词语大全 根深蒂固造句_根深蒂固中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:会挽雕弓如满月,西北望,射天狼。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 根深蒂固造句_根深蒂固中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 根深蒂固造句_根深蒂固中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 根深柢固造句_根深柢固中英文解释和造句

词语大全 根深蒂固造句_根深蒂固中英文解释和造句

根深蒂固  gēn shēn dì gù










词语大全 根深柢固造句_根深柢固中英文解释和造句

根深柢固  gēn shēn dǐ gù







  • 生殖欲在人性中根深柢固。 The desire to reproduce is deeply rooted in human nature.

  • 这种倾向显示了人类的导向反应是多么根深柢固。 This inclination suggests how deeply rooted the orienting response is.

  • 当孩子的行为根深柢固时,要想扭转过来,就太晚了。 When children’s behaviors are ingrained , it’s too late to turn them around.

  • 该城拥有世界上最大的港口之一和根深柢固的航海传统。 It boasts one of the world’s largest harbors and a strong nautical tradition.

  • 他表示:「日本可能要再花上一世纪才能培养出根深柢固的足球文化。」 “It might take another century for Japan to really nurture its (soccer) culture and see the sport taking firm roots here, ” he said.

  • 怒火破坏亚洲新兴民主政体,显示老旧的陋习有多么根深柢固、牢不可破。 Tantrums rack Asia’s new demos-facies, showing how bad old habits die hard.

  • 在短短的十年内,网际网路成为了我们的日常生活中根深柢固的重要部份。 In one short decade the internet has bee an ingrained and critical part of our everyday lives.

  • 传统理论虽然根深柢固,但维兰深信,性激素本身不会造成神经发育与行为上的差异。 Despite classic dogma, he is certain that sex hormones do not drive neural development and behavioral differences on their own.

  • 核心价值与根深柢固的信仰一样,必须具备薪火相传的能力,社会才会有可持续的进步。 As deep-rooted beliefs, they must be capable of being transmitted to our future generations in order that society may progress in a sustainable manner.

  • 现行的数十种法规加上根深柢固的习惯,使提升效益的努力窒碍难行,甚至还奖励浪费。 And scores of ingrained rules and habits block efficiency efforts or actually reward waste.

  • 这些关联属实的机会通常都够高,因此因果连结的能力在我们的神经架构中变得根深柢固。 The associations were real often enough that the ability became engrained in our neural architecture.

  • 但对其他人,当美国似乎正要跨越老旧而根深柢固的冲突之际,世代交棒使人总算松了口气。 For others, the generational transition may bring relief as the country seems to move past old, entrenched conflicts.

  • 抗拒解散种姓制度,源于精英阶层根深柢固的恐惧,他们担心,经济力会被夺走,交给穷人。 The resistance to dissolving caste es from a deep-rooted fear among the elite that economic power will be taken from them and given to the poor.

  • 因为作者根深柢固的东方主义或如萨伊德所言的东方本性,她只在乎中国和中国人的固定形象。 Because of her insistence on Orientalist imaginings or, in Said’s words, the “primitiveness” of the Orient, Tan gives priority to the stereotypes of the Chinese and China.

  • 他从来没有想过忠孝仁爱信义等根深柢固的教条在许由眼里居然是一种负担,一种妨碍自由的绊脚石。 He never thought that in Xu You’s eyes, the deep-rooted creeds, such as loyalty, filial piety, benevolence, love, credit, righteousness are a kind of burden, and a stumbling stone to the freedom.

  • 讲求公平的道德感,在我们脑中已根深柢固,也是多数人类及灵长类共通的情感,这是有实验根据的。 The moral sense of fairness is hardwired into our brains and is an emotion shared by most people and primates tested for it.

  • 但是两者有一样共同点:根深柢固的传统习俗与仪式是为了让新人在婚姻生活中能过得幸运且幸福快乐。 But they share one thing: a deep tradition of customs and rituals that are intended to bring the newlyweds fortune and happiness throughout their married lives.

  • 随着印度经济火速成长,这个国家最严重、最根深柢固的挑战,仍是如何对抗牢不可破的种姓阶级偏见。 As India’s economy surges, one of the country’s most serious and stubborn challenges is how to bat entrenched caste prejudice.

  • 前面提过,耐受性出现的时间远比戒断相关适应措施慢得多,不过一旦出现之后,耐受性就会变得根深柢固。 As mentioned earlier, tolerance develops much more slowly than the withdrawal-related adaptations, but once it emerges tolerance bees firmly entrenched.

  • 巴纳吉和她的同事发现,即使对于真正抱持平等观点的人,偏见仍然很常见且根深柢固,并持续在意识外活动。 Even in people with genuinely egalitarian views, Banaji and her colleagues find that bias is ordinary and ingrained and remains active outside our awareness.

  • 而我们观测到物体与事件的性质,会取决于一种根深柢固的随机性,而这随机性并非来自测量工具或我们视觉上的误差。 and the properties of objects and events we observe can be subject to an ineradicable randomness that has nothing to do with the imperfection of our tools or our eyesight.

  • 宗教社群意识的政治化,确为印度制造了社群冲突,但根深柢固的仇恨意识,则来自印度教徒与穆斯林间错综复杂的历史纠葛。 The politicization of munal consciousness did create munal problems in India, but the fundamental intricacy remains the deep-seated animosity between Hindus and Muslims created by history.

  • 纵然政府领导者已辨识到问题的存在,但由于长期的扭曲,如此的绩效管理问题已形成台湾警政机关根深柢固的文化,难以纠正。 Though government leaders have identified the problem, it has already been deeply embedded in the police agency and bee part of its culture, hence it is difficult to overe the problem now.

  • 观众和评审「原本被年纪、阶级、性别和西方美女标准等根深柢固的刻板印象所蒙蔽,直到打开她这本书才惊觉内容有多丰富。」 The audience and judges”were initially blinded by entrenched stereotypes of age, class, gender and Western beauty standards, “she added, “until her book was opened, and everybody saw what was inside.

  • 然而,世人对这八种现象却是推崇备至。因此,这个世界的精神层面,早已扭曲纷乱,成为陈年痼疾,根深柢固,而不可救药矣! Nevertheless, people have a panegyric on the eight phenomena. Therefore, the spirit of this world is distorted. It has bee a stubborn disease and beyond cure.

  • 他自己从来也没有想过,所谓忠、孝、仁、爱、信、义等根深柢固的教条,在许由眼里居然会是一种负担,一种妨碍自由的绊脚石。 He never thought that in Xu You’s eyes, the deep-rooted creeds, such as loyalty, filial piety, benevolence, love, credit, righteousness are a kind of burden, and a stumbling stone to the freedom.

  • 但10月2日快速窜起的这把火,以及受害者逃生无门接连死伤的诡异景象,凸显俄罗斯经济景气部分复苏的表象下,社会脱序根深柢固。 But the fast-moving fire on Oct. 2, and the grotesque panorama of desperation, injury and death that acpanied it, underscored the enduring disorder beneath Russia’s partial revival.

  • 因此资料融合计画有个根深柢固的趋势,注定会偏离原本创立的目标,这不仅是公民自由主义者的噩梦,同时也是当初资助这套系统的人所不愿见到的。 Thus, data-fusion projects have a built-in tendency toward mission creep—to the consternation not only of civil-liberties advocates but also of those footing the bill.

  • 起初在脱累蒙旅馆会过几次面,好象他们还可以恢复旧时的关系,哪知后来双方都在各人自己的境界里根深柢固起来,以致这旧时的关系终于不能恢复。 they settled naturally into their respective spheres, without the renewal of the old time relationship which their several meetings at the Tremont at first seemed to foreshadow.

  • 我们常说有虞氏在修行上之所以不及泰氏,其原因就在于,有虞氏始终不肯将他心中的那点儿仁义忠信等根深柢固的条款抛弃掉,他总是以仁义忠信作为标准,以此来批判人们的优劣好坏。 The cause is that You yu shi would never throw off the heart-rooted moral codes, such as benevolence, righteousness, loyal and credit. He always took those codes as standard to appraise others.

  • 根深柢固造句相关



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