词语大全 杂七杂八造句_杂七杂八中英文解释和造句

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1、词语大全 杂七杂八造句_杂七杂八中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 杂七杂八的意思_成语“杂七杂八”是什么意思

词语大全 杂七杂八造句_杂七杂八中英文解释和造句

杂七杂八  zá qī zá bā






  • 你还得完成杂七杂八的事务。 You’ve still gotta get the laundry out .

  • 他有了些钱,不过都杂七杂八地花掉了。 He had some money now and found ways to spend it on his buying trips.

  • 杂七杂八请到商业城采购或者到育才路夜市! Zaqizaba go to the city mercial procurement or talent to the night market road!

  • 加上其他杂七杂八的费用,总数接近30万美元。 Add in other assorted costs and the total approaches $300, 000.

  • 杂七杂八的事情是否都同一在循环开始或者循环后完成? Are housekeeping chores grouped, at the beginning/end of the loop ?

  • 购物时她总看着一张杂七杂八的单子。(非“洗衣单”) When shopping, she always looks at a laundry list.

  • 当你把人生杂七杂八的东西去掉的话,每种情形都是一种选择。 When you cut away all the junk, every situation is a choice.

  • 过去四年,杂七杂八的看了不少书,也有了一些自己喜欢的作家。 I have read a lot of books in the last four years. I became a fan of some writers.

  • 在这里!它掉在我桌上那堆杂七杂八的东西里。我得更有组织点才行! Lucy: Here it is! It was lost in the clutter on my desk. I have to get better organized!

  • 狙击手装备一支由高倍瞄准具的狙击步枪,手枪和其它一些杂七杂八的装备。 The sniper will be equipped with a scoped sniper rifle , pistol, and miscellane gear.

  • 那些从不需要搬家的人,不分青红皂白地收藏了一些只能说是杂七杂八的东西。 Those who never have to change house bee indiscriminate collectors of what can only be described as clutter.

  • 中间杂七杂八的事情,宝宝主要还是奶奶照顾,不过,她老人家感觉轻松了不少。 There are various small items so that the grandmother mainly take care of the baby. Clearly, She must feel easier paring with former.

  • 《编年史》以及《传奇》两系列之后,龙枪小说的阅读顺序就变得有点杂七杂八了。 After the Chronicles and Legends series, the reading order gets a bit muddy.

  • 减少了各种杂七杂八的物品和柜子的使用之后,主人的活动空间显得更加流畅、自由。 Decreased all sorts of miscellaneous 7 miscellaneous after the use of the article of 8 and cabinet, master mobile space appears more fluent, free.

  • 只计划50%的时间,你将有灵活的时间来处理杂七杂八的事情和无法预知的“急事”。 With only 50 percent of your time planned, you will have the flexibility to handle interruptions and the unplanned “emergency”.

  • 有时候艾弗里会在草里找到一条小草蛇,把它塞进衣袋,衣袋里杂七杂八的东西又多了一样。 And sometimes Avery would find a little grass snake in the hay, and would add it to the other things in his pocket.

  • 几个星期以来,我一直忙着打发这间公寓里的东西,试图说服那些杂七杂八的死物儿散去,别来烦我。 For some weeks now I have been engaged in dispersing the contents of this apartment, trying to persuade hundreds of inanimate objects to scatter and leave me alone.

  • 我们还在一个自由市场停了一下,那里可以买卖牛马之类的牲口,还有杂七杂八的农产品和手工艺品。 We also stopped in a free market where horses and cattle were on offer, along with a rainbow array of produce and handicrafts.

  • 我不知道是不是这些原因,不过她确实也在为家庭,成绩,还有学校杂七杂八的事情烦恼,总是很沮丧。 I don’t know if this is related, but she also has been having family, grade, depression and school issues.

  • 德国的学校并非都设有自动售货机,孩子们不会成天都有碳酸饮料、果汁饮料等杂七杂八的东西陪伴左右。 Schools in Germany do not have vending machines all over the place and kids do not have access to sodas, juice drinks, and other such things all day long.

  • 华盛顿表示,要想让它交纳会费,联合国就得停止攻击它,还得满足它提出的一长串杂七杂八的其他要求。 Washington says it will only pay its dues to the United Nations if the world body refrains from attacking the U. S. and meets a laundry list of other demands.

  • (英译汉)总是希望在那个如同 迷宫 般又霉又暗又乱的房间有珍宝从数堆杂扔在地板上的杂七杂八的垃圾中被发现。 There is always hope that in its labyrinth of musty, dark, disordered rooms a real rarity will be found amongst the piles of assorted junk that litters the floors.

  • 我其实有很多杂七杂八的爱好,比如音乐,体育,设计,书法等,这些并没有让我感觉与众不同,到是有一种“万金油”的感觉。 Leon is interested in many things like Classical Music, Sports, Designing, Calligraphy, Fine Arts and a lot more which makes me more like an person of an all-round beginner.

  • 整个房间让人感觉更像是一个储藏室,而非住所,堆满了杂七杂八的东西:衣服、缺了口的杯子、被褥、一台电扇、一卷白手纸。 Every inch of space in what feels more like a storage cupboard than a place of abode is piled high with clutter: clothes, chipped cups, bedding, an electric fan, a roll of white toilet paper.

  • 今天的因特网在客户端是html、javascript和java的巨大集合,在服务器端是一堆杂七杂八的脚本语言和编译语言。 Today’s Internet is a vast collection of HTML, JavaScript and Java on the client side and a ragbag of scripted and piled languages on the server side.

  • 当然这个是可以发一些比较杂七杂八的推广信息。缺点是最近病毒广告盛行,用户反感此类广告,效果不理想。而且还有可能腾讯封你的号码。 Because be directional, can search the QQ number that a few pairs of your this respects are interested in, next group hair, the effect is close friends of course a lot of.

  • 小侠说:我当过一年老师,觉得并不是当老师不好,而是杂七杂八的东西让人疲倦,不过的确不算是无聊的工作。做翻译,要么累要么无聊,不过没什么不快乐,也没什么很快乐。 Xiao xia:I’ve been a teacher for one year. and i feel it is not that being a teacher is no good, but it is those trivial matters that really exhausted me. but surely it is not a boring job.

  • 里面那个杂七杂八就不说了,不过我还是看到一个经典之经典的电影《四个婚礼和一个葬礼》(FourweddingandOnefuneral),至于多好看我就不说了。 The good thing is that I can watch all movie in Kelvin’s USB. Despite other stuff in the USB, I found THE CLASSIC <Four weddings and One funeral>.

  • 三分之一投资,然后再拿出三分之一来孝敬父母,给女朋友买些衣服啊首饰阿还有她一直想要的杂七杂八的东西,还要给自己埋好多书(包括漫画书),然后剩下的三分之一存起来。 one third for investment, one third for buying cars for my parents,  beautiful clothes or sth like this for my girlfriend, books for me, and the last for storing.

  • 比起雇佣教授而言,让一个研究生去从事教学和实验要廉价得多,一个课程给五千美元就够了,而且不需要支付福利开支。给研究生的薪酬补贴和杂七杂八的开销加在一起也是微乎其微。 It is simply cheaper to provide graduate students with modest stipends and adjuncts with as little as $5, 000 a course — with no benefits — than it is to hire full-time professors.

  • 杂七杂八造句相关


    词语大全 杂七杂八的意思_成语“杂七杂八”是什么意思

    成 语


    成语读音zá qī zá bā
    成语解释 形容不纯而杂乱。
    常用程度 常用
    感情色彩 中性词
    成语结构 联合式
    成语用法 作宾语、定语、状语;指事情非常杂乱。
    产生年代 近代
    典故出处 清·李汝珍《镜花缘》第73回:“不免又添些自己意思,杂七杂八,强为贯串,以为掩人耳目。”
    成语例句 高阳《胡雪巖全传·灯火楼台》:“~都吃在肚皮里,也没有看他们有啥不对。”
    近 义 词 杂乱无章
    反 义 词 井井有条 整整齐齐
    英文翻译 miscellaneous <assortment of bit of everything>
    日文翻译 ごちゃ混(ま)ぜである
    歇 后 语 二大妈的针线篮儿


    词语大全 杂七杂八的意思_成语“杂七杂八”是什么意思


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