词语大全 有气无力造句_有气无力中英文解释和造句

Posted 丈夫

篇首语:人生不就是这样,经历过一次次考验才能成长;人生不就是这样,哪怕雨雪霏霾也要去追寻阳光。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 有气无力造句_有气无力中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 有气无力造句_有气无力中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 秀才人情造句_秀才人情中英文解释和造句

词语大全 有气无力造句_有气无力中英文解释和造句

有气无力  yǒu qì wú lì








  • 丈夫也有气无力地挥了挥手,说。 My husband waved, rather weakly, and said, “””

  • 经济增长有可能依然有气无力。 Economic growth could remain subdued.

  • 想要推开孤寂却有气无力。 Want to open there lonely feebly.

  • 我瘫在座位上,有气无力地说:“哎呦! I am paralyzed in their seats, and said feebly: Really exhausted me!

  • 我早上总是有气无力的。 b: i’m always a bit groggy in the mornings.

  • 丈夫也有气无力地挥了挥手,说:“再见了,美元。 “My husband waved, rather weakly, and said, “Good-bye, Money.

  • 丈夫也有气无力地挥了挥手,说道:“再见,美元。” “My husband waved, rather weakly, and said, “Good-by, Money. ”

  • 丈夫也有气无力地挥了挥手,说道:“再见,美元。” ” Our daughter waved and said, “Good-by, Minnie. ” My husband waved, rather weakly, and said, “Good-by, Money.

  • 我早上总是有气无力的。——-[光年网原创。 I’m always a bit groggy in the mornings.

  • 有气无力的握手不会受人欣赏,但也不能使劲握得太紧。 Limp handshakes do not go down very well, neither do vice tight grips.

  • 经过5个小时的徒步旅行,我们都筋疲力尽、有气无力了。 After 5 hours hiking, we just didn’t have any get-up at all.

  • 一天,一位面容憔悴的金发女郎有气无力地走进了医生的办公室。 An exhausted looking blonde dragged herself into the doctor’s office.

  • 第五只小鸡有气无力地轻嘘一声:“啊,希望我能找到一粒小尿砾!” Oh, I wish I could find A green little leaf !

  • 一天早上,店门口来了一位衣衫褴褛的老人,有气无力地倒在门前青石上。 One morning, the store a ragged man, pour weakly in front of the stone.

  • 菲茨比尔斯再没有同这位爱说话的主妇多谈,迈著有气无力的步子走回家去。 Fitzpiers did not talk much longer to this cheering housewife, and walked home with no very brisk step.

  • 马吕斯视察了一番,正要回去时,他听见一个人在黑暗中有气无力地喊着他的名字。 As Marius was withdrawing, after concluding his inspection, he heard his name pronounced feebly in the darkness.

  • 赛后,30岁的新队长李伟峰有气无力地说:“我们踢足球就好比巴西人打乒乓球一样。” “We play soccer like the Brazilians play Ping-Pong, ” Li Weifeng, 30, the new team captain, said with a deflated voice afterward.

  • 时而敌人一边咆哮著一边有气无力的还击,因为他们几乎所有的炮兵与迫击炮部队都被我方压制了。 Now and then with the difficulty the enemy would snarl with fire as almost all of the artillery and mortars were suppressed.

  • 我从窗子向外看去,只见那个老太平有气无力地在马路那边走着,福尔摩斯在她的后边不远处尾随着。 Looking through the window I could see her walking feebly along the other side, while her pursuer dogged her some little  distance behind.

  • 我们正想知道还有两位旅伴是谁,火车突然撞击了一下,罗西娅号有气无力地驶出了雅罗斯拉符斯卡娅火车站。 As we wondered whether the other two bunks would be taken, there was a sudden jolt and the Rossiya wearily pulled out of Yaroslavskaya station.

  • 里边是一窝闭着眼的小猫,一个个死挺挺的,只有一只还在有气无力地喵喵叫着,小腿颤巍巍的,在篮子里蹒跚。 In the basket was a litter of blind kittens-all dead save one that feebly mewed and staggered on awkward legs.

  • 空荡荡的街道上,有时会偶尔走过来一个乡下人,破毡帽护着脑门,胳膊上挽一筐子土豆或萝卜,有气无力地呼唤著买主。 The deserted street could only occasionally see a countryman torpidly peddling along, with a worn-out felt cap on his head and a basket of potatoes or turnips on his arm.

  • 这一次他觉得打到它脑下的脑骨了,当鲨鱼有气无力地撕下一块肉,从鱼身上退下来的时候,老人又在同一个位置打了一下。 This time he felt the bone at the base of the brain and he hit him again in the same place while the shark tore the meat loose sluggishly and slid down from the fish.

  • 这一次他觉得打到它脑下的脑骨了,当鲨鱼有气无力地撕下一块肉,从鱼身上退下来的时候,老人又在同一个位置打了一下。 Even now, he thought. He did not want to look at the fish. He knew that half of him had been destroyed. The sun had gone down while he had been in the fight with the sharks.

  • “河鼠,好奇怪。我感到疲乏极了,”鼹鼠有气无力地伏在桨上,由著船顺水漂流。“你也许会说,这是因为我们整宿没睡; ‘I feel strangely tired, Rat, ‘ said the Mole, leaning wearily over his oars as the boat drifted.   ‘It’s being up all night, you’ll say, perhaps;

  • 我只能轻声地,有气无力地对大家说“我的英语很烂…”。更为糟糕的是,这种“受挫感”曾经那样根深蒂固地盘踞在我的心底。 I can only say to other people softly breathed that “My English is poor…” What’s worse, this feeling of frustration was rooted deeply in my heart.

  • 在她的眼里,有些事情告诉他她的意图,他有气无力地呼唤著,因此在窗外等女修道院院长走的小约翰,走进屋子,罗宾指示他。 Something in her eyes told him her intent, and he called out weakly, at which Little John, who had been waiting outside the window for the Abbess to go, entered the room.

  • 他这样做是很有道理的,因为第一次旅行下来我已疲惫不堪,加上连续八个钟头给人表演,两条腿快要站不住了,说话都有气无力的了。 for I was so tired with my first journey, and with entertaining pany for eight hours together, that I could hardly stand upon my legs, or speak a word.

  • 一个看起来很憔悴的金发女郎有气无力的走进医生办公室,说“医生,我家附近有很多狗,他们整天没日没夜的叫,害的我连一会都不能睡。” An exhausted looking blonde dragged herself into the doctor’s office. “Doctor, there are dogs all over my neighborhood. They bark all day and all night, and I can’t get a wink of sleep.”

  • 很多次在不同的场合,我总是感到羞涩,只能轻声地有气无力地对大家说“我的英语很烂…”,更为糟糕的是,这种“受挫感”曾经那样根深蒂固地盘踞在我的心底。 Many times and occasions, I feet shamed, and said to other people softly breathed that “my English is poor…”, and what’s worse, this feeling of frustration was rooted in my deep heart.

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  • 据说人情似纸的“纸”现在不是“秀才人情纸半张”的那“纸”,而是赵公元帅笔下的那“纸”,即通货。 It is said that the “paper” in “Human relationships are like paper” by no means bears the current meaning of the “paper” in “The relationship between scholars is but half a sheet of paper”.

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