词语大全 本来面目造句_本来面目中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:道理我都懂,可我要的不是道理,而是你的关心和体贴。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 本来面目造句_本来面目中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 本来面目造句_本来面目中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 庐山真面目造句_庐山真面目中英文解释和造句

词语大全 本来面目造句_本来面目中英文解释和造句

本来面目  běn lái miàn mù










词语大全 庐山真面目造句_庐山真面目中英文解释和造句

庐山真面目  lú shān zhēn miàn mù








  • 不识庐山真面目, 只缘身在此山中。The true face of Lushan is lost to my sight, for it is right in this mountain that I reside.
  • 不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中。 Does not recognize true colors, the only body in this margin in the mountains.

  • 中国不愿意展示其潜艇的庐山真面目。 China is coy about its submarines.

  • 莉莉:哈,我真想看看它的庐山真面目。 Lily: Aha, I really want to see its true color.

  • 是时候让大家看清我的庐山真面目(真本事)了。 it was time for the world to see my face.

  • 皮特:是啊,我决定是时候让人看清我的庐山真面目了。 Pete: Yeah, I decided ②it was time for the world to see my face.

  • 我感到替上帝难为情,假使那就是他的庐山真面目的话。 I feel sorry for God if that is what he looks like.

  • “谁”设我暗友或烦人的朋友,请你“庐山真面目”好吗? “Who” set my friend or disturbing dark, please go “friend”?

  • 第一﹐有关龙川方言面貌的材料不多﹐无法看到其庐山真面目。 Firstly, we do not have much data about Longchuan dialect, so there is little to go on.

  • 那山有时则奋力挣脱开薄雾,这才露出苍劲,翠绿的庐山真面目来。 the mountain open and sometimes struggling to get rid of mist, is his bold, true colors to green.

  • 如果他真是一个可怜虫的话,难道我们会要求他把自己的庐山真面目和盘托出吗? Should we expect him to tell the truth about himself if that truth would show him up as a rather poor sort of fish?

  • 最近一直在听人推荐这本书,现在终于可以一见其庐山真面目了,呵呵!非常感谢! I was worrying how to get this book at the time I saw this message , thanks and good job!

  • 记者趁此机会,终于得见这位“房地产大鳄”的庐山真面目,并和许荣茂一聊投资与致富。 Journalists took the opportunity to finally see this in the “real estate speculators” features, and a better investment and Xurongmao and enrichment.

  • 甭急,记者今天获悉,北京中央商务区,CBD的总体规划,马上就要露出庐山真面目了。 Amounts anxious reporters today learned that the Beijing Central Business District and the CBD master plan, will immediately show features.

  • 其次,“期房包装过头,现房露出庐山真面目”是部分项目成现房反而卖不动的第二个原因。 Secondly, the “faster excessive packaging, Xianfang true colors” is part of the project into the second Xianfang, marketable.

  • 当老师看到我们正在读书时,老师脸上露出了欣慰的笑容,但这并不是我们的“庐山真面目”。 When the teacher to see when we are reading, teachers face a happy smile, but this is not our “true colors.”

  • 人们说帝王是拟诸上帝的形象而造就的;我感到替上帝难为情,假使那就是他的庐山真面目的话。 They say king is made in the image of God; I feel sorry for God if that is what he looks like.

  • 对物理学家、天文学家和宇宙起源学家们来说,未来70年的任务就是揭开暗物质的庐山真面目。 The task for the next 70 years is for physicists, astronomers and cosmologists to discover exactly what it is.

  • 人们说帝王是拟诸上帝的形象而造就的;我感到替上帝难为情,假使那就是他的庐山真面目的话。 They say kings are made in the image of God; I feel sorry for God if that is what he looks like.

  • 我先生和我两人吃力地爬上山,才得以一窥这种大名鼎鼎花朵的庐山真面目,不过,辛苦是值得的。 My husband and I viewed the famous flower only after a strenuous hike up a mountain, but it was well worth the effort.

  • 时至今日,这位“冒牌乔布斯”才现出庐山真面目,真实身份原来是《福布斯》杂志的一位高级编辑。 At this late hour, this ” pinchbeck Qiaobusi ” just reveal a the truth of sth. , true identity is so ” Forbes ” a of the magazine senior editor.

  • 眼瞅著家门口建起了这样漂亮的路和桥,住在附近的老百姓耐不住性子,都想先瞧瞧四环的庐山真面目。 Eyes staring doorstep built this beautiful roads and bridges, the people living in the vicinity of whales swam, the City of Victoria wants to see the matter.

  • 政府不想把纳税人的钱打水漂,给那些“僵尸”企业,它们早就资不抵债只是还没有露出庐山真面目而已。 The government does not want to put taxpayer money into “zombie” firms that are in fact deeply insolvent but have not yet recognized it.

  • 改变得如此之快以至于没有科学家和工程师能够跟上自己领域前进的脚步,更不用说领悟科技的庐山真面目。 It changes so rapidly that no scientist or engineer can keep up with his own field, much less with technology in general.

  • 看着四面的山体,突然有一种迷茫的感觉,这时侯你就能真正的体会到“不识庐山真面目,只愿身在此山中”的感觉了。 Looks four sides mountain massif, suddenly one kind of confused feeling, when this you can the true experience “not know the truth about the matter, only hopes the body in this mountain” feeling.

  • 于是,我从纷杂零碎的历史片角中,搜罗著只言片语,想揭开徽州民谣这一庐山真面目,想寻找这似曾相识又十分陌生的带韵节奏。 So I collected pieces of information from inplete jumbled historical records in the hope of unveiling Huizhou ballads and in pursuit of the rhythm that seem to be familiarly strange to us.

  • 这部片子仅仅五星期就拍完,大部分场景设在一座办公大楼内,全片叙述一名谐星受雇冒充一位庐山真面目从未被员工看过的公司老板。 Made in just five weeks, and set mostly in an office building, the film follows a edic actor hired to masquerade as the owner of a pany whose employees have never seen him.

  • 一个怀有机心、不择手段,想要坐上国家大位的人,不论他掩饰得多么好,只要他一坐上了那个位子,他的庐山真面目难免就会暴露无遗。 He, who determines to be a king by any means, will show his true face soon, regardless of his good disguise, when he bees king.

  • 这是娜拉有生以来第一次认清了丈夫的庐山真面目:原来他是一个道貌岸然、自私自利的伪君子,在这个问题上根本不把她的处境放在心上。 For the first time Nora saw her husband for what he was … a selfish, pretentious hypocrite with no regard for her position in the matter.

  • 然而,随着第三方研究增多,以及TOPVIEW等交易数据的披露,QFII的“庐山真面目”逐渐显现,笼罩在其头上的神话色彩迅速消退。 However, with the number of third-party research, as well as TOPVIEW transaction data, such as disclosure, QFII’s “true colors” gradually, over their heads in the myth of color quickly faded.

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