词语大全 替天行道造句_替天行道中英文解释和造句
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词语大全 替天行道造句_替天行道中英文解释和造句
替天行道 tì tiān xíng dào
如果我赢得这次选举,我会替天行道。 If I win the election, I will carry out God’s will.
打死了是替天行道,打残了是替你父母收拾你。 Beating dead is the trade that replace a day, call damage is to replace your parents to clear away you.
我不是说什么,替天行道是我的责任,是不是呀? To fight for justice &peace for the soiety is my duty.
我们提出的问题也不在于市场力量是替天行道还是为虎作伥。 19\\Nor is the question before us whether the market is a force for good or ill.
我们提出的问题也不在于市场力量是替天行道还是为虎作伥。 Nor is the question before us whether the market is a force for good or ill.
我对这类人的看法要比某些人好多了,我认为他们是替天行道。 I have a much better opinion of this kind of men than is entertained by some, as I take them to answer the order of Nature.
当法律仅仅是给弱势群体而备时,替天行道者的出现就成为必然。 When the laws are only unfavorable for disadvantaged groups, the heroes, who fulfill right wrongs in accordance with heaven’s decree, will arise.
三是“替天行道”决非一块空招牌,不能否认水浒世界主流的正义性; The justice of its main body should not be denied.
一千年前,一群纺织工人组成秘密集团,替天行道,执行暗杀任务。 A thousand years ago…A clan of weavers formed a secret society of assassins. They silently carried out exec…
基于“狂欢”的颠覆与重建——《水浒传》“替天行道”思想渊源及内涵再探。 Subversion and Reconstruction Based on ” Revelry “——Further research on the Origin and Connotation of Enforcing justice on behalf of Heaven.
同时,毛泽东有一种平等精神,他非常喜欢《水浒》,喜欢替天行道,替小人物打抱不平。 At the same time, Mao Zedong there is a spirit of equality, he was like “Outlaws of the Marsh”, like Titianhangdao, Dabaobubeng for the little guy.
飞龙寨是江湖上一个大帮,三位寨主龙麟、贝奋、陈英杰及麟之妹龙珠,替天行道,驰誉武林。 The Fei Long Society, under the administration of chiefs Lung Lin, Pei Fen, Chen Ying – chieh and Lung’s sister Lung Chu, enjoys high prestige.
不过,比起他的专业来,他更加擅长的是第二职业:替天行道,杀死那些逃脱法律制裁的罪犯! However, pares his specialty to e, what he even more excels is the secondary occupation: Enforces justice on behalf of Heaven, kills these to escape the legal sanction criminal!
在「正义」部份主要从社会规范的礼法冲突去看《水浒》人物的行为是否符合「替天行道」的价值。 In justice , the researcher determines whether the behaviors of characters in Outlaws of the Marsh conform to the social values of enforcing the justice on behalf of the Heaven.
而达赖是代表正义的审判官,那些良心极度扭曲的凶徒可能是正义化身的天使,是替天行道的刽子手! The Dalai Lama’s representative is justice judge, who conscience extremely distorted incarnation of the culprits may be just an angel, Titianhangdao executioners!
1992年5月,法尔科内及其妻子在快到巴勒莫的路上遭到了黑手党“替天行道者”的伏击而受重伤。 In May 1992 Falcone and his wife were ambushed and morally wounded by the Mafia’s “men of honor” on a road near Palermo.
鸿蒙见云将态度真诚,也不好意思太拒人于千里之外,可是他还是不愿正面的回答云将有关替天行道的事。 Seeing the sincere attitude of Yun Jiang, Hong Meng felt himself indifferent if refusing him, but he was reluctant to give Yun Jiang a direct answer about the doing duty for Heaven.
梁山聚义的宋江先生,号称替天行道,劫富济贫的草莽首领,面对招安政策,仍然是选了当官入仕的路子。 Mr. Song Jiangof Liangshan, known as rich head of the uncultivated land, in the face of招安policy, elected officials are still entering political stratum of the road.
汤马士为了替哥哥报仇,决定穷追不舍,凭著神父给他的一把伏魔匕首,誓要弥补自己的罪行,替天行道! Grieving and guilt ridden, Tomas pursues them into 2002, carrying the Dagger of St. Nicademus, the only weapon capable.
凶手所选择的对象都是些鉆法律空子的罪犯。他以一种替天行道的姿态来惩罚这些成功逃避了法律制裁的人。 When additional crimes take place, it bees clear the detectives are looking for a serial killer, one who targets criminals that have fallen through the cracks of the judicial system.
此思想经过精心修改,是为了避免给一些敏感政权留下这样印象,就是他们会受到替天行道的外国人随意入侵。 The concept was carefully modified so as to avoid giving prickly sovereign states the idea that they were about to be invaded at will by moralising outsiders.
据吴腾达教授的考证,归纳出宋江阵的产生,主要是效法梁山108好汉「替天行道、忠义双全」的精神而将之神格化。 According to the research of professor Teng-da Wu, the origin of the Song-jiang parade was an emulation of the legendary 108 heroes of Liang-shan who possess the spirits of justice and loyalty.
当美利坚挺身而出、替天行道,当灾民得到求助,当正义得到伸张,当囚禁者获得自由时,我们自豪地感到我们是一个整体。 And we can feel that same unity and pride whenever America acts for good, and the victims of disaster are given hope, and the unjust encounter justice, and the captives are set free.
替天行道之类的事,在云将脑海中已经萦绕太长的时间了;云将下定决心,这回一定要把握机会,好好问个清楚明白,好将心中的疑虑一扫而空。 Yun Jiang had been long obsessed with the idea of doing the duty for Heaven. So he made up his mind to take the opportunity to clear up his questions.
词语大全 天行时气造句_天行时气中英文解释和造句
天行时气 tiān xíng shí qì
天行时气 tiānxíngshíqì天行时气的意思和解释:行:流行;时:季节,气候;气:疫气,疾病。因气候不正常而引起的流行病。天行时气的出处《千金方》:“凡冬月,忽有大热之时;
词语大全 替天行道 [tì tiān xíng dào]什么意思
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