词语大全 束手无策造句_束手无策中英文解释和造句

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1、词语大全 束手无策造句_束手无策中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 束手束脚造句_束手束脚中英文解释和造句

词语大全 束手无策造句_束手无策中英文解释和造句

束手无策  shù shǒu wú cè










词语大全 束手束脚造句_束手束脚中英文解释和造句

束手束脚  shù shǒu shù jiǎo






  • 我讨厌因缺钱而感到束手束脚。 I hate feeling fenced in by lack of money.

  • 希望我受得了合约的束手束脚。 I hope I can handle the loss of freedom from a contract.

  • 遗憾的是我,一出书就感到束手束脚。 Regretful is me, a book feels have one’s hands tied bundle foot.

  • 分离军不断推进,阿纳金则发现自己的绝地誓言束手束脚。 Time and again, the Separatists pushed, and Anakin would find himself restrained by his oaths to the Jedi.

  • 都有几天束手束脚的日子,来了后有几天肆无忌惮的日子。 All have several days to fold hands a bunch the day of the feet, e empress have several days reckless day.

  • 南方人务实,但务实过了头,就会变成因循守旧、束手束脚。 southerners pragmatic, but a pragmatic sense, it will bee the beaten track, simply beam feet.

  • 对于那些稳定经济却让他们束手束脚的监管,他们并不需要。 They don’t want regulations that would stabilize the economy but cramp their style.

  • 而一旦放弃这些手段,各国在打击恐怖主义时就会束手束脚。 To eschew such tools is to fight terrorism with one hand tied behind your back.

  • 渴望温暖又难舍颓废,渴望生活旳淋漓尽致却又到处束手束脚。 Eager to warm and hard to live the decadent, but ShuShouShuJiao everywhere incisively and vividly.

  • 成功者可以仰慕和尊敬别人,但不会因此束手束脚,自惭形秽。 Although winners can admire and respect other people, they are not totally defined, demolished bound, or awed by them.

  • 与此同时,美国的鹰派已经在指责奥巴马对朝鲜政权的“束手束脚”。 In the meantime American hawks are already accusing Mr Obama of succumbing to mere “hand-wringing” over the regime’s actions.

  • 不幸的是,这些想法让我束手束脚,不敢去达成我的这个人生重大志向。 Unfortunately, these contemplations are holding me back from following through with potentially one of my most important aspirations.

  • 当故事越写越长相当一部小说的篇幅时,作者开始束手束脚失去了创作自由。 As a writer builds up a novel-length piece it slowly begins to imprison him, to take away his freedom;

  • 然而一些中东欧的工人们对当初被束手束脚无法到外地工作的日子仍然记忆犹新。 But many central and eastern European workers remember the days when they were not free to move.

  • 此外,评级者在固有的利益冲突中收受被评估者费用而使其在评估债券时束手束脚。 Furthermore, the raters were hamstrung by the conflicts of interest inherent in being paid by issuers to assess their bonds.

  • 我没钱买下赫尼西太太的地,也没胆量谋杀她,这种种限制束手束脚,让我无从施展。 I could not afford to buy Mrs. Henessy out, I dared not murder her, and limitations of this sort beset me on every side.

  • 当指责声蜂拥而至,这可能影响球员,你可以避免看足球,但是他们却因此而束手束脚。 It can affect players when the crowd are on your back and you can shy away from wanting the ball, but they didn’t show any of that.

  • 这种从众心理(现在用牛打比方的现象很多哈)让人束手束脚,而不是给人以发展的自由。 This herd mentality (lots of cow metaphors today) is tying people down, rather than bringing the freedoms of development.

  • 这本小说里的人物背上了家庭背景的沉重包袱,束手束脚,固步自封,一直没能解决自己面临的问题。 Those people in the novel are going nowhere fast. They bear burdens of their family history and are never able to solve any of their problems.

  • 更重要的是,发行商为评级机构评估他们的债券支付费用,而这种与生俱来的利益冲突使得评级机构束手束脚。 Furthermore, the raters were hamstrung by the conflicts of interest inherent in being paid by issues to assess their bonds.

  • 这个最差的,但是却独立自主的总司令也比那个最好的,然而却因皇帝及其权威而束手束脚的总司令要好得多。 that the worst mander-in-chief, acting independently, would be better than the best mander-in-chief with his hands tied by the presence and authority of the Tsar.

  • 就算她不在,篮球队也不会出任何问题。已经成为正式队员的纱织,也可以高兴地参加锦标赛,而不会感到束手束脚了。 The basketball team wouldn’t have any trouble even without her. Saori, picked as a regular, should be happy that she can attend the tournament without feeling constrained.

  • 此外,在新的布防分配框架下,美国部队发现自己在执行任务时变得束手束脚和更易遭到袭击:在巴格达周边地区,他们不再通行无阻; Moreover, under the new dispensation, American forces themselves feel both more constrained and more vulnerable. They can no longer move freely around Baghdad.

  • 荷兰一方进了乌龙球后变得束手束脚,法布雷加斯接过赫莱布传过防守的传球门前几码处射门,在门将戈麦斯站着不动的情况下将球射失。 The Dutch side were a goal do-wn and on the ropes when Fabregas fired Alex Hleb’s pass inches over the bar with goalkeeper Gomes rooted to the spot.

  • 我可以自由自在地做好父亲、丈夫和州长这些角色,不受约束地对全国性的争议问题发表意见,以及作相关工作,而无须被当时的抱负束手束脚。 I was free to be a father, husband, and governor, and to work and speak on national issues unencumbered by immediate ambitions.

  • 另外,水平方向,你看到你正在场景“scene”分页中,你随时可以通过点击他回到这个场景页面,每一步都不是不可逆转的,所以别要束手束脚不敢操作。 If you look at the horizontal tabs, you will see that you are in the SCENE tab. You can always e back here to change the scene – and everything is non-destructuv so dont worry.

  • 束手束脚造句相关



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    束手无策造句  一:位高权重的人一到发传真和用复印机的时候总是束手无策。  二:人们在原始森林碰到五彩斑斓的毒蛇往往束手无策,万一被咬,基本在劫难逃。  三:作为社会,咱们经常在处理(别人)丧失了所爱

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    束手無策造句束手無策の例文"束手無策"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!他們回

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    词语大全 束手无策的意思_成语“束手无策”是什么意思


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