词语大全 有的放矢造句_有的放矢中英文解释和造句

Posted 磁共振

篇首语:山再高,往上攀,总能登顶;路再长,走下去,定能到达。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 有的放矢造句_有的放矢中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 有的放矢造句_有的放矢中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 前所未有造句_前所未有中英文解释和造句

词语大全 有的放矢造句_有的放矢中英文解释和造句

有的放矢  yǒu dǐ fàng shǐ







  • 银行决策必须取决于促销活动是否有的放矢和效果如何。 A bank’s decision must be based upon the relevance and usefulness of promotional campaigns.

  • 这些难点的提出,使相关问题的研究能够做到“有的放矢”。 Through these factors , we can resolve the problems more pertinently.

  • 消除迷信没有捷径可用,但以下措施/建议可以使我们有的放矢。 There is no easy short-cut to removal of superstition, but the following measures/suggestions can put our determination in the right direction.

  • 我们承诺将有的放矢的将您的产品在硝烟弥漫的商战中脱颖而出。 We are mitted to targeted products to make your business smoke out war.

  • 至少你要告诉大家你准备注册的公司的经营范围,这样才好有的放矢啊。 At least you should tell us what you are going to do in this pany, so that we can help you better.

  • 统治者应该首先分析产生乱世、乱民的根源,然后有的放矢,对症下药。 The ruler should analyze the source of the creation chaotic, rebels first, then have of put shoot, prescribe medicine for specific ailment.

  • 知彼知己有的放矢——关于《中国酒》杂志开展全国市场酒产品品牌调查的说明。 Introduction about CHINA DRINKS investigate the brands of alcoholic drinks products in China markets.

  • 只有认清我国的立法现状,才能有的放矢的提出更加合理和切实可行的立法建议。 Recognizing the state of legislation can help us targeted to make more reasonable and practical legislative proposals.

  • 做好提高高校教师素质的工作,必须针对存在的问题和不足。突出重点。有的放矢。 To improve the quality of the teacher must show the importance facing to the existing problems and shortings.

  • 说明该区油气勘探工作必须有的放矢,科学布局,循序追踪,才能获得最佳勘探效果。 The results are that oil exploration must provide with specific aim, which was discovered by scientific way. So the best effectiveness would be acquired for exploration.

  • 发展ENS的最有效途径是参照“曼哈顿计划”,充实的资助适当地、系统地有的放矢。 The most efficient approach to developing ENS will be by a coordinated “Manhattan Project” in which substantial funds are targeted appropriately and systematically.

  • 在原因分析的基础上,最后有的放矢地提出了疏导和治理商业银行流动性过剩的政策建议。 With the study of the cause, the author eventually puts forward a political suggestion to restrain and control the surplus liquidity in mercial banks.

  • 通过评估信息反馈,明确问题症结所在,有的放矢采取对策,改进课程教学,提高教学质量。 Through the message e from evaluation. We can focus on the problem and improve the quality of curriculum.

  • 第四部分针对三和亚麻公司生产管理中存在的问题有的放矢地提出了新的生产管理的思路和框架。 The fourth part the question which Corporation production management existed in view of Sanhe flax with a clear goal proposed the new production management mentality frame.

  • 目的:摸清低山丘陵区野鼠特别是黑线姬鼠的最适生境,为有的放矢进行鼠害防治提供科学依据。 Objective: To find out optimal habitats for wild rats, especially for A. agrarius, so as to provide scientific data for rodent control.

  • 而我一直也都有教授雅思写作和口语,所以,我会把语法教学与写、说联系起来,使其更有的放矢。 Since I have been teaching writing and speaking for a long time, I try my best to link the grammar course with the writing and speaking ability to make it more target-oriented.

  • 另外,从研究中也发现:教师只有很好的掌握物理竞赛的“问题结构”,才能够有的放矢的进行辅导。 In addition, the research further explores that only when teachers perceivably understand “problem structure” of physics petition, can they be in a better position to give guidance to students.

  • 为能有的放矢地提出解决问题的整体思路和具体方案,必须透过现象发掘本质,剖析“执行难”的原因。 In order to propose the overall train of thought and the specific plan with a clear goal, we must penetrate the phenomena to excavate the essence, see clearly the reason of “enforcement difficultly”.

  • 探讨不可避免压疮发生的可能性,指导临床护士正确评估不可避免压疮的危险因素,做到有的放矢的工作。 Objective To explore the potentiality of pressure sore development a nd to help clinical nurses to assess the risk factors for pressure sore development.

  • 舆论效果:在这种情况下更容易爆出独家新闻,特别是在你和媒体已经有一个良好合作关系的情况下有的放矢。 Media Impact: In this case it’s easier to set up exclusive coverage for a story, particularly if you already have a good relationships with the media outlets you plan on targeting.

  • 正确认识这些机遇与挑战将有助于我们有的放矢地推动双方关系进一步发展进而促进我国国家利益的全面实现。 Accurate understanding of these opportunities and challenges will do good to the further development of China-ASEAN relations and thus the all-round realization of China’s national interests.

  • 目的:为了解基层护理人员对HIV/AIDS的认识和接受态度,以便对护理人员实施有的放矢的继续教育。 Objective: To find out the cognition and attitudes to HIV/AIDS among grass root nurses to carry out purpose-oriented continuous education.

  • 对学生汉字学习中存在的问题和汉字认知规律的了解,有助于教师有的放矢地设计、组织针对性强的教学,提高教学质量。 It works to help the teacher adopt appropriate teaching tactics and improve the teaching results if we study the learning difficulty and the cognition rule of Chinese Characters.

  • 李彦宏只能有的放矢,把自己的“影子敌人”圈定在几个主要竞争对手身上。在猜测和推断后,阿里巴巴的身影逐渐显露出来。 Li targeted only to its own “shadow enemy” in the delineation of a number of major petitors body. In the inference and speculation, Alibaba’s shadow gradually revealed.

  • 劫持者话语的理解在谈判中意义重大,利于谈判人员谈判时有的放矢,利于警方有效地控制犯罪嫌疑人,保障人质的生命安全。 The prehension to the discourse is very important in the negotiations, which do benefit to the police to control the criminal suspect and guarantee the hostage security.

  • 因此,言语交际主体在言语交际活动中应在充分考虑预设因素的基础上随时调整自己的言语行为,避免给交际带来负面影响,做到有的放矢。 Therefore, they are expected to take into account the factor of presupposition and make adjustments in order to avoid possible negative impact and act accordingly.

  • 在高校学生中开展社会主义法治理念教育必须使教师深刻领会开展此项教育的精神实质,并要结合实际有的放矢进行教育,才能收到较好的效果。 This activity should develop in high schools. To gain the well efficiency, teachers should prehend the essence of rule of law deeply, and then educate the students bined with facts.

  • 为使患者能轻松地接受磁共振检查,我们在磁共振室运用各种方式,获取信息,对患者进行评估,使护理计划有的放矢进行实施,以最佳状态接受磁共振检查。 Every kinds of information were obtained, patients were evaluated, nurse care were schemed, we guide all patients accepted MRI examination at the best mental status.

  • 而税收分析是强化税收征收管理的重要方法和手段,对及时准确地发现问题,有的放矢地解决问题,加强税收征收管理起看重要的导向作用,是保障税收征收管理的一把金钥匙。 Tax analysis is an important way in enhancing tax levy. Tax analysis finds the problem timely and correctly, and solves the problem with aim. It is a key to tax levy administration.

  • 面对日益激烈的竞争,企业怎样才能做到有的放矢,游刃有余呢?如果企业能够在其所处行业走向衰落前,预见到即将发生的转折,果断做出退出或者坚守的决策,巨大的风险方能得到规避。 What enterprises should do in order to deal with these problems?If they can predict the ing turning point, and make a decision to quit or hold their ground decidedly, the huge risk can be avoided.

  • 有的放矢造句相关


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    前所未有  qiánsuǒwèiyǒu前所未有的意思和解释:从来没有过的。前所未有的出处宋·徐度《却扫编》卷下:“而邓枢密洵武真以少保领院而不兼节钺,前所未有也。”前所未有的例子前

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    前所未有  qiánsuǒwèiyǒu前所未有的意思和解释:从来没有过的。前所未有的出处宋·徐度《却扫编》卷下:“而邓枢密洵武真以少保领院而不兼节钺,前所未有也。”前所未有的例子前

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    前所未有  qiánsuǒwèiyǒu前所未有的意思和解释:从来没有过的。前所未有的出处宋·徐度《却扫编》卷下:“而邓枢密洵武真以少保领院而不兼节钺,前所未有也。”前所未有的例子前

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    词语大全 绝无仅有造句_绝无仅有中英文解释和造句

    绝无仅有  juéwújǐnyǒu绝无仅有的意思和解释:只有一个,再没有别的。形容非常少有。绝无仅有的出处宋·苏轼《上皇帝书》:“改过不吝,从善如流,此尧舜禹汤之所勉强而力行,秦汉