词语大全 曲径通幽造句_曲径通幽中英文解释和造句
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2、词语大全 通幽洞微 [tōng yōu dòng wēi]_成语解释_成语出处_成语造句_近义词_反义词_相关成语_成语接龙_英文翻译
词语大全 曲径通幽造句_曲径通幽中英文解释和造句
曲径通幽 qū jìng tōng yōu
第三招:曲径通幽,暗渡陈仓法; third measure: winding streets, stealing a march law;
广州北校区林路蔓蔓,曲径通幽; Guangzhou North Campus Man Man Lam Road, winding streets;
白塔山经过多年绿化,树高林密,曲径通幽。 Baita Mountain after years of afforestation, tree height of forest, Qujingtongyou.
岛内林荫小道纵横交错,曲径通幽,尤显宁静; Zonghengjiaocuo the island lined trails, Qujingtongyou, is particularly quiet;
孤独的心情与自由的空灵,对话一段曲径通幽。 While in seclusion, reach beyond solitude for freedom.
车师故道狭窄处不足两米宽,曲径通幽,风景优美。 The old course to narrow the division less than two meters wide and Qujingtongyou and beautiful scenery.
山路回旋如螺,却又曲径通幽,步移景换,蜿蜒攀行。 Road roundabout, such as Lo, but its winding streets, walking-for-view, climb the winding line.
我想中美关系就像这种造园手法,曲径通幽,前景将是无限美好的。 I would like to Sino-US relations such as gardening practices, Qujingtongyou, prospects Is infinitely better.
水光潋灩,荷花映日,雕栏画柱,曲径通幽,犹如养情逸性的世外桃园。 Yan Shui-Guang full of water, lotus video, painting Diaolan column, winding streets as if Yang Yi of the situation Shiwaitaoyuan.
凯迪克商务酒店提供全方位服务:曲径通幽,音乐清扬的大堂西餐厅酒吧。 Catic full-service business hotel: its winding streets, music Chhnang’s Restaurant &Bar in the lobby of the West.
这个形式,让公共通道会有“曲径通幽”的感觉,但单人间面积一定要紧凑。 This will build the scene of “Winding Paths to Serenity”. But the area of single room must be pact.
另有曲径通幽的热带雨林,一个保存完好的村落,甚至还有穿过雨林的小火车。 Winding paths lead into a lush forest whose thick canopy reminds one of rainforests. The well-kept villages nearby are also worth a visit. There is even a small train that runs through the forest.
峰回路转,曲径通幽,嶙峋的山石时而裸露,时而陷土,时而半掩半现,充满情趣。 Winding paths, winding, sometimes bare rugged rocks, and sometimes soil subsidence, sometimes half-half is full of fun.
曲径通幽:一个时代的隐痛——从《白蛇》等作品看严歌苓对“文革”的另类反观。 Special View:the Sorrow of One Age——Yan Geling’s pondering on “Cultural Revolution” through ‘White Snake’ etc.
美国前国务卿基辛格:“苏州园林精巧雅致,曲径通幽,用隔景手法创造出一个个新的境界。 Former U. S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger: “sophisticated elegant gardens in Suzhou, Qujingtongyou, with King at a way to create a new realm.”
湖边两岸种有油松、雪松、丁香、海棠、石榴、洋槐、银杏、玉兰和白蜡等树木,苍松翠柏,曲径通幽。 Lake there are two sides of the strait Chinese Pine, cedar, clove, Begonia, pomegranates, Yanghuai, ginkgo, magnolia and white wax, and other trees, Cangsong Cui Bo, Qujingtongyou.
茵茵青草,曲径通幽,谁说浪漫不能随心而得?真正的浪漫,来自有灵魂,是天一人对产品的内在追求。 Carpet of green grass, meandering path leads to abstract situation, who says that romance can not be gained by randomness?
曲径通幽沿大雄宝殿后的石级山道前行,即达狮王处。还可通往金华山文风塔。其间小桥流水,谷幽泉美。 Winding track leading to mystery Walking upward along the stone stairspaved at the back of the Main Hall, one can reach the King Lion.
在主通道的旁侧有意规划出曲径通幽的感觉,而向里一点也不郁闷,可爱的小景致正等待着给客人一份惊喜。 On the side of main passageway, the scene of “Winding Paths to Serenity” is wittingly designed. The inward is not depressed at all but lovely small scene is waiting for customers.
游览崆峒山,乘客大多沿后山修筑的的公路乘车至中台。山路回旋如螺,却又曲径通幽,步移景换,蜿蜒攀行。 Kongtong Mountain tour, passengers are mostly built along the mountain road traveling to Taiwan. Road roundabout, such as Lo, but its winding streets, walking-for-view, climb the winding line.
三河市人民公园环境优雅,景色怡人,花红草绿,曲径通幽,园林小品各具特色,喷珠迭水尽显情趣,游人流连忘返。 Sanhe City People’s Park environment elegant, pleasant scenery, bonuses grass green, winding streets, landscape features short, jet beads of water show again and again in life and people forget.
到最后几章,老上海变成了污秽的大都市,曲径通幽的弄堂,都被笼罩在了高耸入云但是丑陋不堪的新建筑的阴影之下。 By the final chapters, old Shanghai has bee a polluted modern metropolis, the maze of its long tang shadowed by high-rises and hideous new construction.
五泉山于1955年辟为公园,原有的亭台楼阁都已修葺一新,经过绿化和建设,园内曲径通幽,现已成为重要的旅游胜地。 WuQuan mountain in 1955, the original ode park has been restored new pavilion, greening and construction, gardens, has bee an important secluded spot of a tourist resort.
这里受山地气候影响,降雨丰沛,沟内峰峦叠嶂,林木苍翠,曲径通幽,吐奇纳秀,成为一毫无人工雕凿的原始自然风景区。 Here the mountain climate, abundant rainfall, stacked zhang Gounei wins mountain range, forest green, Qujingtongyou, spit Mancina show, into a no artificial Diaozao the original natural scenic areas.
在洛杉矶这样的大城市里,你仍然能够找到类似的去处,很多曲径通幽的小道,可以把看似平淡的散步变成一次重大的探险。 In big cities, such as Los Angeles, you can still find places like this, with lots of trails that can turn a small walk into a big adventure.
也许亲近的人之间有心灵的曲径通幽之处,临回去的那个早上,我在早晨将近6点时突然惊醒,然后辗转反侧,再也无法入睡。 Maybe persons who closed to each other can feel something special between both sides. At the morning I backed, I woke up suddenly at 6 am and cannot sleep anymore.
他说:“大自然是厌恶直线的”,他把前人遗留下来的通直的林荫大道,全部破坏,并采用中国“曲径通幽处”的方法加以改造。 He said : “Nature is the offensive line, ” he inherited from the previous straight-lined boulevard, all destroyed, and the adoption of Chinese “Winding paths lead to” the method of transformation.
在社区主干道上安排了八大唐诗主题的景观贯穿始终,以自然界中植物的四季变化为主题,营造一步一景,曲径通幽的唐诗意境。 In the munity recognize eight Tang poem on the theme of landscape arranged consistently with the natural world, the theme of plants seasons change, a step one King, the best path to the Tang poem.
铁军引我到后院的天光工作室,有曲径通幽,伴着雨后的蝉鸣、雾霭和林间散布的雕塑,眼前的一切几乎完全抹杀了十年前宋庄给我的记忆。 The winding path, the sound of cicada after the rain, the fog and the sculptures scatter in woods, all these sceneries has almost wiped away my memory of the Village ten years ago.
在园中行游,或见“庭院深深深几许”,或见“柳暗花明又一村”,或见小桥流水、粉墙黛瓦,或见曲径通幽、峰回路转,或是步移景易、变幻无穷。 Bank of China in the garden tour, or see “Shen Shenshen yard dash, ” or see “vista”, or see the small bridges, powder wall Daiwa, or see its winding, winding paths, or walking the scenes the walls.
词语大全 通幽洞微 [tōng yōu dòng wēi]_成语解释_成语出处_成语造句_近义词_反义词_相关成语_成语接龙_英文翻译
通幽洞微 [tōng yōu dòng wēi]
通晓、洞察细微而幽深的道理。 更多→ 通幽洞微
剖幽析微 剖玄析微 慎小谨微 敬小慎微 通衢大邑 阐幽明微[通幽洞微]成语接龙
通幽洞微 微言大谊 谊不容辞 辞微旨远 远不间亲 亲当矢石 查看更多[通幽洞微]英文翻译
词语大全 通幽洞微 [tōng yōu dòng wēi]_成语解释_成语出处_成语造句_近义词_反义词_相关成语_成语接龙_英文翻译
通幽洞微 [tōngyōudòngwēi][通幽洞微]成语解释通晓、洞察幽深而细微的道理。[通幽洞微]百科解释通晓、洞察细微而幽深的道理。更多→通幽洞微[通幽洞微]相关成语剖幽析
通幽造句通幽の例文"通幽"是什麼意思 以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!山不高卻深邃,水不
词语大全 曲径通幽 [qū jìng tōng yōu]什么意思
曲径通幽 [qūjìngtōngyōu][曲径通幽]成语解释曲:弯曲;径:小路;幽:指深远僻静之处。弯曲的小路,通到幽深僻静的地方。褒义[曲径通幽]成语出处唐·常建《题破山寺后禅
古诗词大全 曲径通幽处,禅房花木深。(唐代常建《题破山寺后禅院》全文翻译赏析)
曲径通幽处,禅房花木深。出自唐代诗人常建的《题破山寺后禅院》清晨入古寺,初日照高林。曲径通幽处,禅房花木深。山光悦鸟性,潭影空人心。万籁此俱寂,惟余钟磬音。赏析 这首诗题咏的是佛寺禅院,抒发的是作者
古诗词大全 曲径通幽处,禅房花木深。(唐代常建《题破山寺后禅院》全文翻译赏析)
曲径通幽处,禅房花木深。出自唐代诗人常建的《题破山寺后禅院》清晨入古寺,初日照高林。曲径通幽处,禅房花木深。山光悦鸟性,潭影空人心。万籁此俱寂,惟余钟磬音。赏析 这首诗题咏的是佛寺禅院,抒发的是作者