词语大全 森严壁垒造句_森严壁垒中英文解释和造句

Posted 壁垒

篇首语:冲天香阵透长安,满城尽带黄金甲。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 森严壁垒造句_森严壁垒中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 森严壁垒造句_森严壁垒中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 森严壁垒的意思_成语“森严壁垒”是什么意思

词语大全 森严壁垒造句_森严壁垒中英文解释和造句

森严壁垒  sēn yán bì lěi







  • 冷战使俄欧关系壁垒森严。 The cold war imposed a grim clarity on the relationship.

  • 下接第三节:“保镖”和“壁垒森严的饭店” Followed by Part III: “Bodyguards” and “security-minded hotel”

  • 十九世纪等级制度的森严壁垒,大都被冲破了。 The barriers of the old 19th century class system are in many ways being broken down.

  • 墙外环绕宽52米的护城河,构成森严壁垒的城堡。 Around the outside of the wall runs the 52-meter-wide moat.

  • 从始至终,央行都表现出了对房地产行业的森严壁垒。 Throughout, the central bank has demonstrated the maximum barriers to the real estate industry.

  • 看那土林,酷似一座座欧式古堡遗址,森严壁垒,令人肃然起敬。 Lin look at the soil, like Block, a European-style castle ruins, guarded barriers, it is respect.

  • 不同于过去壁垒森严的城邦,现代的金融中心相互的交流尤其重要。 Unlike the walled medieval city-states, today’s financial centres are increasingly dependent on their connections to one another.

  • 而在国内,森严壁垒的政府部门,警车开道的领导出行,相比之下,你会有许多吹牛的资料。 And at home, the barriers guarded by government departments, leading police to clear the way trip, pared to many of you will be bragging.

  • 所以爱情不仅会占领开旷坦阔的胸怀,有时也能闯入壁垒森严的心灵–假如守御不严的话。 Therefore it seems (though rarely) that love can find entrance, not only into an open heart, but also into a heart well fortified, if watch be not well kept.

  • 本片真实生动记录了西藏监狱中服刑人员的生活片段,使观众看到壁垒森严的监狱的另一面。 This film faithfully documents the life in the prison, showing the heart-warming side of the prison.

  • 这说明爱情不仅会占领开旷坦阔的胸怀,有时也能闯入壁垒森严的心灵—-假如手御不严的话。 the latter was an austerewise man:therefore it seems (though rarely) that love can find entrance, not into an open heart, also into a heart well fortified, if watch be not well kept.

  • 山下旌旗在望,山头鼓角相闻。敌军围困万千重,我自岿然不动。早已森严壁垒,更加众志成城。黄洋… Below the hills fly flags and banners, Above the hill tops sound bugles and drums. The foe encircles …

  • 这说明爱情不仅会占领开旷坦阔的胸怀,有时也能闯入壁垒森严的心灵—-假如手御不严的话。 Therefore it seems (though rarely) that love can find entrance, not only into an open heart, but also into a heart well fortified, if watch be not well kept.

  • 如何甄别民意、提炼民意,通过制度的防火墙森严壁垒,一方面把权力意志拒于门外,排除对民意的扭曲; The public will is assessed and refined through a secure system of firewalls. If the will to power is kept at bay, this eliminates the distortion of the public sentiment.

  • 朝鲜猛烈抨击这位新官,称之为“民族的叛徒” ,并单方面中止双边对话、减少在两国壁垒森严的别界上的往来。 North Korea has viciously attacked Mr. Lee, calling him a “national traitor, ” cutting off official dialogue and reducing traffic across the countries’ heavily armed border.

  • 虽然加入WTO后中国的“关税壁垒”低了,然而以“绿色壁垒”为主体的“非关税壁垒”却越来越高,越来越森严。 Though ” tariff barrier ” of China is low after the accession to the WTO, ” non-tariff tade barriers ” taking ” green barrier ” as subject are higher and higher, sterner and sterner.

  • 两部门之间壁垒森严,国防部门的投资对民用部门几乎没有正向带动作用,因而需进一步加强国防部门和市场经济的联系。 Investment in national defense has no positive effect on the civilian economy, so China’s national defense should be more closely integrated with the market economy.

  • 宫城周围环绕着高12米,长3400米的宫墙,形式为一长方形城池,墙外有52米宽的护城河环绕,形成一个森严壁垒的城堡。 Miyagi surrounded by 12 meters high, long wall of 3400 meters, in the form of a rectangular city, outside the wall, 52 meters wide moat surrounded by a fortified castle barriers.

  • 奥巴马先生把财政刺激计划的主导权拱手让给了好斗成性的国会民主党人,坐视一个本该得到两党广泛支持的计划,沦为壁垒森严的党派战场。 Mr Obama ceded control of the stimulus to the fractious congressional Democrats, allowing a plan that should have had broad support from both parties to bee a divisive partisan battle.

  • 埃里斯,通常大家都叫他瑞德,发现在进行狱中违禁品交易的时候,安迪的这种企业家特有的精神力量对生活在壁垒森严的肖申克监狱中的人来说是弥足珍贵的。 Ellis, monly referred to as Red, finds gainful use of his entrepreneurial spirit within the drab walls of Shawshank by dealing in contraband and modities rare to the confines of prison.

  • 但是后者却是一个严肃而有智的人;所以好象(虽然这是很少见的)恋爱不但是会入于坦露的心胸,并且也可以进入壁垒森严的心胸中(假如把守不严的话)似的。 and therefore it seems (though rarely) that love can find entrance, not only into an open heart, but also into a heart well fortified, if watch be not well kept.

  • 但是后者却是一个严肃而有智的人;所以好象(虽然这是很少见的)恋爱不但是会入于坦露的心胸,并且也可以进入壁垒森严的心胸中(假如把守不严的话)似的。 and therefore it seems (though rarely) that love can find entrance, not only into an open heart, but also into a heart well fortified, if watch be not well kept.

  • 森严壁垒造句相关


    词语大全 森严壁垒的意思_成语“森严壁垒”是什么意思

    成 语


    成语读音sēn yán bì lěi
    成语解释 比喻防守严密。
    常用程度 常用
    感情色彩 中性词
    成语结构 偏正式
    成语用法 作谓语、宾语;比喻防守严密。
    产生年代 现代
    典故出处 毛泽东《西江月·井冈山》词:“早已森严壁垒,更加众志成城。”
    近 义 词 戒备森严
    英文翻译 an impassable barrier <closely guarded>


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    词语大全 森严壁垒   [sēn yán bì lěi]什么意思

    森严壁垒  [sēnyánbìlěi][森严壁垒]成语解释原指军事戒备严密。现也用来比喻彼此界限划得很分明。[森严壁垒]成语出处毛泽东《西江月·井冈山》:“早已森严壁垒,更加众志成

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    壁垒  [bìlěi][壁垒]基本解释旧时兵营四周的墙壁,泛指防御、戒备的工事,现在常指互相对立的事物或界限[壁垒]详细解释军营的围墙。作为进攻或退守的工事。《六韬·王翼》:“修沟

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    刁斗森严  [diāodǒusēnyán][刁斗森严]成语解释刁斗:古时行军,在晚上敲击以报时或报警的用具。森严:整肃,整饬。防卫严密。形容军队的营地戒备森严。[刁斗森严]百科解释

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