once more as a helmeted queen among nations…

  • 你想象过自己具有极强的领导能力的形象吗?站直,昂首挺胸地前进,记住,作为一个人你自身具有价值。 Do you project an image consistent with strong leadership①?Stand tall and walk proudly, remembering that you have value as a person.

  • 无论遇到再大的挫折我不再伤心流泪,依然昂首挺胸,快乐地歌唱:“抛开忧伤挥挥手,迈开大步向前走。” No matter, I no longer a big setback not sad tears, still heads held high, singing happily: “put aside their grief wave, big step forward.”

  • 我将昂首挺胸的走在人群中,并且他们并不知道我,因为从今天开始我将做一个全新的我,并开始新的生活。 I will walk tall among men and they will know me not , for today I am a new man, with a new life.

  • 另一类人认为世界是确定的,带着固有观念的眼罩,昂首挺胸地走,却总是不见棺材不落泪,不撞南墙不回头。 The other type assumes that the world is definite. Holding the eyepatch of inherent ideas, he strides forward with his chin up, without hesitating and never turns back unless knocking into the wall.

  • 标志造型优美生动,仙鹤昂首挺胸,气质非凡,汲取其延年益寿之意,寓意大自然药业带给人们自然健康的理念; The sign is grace and loveness, the red-crowned crane lift the chest with unmon temperament symbolizing vigor and life, which show that Nature Medicine brings health to people;

  • 如果你昂首挺胸站直,深深地呼吸;如果你向上看,如果你把自己放在一个无限的生理状态,你是不可能灰心和沮丧的! Try it yourself. Stand up tall, throw your shoulders back, breathe deeply, look up, move your body. See if you can feel depressed in that posture.

  • 作者兼用工笔及写意技法,表现国家公园一处微倾的坡地一只雄帝雉昂首挺胸,彷佛正在向雌雉炫耀牠的帝王之姿,形象生动传神。 The artist deployed both fine and freehand brushwork to portray a male Mikado pheasant on a slope in the national park.

  • 昂首挺胸往前走,你有权利这样做。立志成为一个伟大的人,并且相信自己,因为连自己都不相信自己的话,其他人更不会相信你了。 in that self, for if you don’t believe in yourself, it will be impossible for others to believe in you.

  • 安米的默默请求换来的是这一声大喝,倔强的安米既没哭泣也没央求,她牙龈紧要,昂首挺胸,毫不畏缩地挨下了小手掌上几下麻辣的鞭苔。 was the only answer her mute appeal received, and too proud to cry or beseech, Amy set her teeth, threw back her head defiantly, and bore without flinching several tingling blows on her little palm.

  • 昂首挺胸造句相关


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