词语大全 有隙可乘造句_有隙可乘中英文解释和造句
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篇首语:总有一些人路过你的人生,微不足道又无比重要。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 有隙可乘造句_有隙可乘中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 有隙可乘造句_有隙可乘中英文解释和造句
有隙可乘 yǒu xì kě chèng
这个申明中有一点是有隙可乘的。 There was one assailable point in this statement.
话虽如此,认为年轻人遭到了压榨的这种情结还是让反对党在政治上有隙可乘。 Even so, the feeling that young people are being squeezed presents a political opportunity for the opposition parties.
词语大全 有机可乘造句_有机可乘中英文解释和造句
有机可乘 yǒu jī kě chéng
松懈的保安措施使小偷有机可乘。 Lax security allowed the thieves to enter.
松懈的保安措施使小偷有机可乘。 Eg. Lax security allowed the thieves to enter.
新的法律会使不诚实的金融顾问有机可乘。 The new law will be a charter for unscrupulous financial advisers.
额外信誉由此有机可乘,进入股份和房地产市场。 Extra credit found its way into stock and property prices.
这种情况对于资深分析师来讲是有迹可循、有机可乘的。 Such circumstances is a senior analyst there is a traceable, can take advantage of.
如果你之前没有不锁门,小偷也不会有机可乘偷你的东西。 If you did not leave the door unlocked, the thief would not have been able to take anything away from your home.
一方面,这让不少人有机可乘,牟取了高额的不正当利润。 On the one hand, many people take this for, and reap a huge improper profits.
如果他做出过多的让步,这将令他那些未来的竞争者有机可乘。 If he concedes too much, he will encourage future opponents.
最近的一些事件证明了大量公司的财务过程使管理者有机可乘。 Recent events prove that financial processes in a number of panies gave management opportunity to usurp controls.
忧虑的是,商业评论人得以有机可乘主导了有关公司道德的讨论。 It is regrettable because it has allowed critics of business to dominate the discussion of corporate morality.
民众的信息安全意识淡漠,也会使某些居心叵测的犯罪分子有机可乘。 the Public is lack of awareness of information security, it will also cause some of the criminals take advantage of the weekness.
整晚都要留意你的饮料以避免被下迷药或使对方”。’有机可乘‘。”。 Watch your drink all night to avoid being drugged and/or taken advantage of.
专家指出,相比按单元计价的方式,按延米计价确实让少数经营者有机可乘。 The expert points out, pare the pattern that presses unit valuation, let a few operator take advantage really by the valuation that delay rice.
肯亚对此有严峻法律规范,但执法孱弱无力,让有志借此获利的公司有机可乘。 The country’s legislation is strong, but its enforcement is weak so panies whose only interest is profit take advantage of that.
谷歌的内部人士告诉记者,以前曾有产品被提前曝光后,使得竞争对手有机可乘。 The google internal public figure told the reporters, before after once had the product by ahead of time to make public, enables the petitor to have an opportunity.
香港目前房屋问题的症结,是土地供不应求,引致楼价飚升,令投机炒卖者有机可乘。 The crux of our present problem is inadequate supply of land, causing prices to soar and creating opportunities for speculators.
加强危险物品的管理:无论是家庭或病房的危险品,均应妥善管理,莫让病人有机可乘。 strengthens the management of dangerous article: No matter be the danger of family or ward, taste, all answer appropriate management, not let a patient take advantage.
在这些地区发动袭击可以引发敌对性反应,灌输穆斯林被围困的感觉让基地组织有机可乘。 Attacks there can provoke a backlash, feeding a sense of Muslim beleaguerment for al-Qaeda to exploit.
使不法开发商有机可乘,在没进行产权登记以前,开发商作为大的产权人,可将房屋再次抵押。 Opportunities for unscrupulous developers, not for property registration in the past, as a large property developers, housing could be re mortgages.
香港目前房屋问题的症结,是土地供不应求,引致楼价飚升,令投机炒卖者”。’有机可乘‘。”。 The crux of our present problem is inadequate supply of land, causing prices to soar and creating opportunities for speculators.
布什与朝鲜的对话有时让朝鲜有机可乘,挑拨美国与其盟友的关系,现在奥巴马这样做让韩日两国松了一口气。 That will reassure South Korea and Japan, which despaired that Mr Bush’s negotiations sometimes allowed North Korea to drive a wedge between America and its allies.
而近日坊间有人藉非典型肺炎筹款来行骗,阿梅呼吁善长仁翁要小心,免得抱着一片爱心却令不法之徒有机可乘。 There are also people trying to cheat people by their so called charity function, Ah Mui asked people to be very careful with those dishonesty people.
这个就涉及一个诚信的问题,法规的不健全,使很多人有机可乘,很多消费者上当受骗,消费者权益得不到保护。 This involves problems of trustworthiness, unsound laws ®ulations, which offer many people a chance, a lot of consumers fall into trap and are cheated and their rights can not be protected.
政治上的混乱让自民党内部的旧势力(派系分子、保守官僚、建筑商和农民)有机可乘,并重新确定自己的影响力。 Political chaos has allowed the old forces within the LDP—the factions, the conservative bureaucrats, the builders and the farmers—to reassert their influence.
组织者出于对安全问题的担忧,缩短了传递路线,也取消了让火炬经过中国大使馆的计划。因为那样可能让抗议者有机可乘。 Organisers shortened the route amid security fears and abandoned plans to run the flame past the Chinese embassy, fearing it could bee a flashpoint for protests.
但是由于银行在信用证结汇中只对单证作表面的审核,而不审查货物,就使得一些不法商人有机可乘,信用证欺诈案件屡屡发生。 Letter of Credit is a mon settlement for international trade, it has been most reliable and play very important role in foreign trade because of the bank’s credit intervening.
也就是说,签收楼文件之前,先揭开“新娘”的红盖头,看一看“新娘”是否五官端正,只有这样才不至让不法发展商有机可乘。 In other words, documents Received by the House before a “bride” red Port Reveals look at the “bride” is baby, is not the only way to allow developers to take advantage of lawless.
与此同时,「单车停放处」只供本屋苑业户停放单车之用。本部谨提醒各住户于停放单车后,紧记将单车用挂锁正确锁上,以免贼人有机可乘。 Meanwhile, please take note that “Bicycle Parking Area” is exclusive for the use of our residents, we would like to remind all occupants to lock your bicycle properly after parking.
如果任何关键系统服务被截取甚至修改的话,就意味着你系统存在一定的安全风险,使得间谍软件,木马程序和病毒以及其它恶意软件有机可乘。 If any of these system services is modified it means that there is a possibility that the safety of your system is at risk.
人们可能会试图逃避这个两难问题,因此说生命和人类不仅仅是自然选择的结果,但这样做却正支持了进化论的中心概念和驱动力量。此外,这也让神创说有机可乘。 One could try to escape the dilemma and say that life and man are not solely a product of natural selection, but to do this undermines the central concept and motive force of evolutionary theory.
有机可乘 yǒujīkěchéng有机可乘的意思和解释:有空子可鉆。有机可乘的出处明·罗贯中《三国演义》第一百十回:“今魏有隙可乘,不就此时伐之,更等何时?”有机可乘的例子闻之窃
有机可乘 yǒujīkěchéng有机可乘的意思和解释:有空子可鉆。有机可乘的出处明·罗贯中《三国演义》第一百十回:“今魏有隙可乘,不就此时伐之,更等何时?”有机可乘的例子闻之窃
无机可乘 wújīkěchéng无机可乘的意思和解释:没有空子可鉆。无机可乘的出处无机可乘的例子无机可乘造句另一个(放东西)的好地方是夹克衫里面带扣的口袋,扒手将无机可乘。Ano
无机可乘 wújīkěchéng无机可乘的意思和解释:没有空子可鉆。无机可乘的出处无机可乘的例子无机可乘造句另一个(放东西)的好地方是夹克衫里面带扣的口袋,扒手将无机可乘。Ano
可乘之隙 kěchéngzhīxì可乘之隙的意思和解释:隙:空子,机会。可以被对方利用的弱点、空隙。可乘之隙的出处宋·晁补之《鸡肋集》:“当是时,皆有可乘之隙,而中国不可取。”可
可乘之隙 kěchéngzhīxì可乘之隙的意思和解释:隙:空子,机会。可以被对方利用的弱点、空隙。可乘之隙的出处宋·晁补之《鸡肋集》:“当是时,皆有可乘之隙,而中国不可取。”可
能言巧辩 néngyánqiǎobiàn能言巧辩的意思和解释:形容能说会道,善于言辩。能言巧辩的出处元·无名氏《气英布》第一折:“恰才灵壁之战,项王遣使征布会,布与龙且有隙,称病
能言巧辩 néngyánqiǎobiàn能言巧辩的意思和解释:形容能说会道,善于言辩。能言巧辩的出处元·无名氏《气英布》第一折:“恰才灵壁之战,项王遣使征布会,布与龙且有隙,称病