词语大全 格格不入造句_格格不入中英文解释和造句
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词语大全 格格不入造句_格格不入中英文解释和造句
格格不入 gé gé bù rù
那两位学者之间的格格不入是很明显的。 The strong personal antipathy between the two scholars is very obvious.
他们的观点同我们看问题的方法格格不入。 Their ideas are quite alien to our ways of thinking.
她的行为和我们的伦理“标准”格格不入。 Her behavior is alien to our ethical values.
这意味着他永远和中产阶级的道德格格不入。 It means that he’s up amen middle class morality all the time.
网络有其自己的逻辑性,与我们的期望格格不入。 Nets have their own logic, one that is out-of-kilter to our expectations.
立体派的静止的、美学的探求是同他们格格不入的。 The static , aesthetic searchings of the Cubists were quite alien to them.
小练:不知道,反正我和社会有种格格不入的感觉。 Xiao Lian: I don’t know. Anyway, I have an antipathetic feeling to the society.
我们把一些同英语格格不入的拉丁语结构都生搬硬套过来了。 We tended to take over structures from Latin that were not really at home in English.
在这互联网时代,“抑制言论”这个标签显得与时代气息格格不入。 “NO freedom of speech” as a label is an anachronism in this era of Internet.
我感觉我与这世界格格不入,是我的错吗?我应该融入还是保持自我? I feel I and this world are antipathetic, the fault that is me? Should be I blended in or maintain ego?
要使机器和设备持久,必须经常保养。这种想法他们总是觉得格格不入。 They never cottoned onto the idea that there had to be running maintenance if machinery and equipment were going to last.
从英国纳税人取得RBS控制权的那一刻起,中行股份就显得格格不入。 The Bank of China stake looked anomalous the minute UK taxpayers assumed control of RBS.
尼克不只是和凯特格格不入,而且还对她的职位构成了一种潜在的威胁。 Not only is he totally different from her, he is also a potential risk to her position.
广义相对论将重力归因于时空连续体的曲率,而这与量子理论的框架格格不入。 Gravity, which general relativity attributes to the curvature of the spacetime continuum, stubbornly resists being incorporated into a quantum framework.
你是不是对你现在的这种工作不满意?你是否在做一些和你生命格格不入的东西? Are you dissatisfied with the kind of work you do? Would you rather be doing something totally different with your life?
这些漂亮东西可能留下“后患”,与主人后来钟爱的家具或其他装饰物格格不入。 These beautiful things may stay ” future trouble ” , the furniture that dotes on later with host or other ornamental are antipathetic.
欧式风格的门面,极其典雅,和周围富有1980年代风格的中国小商店格格不入。 European-style facade, extremely elegant, is out of tune with Chinese small shops around of 1980’s style.
据最新的研究显示,非法药物及其实际导致的危害,和目前的毒品分级制度格格不入。 Recent research has analysed the link between the harmful effects of drugs relative to their current classification by law with some startling conclusions.
相反,权相佑和朴龙河的回归之作却有些反应平平,似乎与他们爆棚的人气有些格格不入。 In contrast, KSW and PYH’s return project received quiet response, which seems to un match their bursting popularity.
通常情况下,只有人在变老时,才会自然而然地认为从前的事物更好,并有一种格格不入之感。 It is often merely part of growing older to think that things were better in the past and to feel a sense of displacement.
相反的,如果你发现一个人在团体中与人格格不入,冲突时起,那他不论在哪个环境都会出问题。 On the contrary, if a man often conflicts with other and gets bad along with others, he must have problem in any environment.
你是否有团队精神?你会适应企业上下级还是会格格不入?你能接受及下达(仅为适用时)命令吗? Are you a team player? Will you fit into the corporate hierarchy or be like sand in the gears? Can you take and give (if appropriate) orders?
这就意味即使这些国家行为与我国所声称的正义的概念格格不入,法院对它的这种行为也得加以执行。 However, this means that all state acts may be implemented, even where these acts are abhorrent to our own notions of justice.
数据库营销和直复营销其实各自表达的是不同的二件事,他们不是格格不入的,相反是可以共同存在的。 Database marketing and direct marketing, in fact, each expression is in a different, they are not out of place, contrary to the mon.
卡莱尔首先要解决的问题就是基德,基德和约翰逊格格不入,在约翰逊的进攻体系中他根本无法发挥所长。 Carlisle solve the first problem is that Kidd, Kidd and Johnson out, Johnson in the offensive system that he could not play to its strengths.
当萧条愈加严重,尤以建筑行业为甚,吉普赛人滑入了发展中国家常见的贫穷境地,与当代欧洲格格不入。 As the recession bites harder, especially in the construction trade, the Roma are sliding into the kind of poverty usually seen in the developing world, not contemporary Europe.
然而这种欢愉并不足以消除宗教、文化和地域等方面的巨大差别,这些差别使得新来者与本地人之间格格不入。 But the jollity was not enough to transcend the huge religious, cultural and geographic divide that separated the new arrivals from the local people.
尽管我还是更爱听爵士乐和摇滚乐,我也很喜欢这些唱片,我觉得切尔西所说的“才智”、“格格不入”是对的。 While I still preferred jazz and rock, I enjoyed a lot of the music, and I saw that she was right about the intelligence, and the alienation.
里森及其妻子丽沙似乎与新加坡富裕的新殖民生活方式一直格格不入,也似乎一直未能融入新加坡的多种族社会。 Leeson and his wife Lisa never really seemed to fit into the affluent, neo-colonial life-style of Singapore or into the city’s multiethnic society.
坡和后来的亨利·詹姆斯都指摘过这个根深蒂固的缺点:把人物装扮起来说明一个主题,而这个主题往往和现实格格不入。 Poe and Henry James after him have pointed out this inveterate weakness of dressing up characters to exemplify a theme that is often quite inpatible with “actuality” .
词语大全 无孔不入造句_无孔不入中英文解释和造句
无孔不入 wú kǒng bù rù
无孔不入 wúkǒngbùrù无孔不入的意思和解释:孔:小洞。比喻有空子就鉆。无孔不入的出处清·李宝嘉《官场现形记》第三十五回:“况且上海办捐的人,鉆头觅缝,无孔不入。”无孔不入
无孔不入 wúkǒngbùrù无孔不入的意思和解释:孔:小洞。比喻有空子就鉆。无孔不入的出处清·李宝嘉《官场现形记》第三十五回:“况且上海办捐的人,鉆头觅缝,无孔不入。”无孔不入
篱牢犬不入 líláoquǎnbùrù篱牢犬不入的意思和解释:篱笆编得结实,狗就鉆不进来。比喻自己品行端正,坏人就无法勾引。篱牢犬不入的出处篱牢犬不入的例子篱牢犬不入造句篱牢犬不
方凿圆枘 fāngzáoyuánruì方凿圆枘的意思和解释:凿:榫眼;枘:榫头。方枘装不进圆凿。比喻格格不入,不能相合。方凿圆枘的出处战国·楚·宋玉《九辨》:“圆凿而方枘兮,吾固
方凿圆枘 fāngzáoyuánruì方凿圆枘的意思和解释:凿:榫眼;枘:榫头。方枘装不进圆凿。比喻格格不入,不能相合。方凿圆枘的出处战国·楚·宋玉《九辨》:“圆凿而方枘兮,吾固
方枘圆凿 fāngruìyuánzáo方枘圆凿的意思和解释:枘:榫头;凿:榫眼。方枘装不进圆凿。比喻格格不入,不能相合。方枘圆凿的出处战国·楚·宋玉《九辨》:“圆凿而方枘兮,吾固
方枘圆凿 fāngruìyuánzáo方枘圆凿的意思和解释:枘:榫头;凿:榫眼。方枘装不进圆凿。比喻格格不入,不能相合。方枘圆凿的出处战国·楚·宋玉《九辨》:“圆凿而方枘兮,吾固
圆凿方枘 yuánzáofāngruì圆凿方枘的意思和解释:枘:榫头;凿:榫眼。方榫头,圆榫眼,两下里合不来。比喻格格不入。圆凿方枘的出处战国楚·宋玉《九辩》:“圆凿而方枘兮,吾
圆凿方枘 yuánzáofāngruì圆凿方枘的意思和解释:枘:榫头;凿:榫眼。方榫头,圆榫眼,两下里合不来。比喻格格不入。圆凿方枘的出处战国楚·宋玉《九辩》:“圆凿而方枘兮,吾