词语大全 明知故犯造句_明知故犯中英文解释和造句

Posted 安乐死

篇首语:人们常说,常识是两点之间最短的直线。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 明知故犯造句_明知故犯中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 明知故犯造句_明知故犯中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 明知故犯造句

词语大全 明知故犯造句_明知故犯中英文解释和造句

明知故犯  míng zhī gù fàn








  • 神只会审判我们那些明知故犯的罪。 God will always judge us on what we know.

  • 遗憾的是有人还在明知故犯。 Regrettably, some people are knowingly undermining the harmony.

  • 究竟人们是不明这个道理或是明知故犯? Actually are the people the unclear this truth perhaps knowingly violate?

  • 无知比明知故犯好,勤快的傻子却更可怕。 Ignorance is better than error, but the active fool is a Holy Terror.

  • 那些明知故犯的人将为此付出最昂贵的代价! and those of you that ignore them will pay the dearest cost!

  • 另外两名则以妨碍检举和明知故犯罪被起诉。 The two others are charged with hindering prosecution and official misconduct.

  • 支持,请各位博友不要明知故犯,请支持我们的工作! Please do not violate it knowingly and willfully! Please support our work!

  • 贪如此病态,并非毫不知觉的沉沦,而是明知故犯的甘愿。 Greedy so sick, not to sink without perception, but rather the willing to flout the law.

  • 你错了,而且你还“明知故犯”(你还明明知道那样不对)。 You are wrong and what’s MORE you know it.

  • 对回收行业的粗略检查揭示了明知故犯的非法活动有多么猖獗。 A cursory examination of the recycling industry reveals how deliberate the scams are.

  • 既然如此,并且如果欺骗是故意之为,那么自我欺骗就是明知故犯。 If that is so, and if deceiving is an intentional activity, then one who deceives oneself does so knowingly.

  • 科学道德规范中的明知故犯不仅对个人,而且对社会构成严重的犯罪。 Ethical misconducts in science constitute serious crimes against individuals as well as against society.

  • 谁知房产商明知故犯,在楼内实际安装的是两部组装电梯和一部国产电梯。 Unexpectedly got mitted in the actual installation of the building are two elevators and a domestic elevator assembly.

  • 明知故犯的罪只要放纵一种,也必招致软弱与昏暗,使我们屈从激烈的试探。 The indulgence of one known sin will cause weakness and darkness and subject us to fierce temptation…

  • 首先考场规定不应该抄袭,而你违反考试规则,就是违规,还是明知故犯的类型。 First of all, plagiarism is not allowed in the test. You have violated this provision. What is worse, It is a willful violation.

  • 这些残酷行为不是因为不了解法律允许和禁止之间的界线造成的,而是明知故犯。 Most of the violations were not caused by lack of knowledge of the line between what was permitted and what was forbidden, but were mitted knowingly.

  • 首尔中央地方检察厅官员说,法院排除了那些能证明朴大成“明知故犯”的证据。 Head official of hall of local procuratorial work says in the center of Er, forensic platoon can prove Piao Dacheng besides those ” with one’s eyes open ” evidence.

  • 信道的人们啊!你们不要背叛真主和使者,不要明知故犯地不忠于你们所受的信托。 O ye that believe! betray not the trust of Allah and the Messenger, nor misappropriate knowingly things entrusted to you.

  • 当然,如果我活下来,定然不会明知故犯的为令人心生憎恶的故事链提供一个明确的线索。 certainly, if I live, I shall never knowingly supply a link in so hideous a chain.

  • 事实上,保险公司明知故犯是老大难的问题,但监管部门对责任人的处理也是“咬定青山不放松”。 In fact, insurance panies knowingly is difficult, but on the regulatory responsibility is to deal with people “do not insist Castle relax.”

  • 蒙我赏赐经典的人,认识他,犹如认识自己的儿女一样。他们中有一派人,的确明知故犯地隐讳真理。 The people of the Book know this as they know their own sons; but some of them conceal the truth which they themselves know.

  • 因此,为了避免空洞的学术性议论,对科学道德规范中的明知故犯不能用含糊不清的学术议论进行对待。 Therefore, to avoid a vacuous academic talk, ethical misconduct cannot be treated with vague academic parlance.

  • 尽管建设部曾对住宅性能有过明确的规定,但是一般购房消费者对此所知甚少,而开发商则“明知故犯”。 Although residential construction has been clearly defined performance, but the general housing consumers know very little, and developers are “mitted.”

  • 意思是︰人类经常不是被不知道的事件所累,而是明明知道却还是犯错导致问题。白一点就是是明知故犯啦。 It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.

  • 这样的事时有发生的,我知道这是本人的劣根性所在:明知故犯却又顽固不改,只会在事后醒悟然后摆出后悔的姿态。 Such thing like this has happened frequently and I know it is my essence: violating knowingly and pertinacity and just being conscious and penitential afterward.

  • 早期著作权的侵权行为往往是由于行为人对于法律的无知或者过失造成,而现在许多侵权人为了牟取暴利,明知故犯。 Early copyright infringement is often the perpetrators of the law due to ignorance or negligence cause of, and now many abuses in order to make exorbitant profits, knowingly.

  • 星期叁,一个联邦法院正式对小詹姆斯‧丰德伦提起刑事起诉,指控他明知故犯地阴谋将机密情报传递给一个外国特务。 A criminal plaint unsealed Wednesday in a federal court accuses James Fondren Jr. of knowingly conspiring to relay classified information to a foreign agent.

  • 孩子们问父母:为什么他们一方面花费那么多精力养生保命,一方面却明知故犯地让自己陷于如此自戕自害的行为当中? Children ask their parents why they knowingly engage in such self-destructive behavior when they direct so much of their energy toward preserving their lives.

  • 这些测试并不表示任何明知故犯行为,而是寻求评估潜在的医学条件的可能性,这可能给予Semenya超过她的竞争者不公平的优势。 These tests do not suggest any suspicion of deliberate misconduct but seek to assess the possibility of a potential medical condition which would give Semenya an unfair advantage over her petitors.

  • 我认为政府是明知故犯,在这些死牢里以不人道的方式安乐死,这些没受过训练,不符合资格的人,负责将这些可怜、没有防御能力的动物安乐死,让牠们不断痛苦的翻滚,然后在极度痛苦中死去。 I think this is deliberate on the government’s part. Inhumane methods of euthanasia are used. Unqualified people are euthanising these poor defenseless creatures who writhe and die in absolute agony.

  • 明知故犯造句相关


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