词语大全 明日黄花造句_明日黄花中英文解释和造句

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1、词语大全 明日黄花造句_明日黄花中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 晚节黄花造句_晚节黄花中英文解释和造句

词语大全 明日黄花造句_明日黄花中英文解释和造句

明日黄花  míng rì huáng huā








  • 坦克使骑兵成为明日黄花。 Tank consigned horse cavalry to the pages of history.

  • 不错,感情在她来说,已成为明日黄花。 Emotion , it is true, had bee with her rather historic.

  • 难道“新兴市场”的说法已是明日黄花了吗? IS IT time to retire the phrase “emerging markets”?

  • 那出戏,一度似乎相当时新,如今已成明日黄花。 The play, which once seemed so modern, has bee a period piece .

  • 很多人说缓和国际紧张局势的论调已是明日黄花。 many people say that detente is now a dead letter.

  • 很多人说缓和国际紧张局势的论调已是明日黄花。 Many people say that detente is now a dead letter.

  • 两年没去书店,阅读大部头书本对我已是明日黄花了。 Two years not to bookstores, reading books on Da Butou I have is a obsolete.

  • 在风云变幻的房地产界,今日英雄也有可能沦为明日黄花; In the ever-changing real estate industry, today may bee obsolete hero;

  • 过去那种拿到地就差不多“万事搞掂”了的好日子已是明日黄花。 Get on in the past almost “Everything is fixed up” the good life is something.

  • 在许多欧洲人看来布什比失败者还要差劲,他如今不过是明日黄花。 Mr Bush is worse than a failure in European eyes. He is yesterday’s failure.

  • 她原本要出演《实习医生格蕾》本季的最后五集,但这已是明日黄花。 Although she was scheduled to appear in this season’s final five episodes, that is no longer happening.

  • 加顿•阿什先生2005年游伊朗时写的评论现在看起来似乎是明日黄花了。 Mr Garton Ash’s observations from his trip to Iran in 2005 seem a bit whiskery now.

  • 伦敦能成为金融中心,正因为其独树一帜的宽松监管制度,如今这些已是明日黄花。 London is losing the distinctive “light-touch” regulation that helped make it the centre it was.

  • 此前那些依靠化石燃料的设计不良的建筑将成为明日黄花。我想每个人都应该适应这一切。 The really badly designed bad buildings of the recent past which have depended on fossil fuels to make them habitable will bee a thing of the past, I think everybody will have to adapt to this.

  • 到80年代中期,在糟糕透顶的坏运气的袭击下,特拉沃尔塔躲闪求生:他的确已是明日黄花了。 By the mid ’80s, Travolta was dodging the slings and arrows of outrageously bad fortune: he was certainly yesterday’s news.

  • 此诗之意谓重阳过后,菊花就逐渐萎谢,连彩蝶也愁无花可戏了。后常借明日黄花以比喻过时的事物。 After the mean of this poem weighs this world to pass, chrysanthemum gradually fade, lian Caidie also anxious can make fun of without the flower.

  • 克拉克曾说过:“我天生秃顶!”的确如此,当他33岁那年首次上银幕时,他们头发已是明日黄花了。 Clark once said, “I was born bald! ” and indeed his hair was already a thing of the past when he made his screen debut at the age of33.

  • 南京两大全国知名高等学府的大规模“东扩”,使曾经备受“宠爱”的浦口似乎一下子变成了“明日黄花”。 Nanjing two renowned institutions of higher education nationwide massive “expansion” to have been “love” seems to be at Pukou bee “obsolete.

  • 四天之后―――“靠关系”拿到廉价土地、大量囤积土地却不开发的“发迹捷径”将成为地产界的明日黄花; Four days later — “on relations” get cheap land, the land is not large accumulation of “rise to power and position shortcut” will bee real estate sector too;

  • 因为土地政策改革的趋势就是协议拿地的上游逐渐成为明日黄花,靠关系能人拿地终将被土地公开交易所取代。 Because land policy reform trend is the agreement with the upstream gradually bee something to rely on relations to be wrong with the open land exchanges replaced.

  • “是啊,这一切已是明日黄花!……”他说道,他脸上自然流露著幸福的童稚的微笑,这个年轻人于是酣然入睡了。 “Yes, that all happened! “…he said, with a happy, childlike smile to himself. And he fell into the deep sleep of youth.

  • 反犹主义在西方早已如明日黄花无人问津,却随着欧洲人的一整套种族理论来到了亚洲,且根植于这些人民的心中。 Antisemitism arrived with a whole package of European race theories that have persisted in Asia long after they fell out of fashion in the west.

  • 顺带提一句,白宫在二月份还曾预测,今年的失业率将达到 8。1% 的高点。余音犹在耳旁,便已成明日黄花。 By the way, in February, the White House predicted unemployment would top out at 8. 1 percent this year, a figure that was blown through the following month.

  • 然而记者日前在对本市一些小户型公寓租赁市场作调查时,发现有一些小户型公寓已经成为明日黄花,难以博得租客的青睐。 However recently in the city for some small Huxing apartment rental market survey and found some small apartments has bee something Huxing difficult to win the favor of the tenant.

  • 在通讯方面,当时外界信息来源只有报纸、收音机、或者道听途说,而当它们断断续续地传到人们耳朵里时,早已是明日黄花了。 Information from the outside came by newspaper, radio, or word from the traveler’s mouth; it moved intermittently and often arrived only after long delay).

  • 帝国的鼎盛繁荣早已是明日黄花,而这些衰退的国家也不像另一些国家在国际事务中举足轻重(如美国、中国、印度、或许还有巴西)。 They have all e a long way down from their imperial zenith, and they are not like the Big Guys in world affairs (such as the United States, China, India, perhaps Brazil).

  • 1883年暹罗发行第一套邮票,标志着其邮政体制独立,外国邮票在暹罗的使用也随着其于1886年加入万国邮政联盟(UPU) 而成为明日黄花。 The advent of the Siamese first issue in 1883 witnessed the gradual reclaiming of HER Sovereign postal system and by 1886 foreign postage stamp usages virtually disappeared after she joined the UPU.

  • 目前的教育体系已是明日黄花,只不过有幸残存下来而已。在过去那个年代人们认定母亲就是一份全职工作,而譬如在法国,这种态度早就已经被摒弃了。 The school system is a holdover from an era that deemed motherhood a full-time job, an attitude that France, for example, shed long ago.

  • “你是否常有这种情形,”当他们在摆满沙发的休息室里坐下来,娜塔莎对哥哥说,“你仿佛认为,将来不会发生什么事情,不会发生什么事情,一切美好的事情都已成为明日黄花? “DOES IT HAPPEN to you, ” said Natasha to her brother, when they were settled in the divan-room, “to feel that nothing will ever happen—nothing; that all that is good is past?

  • 三菱东京UFJ银行(BankofTokyo-MitsubishiUFJ)的德里克•赫尔潘尼(DerekHalpenny)表示:“和其它地区一样,这些的数据被当做‘明日黄花‘而忽略,因为市场的关注重点依然是经济日渐复苏的迹象。” “Like elsewhere the data are being passed off as ‘old news’ as the markets’ focus remains fixed on signs of emerging recovery, ” said Derek Halpenny at Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ.

  • 明日黄花造句相关


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    自愧不如  zìkuìbùrú自愧不如的意思和解释:弗:不。自己惭愧不如别人。自愧不如的出处《战国策·齐策一》:“明日徐公来,熟视之,自以为不如。”自愧不如的例子在那地方,圣裔们繁

    词语大全 明日黄花造句

    明日黄花造句  一:年暹罗发行第一套邮票,标志着其邮政体制独立,外国邮票在暹罗的使用也随着其于年加入万国邮政联盟(UPU)而成为明日黄花。  二:反犹主义在西方早已如明日黄花无人问津,却随着欧洲人的一

    词语大全 明日黄花造句

    明日黄花造句  一:年暹罗发行第一套邮票,标志着其邮政体制独立,外国邮票在暹罗的使用也随着其于年加入万国邮政联盟(UPU)而成为明日黄花。  二:反犹主义在西方早已如明日黄花无人问津,却随着欧洲人的一

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