词语大全 明窗净几造句_明窗净几中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:黑暗带来恐惧。知识可以点亮你,驱逐恐惧。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 明窗净几造句_明窗净几中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 明窗净几造句_明窗净几中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 明窗净几的意思_成语“明窗净几”是什么意思

词语大全 明窗净几造句_明窗净几中英文解释和造句

明窗净几  míng chuāng jìng jī







  • 屋主回来后看到自己的家,高兴异常。 After returning home owners see their desks, very happy.

  • 客厅设计美观,,给人温馨舒适的感觉。 Living room design aesthetic, dining, gives warm fortable feeling.

  • 移民付祖国的家里,对联已贴好,盆桔摆上。 Migrants pay the motherland wooden house, to have posted good potted tangerine top.

  • 是这庄重的教学楼、宽敞整洁、的阶梯教室? Yes this solemn teaching building, spacious and clean, bright and clean classrooms ladder?

  • 车上物品摆放整洁 ,地毯清洁 ,,空气好。 The article on the car is put orderly, carpet cleanness, bright and clean, air is good.

  • 的图书阅览一体室,为我们提供了畅游知识的海洋; Read one book bright and clean rooms, provides us with knowledge of the marine tour;

  • 大家辛勤劳动过后的育才校园,散发出芬芳的气息。 Everybody will work industriously from now on fosters talent the campus window clearly several only, will send out the fragrant breath.

  • 假如我是一个病人,我希望见到一个环境优雅、的医院。 If I were the patient, I hope to see a hospital owning the elegant and sanitary enviroment.

  • 如图,这是一个的卧室,在色调的设计上却有不少突破。 If pursue, this is the bedroom of a bright and clean, there are many breakthroughs however on tonal design.

  • 矿区建设好了,望着的办公楼,望着一尘不染的公寓,我们神往。 Mine build, and looked bright and clean office building, watching the apartment spotless, we are charmed.

  • 他家,简单的家具摆放有序,院子里养著不少水草,一派温馨气氛。 His house dining, simple furniture placed in an orderly manner, yard fowls many reeds, one warm atmosphere.

  • 如今的医院鲜花盛开,,病房干和充满欢乐,这一切都应归功于她的工作。 Today’s hospitals with their flowers bright, cleancheerful wards are a direct result of her work.

  • 的大厅尽头处,是一个半圆形的落地长阳台设计,给人爽朗亮的美好感觉。 dining hall end Service is a hemicycle of landing long window balcony design gives easy bright beautiful feeling.

  • 如今的医院鲜花盛开,,病房干和充满欢乐,所有这一切都应归功于她的工作。 Today’s hospitals with their flowers and bright, clean and cheerful wards are a direct result of her work.

  • 你行经的现代化商店,里头陈列著昂贵的衣服,以及摆放最新款式慢跑鞋的鞋店。 You walk by clean, modern stores with expensive clothes and shoe stores filled with the newest styles of running shoe.

  • 当我使用”休息室“时,确实领会到休息的实在含意,因为休息室外景色迷人。 And when using a “rest room”, I do have a feeling of rest, because it is clean and has a window with a beautiful view.

  • 楼内有卧室、客厅、餐厅、书房、卫生间等,每间房间都铺设了木质地板,,十分通透。 Building a bedroom, living room, restaurants, libraries, bathrooms, each room laid a wooden floor, Chuangmingjijing, very transparent.

  • 理想的家居除了要、装璜得体外,更重要的一点,踏实下一代的安乐窝和有助成长的地方。 A part from its neat, tidy and refined furnishment, an ideal home should also be fortable and beneficial to the growth of our next generation.

  • 由于黑人不能参选,白人政客便可以肆无忌惮的让白人学校始终,而黑人学校却长年破烂不堪。 Blacks were barred from voting, and their disfranchisement allowed white politicians to keep white schools white and black schools shabby.

  • 虽然小店已有年头了,但却,桌椅都是塑料的,这里的食品也足以称得上是马来西亚特色风味了。 It is old and not particularly clean, its tables and chairs are plastic, and the food is extraordinary only in the way that much of the food in Malaysia is extraordinary.

  • 回到家,,也不需要三道铁门来保卫,也不需要和无情的东西争位置,役物而不役于物,不亦快哉! Home, bright and clean, do not need to defend the three iron gate, nor what the needs and relentlessly fight the location of service were not material to serve, do not also!

  • 我们的教室宽敞亮,走进明窗净几的教室,25套桌椅排得整整齐齐,水泥地扫得干干,玻璃擦得光亮透。 Our spacious and bright classrooms, and into the net a few windows out of the classroom, 25 sets of desks and chairs a neat row, a clean sweep cement, glass and polished bright and transparent.

  • 现在站在采光通透、的新屋里,她止不住喜悦的眼泪,一个劲地说:“感谢党和政府圆了我多年的住房梦!” Now playing on lighting, the new house dormitories, and she left happy tears, kept offering to say : “I thank the party and the government Yuan years of housing dream!”

  • 当你看到大街上随处可见的配备齐全的汽车,的商铺,写满清爽和欢乐的脸庞,你一定会被这种场景所感染。 One is at once struck by the number of excellent and well-appointed motor cars that one sees on every hand, the neatness of the shops and the cleanliness and cheerfulness of the faces of the people.

  • 装修完毕应该要求装饰公司做好保洁工作,标准是,铁器亮,室内无灰尘,一般装修公司应该用吸尘器进行最后的保洁。 decoration for decoration panies doing litter, standard desks, Iron bright, the room is not dust, the general decoration pany should use cleaners final bin.

  • 明窗净几造句相关


    词语大全 明窗净几的意思_成语“明窗净几”是什么意思

    成 语


    成语读音míng chuāng jìng jī
    成语解释 几:小桌子。明亮的窗子,洁净的小桌子。形容房间明亮,陈设整洁。
    常用程度 常用
    感情色彩 中性词
    成语结构 联合式
    成语用法 作谓语、定语;形容室内明亮、整洁。
    产生年代 古代
    典故出处 宋·欧阳修《试笔·学书为乐》:“苏子美尝言,明窗净几,笔砚纸墨皆极精良,亦自是人生一乐。”
    成语例句 丰子恺《钱江看潮记》:“看见列著~,全部江景被收在窗中,果然一好去处。”
    近 义 词 窗明几净
    英文翻译 bright windows and clear tables


    词语大全 明窗净几的意思_成语“明窗净几”是什么意思


    词语大全 净几明窗的意思_成语“净几明窗”是什么意思


    词语大全 净几明窗的意思_成语“净几明窗”是什么意思


    词语大全 净几明窗的意思_成语“净几明窗”是什么意思


    词语大全 净几明窗的意思_成语“净几明窗”是什么意思


    词语大全 明窗净几   [míng chuāng jìng jī]什么意思

    明窗净几  [míngchuāngjìngjī][明窗净几]成语解释形容室内明亮、整洁。[明窗净几]成语出处宋·欧阳修《试笔》:“苏子美尝言,明窗净几,笔砚纸墨皆极精良,亦自是人生

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    古诗词大全 如梦令·谁伴明窗独坐原文翻译赏析_原文作者简介

    如梦令·谁伴明窗独坐[作者]向滈 [朝代]宋代谁伴明窗独坐。和我影儿两个。灯烬欲眠时,影也把人抛躲。无那。无那。好个恓惶的我。《如梦令·谁伴明窗独坐》赏析《全宋词》收录了向滈作品四十三首。这

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    贺新郎·晓色明窗绮[作者]袁去华 [朝代]宋代晓色明窗绮。耿残灯、寒生翠幕,鸟啼人起。一夜西园新雨过,细草闲花似洗。漾澜影、柳塘春水。闲昼双飞归来燕,正东风、漫漫吹桃李。还是个,闷天气。回廊

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    贺新郎·晓色明窗绮[作者]袁去华 [朝代]宋代晓色明窗绮。耿残灯、寒生翠幕,鸟啼人起。一夜西园新雨过,细草闲花似洗。漾澜影、柳塘春水。闲昼双飞归来燕,正东风、漫漫吹桃李。还是个,闷天气。回廊