词语大全 望尘莫及造句_望尘莫及中英文解释和造句

Posted 解释

篇首语:不亏待每一份热情,不讨好任何的冷漠。一旦攒够了失望,就离开。从此再也不见,友情如此,爱情亦如此。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 望尘莫及造句_望尘莫及中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 望尘莫及造句_望尘莫及中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 望尘而拜造句_望尘而拜中英文解释和造句

词语大全 望尘莫及造句_望尘莫及中英文解释和造句

望尘莫及  wàng chén mò jí








  • 在数学上他造诣很高, 我是望尘莫及。He can beat me hollow at mathematics.
  • 哈根达斯冰淇淋让竞争对手望尘莫及。 Haagen-Dazs ice cream had its petitors licked.

  • 这可是你所说的你桑德斯大叔望尘莫及的。 Which is more than one can say for your Uncle Sanders?

  • 尽管如此,其广告吸引力是其他网站望尘莫及的。 Nevertheless, its advertisement appeal is other website too far behind to catch up with.

  • 不仅如此,你的视野与智慧也是我所望尘莫及的。 Not only that, your vision and wisdom is my behind in the dust.

  • 通过写剧本成为一个让赌马者望尘莫及的富翁,确实是有可能的。 It’s possible to make quite a tidy sum out of writing screenplays that will be never be seen by a single paying punter.

  • 事实上你们做到了,并且创造了连大球队都望尘莫及的伟大胜利。 In fact you attain, and created to connect all too far behind to catch up great victory of big ball team.

  • 而他们要面对的现实是单价较低的房子要么位居远郊区县,望尘莫及。 They have to face reality is at the lower house or place outer suburb district, far behind.

  • 常识告诉我们,红外激光的长处源于闪电般的速度,使T1线路望尘莫及。 Common knowledge says infrared laser benefits from lightning-fast speed, leaving a T1 line in the dust.

  • 卡苏朋先生不能不为年轻的妻子感到自豪,她的谈吐是一般妇女望尘莫及的。 Mr. Casaubon too was not without his pride in his young wife, who spoke better than most women.

  • 网络营销手段的革新层出不穷,发展速度让任何一种传统营销模式都望尘莫及。 The innovation of network sale shift emerges in endlessly, development speed lets mode of any a kind of traditional sale Dou Wangchen not is reached.

  • 为什么用这些来证明孩子在学校的学习聪明过人,而其他的孩子为什么望尘莫及呢? Why then do some of these intelligent children excel in school, while others fall behind?

  • 尽管如此,过去40年中国农业的发展在速度和规模上仍使世界其他国家望尘莫及。 However, over the past four decades, China’s agriculture has undergone a change on a scale and a speed not seen in any other part of the world.

  • 1917年即已问世的《世界百科全书》是最受欢迎的百科全书品牌,他书望尘莫及。 World Book which has been around since 1917, is far and away the most popular encyclopedia hand.

  • 2001年,「赛格威人类运输机」初次登场,在抢新闻话题方面,确实使后人望尘莫及。 The debut of the Segway Human Transporter in 2001 surely set the bar for anticipatory hype. Remember “Ginger”?

  • 事实上,电脑的各种能力都让人望尘莫及,但是碍于最初的设计理念,电脑就是缺乏判断力。 In fact, man had fallen far behind the puter in every manner of capability. However, because of the initial design concept, the puter lacked judgement-forming ability.

  • 具备的160页传真,60个速拨号码设置等功能选项,这也都是传统传真机所望尘莫及的。 With the 160 fax numbers of 60 Su Bo set up features such as options, which are a hard act to follow by the traditional fax machine.

  • 米兰拥有在意甲联赛单赛季打进35球的诺达尔,他创下的前锋单赛季进球记录令人望尘莫及。 Having Nordhal s 35 goals in a season in Serie A still being the record of goals scored in one season by striker!

  • 自1998年起,网络广告的革新层出不穷,发展速度让任何一种传统模式的广告都望尘莫及。 Since 1998, network advertising innovation emerges in endlessly, development speed lets the advertisement Dou Wangchen of a kind of any traditional pattern not be reached.

  • 米兰拥有在意甲联赛单赛季打进35球的诺达尔,他创下的前锋单赛季进球记录令人望尘莫及。 Having Nordhal s 35 goals in a season in Serie A still being the record of goals scored in one season by a striker!

  • 尽管公司名称的起源仍是一个谜,它成功的理由却很清楚:哈根达斯冰淇淋让竞争对手望尘莫及。 Though the origins of the pany’s name remain a mystery, the reason for its success was clear: Haagen-Dazs ice cream had its petitors licked.

  • 许多公司和个人拷贝波诺丽公司的产品,但其祖传的古老秘方让很多趋之若鹜的仿效者望尘莫及。 Many panies and individuals copy Bonuo Li pany’s products, but the ancient secret of their ancestral to follow the example of the many who Quzhiruowu unmatched.

  • 在大量生产技术和市场运作方面,两家公司的实力足以让世界上其他所有的汽车生产厂家望尘莫及。 On aspect of mass manufacture technology and market operation. two panies’ strength fully make other auto panies worldwide too far behind to catch up with.

  • 盛夏时节,棒球在美国人心目中的地位,足以同冰淇淋和学校 暑假媲美,更是其他运动所望尘莫及的。 As much a part of an American summer as ice cream and school vacations, baseball has a grip on the national psyche unrivalled by that of any other sport.

  • 我在做的时候多少有些望尘莫及的感觉,一是自己没作品,二是技术上也不怎么样,只能摸著石头过河了。 Even when I’ve done some work for other people, I still feel embarrassed to ask for money… Alas… Money is the last thing I want to talk about.

  • 写字楼在京东的发展也是捷足先登,以建外大街和朝外大街为中心,以国贸商圈为核心,让其它几个区县望尘莫及。 Jingdong is their marks in the development office to build Main Street, Main Street and heading for the center to ITC looks at the core, so that several other districts far behind.

  • 他这个人了解中国的藏污纳垢的阴暗面,这是我们一般人(除埃德加·斯诺和艾格尼丝·史沫特莱外)所望尘莫及的。 Most of the rest of us, except for Edgar Snow and Agnes Smedley, were a prosaic lot.

  • “这个人和其他那些伟大球员不太一样,这个人与众不同,这个人拥有的强大意志力。其他人望尘莫及。”奥多姆表示。 “This guy is not like a lot of great players, this guy is different, this guy has a will like nobody else, ” Lamar Odom said.

  • 周日蓝军与阿仙奴对赛打成平手后,冠军已拱手让给曼联,摩连奴己经望尘莫及,因为红魔领先七分优势但只剩两场比赛。 The Blues’ draw with Arsenal on Sunday handed the title to the Reds, who now cannot be caught by Jose Mourinho’s side by virtue of a seven point lead with two games remaining.

  • 如果你愿意,只需深踩油门甚至可以让这台重达1600公斤的家伙发出尖锐这“拉胎”声,这也是配备一般发动机车型所望尘莫及的。 If you wish, just deep Caiyou Men can even let this guy up to 1600 kg of this acute issue “pull-child” sound, which is normally equipped with a hard act to follow the model of the engine.

  • 望尘莫及造句相关


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    望尘而拜  wàng chén ér bài










    词语大全 望尘而拜造句_望尘而拜中英文解释和造句

    望尘而拜  wàngchénérbài望尘而拜的意思和解释:指迎候有权势的人,看见车扬起的尘土就下拜。形容卑躬屈膝的神态。望尘而拜的出处《晋书·潘岳传》:“与石崇等诌事贾谧,每侯其

    词语大全 望尘而拜造句_望尘而拜中英文解释和造句

    望尘而拜  wàngchénérbài望尘而拜的意思和解释:指迎候有权势的人,看见车扬起的尘土就下拜。形容卑躬屈膝的神态。望尘而拜的出处《晋书·潘岳传》:“与石崇等诌事贾谧,每侯其

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    望塵莫及造句望塵莫及の例文"望塵莫及"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!大多數

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    词语大全 青出于蓝造句

    青出于蓝造句  一:只要你认真领悟本领我坚信总有一天你会青出于蓝而胜于蓝的。  二:我能强调的是山寨版是没法青出于蓝的,它定是会一向望尘莫及的。  三:只要你坚信自我你就会青出于蓝而胜于蓝的。  四:

    词语大全 青出于蓝造句

    青出于蓝造句  一:只要你认真领悟本领我坚信总有一天你会青出于蓝而胜于蓝的。  二:我能强调的是山寨版是没法青出于蓝的,它定是会一向望尘莫及的。  三:只要你坚信自我你就会青出于蓝而胜于蓝的。  四:

    词语大全 望尘莫及的意思_成语“望尘莫及”是什么意思
