词语大全 枯燥无味造句_枯燥无味中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:从来好事天生俭,自古瓜儿苦后甜。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 枯燥无味造句_枯燥无味中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 枯燥无味造句_枯燥无味中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 索然无味造句_索然无味中英文解释和造句

词语大全 枯燥无味造句_枯燥无味中英文解释和造句

枯燥无味  kū zào wú wèi









词语大全 索然无味造句_索然无味中英文解释和造句

索然无味  suǒ rán wú wèi







  • 美酒索然无味,佳肴令你恶心。 The wine has no taste. The food sickens you.

  • 公爵说道,他的语调冷淡,索然无味。 said the prince in a tired, listless tone.

  • 这三个方面得出的结论都比较索然无味。 The conclusions on all three headings are rather bleak.

  • 这是一个索然无味的故事。 This is an unpleasant story.

  • 你继续这样干下去,工作会变得索然无味。 Work like this bees less interesting as you go along.

  • 索然无味地回顾她对伦敦仅有的两次访问。 She looked back with distaste to her only two visits to London.

  • 我不得不承认,当天的谈话和消遣都索然无味。 I am bound to admit that conversations and amusement languished during the day.

  • 师父接着说:“‘即便你的圣名对于我也索然无味。’ Then the Master said: ” ‘Even for Thy holy name I have no taste.”

  • 不然整个生命就在霎时之间变成了一杯白开水,索然无味。 Otherwise, between the whole life in an instant into a cup of boiled water, boring.

  • 多虚伪呀,功用太重又索然无味扼杀了生命的生机与灿烂。 Too much hard working will make life vapid and kill the vitality and sunshine of life.

  • 还有那么个秘而不宜的真正目的,便是让性行为变得索然无味。 Its real, undeclared purpose was to remove all pleasure from the sexual act.

  • 克里斯:有些事情第一次做的时候是很有趣!再做就索然无味了! Christ: Some things are fun the first time you do them and then not so much the next.

  • 那圣洁的孩子在索然无味的云层和倏忽变幻的浮光掠影中嬉戏微笑。 There smiles the Divine Child among his playthings of unmeaning clouds and ephemeral lights and shadows.

  • 你知道一些事第一次做兴趣昂然,之后再做就索然无味了,就像过节一样。 You know, some things are fun the first time you do them and not so much the next, like the festival.

  • 他的32分大部分都来自罚球,索然无味,最后他的球迷们看的都快睡着了。 He finished with 32 mostly meaningless points. At least his legion of fans slept well.

  • 我记得我小时候看电视带来的狂欢以及看了数小时电视之后的索然无味的感觉。 I remember bingeing on television when I was a child and having that vapid feeling after watching hours of TV.

  • 分别,她的日子如一杯放了糖的白开水,乍一喝,挺甜,天天喝,又似乎索然无味。 Respectively, and her days as a release of sugar boiled water, drink neat, very sweet, daily drink, and it seems dry and tasteless.

  • 不同层次的说话风格搭配能让讯息的表达更加活泼生动,听者也不会感觉索然无味。 Speech bining these aspects of speaking style is more vivid to the listener.

  • 对许多人来说,理性主义犹如“稀粥”,索然无味,但他们不愿回归到传统教会去。 For many people rationalism is thin gruel. But they are reluctant to return to traditional churches.

  • 如果认为生活索然无味或者没有意义,那么就会有许多人认为爱是这一问题的解决之道。 If life is disappointing or doesn’t make sense, many people think that love is the answer to that as well.

  • 如果没有情绪,一个人必然会变成索然无味,非常冷漠,因此,情绪应当是人生的一部份。 If you were without emotions, a person would bee very dry, very cold, so emotion must be a part of our lives.

  • 对于第一个将完整功略贴在网上的人来说,这个游戏或许还可以,但是接下来就只剩索然无味而已。 It might be fun for the first guy to figure everything out and post it to a spoiler site, but then after that it is simply annoying.

  • 因为男人们或许能够教会女人如何做爱,但是当男人不能承担生育的责任时,这一切就会索然无味。 Because of men probably can how does church wife make love, but when the man cannot assume birth responsibility, all these is met dull insipidity.

  • 罗琳可以谈论那些曾经要严守的秘密了,因为在此之前读者不想因事先知道故事情节而读起来索然无味。 She can talk about the things she had to keep secret because her readers did not want their pleasure spoiled by knowing how things would turn out.

  • 当她不得不每天都面对这样单调而又乏味的生活时,她感觉自己的心在一点点磨平,生活如同白开水一样索然无味。 When she had to face every day, so monotonous and boring life, she felt a little bit of heart in removed, as in life, like water boring.

  • 最终,这些争论使得影片失索然无味,剩下的只有怪诞虚幻的人物——片中单调的角色使得我们难以给予过多的关注。 In the end, polemic dulls this film, leaving it oddly insubstantial—its characters too little developed for us to care.

  • 刚刚步入职高的时候。我以为职高的生活会很俗套很无聊。但我过了这一年之后。我发觉。职高生活并不是那么索然无味。而是多姿多彩的。 Just entered high school. I think of high school life would be very boring cutter. but I had this year. I found that high school life is not so boring. but colorful.

  • 是一位精明的妇人,对于人世间大大小小的事物已经见怪不怪,使得她的人生毫无惊喜可言;然而,三个小偷的出现,为她已经索然无味的生活添加了不少乐趣。 As a witty woman, there seems nothing in the world could surprise Lady Hurf. However, the sudden appearance of the three thieves flavors her boring life with great pleasure.

  • 猛按选台器,游走于各电视频道上,觉得索然无味,而身体又未康复到可以出去跑跑,于是我从公司借了一台个人电脑,连上数据机,开始在本地的电子布告栏上查阅。 Bored with channel surfing and unable yet to return to running, I borrowed a PC from the office, hooked up a modem and began to check out the local puter bulletin board(BBS)scene.

  • 马凯硕现任新加坡国立大学李光耀公共政策学院院长,喜欢别人称呼他马教授,而不是马大使。不过,他这本书绝非学究气十足的大部头作品,读起来也不觉得索然无味。 Mr Mahbubani is now dean of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore, and prefers the title of professor to ambassador, but this is no dry scholarly tome.

  • 索然无味造句相关



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    词语大全 枯燥无味   [kū zào wú wèi]什么意思

    枯燥无味  [kūzàowúwèi][枯燥无味]成语解释枯燥:单调。形容单调,没有趣味。[枯燥无味]成语出处毛泽东《反对党八股》:“因此,民众就不欢迎他们枯燥无味的宣传,我们也不需