词语大全 果然如此造句_果然如此中英文解释和造句

Posted 耶稣

篇首语:一卷旌收千骑虏,万全身出百重围。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 果然如此造句_果然如此中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 果然如此造句_果然如此中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 如此而已造句_如此而已中英文解释和造句

词语大全 果然如此造句_果然如此中英文解释和造句

果然如此  guǒ rán rú cǐ







  • 我说过要有这样的事,果然如此。 I said it would happen, and sure enough it did.

  • 我说过要有这样的事,果然如此。 I said it would happen, and sure enough it did.

  • 我想天会下雨,结果果然如此。 I thought it would rain, and sure enough it did.

  • 我看了看手表,果然如此。 I looked at my watch. It was true.

  • 这位作者便急忙索要报纸,一看果然如此。 This author asks for newspaper hastily, look as expected such.

  • 我向窗外一看果然如此。 I really see such a window.

  • 随后,记者马上到南湖一带转了一圈,果然如此。 Subsequently, a reporter immediately to the area to the city in a circle and this is really the case.

  • 我们之前说他这场比赛将会有所作为,果然如此啊。 We said that he would do something big in the game and he did.

  • 后来见面了,果然如此果然是我想象中的那样,帅! Later, to meet, and really the case, which turns out to be as I imagined, Shuai!

  • 你们见南风吹着,就说,‘必燥热了’,也果然如此。 And when the south wind blows, you say, ‘It’s going to be hot, ‘ and it is.

  • 记者就此走访了一些裙楼写字楼,发现情况果然如此。 reporter visited some foundation office and found that is the case.

  • 她猜想,包很有可能早已被人拿走了,事实果然如此。 She guess that package is likely to have been taken away by the fact this is really the case.

  • 你们几时看见吹起南风,就说,将要燥热,也果然如此。 And when you see a south wind blowing, you say that there will be scorching heat, and it happens.

  • 它们应该是爆破并且释放他们的香味。并且事实上也果然如此。 And in fact what we’ve seen here is that there are indeed microcapsules that have exploded and thus released their perfume.

  • 我仔细一量,果然如此,设计师设计时就是想当然,没联系实际。 I am measured carefully, as expected such, assume sth as a matter of course is when stylist is designed, did not contact actual.

  • 结果生下你这个更加恶劣的混蛋,这叫上粱不正下粱歪,果然如此! Result born your this worse bastard, this call up the Liang falsely descend Liang slanting, indeed as expected such!

  • 结果生下你这个更加恶劣的混蛋,这叫上粱不正下粱歪,果然如此! The results gave birth to you the worse the bastard, What on sorghum unrighteousness distortion of sorghum, really so!

  • 次日清早起来,果然如此,基德红把羊毛一拧,从羊毛里拧出一碗露水。 That is what took place. Early the next morning he wrung the dew from the fleece, squeezing out of it a bowlful of water.

  • 当时我爸爸坚持要用蜡烛油来封口,说这样海水就进不去了。果然如此。”… My father insisted that we seal the cork with candle grease to make sure no sea water could get in.

  • 他们说,去见一见仍然支持我的人,肯定能够激励我的精神,结果,果然如此。 They said it would lift my spirits to be with folks who were still supporters, and it did.

  • 8我怀疑这家工厂什么质量控制也没有。经过一周的观察,我发现情况果然如此。 I suspected there was no quality control whatsoever in the factory. After making observations for a week I found this was indeed the case.

  • 耶稣也对群众说︰「你们一见云在西边升起来,就说,『必下大雨了』,果然如此。 And he said also to the people, When ye see a cloud rise out of the west, straightway ye say, There eth a shower; and so it is.

  • 耶稣也对群众说∶“你们一见云在西边升起来,就说,‘必下大雨了’,果然如此。 He said to the crowd: “When you see a cloud rising in the west, immediately you say, ‘It’s going to rain, ‘ and it does.”

  • 耶稣又对群众说,你们几时看见西边起了云彩,就立即说,要下一阵雨,果然如此。 And He said also to the crowds, When you see a cloud rising in the west, immediately you say that a shower is ing, and so it happens.

  • 事实果然如此,凌云居一些楼层冬天室温只有12度,而吴女士家的卫生间里就从未有过暖气。 The facts just so Lingyunju some floors winter room temperature only 12 degrees, and Ms Lane home on the toilet unprecedented heating.

  • 路十二54耶稣又对群众说,你们几时看见西边起了云彩,就立即说,要下一阵雨,果然如此。 Lk. 12:54 And He said also to the crowds, When you see a cloud rising in the west, immediately you say that a shower is ing, and so it happens.

  • 后来事实果然如此,他的推销计划彻底失败,虽然他做出了最后的挣扎,但失败还是注定的,这家人终于破产了。 But the reality is really the case, and his plete failure of the marketing plan, although he made the last fight, but is doomed to failure, which eventually went bankrupt families.

  • 在牢狱之中他渐渐成熟,认识到道德劝解的力量可能会取得暴力所不及的效果,最后果然如此,一战未发,南非白人交出了统治权。 While maturing behind bars, he decided that moral suasion might work where bombs had failed. It did. South Africa’s white rulers surrendered power without a civil war.

  • 这句话转折的太过了,有太强的个人倾向和暗示的作用,所以,也就能猜到对方的回信是那么的简单(果然如此),基本上是就坡下驴。 If it has, I believe your paper would owe an apology to my readers; if however that is a fabrication, I will punish the author severely.

  • 没有使用任何标准的asp组件。所有都是自己写的。而且复杂度没有超过简单的判断和循环就能解决的。简单就是力量。(果然如此?) No built in ponents from ASP are used. Everything is written from scratch. Nothing is more plex than a simple if then and for loops. Keep it simple.

  • 果然如此造句相关


    词语大全 如此而已造句_如此而已中英文解释和造句

    如此而已  rú cǐ ér yǐ







  • 如此而已, 岂有他哉!That’s all there is to it!
  • 他只想知道我的名字,如此而已。 He only wanted to know my name, that’s all.

  • 苹果已被转化为别的东西了,如此而已。 The apple has been translated into something else, that’s all.

  • 但是在美国,时间的意义不只是如此而已。 But in America, time is more than that.

  • 它只意识到自己所不想要的,仅仅如此而已。 It is aware of what it does not want, but only that.

  • 他会读会写,还会一点算术,但是仅仅如此而已。 He could read, write, and do a little arithmetic, but that was all.

  • 只有一种状况与另一种状况的比较,只是如此而已。 Some one kind of condition and another kind of condition parison, is only only just like this.

  • 河面摇溢的灯影如烟火绽放。如此而已,无人看见。 Light on river is breaking fireworks. It is unseen by others.

  • 我只是这个大千世界里的一个小女孩,不过如此而已。 ‘ …I am just a little girl in a big world, and that’s the way it is.

  • 在我的经验里,大部分的男人只想要上床,如此而已。 In my experience, major man wants go to bed only, that’s what it all adds up to.

  • 我只不过是越狱,逃出了英国最坚固的监牢,如此而已! I’ve only broken out of the strongest prison in England, that’s all!

  • 韩不丢挡不替说:“问题是,由谁来作主,如此而已。” “The question is, ” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be master — that’s all. ”

  • 显然不是,它们只是按照其本性的要求,忙忙碌碌如此而已。 Obviously, they are not. They bustle just according to their nature role.

  • 我非常赞同你的观点,英语只是一种语言。就是说话,如此而已。 I quite agree with you. English is only a kind of language. It is only speaking.

  • 他说:“这进展得很顺利,我们踢得只是如此而已,但考虑的只是结果。 He said: ‘It went well, we played so-so, but what counted was the oute.

  • 你曾吃过许多食物,而美食就只是美食,坏味道就只是坏味道,如此而已。 You’ve eaten delicious foods, and all the good tastes were just good tastes, nothing more. The unpleasant tastes were just unpleasant tastes, that’s all.

  • 过一种简简单单的生活,做一个实实在在的人;快乐的秘密不过如此而已。 Leading a simple life, and be a down-to-earth man; the secret of happiness is just that.

  • 我只是不开心。如此而已。你知道的。要是你会晚回来。可以事先打个电话… I’m just upset, that’s all. You could call when you’re going to be…

  • 我将于茫茫人海中访我唯一灵魂之伴侣;得之,我幸;不得,我命,如此而已。 I would seek the only pany of my spirit; success, my fortune; failure, my fate. That is all about it.

  • 我常说,做家长的只有数钞票的份,只能够尽量的从旁协助孩子走出他自己的路,如此而已。 I often say that the things a parent can do is to count bill and do something side by side with the kid to assist him to live his own life.

  • 我说不清我自己自私想要得到的是什么,似乎什么也不是,似乎又只是心理安慰,如此而已。 I do not know clearly what I want to get, it seems nothing, and it seems that the psychology is forted.

  • 但服务管理不应如此而已,要对企业提供永续服务,亦即提供技能、训练及与了解应用程序的状况。 But it should be more than this. It delivers a maintainable service for the business this means delivering the skills, training, and munications with the application.

  • 几乎可以预想,一种主流文化衰落的结果,必将是被另一种新锐文化所取代,周而复始,如此而已。 But it is like a kind of rule that when one artery culture edown, it would be certainly replaced by an fresher one. New ones replace the old one, just like a cycle.

  • 我们在市场竞争中能略有胜出,可能是我们的计划更加适宜,实现计划的手段更加令人信服如此而已。 We win in market petition can slightly, the plan may be more suitable for us to achieve the plan means more convincing case.

  • 在文明的中心,战争的意义不过是消费品长期发生短缺.偶而掉下一颗火箭弹,造成几十人死亡,如此而已。 In the centres of civilization war means no more than a continuous shortage of consumption goods, and the occasional crash of a rocket bomb which may cause a few scores of deaths.

  • 可是凭心而论,对于我来说这标准从来都不关乎经济,外表什么的,我要的是个懂感情,真性情的男人,如此而已。 But with heart speaking, for me, this standard has never been about the economy, the appearance of what I want is to understand the feelings, the true nature of men, so it.

  • ”对手是谁并不重要,我只想一直领先,然后保住冠军。”莱科林说;”每个车手都是我要击败的车手,如此而已。 “It doesn’t matter who it is . l try to keep ahead of them and keep my position, ” said  Raikkonen “Everyone else is just a guy l want to beat.

  • 以上,是十年前的事了,此后并无所作,也没有长进,编辑先生要我做一点这类的文章,怎么能呢。拉杂写来,不过如此而已。 For more than a decade ago things since there is no made, nor stay on top, the Editor asked me to do something kind of article, how can it.

  • 热恋真是迷人刺激,妳觉得他观察入微,说的话句句话都上妳的心头。但事实上并不是这样的,只是在热恋的兴奋状态下显得如此而已。 These statements are fascinating, stimulating, and devastatingly insightful to you.   Actually, they aren’t, but in the fiery glow of infatuation, they seem to be.

  • 罗杰·艾伯特认为拉斯·冯·提尔根本就不在乎外界对自己的这部作品的评价,他将自己的想法和感情融入到自己的这部影片,如此而已。 I believe von Trier doesn’t care how I or anyone else would reply to those questions. He had the ideas and feelings, he saw into the pit, he made the film, and here it is.

  • 如此而已造句相关



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