词语大全 梦寐以求造句_梦寐以求中英文解释和造句

Posted 鲁迅

篇首语:将相本无种,男儿当自强。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 梦寐以求造句_梦寐以求中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 梦寐以求造句_梦寐以求中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 孜孜以求造句_孜孜以求中英文解释和造句

词语大全 梦寐以求造句_梦寐以求中英文解释和造句

梦寐以求  mèng mèi yǐ qiú








  • 有我所梦寐以求的一切,。 Everything that I had dreamed.

  • 美好和现实的事物是他一直梦寐以求的。 The beautiful and realistic is what he is always longing for.

  • 你笑容,是我梦寐以求。 Your smile is my dream.

  • 甚至还有一个人说我是他梦寐以求的女友。 One even said that I was his dream girlfriend.

  • 男人梦寐以求的去工作在自己的个人直升机。 Men dreamed of going to work in their own personal helicopters.

  • 他最后得到了他梦寐以求的艺术指导的工作。 He actually got the job he was hankering after…as art director .

  • 我曾梦寐以求的生活就是像现在这样和你紧挨着。 Life that I have dreamt is here now next to you.

  • 因此,把房子尽快一销而空是开发商所梦寐以求的。 Therefore, as soon as I sell the house and the land developers is empty.

  • 如果这是她梦寐以求的爱,那么任何力量也破坏不了。 If it was the love she dreamt of, nothing could destroy it.

  • 英雄美女都在这里找到了梦寐以求的乐土,快活人间! Heroes are beauties here to find the promised land of dream, the world happy!

  • 快又廉价获取专利全文是众多科技工作者梦寐以求的事。 It is what the majority scientific workers long for to quickly and cheaply view patents.

  • 也许你可以找到一个伴侣,会和你一起庆祝梦寐以求的婚礼。 Maybe you will find it in a spouse and celebrate it with your dream wedding.

  • 让他送老妇人去医院。然后我留下来与我梦寐以求的女子一起等车。 Then I would stay behind and wait for the bus with the woman of my dreams.

  • 经过多年的梦寐以求终于跨进大学门槛的学生,却往往迷失了自己。 While students dream of being accepted into college for years, they often bee lost once admitted.

  • 亨特或许遇见了他梦寐以求的姑娘。但是妈妈一定不知道是怎么回事。 Hunter may have met the girl of his dreams. But Mum must’t know what’s cooking.

  • 谁说不是呢,其实笑到最后才最重要——如果我们可以捧回那梦寐以求的奖杯。 No. The real smiles can e later – if and when there’s a certain trophy on the table.

  • 但是有一件事情我直梦寐以求,但却依旧离我很遥远:找到爱的人并且和他结婚。 But there is one thing that I dreamed of but still eluded me: finding someone to love and marry.

  • 能够制作出模样和行动都和真人一样的电脑图像是制片人长久以来所梦寐以求的。 Developing puter images that look and act just like real humans has long been the dream of many movie makers.

  • 结果,他爱上了她并想和她结婚,这样一来,他就可以得到梦寐以求的财富和社会地位。 He came to love her and hoped to marry her, and thus acquire the wealth and social position for which he yearned.

  • 这就意味着你会对梦寐以求的工作有你自己独特的定义,而它并不适合世界上别的求职者。 And that means that your ultra-customized dream job is the perfect job for you, not the whole world of job-seekers.

  • 我走了漫长的道路以后又折回来了,我原先曾梦寐以求,想爬到社会的某一阶梯,此刻却反弹到了原处。 Thus I have e a long way and returned and boomeranged a long way from the point in society toward which I originally aspired.

  • “在我们真正触摸到奖杯之前,联赛冠军就将一直是我们梦寐以求的事情,我们会为之奋斗,”杰拉德说。 “There is an obsession with the league here and there always will be until we win it, but it can be a healthy one, ” he said.

  • 在快乐游戏之余,还能凭借在游戏中的实力去赢得名声和财富——这对每个玩家来说,岂不正是梦寐以求的? Happy in the game, but also by virtue of the strength in the game to win fame and wealth – for each player, it is the dream?

  • 邀请一个从事你梦寐以求的工作的人(网上的或生活中的)喝杯咖啡,让他们告诉你一些关于这份工作的内幕。 Networking online and off to find people with your dream career who will give you the inside scoop over a cup of coffee (your treat!

  • 本书标题“狼厅”指的是西摩家族的王位,他们的女儿简最终成功地排挤安妮,为亨利生下了他梦寐以求的儿子。 The title refers to the family seat of the Seymours, whose daughter Jane would eventually supplant Anne as queen and give Henry the son he so wanted.

  • 这是其它电信运营商梦寐以求的成功,一项新业务不仅阻止了固网损失,还顺手打击了有线电视公司和带来新的营收。 This is the kind of success that other teles firms dream of: a new service that not only stops line loss but beats the cable panies at their own game and brings in new revenue.

  • 如果你看一下,这是新车其打开了车顶和车门从45度角,这看起来好像是几十年了,我们梦寐以求的超级跑车的儿童。 If you look at this car with its opened up roof and doors from a 45-degree angle, it looks like the decades-away supercar we dreamed of as children.

  • 将费特的盔甲转化为游戏中的装备,西方终点实际上增强了费特的战斗能力,曼达洛盔甲成为所有赏金猎人玩家梦寐以求之物。 In translating Fett’s armor to game terms, West End really beefed up Fett’s bat capabilities, making a suit of Mandalorian armor a “must have” for all bounty hunter games.

  • 现在30岁了,我想说的是,我曾经很嫉妒你拥有那些我小时候曾经梦寐以求的玩具,同时我也很抱歉如果我让你感到受伤害。 At 30, I will like to say, yes I was jealous of you having possessed the most coveted toy in my youth and I’m sorry if I made you feel victimised.

  • 计算机设计中人们梦寐以求的目标是平行处理法,在这种方法中通过同时使用许多便宜的微处理器,来实现单个的快速的微处理器的所有好处。 The Holy Grail of puter design is an approach called parallel processing, which delivers all the benefits of a single fast processor by engaging many inexpensive ones at the same time.

  • 梦寐以求造句相关


    词语大全 孜孜以求造句_孜孜以求中英文解释和造句

    孜孜以求  zī zī yǐ qiú






  • 奇迹时有发生,但你得孜孜以求。 Miracles sometimes occur, but one has to work terribly for them.

  • “质量第一、信誉第一”一直是公司孜孜以求的宗旨。 Quality first, credit first is always the tenet of our serving for all customers.

  • 人类的梦想是从根本上征服衰老,科学家正孜孜以求。 Mankind’s dream has been to conquer ageing altogether, and scientists are working on it.

  • 近百年,宪政与行政法治,一直是国人孜孜以求的目标。 For one hundred years, constitutionalism and the rule of administration law have been the important aims for Chinese people.

  • 我父亲则做他想做的,相信自己所认定的,并且孜孜以求。 My father does what he wants to do, believes what he wants to believesticks with it.

  • 实现中华民族的伟大复兴是中国人民孜孜以求的目标和理想。 Great Renaissance of Chinese Nation is the aim and ideality pursued by Chinese people.

  • 因为这至少使我具有某种个性,这正是年轻人孜孜以求的事情之一。 For one thing, being a problem gives you a certain identity, and that is one of the things the young are busily engaged in seeking.

  • 它们带有自由的气息,她们不会为狭隘的野心和贪婪舒服而孜孜以求。 They HAs an air of freedom, and them HAs not a dreary mitment to mean ambitions or love fort.

  • 实现社会和谐、建设美好社会,始终是人类孜孜以求的一个社会理想。 It is a social ideal that the mankind seeks assiduously all the time to build the harmonious and beautiful society.

  • “围绕地方经济,贴近企业,服务企业”是我们孜孜以求的事业追求。 “rigorous, realistic and innovative” is our attitude “on the local economy, and close to enterprises, service enterprises” is diligently to For the pursuit of the cause.

  • 实现社会和谐,建设美好社会,始终是人类孜孜以求的一个社会理想。 It is an ideal for human being to realize society’s harmonious and construct nice munity.

  • 使每一个人都能得到自由而全面的发展,是人类孜孜以求的理想境界。 To make everyone develop in every aspect with plete freedom is the ideal that human beings have been indefatigably pursuing.

  • 在人类认识发展的历史长河中始终贯穿着人类对真理孜孜以求的追寻。 The ones that sought the truth assiduously running through the mankind all the time were pursued during the mankind history.

  • 他们会给你忠告:既不要避开清贫的联姻,也不要孜孜以求攀结富贵之家。 Now they would advise you neither to avoid a poor marriage, nor specially to desire a rich one.

  • 如何更好地进行语文教学是语文教育工作者不断探索,孜孜以求的研究论题。 For years researchers and educators are throwing themselves into how to improve Chinese learning and teaching.

  • 建筑的和谐、环境的和谐、城市的和谐是千百年来技术发展孜孜以求的境界。 The harmony between architecture and environment is the dream of architecture design for thousands of years.

  • 对我而言,此生若要成就一番事业,就必须敢做敢当。我会不避艰险,孜孜以求。 As for me , if you want to achieve your enterprise. you must venture what you should do , I will face hardships and dangers bravely.

  • 人力资源是企业制胜的关键,如何保留核心员工是每个企业孜孜以求的管理密笈。 Human resource is the key to win the success of running a pany.

  • “致力于提升人们身心灵全方位品质”,是品牌连锁会所麦莎一直孜孜以求的使命。 Aiming at promoting the quality of people’s health, beauty and spirit that Misspa is trying to be after all the time.

  • 如果我过去清楚地表达了我的最终抱负的话,那么肯定有人会告诉我孜孜以求的是什么。 Had I been articulate about my ultimate aspirations, no doubt someone would have told me what I was bargaining for.

  • 在工程结构设计中,既经济又可行的理想设计方案,一直是工程设计人员孜孜以求的目的。 In the project structural design, the ideal design plan with feasible and economy has been the purpose that the project designer has sought assiduously all the time.

  • 跟随人群的警方担心客户的安全,(他们)为买进孜孜以求玩意儿而深夜在伦敦市中心(排队)。 The move follows police concerns about the safety of customers buying the sought-after gadget in central London at midnight.

  • 公司多年来对和谐生活的孜孜以求和务实、高效、诚信的稳健风格赢得了广大消费者的赞誉与信赖。 Over the years the pany has won praise and trust from the vast consumers, with its stable style of pragmatic, high-efficient and honest as well as its constant pursuing of a harmonious life.

  • 消除战争,实现和平,建设独立富强、民生幸福的国家,是近代以来中国人民孜孜以求的奋斗目标。 The Chinese people have, throughout the modern times, yearned and sought for a peaceful, independent, prosperous and happy life free from wars.

  • 即使对成功的孜孜以求让你最终如愿以偿,但如果没有人与你分享和庆贺,你仍然不会感到胜利的快乐。 Even if such ruthless focus gets you across the finish line first, you won’t be able to enjoy the moment if there’s no one to reflect your joy or celebrate with you.

  • 我们经常陷进自己的欲求中,为了那些很难满足的欲望,我们孜孜以求,我们的心常常处于失望痛苦沮丧之中。 We often get so stuck in our own greed, often insatiable, yet we just cannot let go of, that most of the time we feel lost in pain.

  • 多年来,我们秉承田源董事长提出的“三信五精神”,与时俱进,孜孜以求,在中国期货市场上始终具有特别重要的地位。 Over the years, we uphold Tian Yuan, chairman of the “three letter of the spirit of” keeping up with the times, assiduous, futures markets in China always has a special importance.

  • “道德”是自有人类社会出现以来人们就孜孜以求的美好事物和优秀品质,然而人类对道德的祈愿似乎永远都未达到过理想的彼岸。 “Moral” is the fine thing and the virtue that the human beings have being struggling to pursue when the human society es into being, but the ideal seems not to e true forever.

  • 以客户需求为主导,我们秉承“专注于公关视觉服务于公关视觉”的公司理念,孜孜以求的目标正是把PRFIRST打造成为“公关视觉第一选择”! Leads by clients demand, we insist our mission of “Focus on PR Visual, Serve for PR Visual” to achieve the vision of making PRFIRST as “PR Visual, First Choice”!

  • 构建和谐社会,达到公平正义的目的,始终是人类孜孜以求的一个社会理想,公平正义的社会要达到的标准就是社会各方面的利益关系得到妥善协调,人民群众的利益得到合理的实现。 It has been man’s social ideal to construct a harmonious society and achieve the aim to be fair and just. A fair and just society are well coordinated and the people are benefited.

  • 孜孜以求造句相关



    词语大全 孜孜以求造句_孜孜以求中英文解释和造句

    孜孜以求  zīzīyǐqiú孜孜以求的意思和解释:孜孜:勤勉的样子。不知疲倦地探求。孜孜以求的出处孜孜以求的例子孜孜以求造句奇迹时有发生,但你得孜孜以求。Miraclessome

    词语大全 孜孜以求造句_孜孜以求中英文解释和造句

    孜孜以求  zīzīyǐqiú孜孜以求的意思和解释:孜孜:勤勉的样子。不知疲倦地探求。孜孜以求的出处孜孜以求的例子孜孜以求造句奇迹时有发生,但你得孜孜以求。Miraclessome

    词语大全 梦寐以求造句

    梦寐以求造句  一:我孜孜不倦的为那个梦寐以求的大学而奋斗。也曾忧心忡忡,也曾洋洋得意,不变的是永不懈怠的脚步。优美句子  二:如果它不是贵得过分,收藏家就不会对它梦寐以求了。  三:能够成为一个演员

    词语大全 梦寐以求造句

    梦寐以求造句  一:我孜孜不倦的为那个梦寐以求的大学而奋斗。也曾忧心忡忡,也曾洋洋得意,不变的是永不懈怠的脚步。优美句子  二:如果它不是贵得过分,收藏家就不会对它梦寐以求了。  三:能够成为一个演员

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    夢寐以求造句夢寐以求の例文"夢寐以求"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!多年來

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    词语大全 夤缘攀附造句_夤缘攀附中英文解释和造句

    夤缘攀附  yínyuánpānfǔ夤缘攀附的意思和解释:拉拢关系,攀附权贵,以求高升。夤缘攀附的出处《明史·尹直传》:“给事中宋琮及御史许斌言直自初为侍郎以至入阁,夤缘攀附,皆取

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    奋发图强  fènfātúqiáng奋发图强的意思和解释:图:谋求。振作精神,以求强盛。奋发图强的出处奋发图强的例子我祝愿中年一代的科学工作者~,革命加拼命,勇攀世界科学高峰。(郭

    词语大全 奋发图强造句_奋发图强中英文解释和造句

    奋发图强  fènfātúqiáng奋发图强的意思和解释:图:谋求。振作精神,以求强盛。奋发图强的出处奋发图强的例子我祝愿中年一代的科学工作者~,革命加拼命,勇攀世界科学高峰。(郭

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    委曲求全  wěiqǔqiúquán委曲求全的意思和解释:委曲:曲意迁就。勉强迁就,以求保全。也指为了顾全大局而让步。委曲求全的出处《汉书·严彭祖传》:“何可委曲从俗,茍求富贵乎!