词语大全 明火执杖造句_明火执杖中英文解释和造句

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1、词语大全 明火执杖造句_明火执杖中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 明火的英文

词语大全 明火执杖造句_明火执杖中英文解释和造句

明火执杖  míng huǒ zhí zhàng




元·无名氏《盆儿鬼》第二折:“我在这瓦窑居住,做些本份生涯,何曾明火执仗 ,无非赤手求财。”




  • 上海平民居住区是日军抢劫的对象。此图显示了日本兵用他们的军事素养来明火执杖地抢劫。 Residential areas in Shanghai became targets of pillage This photo shows Japanese. soldiers forcing their way into civilian apartments.

  • 明火执杖造句相关


    词语大全 明火的英文

    Food cooked on an open fire has a flavor of pecuar .
    明火炙烤的食物有獨特的味道。<> He prefers open fires to stoves or radiators
    他喜歡用明火取暖,不喜歡爐子或暖氣<> You want a lot of smoke but very ttle flame
    需要大量的煙,但極小量的明火。 <> He prefers open fires to stoves or radiators
    他喜歡用明火取暖,不喜歡爐子或暖氣<> 2 open flame is strictly prohibited
    嚴禁使用明火。 <> Permit smoking or open flames in oxidizer or flammable gas storage areas
    允許在氧化物或易燃氣體儲存區域吸煙或有明火。 <> Direct - fired vaporizer
    明火直熱式汽化器<> April 1 , 2005 is the 50th anniversary of the eruption of yangming mountain
    二五年四月一日是陽明火山爆發的五十周年。 <> There should be no smoking or open flame near the faucet at the time it is open
    在打開期間,不要在水龍頭附近吸煙或點燃明火。 <> Steep in pepper , salt and wine for 20 minutes , roast on an open fire
    然后用胡椒粉鹽料酒腌20分鐘后取出,置明火沙鍋內烤至斷生即成。 <>
    Plastics - methods of exposure to laboratory ght sources - part 4 : open - flame carbon - arc lamps
    塑料制品.試驗室光源照射法.第4部分:明火碳弧燈<> Inset appances including open fires fired by sod fuels - requirements and test methods
    燃燒固體燃料的包括明火的嵌入式采暖爐.要求和試驗方法<> Volcanologist4 peter lai has been dipping his toes in the hot springs every day for the past year
    最近有一位科學家表示,陽明火山即將再度爆發。 <> Specification for open fires burning sod mineral fuels with convection , with or without boilers
    帶鍋爐或不帶鍋爐的使用固體礦物燃料的對流式通風明火爐規范<> From there , coffee traveled to turkey where coffee beans were roasted for the first time over open fires
    從也門傳到了土爾其,這時才開始用明火烘培咖啡豆。 <> Standard test method for evaluate edge binding ponents used in mattresses after exposure to an open flame
    暴露于明火后墊子的邊緣連接組件評價的標準試驗方法<> Apply heat with flame directed away from the center of the valve body . excessive heat can harm the seats
    在用明火加熱時不要直接施加在閥體中心上。過熱可能損害閥座。 <> Specification for inset open fires without convection with or without boilers , burning sod mineral fuels
    使用固體礦物燃料的帶鍋爐或不帶鍋爐的嵌入式無對流明火加熱器規范<> Standard practice for accelerated weathering of pressure - sensitive tapes by open - flame carbon - arc exposure apparatus
    明火碳弧型曝光裝置加速老化壓敏包裝膠帶的標準實施規程<> Textiles - burning behaviour of bedding items - general test methods for the ignitabity by a small open flame
    Do not spray near naked flame or other ignition sources such as stoves , pilot ghts and running electrical appances
    切勿在明火或其他可能會產生火花的地方,例如爐具、熱水爐火種和使用中的電器附近施用噴霧劑。 <> Fine dust dispersed in air in sufficient concentrations , and in the presence of an ignition source is a potential dust explosion hazard
    醋酸鈉粉塵在空氣中達到一定的密度,或在有明火源的情況下,有可能引起爆炸。 <> The pany mainly produces middle / high class ghters , including wind - proof series , hurricane series , torch series , double - flame series . ghting and windproof
    我廠的主要產品有防風,直沖,明火,雙火等系列中高檔打火機。 <> Chemsurf should not be exposed to flame , molten metal , metalc sparks or intense , direct sunght , nor should it be used as cutting surfaces
    請勿將此材料暴露于明火,熔融金屬,金屬火化或直射陽光下,也不能用作切剁的表面。 <> The air we breathe contains many impurities , ranging from smoke that es from open fires to invisible gases emitted by the tailpipes of cars
    描述:在我們呼吸的空氣中還有很多雜質,從明火產生的濃煙到汽車排放的看不見的尾氣。 <> Material type specified on label as polyamide appcation of naked flame to webbing and thread resulted in melting consistent with synthetic material
    作為明火的聚酰胺應用,在標簽上材料類型說明了與人造材料相熔會呈網狀和線狀。 <> Variety including flame , the root of fangfeng , washing directly , music , desk - top , pendant , reaction , bright sound of machines , weapons etc . are all kinds of
    品種包括明火、防風、直沖、音樂、臺式、掛件、感應、朗聲機、刀槍等各類。 <> It \' s easy for project budget and can save 20 % of the total charge pared to flange connecting , the construction don \' t need the power supply , oxygen , and fire
    便于工程預算較法蘭式連接節約總工程費用地20 ,施工無需電源、氧氣、明火。 <> 4 no splash fire ke that from electric welding within the scale 2m of the dewatering machine is allowed , for the sake of damaging mesh - belt of the dewatering machine
    4脫水機放置地周圍2米不許有如電焊作業之類的飛濺明火,以防損壞脫水機網帶。 <> Put the fish in baskets and keep them in a cool , dry place off the ground . dried fish must be kept pletely dry until they are eaten
    記住是小火,以免燒著魚。需要大量的煙,但極小量的明火。獲取大量煙的一個方法是使用潮濕木頭,而不是干燥木頭。 <>
    Apply heat with flame directed away from the center of the valve body . excessive heat can harm the seats . after soldering , the packing nut may have to be tightened
    在用明火加熱時不要直接施加在閥體中心上。過熱可能損害閥座。焊接后,填料螺母可能需要緊固。 <> This battle of folly and flame continued for o hours ; the corso was ght as day ; the features of the spectators on the third and fourth stories were visible
    這一場明火舉燭的賽跑繼續了兩個小時,高碌街照得光明如白晝,四層樓和五層樓上看客的臉都照得清清楚楚。 <> Hr 196sp - nc can be cured after added mekpo and co . the cured products should be put in room above 14days . after cured pletely , the sm left is very small
    Hr 196sp nc樹脂包裝為每桶凈重220kg的金屬桶,在20以下儲存期為六個月,同時不宜靠近明火高溫及陽光直射等,溫度升高會相應縮短儲存期<> The new u . s . standards , which must be apped to new mattresses as of july 1 , aims to scale back how quickly mattress fires spread when started by open - flame sources including candles and ghters
    這項新的美國標準7月1日后開始施行,目的是為了降低因為如蠟燭或打火機等明火導致床墊著火的速度。 <> We speciaze in manufacturing & developing the high efficiency self recuperative gas burners , which are widely used in direct heating and the radiant tube in various industrial heat treatment furnaces
    本公司專業生產和開發高效率空氣自身預熱式燒嘴,廣泛應用于各種工業熱處理爐的明火或輻射管加熱<> Hr 8309 packed in 220kg steel drums shell fe are 6 months under20 , keep away from fire , high temperature , and sunght . high temperature can make the shell fe short ,
    Hr 229樹脂包裝為每桶凈重220kg的金屬桶,在20以下儲存期為六個月,同時不宜靠近明火高溫及陽光直射等,溫度升高會相應縮短儲存期, <> Engsh cherry tomatoes and rocket , plus peppers roasted on a naked flame and then skinned and sced finely , plete the presentation . " stunning assembly , the perfect meal to go , if a bit dribbly
    精心選配的綠色蔬菜小西紅柿和辣椒等也需在明火上先烤一下,切好后,最終配成這個“貴族”三明治。 <> Hr 8310 packed in 220kg steel drums shell fe are 6 months under20 . keep away from fire , high temperature , and sunght . high temperature can make the shell fe short
    Hr 8260樹脂包裝為每桶凈重220kg的金屬桶,在20以下儲存期為六個月,同時不宜靠近明火高溫及陽光直射等,溫度升高會相應縮短儲存期。 <> The pletely burnt blue flame heating and the half water and air hear convection generated by food enable the baking food to achieve no pollution , better color , heavier fragrance , thin skin and elastic
    這樣,完全燃燒的藍色火焰明火加熱及食品所產生的半水氣熱對流循環,使烘烤的食品無污染、色澤更理想,香味更濃、皮薄且有彈性。 <> Maximum six months under 25 . prolonged storage or storage outside of these conditions can lead to variations in the stated quid resin properties . copyright 2005 - 2006 changzhou huarun posit materials co . , ltd
    Hr p193樹脂包裝為每桶凈重220kg的金屬桶,在20以下儲存期為六個月,同時不宜靠近明火高溫及陽光直射等,溫度升高會相應縮短儲存期。 <>


    词语大全 禁止明火造句 禁止明火の例文


    词语大全 明火加熱的英文


    词语大全 无明火的意思_成语“无明火”是什么意思


    词语大全 明火执仗的意思_成语“明火执仗”是什么意思


    词语大全 明火执械的意思_成语“明火执械”是什么意思


    词语大全 明火执杖   [míng huǒ zhí zhàng]什么意思

    明火执杖  [mínghuǒzhízhàng][明火执杖]成语解释点着火把,拿着武器。原指公开抢劫。后比喻公开地、毫不隐藏地干坏事。贬义[明火执杖]成语出处明·吴承恩《西游记》第4

    词语大全 明火执仗 (打一称谓),明火执仗 (打一称谓)

      谜面:明火执仗(打一称谓)  谜底:光棍

    词语大全 明火执仗 (打一称谓),明火执仗 (打一称谓)

      谜面:明火执仗(打一称谓)  谜底:光棍

    词语大全 明火执仗 (打一称谓),明火执仗 (打一称谓)

      谜面:明火执仗(打一称谓)  谜底:光棍

    词语大全 明火执仗 (打一称谓),明火执仗 (打一称谓)

      谜面:明火执仗(打一称谓)  谜底:光棍