词语大全 朝不虑夕造句_朝不虑夕中英文解释和造句
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篇首语:讨厌自己明明不甘平凡,却又不好好努力。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 朝不虑夕造句_朝不虑夕中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 朝不虑夕造句_朝不虑夕中英文解释和造句
朝不虑夕 zhāo bù lǜ xī
如果说那些躺在病床上的重症婴儿是“人命危浅,朝不虑夕”; If those lying in bed with severe infant was “shallow Mingwei, North Korea does not consider Xi”;
一天,他的驯兽师摧毁他,他浑身流血,朝不虑夕,他离开我眼前,单腿着地,那是他善于的技巧,把我放到背上。 One day, his handler mistreated him and he went berserk. Bleeding, dying, he came and found me, stood on one leg, his best trick, picked me up and put me on his back.
词语大全 朝不保夕造句_朝不保夕中英文解释和造句
朝不保夕 zhāo bù bǎo xī
他靠做擦窗工维持着朝不保夕的生活。 He earns a precarious living as a window washer.
这家人过著朝不保夕的生活。 The family lived a precarious existence.
作为一个艺术家,他过的是朝不保夕的生活。 He earned a precarious living as an artist.
让违规不法企业寸步难行,朝不保夕,淘汰出局。 Let of illegal enterprises unable to do anything, precarious, eliminated.
他们依靠些微投资中的收入,过著朝不保夕的生活。 They live precariously on the ine from a few small investment.
他们依靠些微投资中的收入,过著朝不保夕的生活。 They lived precariously on the ine from a few small investments.
解放前,我经常和家里人一起到处流浪,过著朝不保夕的生活。 Before liberation, I was always wandering with my family from place to place, making a precarious living.
解放前,我经常和家里人一起到处流浪,过著朝不保夕的生活。 Before liberation I was always wandering with my family from place to place, making a precarious living.
解放前,我经常和家里人一起到处流浪,过著朝不保夕的生活。 Before liberation, I was always wandering with my family from place to place, making a precious living.
现今的人的工作朝不保夕,兼且人工微薄,士气低,快乐就业率低。 Now, the career prospects are bleak, workers live from hand to mouth and the morale is low, so is the happy employment rate.
曾被德国用来做棋盘上的卒子的斯洛伐克人,获得了朝不保夕的自治。 The Slovaks, who had been used as a pawn by Germany, obtained a precarious autonomy.
收入下降、朝不保夕的工人可能拖累脆弱的经济陷入到严重的衰退中。 Struggling workers, whose wages also are being squeezed, could drag a fragile economy back into deep recession.
他究竟是在做小生意,当奴仆,还是靠打家劫舍来获得朝不保夕的口粮呢? Did he gain his precarious bread by some petty trade, by menial toil, by violence, or by theft?
现时很多工作都朝不保夕,但在安利,除收入外,我们还能找到保障与信心。 There are not that many secure jobs around nowadays, but with Amway we’ve found both security and confidence.
在肯尼亚北部和东部荒寂边境地区生活的人们努力维持着他们朝不保夕的生活。 In the country’s isolated northern and eastern border lands, families have always clung to a precarious existence.
频繁的动乱导致当时大多数国家武夫用事,中原王朝鄙视文士,文人们朝不保夕。 The frequent chaos leaded most countries of that time governed by warriors .
中国现在虽已走出临风雨飘摇朝不保夕的屈辱年代,但是绝对不是可以高枕无忧了。 China now although went out near the humiliation age which precariously is in a precarious state, but absolutely was not may have no more worries.
和很多北漂一样,他住地下室,吃方便面,做朝不保夕的临时工,过著狗一样的日子。 Like many other Beijing Dream pursuers, he led a dog’s life: living in a small basement, eating instant noodles, and doing day works.
商报讯(记者王磊)曾经红极一时的高价股板块,在市场持续下跌的过程中已然“朝不保夕”。 Daily (Reporter Wang Lei) has been the most popular ones among high-priced shares plates, the market continued to fall in the process of already “precarious.”
不过,目前全球仍有数以亿计的贫穷人过著日夜奔波却朝不保夕的苦日子,他们正需要你的支持。 Thanks to your donations to OXFAM, our teamwork will make a difference for some poor people across the globe. Thanks for them and thanks for your support!
商报讯 (记者 王磊)曾经红极一时的高价股板块,在市场持续下跌的过程中已然“朝不保夕”。 Daily (Reporter Wang Lei) has been the most popular ones among high-priced shares plates, the market continued to fall in the process of already “precarious.”
ZF乐于见到房价上升。人们不得不去购买他们根本负担不起的房子,然后生活在朝不保夕的恐惧中。 The government is happy to see prices go up, people are forced to buy property they can’t afford and they end up living in fear.
政丨府乐于见到房价上升。人们不得不去购买他们根本负担不起的房子,然后生活在朝不保夕的恐惧中。 The government is happy to see prices go up, people are forced to buy property they can’t afford and they end up living in fear.
美国的消费者在面对朝不保夕的工作和紧缩的信用时,已经不得不把金融危机前几乎为零的储蓄率提高到收入5%的储蓄率。 American consumers, facing job insecurity and tighter credit, have effectively been forced to increase savings to 5 percent of their ines from nearly zero before the crisis. But, despite U.
我一向都认为,没有金钱保障的爱情是不会长久的!你想想啊,如果就算你和你心爱的人在一起了,天天过著朝不保夕,吃上顿没下顿的日子,能幸福吗? If one day , you feel like crying . Call me . I don’t promise that I’ll make you laugh . But I can cry with you.
如果说普通百姓对于经济危机的体会集中表现在担心一纸辞令,生活立刻朝不保夕的忧虑,那处于危机影响最直接的艺术品行业需要担心的远比裁员来得复杂。 Since the anxiety of unemployment presents the reflection of mon people in the economic crisis, in art industry, all the mess should be considered is much more plicated than reducing the staff.
朝不保夕 zhāobùbǎoxī朝不保夕的意思和解释:早晨不能知道晚上会变成什么样子或发生什么情况。形容形势危急,难以预料。朝不保夕的出处晋·李密《陈情表》:“人命危浅,朝不虑夕
朝不保夕 zhāobùbǎoxī朝不保夕的意思和解释:早晨不能知道晚上会变成什么样子或发生什么情况。形容形势危急,难以预料。朝不保夕的出处晋·李密《陈情表》:“人命危浅,朝不虑夕
朝不谋夕 zhāobùmóuxī朝不谋夕的意思和解释:早晨不能知道晚上会变成什么样子或发生什么情况。形容形势危急,难以预料。朝不谋夕的出处《左传·昭公元年》:“吾侪偷食,朝不谋夕
朝不谋夕 zhāobùmóuxī朝不谋夕的意思和解释:早晨不能知道晚上会变成什么样子或发生什么情况。形容形势危急,难以预料。朝不谋夕的出处《左传·昭公元年》:“吾侪偷食,朝不谋夕
良知良能 liángzhīliángnéng良知良能的意思和解释:旧指人的天赋的首选观念和本能。良知良能的出处《孟子·尽心上》:“人之所不学而能者,其良能也;所不虑而知者,其良知
良知良能 liángzhīliángnéng良知良能的意思和解释:旧指人的天赋的首选观念和本能。良知良能的出处《孟子·尽心上》:“人之所不学而能者,其良能也;所不虑而知者,其良知
朝不虑夕 [zhāobùlǜxī][朝不虑夕]成语解释早晨不能知道晚上会变成什么样子或发生什么情况。形容形势危急,难以预料。[朝不虑夕]成语出处晋·李密《陈情表》:“人命危浅,朝