词语大全 望眼欲穿造句_望眼欲穿中英文解释和造句

Posted 汤姆

篇首语:其实最美好的日子就是,我对你闹,你对我笑。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 望眼欲穿造句_望眼欲穿中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 望眼欲穿造句_望眼欲穿中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 望眼将穿   [wàng yǎn jiāng chuān]_成语解释_成语出处_成语造句_近义词_反义词_相关成语_成语接龙_英文翻译

词语大全 望眼欲穿造句_望眼欲穿中英文解释和造句

望眼欲穿  wàng yǎn yù chuān








  • 老妇人望眼欲穿地盼望亲人归来。The old woman was anxiously awaiting the return of her relatives.
  • 老妇人望眼欲穿地盼望亲人归来。 The old woman was anxiously awaiting the return of her relatives.

  • 那有的是电影公司在望眼欲穿等著好本子。 Crammed full of film panies desperate for good idea.

  • 漫漫长夜。望眼欲穿。想掩藏自己的悲哀。 I’m staring out into the night. Trying to hide the pain.

  • 剧情提要:迈克尔对萨拉和自由是望眼欲穿。 Synopsis: Michael longs for Sara and freedom.

  • 望眼欲穿的家人来说,这真是个快乐的团圆。 It was the happy reunion her family had been longing for.

  • 北京烤鸭美食正被大家望眼欲穿——超人气美食明星诞生! Beijing roast duck cuisine is being Wangyanyuchuan – Food popular star was born!

  • 而IBM也拥有这些印度公司只能望眼欲穿的高利润业务。 IBM also has lucrative businesses the Indian firms can only dream of.

  • 对你的救助和你正义的诺言,我热切渴盼得已经望眼欲穿。 I strain my eyes searching your saving help, watching for the fulfillment of your just promise.

  • 之后感觉也很不错,阳光很温暖,你可以望眼欲穿好几里。 And it felt good afterwards, the sunshine was warm and you could see for miles.

  • 望眼欲穿一个多世纪后,普天之下的炎黄子孙将圆梦百年。 After in sight eye is about to wear a many century, the Chinese people of on God’s earth oneiromancy hundred years.

  • 是的,他们都非常了不起的.但最后一曲快到了.我正望眼欲穿呢! Yes, they ‘re fantastic! But the last piece is ing up. I’m looking forward to this!

  • 一年,两年,三年,你的望眼欲穿;一年,两年,三年,我的归心似箭。 One year, two, three, you’re counting the hours; while I’m anxious to return.

  • 一年,两年,三年,你的望眼欲穿;一年,两年,三年,我的归心似箭。 One year, two years, three years, you await me with anxiety as I wanted go back home eagerly.

  • 一年,两年,三年,你的望眼欲穿;一年,两年,三年,我的归心似箭。 One year , two years , three years . Your looking forward to with eager expectancy . One year , two years , three years . my anxious to return .

  • 望眼欲穿的后配额时代终于到来了,但纺织行业并没有预想的那么乐观。 Of looking forward to with eager expectancy hind quota period came eventually, but what spin industry does not have expect is so hopeful.

  • 彼佳回莫斯科的归期愈益临近,望眼欲穿的伯爵夫人的焦急不安愈益增加。 The nearer the time came for the return of her longed-for Petya to Moscow, the greater was the uneasiness of the countess.

  • 与此同时,市民们对关乎切身利益的“第二套房”的界定,已经望眼欲穿。 ” At the same time, public concerns about the immediate interests of “two suites” defined already waiting to no avail.

  • 别再守着电话机望眼欲穿,并且每隔十分钟检查一次手机是不是突然断电了。 If so, you may have found that Breitling replica watcheses can offer you all that you are looking for and more.

  • 如此也将获得共和党生意人的称赞,他们对移民问题实用的解决方案望眼欲穿。 It will also earn the plaudits of business Republicans who are desperate for a pragmatic solution to the immigration problem.

  • 中国的公司对朝鲜埋藏着的矿物资源望眼欲穿,这些矿藏从铁矿到煤矿及金矿。 Chinese panies have been hungrily eyeing North Korea’s mineral reserves, from iron ore to coal and gold.

  • 羨慕版主~~~可以在电影院看到很多新片…我们这些在国内滴人只能望眼欲穿了… I never know the sky could be so deep and alone till I know I can not get old with you.

  • 我们还在望眼欲穿,幻想着我们的救援;我们仍在瞭望台上,期望着那不能施救的异邦。 Our eyes are still wasting away in looking for our false help: we have been watching for a nation unable to give salvation.

  • 多少次,你对假期望眼欲穿几个月之久,最后却发现,假期过到第三天时,你就已经梦到自家的床了? How many times have you looked forward for months to a holiday, only to find that on day three you’re already dreaming of your own bed?

  • 在期盼已久的医保改革议案得到通过后,他现在又与俄罗斯达成了同样让人望眼欲穿的削减两国核储备的协议。 After passing his long-awaited health care bill, he has now struck an equally long-awaited deal with Russia to reduce the two countries’ nuclear stockpiles.

  • 在期盼已久的医保改革议案得到通过后,他现在又与俄罗斯达成了同样让人望眼欲穿的削减两国核武储备的协议。 After passing his long-awaited health care bill, he has now struck an equally long-awaited deal with Russia to reduce the two countries’ nuclear stockpiles.

  • 望眼欲穿地等了一会儿之后,看见旗帜鲜艳地在空中飞扬,武器在阳光下亮晶晶地闪耀:一队接一队的士兵涌到平原上。 A few minutes of eager expectation, and colors were seen fluttering gaily in the air, arms glistened brightly in the sun, column after column poured on to the plain.

  • 夜里22:30,离“61”还有一个半小时,让上海诸多房地产记者望眼欲穿的细则内容,才悄无声息地挂在官方网站上。 “night 22:30, from the” 61 “there is one and a half hours, many real estate reporters waiting to no avail for Shanghai content rules, No sound came to hang on to the official website.

  • 等杰夫走近,汤姆主动上前同他搭讪,想俟机套出有关贝基的情况,可是谈了一通却是白搭。汤姆只好等啊等啊,等得望眼欲穿。 When Jeff arrived, Tom accosted him; and “led up” warily to opportunities for remark about Becky, but the giddy lad never could see the bait .

  • 可是在湖人们望眼欲穿的等著能3-0领先魔术的时候,大神只顾著愤恨上帝那个老头子剥夺了自己的神力,第四枚总冠军正在慢慢慢慢地飘走(大家伙儿抓住了喂~~)。 With the Lakers eyeing a chance to open a 3-0 series lead and with a fourth title that he has obsessed about almost within his reach, Bryant slipped up.

  • 望眼欲穿造句相关


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    望眼将穿   [wàng yǎn jiāng chuān]




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    Expect to see someone who never es


    词语大全 望眼将穿   [wàng yǎn jiāng chuān]_成语解释_成语出处_成语造句_近义词_反义词_相关成语_成语接龙_英文翻译

    望眼将穿  [wàngyǎnjiāngchuān][望眼将穿]成语解释眼睛都要望穿了。形容盼望殷切。同“望眼欲穿”。[望眼将穿]百科解释望眼将穿是汉语辞汇,拼音wàngyǎnjiā

    词语大全 用望眼欲穿造句


    词语大全 用望眼欲穿造句


    词语大全 望眼欲穿的意思_成语“望眼欲穿”是什么意思


    词语大全 成语望眼欲穿意思解释 成语大全

    成语词典>>望眼欲穿的意思解释成语望眼欲穿发音:wàngyǎnyùchuān 释义:眼睛都要望穿了。形容盼望殷切。 出处:唐·白居易《寄微之》诗:“白头吟处变,青眼望中

    词语大全 望眼欲穿   [wàng yǎn yù chuān]什么意思

    望眼欲穿  [wàngyǎnyùchuān][望眼欲穿]成语解释眼睛都要望穿了。形容盼望殷切。[望眼欲穿]成语出处明·西湘居士《明月环》:“小姐望眼欲穿;老身去回复小姐去也。”[望

    词语大全 诸如此类的句子,咱望眼欲穿、30分


    词语大全 望眼欲穿,念念不忘 (花卉树木),

    感谢13的投递时间:2016-12-1709:57来源:本站查询 ,

    词语大全 望眼欲穿,念念不忘 (花卉树木),

    感谢13的投递时间:2016-12-1709:57来源:本站查询 ,

    词语大全 望眼尽都开 (打五言唐诗一句),望眼尽都开 (打五言唐诗一句)

      谜面:望眼尽都开(打五言唐诗一句)  谜底:十五始展眉