词语大全 束之高阁造句_束之高阁中英文解释和造句
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词语大全 束之高阁造句_束之高阁中英文解释和造句
束之高阁 shù zhī gāo gé
那个自私的人把本人束之高阁。 The selfish man put himself on the ITlf.
有效的土壤管理方法常被束之高阁。 Responsible soil management practices are cast aside .
阳光充足的日子它一般被束之高阁。 It is usually tied up on a sunny day.
希望这一次他们不会把我的计划束之高阁。 I hope that this time they will not put my plan shelved.
希望这一次他们不会把我的计划束之高阁。 I hope this time they will not put my plan on the shelf.
我希望这一次他们不会把我的计划束之高阁。 I hope this time they will not put my plan in cold storage .
别的事都能束之高阁也,然后自我解嘲地微笑,睡去吧。 Anything else can be shelved also, and then a smile of self-mockery, sleep bar.
2008年全球衰退袭来之时,矿企将各种项目束之高阁。 Mining panies shelved projects when the global recession hit in 2008.
而今天,在相同的教室里,钢笔和笔记本已经束之高阁了。 But today, in the same classroom, the fountain pen and the notebook already put aside.
我们中的许多人事后会对别人讲述这件小事而不是束之高阁。 Many of us might even tell someone else about the incident later on rather than simply let it go.
他的意思是与其将外汇储备束之高阁,不如用于积极地投资。 What he means is that its foreign exchange reserves will be shelved, it is better for active investment.
婚姻非常像一把小提琴;当美妙的乐音终了之后,琴弦便也就束之高阁了。 Marriage is very much like a violin; after the sweet music is over, the strings are attached.
因此3M公司的其它科学家把他的点子束之高阁,然后埋首于他们的工作。 Therefore, the other scientists at 3M put aside his idea and went about their work.
股票机,这个东西应该是十多年前的产物了,很多股民早已将他束之高阁。 The stock machine, a product a decade ago, has already been shelved and forgot by many stock-buyers.
一名纽约法官已经将谷歌的创建世界上最大的数字可视图书馆的想法束之高阁。 New York judge has put Google’s vision of creating the world’s biggest digital library on hold.
如果运输署以市民有不同意见为由,就将问题束之高阁,那香港还能往前发展吗? It is inpetence itself. Would Hong Kong progress if, like the Transport Department, other government departments left matters unsolved on which peoples’ views differ?
是商品就有交易,自然也就要遵循物美价廉的原则,否则就要被冷眼相看或束之高阁。 There is a modity trading, we should naturally follow the principle of cheap, or else they have been cold-shouldered look of or shelved.
但改革开放二十几年来,为何有些经济法律法规在实践中却被束之高阁,甚至产生负价值; But why have some of its rules been ignored in practice over the past two decades of economic reform and opening up, and, in some cases even produced negative value?
不,学会这些巧妙的手法以后,只用了很短一个时期就被永远束之高阁,这好像太不应该了。 No, it didn’t seem right to learn all these smart tricks, use them so briefly and then put them away forever.
孙女士和她的丈夫曾写信给孟建柱(公安部部长)反映上海警方缺少行动企图将他们的案子束之高阁。 They have written to Mengjianzhu, the minister of public security , to plain about the lack of action from Shanghai police in an attempt to have their case picked up.
而错误总是被后人认为是尴尬之事而被束之高阁,就仿佛维多利亚时代的小说中一些疯子的命运一般。 The errors are often regarded with embarrassment by subsequent generations, and locked away in attic rooms of the subject’s mansion like mad relatives in a Victorian novel.
他接着说:“在这样的压力下,我和我的同事们真的觉得很压抑,最终,拍这部片子的计划被束之高阁” “Under such pressure, my co-workers and I really felt stifled, ” he continued. In the end, “the planned animation was never produced. ”
在这些党员干部的头脑中,中国共产党的一些好传统、好思想、好作风,早已被束之高阁,甚至彻底遗忘。 In the minds of these party members and cadres in the Communist Party of China some good traditions, good thinking and style, has long been shelved, or even pletely forgotten.
而另一方面,这些花巨资打造出来的企业战略却被束之高阁,或者在实施的过程中受到种种阻碍半途而废。 And on the other hand, these flowers are gigantic endowment make the pany strategy that e out however by lay aside and neglect, perhaps be quitted in executive process by a variety of block up.
这一复杂性也使得它成了“语言理解”的一个重大障碍,信息处理界对它深感措手,格语法甚至将它束之高阁。 This plexity makes it an obstruction to “language prehension”. The information processing circle feels at loss what to do, and the case grammar even lay it aside and neglect it.
与此同时,有人在论证“经济全球化”现实对马克思主义学说的“挑战”时,在不知不觉中又将马克思主义束之高阁。 Meanwhile, somebody is in argumentation ” economic globalization ” reality is right of Marxism doctrine ” challenge ” when, be in imperceptible in Marxism lay aside and neglect.
这样,我可始终立于主动,一切敌人的“挑战书”,旁人的“激将法”,都应束之高阁,置之不理,丝毫也不为其所动。 our initiative from beginning to end, and as for the enemy’s “challenges” and other people’s “taunts”, we should imperturbably brush them aside and ignore them.
未来分析家保罗·萨福提示说:“电视出现后,广播便被束之高阁。而曾是无所不在的媒体——电影则成为了特殊项目。” “When TV came along, radio became audio wallpaper, and movies, which had been the ubiquitous media, became the special event, ” notes futurist Paul Saffo.
然而在大部份人的观念里,基督徒生活仍是一种在奔忙喧闹中分别为圣的生活,结果,基督徒圣洁生活的经验层面,就好像一本尘封的书,被束之高阁。 But the concept of Christian life as sanctified rush and bustle still dominates, and as a result the experiential side of Christian holiness remains very much a closed book.
词语大全 置诸高阁造句_置诸高阁中英文解释和造句
置诸高阁 zhì zhū gāo gé
置诸高阁 zhìzhūgāogé置诸高阁的意思和解释:捆起来以后放在高高的架子上。比喻放著不用。置诸高阁的出处置诸高阁的例子置诸高阁造句置诸高阁造句相关表达上具有言简意丰、错落活
置诸高阁 zhìzhūgāogé置诸高阁的意思和解释:捆起来以后放在高高的架子上。比喻放著不用。置诸高阁的出处置诸高阁的例子置诸高阁造句置诸高阁造句相关表达上具有言简意丰、错落活
词语大全 束之高阁 [shù zhī gāo gé]_成语解释_成语出处_成语造句_近义词_反义词_相关成语_成语接龙_英文翻译
束之高阁 [shùzhīgāogé][束之高阁]成语解释高阁:储藏器物的高架。捆起来以后放在高高的架子上。比喻放著不用。贬义[束之高阁]成语出处《晋书·庾翼传》:“此辈宜束之高阁
千钧一发 qiānjūnyīfà千钧一发的意思和解释:比喻情况万分危急。千钧一发的出处《汉书·枚乘传》:“夫以一缕之任,系千钧之重,上悬无极之高,下垂不测之渊,虽甚愚之人,犹知哀
千钧一发 qiānjūnyīfà千钧一发的意思和解释:比喻情况万分危急。千钧一发的出处《汉书·枚乘传》:“夫以一缕之任,系千钧之重,上悬无极之高,下垂不测之渊,虽甚愚之人,犹知哀
千钧一发 qiānjūnyīfà千钧一发的意思和解释:比喻情况万分危急。千钧一发的出处《汉书·枚乘传》:“夫以一缕之任,系千钧之重,上悬无极之高,下垂不测之渊,虽甚愚之人,犹知哀
千钧一发 qiānjūnyīfà千钧一发的意思和解释:比喻情况万分危急。千钧一发的出处《汉书·枚乘传》:“夫以一缕之任,系千钧之重,上悬无极之高,下垂不测之渊,虽甚愚之人,犹知哀