词语大全 春风得意造句_春风得意中英文解释和造句
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词语大全 春风得意造句_春风得意中英文解释和造句
春风得意 chūn fēng dé yì
他在高中真是春风得意的家伙之一。 He was one of those guys that really found himself during high school.
谁有敢说春风得意,如日中天就不怕孤独? Who have already dared to say extremely proud of success, like the sun at high noon not afraid solitude?
当他们春风得意时,他们从不问:「为什么是我?」 ” When they prosper, they never ask “Why me”.
人们总是希望过著春风得意的日子,但这是不可能的。 People always want to live in its days of brilliance, but it is not possible.
就在高山春风得意之时,大伯毛清源过世的消息传来。 At a time when mountain too proud, uncle Mao Qingyuan the late news.
他,这位在人世间春风得意的人越来越缺乏生气活力了。 And he, who triumphed in the world, became more and more hollow in his vitality.
而随着各大明星的加盟,电子杂志之后的发展更是春风得意。 And join in as what star greatly each, the development after electronic magazine is more successful.
你竟究是没看见你的朋友呢,还是春风得意不愿和他们讲话? The gym I go to is full of hunks but I am too shy to speak to them.
大众的艰难困境与奥迪的春风得意相比,还隐藏了更多的内幕。 The contrast between VW’s troubles and Audi’s success could have wider implications.
当初在大学时期,她在社团那里独当一面,又在学习上春风得意。 Initially in the college, where she was in the munity of endeavor, but also in learning too proud.
人生更像是一个棒球赛季。即使最好的球队也有春风得意的日子。 Life is more like a base-ball season, where even the best team loses one-third of its games and even the worst team has its days of brilliance14.
一个人如果能够春风得意马蹄疾,他是绝不会双袖龙钟泪不干的。 announcement came a horseshoe can be disabled if he is in no way do the tears.
在这次采访中,春风得意的巴萨主席表示,当下这支巴塞罗那队定将凤凰涅磐。 In this interview, the President said Chunfengdeyi of Barcelona, Barcelona now this will Phoenix Nirvana.
日前,春风得意的任达华携著爱妻琦琦出席了杭州临平一条商业街的开幕活动。 Recently, the types of Rendahuaxiezhuo Hangzhou Lin Ping Zhou Qi attended the opening of a mercial district.
昨日,刚刚成立电影工作室的她,很是春风得意,约鄢波等一些朋友喝下午茶。 Yesterday, just established the movie work room she, is very is elated with success, approximately Yan Bo and so on some friends drinks the afternoon tea.
想要最精确地衡量一个男人,不是在他春风得意之时,而要在他面对挑战及处于逆境之时。 The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of fort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.
他初官洛阳,便遍赏胜迹名花、游山历水并赋诗作文,表现他“春风得意马蹄疾”的欢乐。 When he was assumed post in Luoyang for the first time, he traveled a lot of places of interest and enjoyed mountains and rivers, and he wrote many poems to express his joy.
不仅如上,还有人认为,嫉妒之毒眼伤人最狠之时,正是那被嫉妒之人最为春风得意之时。 so that still there seemeth to be acknowledged, in the act of envy, an ejaculation or irradiation of the eye.
任何人都能对朋友的不幸感到同情,但要消受一个春风得意的朋友,则需要非常优良的天性。 Anybody can sympathise with the sufferings of a friend, but it requires a very fine nature to sympathise with a friend’s success.
这名21岁的小将因尤文的关注而春风得意,现在,他不再被杰拉德和阿隆索的光芒所掩盖。 The 21-year-old Mali youngster is seemingly flattered by Juve’s interest, especially considering that he is now no more than cover for Steven Gerrard and Xabi Alonso.
但有所不同的是“十大新锐企业”的东隆落下第二名500多票,可谓遥遥领先“春风得意”。 But from the top ten for cutting-edge enterprise ” ” the dong long down second place in the 500 votes, have a manding lead ” ” flushed with success.
“迪林厄姆”这个名号是主人先前春风得意之际,一时兴起加上去的,那时候他每星期挣三十美元。 The “Dillingham” had been flung to the breeze during a former period of prosperity when its possessor was being paid per week.
“迪林厄姆”这个名号是主人先前春风得意之际,一时兴起加上去的,那时候他每星期挣三十美元。 The “Dillingham” had been flung to the breeze during a former period of prosperity when its possessor was being paid $30 per week.
人生更像是一个棒球赛季。即使最好的球队比赛也会输掉三分之一,而最差的球队也有春风得意的日子。 Life is more like a baseball season, where even the best teams loses one-third of its game and even the worse team has its days of brilliance.
失意人中,也包括初上任时春风得意的朱广沪,“有媒体说我们还在原地踏步,我觉得他们说的一点都没错。 In being frustrated person, when Zhu Guanghu who includes initially takes office is elated with success, “had the media saying that we also in-situ steps, I thought they said a spot not wrong.”
人生更像是一个棒球赛季。即使最棒的球队也会输掉赛季三分之一的比赛,而最差的球队也有春风得意的日子。 Life is more like a base-ball season, where even the best team loses one-third of its games and even the worst team has its days of brilliance.
但因为该公司在春风得意时没能把成本控制工作做足,在眼下这个石油行业的困难时期,中国石油可能要为此付出代价。 But lack of cost control during the good times could return to haunt PetroChina during a leaner period for the oil sector.
在博尔德的科罗拉多大学我一直春风得意,任何功课都没有花费过太大的力气,毕业后便顺利地进入了该校素负盛名的法学院。 I’d coasted through the university of Colorado at Boulder without working up a major sweat and was duly admitted to its prestigious law school.
所以我回来了,应该加个又字。心中大有胡汉三站在宝塔山下,春风得意之势。希望,这个新空间能按照我的兴趣,随我一起成长。 It has been quiet a long time since I closed my last MSN space. From the bottom of my heart, I want to re-build a new space for a fresh business master at Vancouver.
词语大全 口角春风造句_口角春风中英文解释和造句
口角春风 kǒu jiǎo chūn fēng
口角春风 kǒujiǎochūnfēng口角春风的意思和解释:原指言语评论如春风之能生长万物。后比喻替人吹嘘或替人说好话。口角春风的出处口角春风的例子口角春风造句口角春风造句相关
口角春风 kǒujiǎochūnfēng口角春风的意思和解释:原指言语评论如春风之能生长万物。后比喻替人吹嘘或替人说好话。口角春风的出处口角春风的例子口角春风造句口角春风造句相关
春风夏雨 chūnfēngxiàyǔ春风夏雨的意思和解释:春风和煦,夏雨滋润,足以养育万物。常比喻及时给人以教益和帮助。春风夏雨的出处汉·刘向《说苑·贵德》:“吾不能以春风风人,
春风风人 chūnfēngfèngrén春风风人的意思和解释:风人:吹拂人。和煦的春风吹拂着人们。比喻及时给人教益和帮助。春风风人的出处汉·刘向《说苑·贵德》:“吾不能以春风风人
春风风人 chūnfēngfèngrén春风风人的意思和解释:风人:吹拂人。和煦的春风吹拂着人们。比喻及时给人教益和帮助。春风风人的出处汉·刘向《说苑·贵德》:“吾不能以春风风人
春风满面 chūnfēngmǎnmiàn春风满面的意思和解释:春风:指笑容。比喻人喜悦舒畅的表情。形容和霭愉快的面容。春风满面的出处宋·程节斋《沁园春》词:“满面春风,一团和气,
春风满面 chūnfēngmǎnmiàn春风满面的意思和解释:春风:指笑容。比喻人喜悦舒畅的表情。形容和霭愉快的面容。春风满面的出处宋·程节斋《沁园春》词:“满面春风,一团和气,
春风化雨 chūnfēnghuàyǔ春风化雨的意思和解释:化:化生和养育。指适宜于草木生长的风雨。比喻良好的薰陶和教育。春风化雨的出处《孟子·尽心上》:“有如时春风雨化之者。”春
春风化雨 chūnfēnghuàyǔ春风化雨的意思和解释:化:化生和养育。指适宜于草木生长的风雨。比喻良好的薰陶和教育。春风化雨的出处《孟子·尽心上》:“有如时春风雨化之者。”春
秋月春风 qiūyuèchūnfēng秋月春风的意思和解释:指良辰美景。也指美好的岁月。秋月春风的出处唐·白居易《琵琶行》:“今年欢笑复明年,秋月春风等闲度。”秋月春风的例子白发