词语大全 楚楚可怜造句_楚楚可怜中英文解释和造句
Posted 露珠
篇首语:一箫一剑平生意,负尽狂名十五年。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 楚楚可怜造句_楚楚可怜中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 楚楚可怜造句_楚楚可怜中英文解释和造句
楚楚可怜 chǔ chǔ kě lián
阿克夏一直喜欢高挑,楚楚可怜的女孩。 Akshay has always liked women who are tall and in-charge.
是啊,是啊。我想是我楚楚可怜的外表让他们大发慈悲了吧。 Boss Skua: Yeah, yeah, I guess my pitiful quest for mercy had appealed to their better nature.
露拉来拜访的时候,布兰茜装出一副悲伤的样子,显得楚楚可怜。 Blanche adopted a sweet look of suffering martyrdom when Laure came to see her.
画家廖未林为琼瑶画的像,颇似她笔下的女主角:温柔婉约,楚楚可怜。 In artist Liao Wei-lin’s portrait of her, she appears as tender and pathetic as her own heroines.
每天清晨看它们缓缓转向阳光,洒著露珠,是那样的楚楚可怜亦复可爱。 They were so delicate as well as cute when they raised their heads to face the sunshine and covered by the dew drops in the morning.
而且她们正如在以弗所年代一样使妇女的形像看起来又弱又楚楚可怜。 And they’re making women as weak and miserable as in the days of Ephesus.
每天清晨看它们缓缓转向阳光,洒著露珠,是那样的楚楚可怜亦复可爱。 Every morning, I watched their slow turning to the sun with the dew drops so pity but lovely.
( 我必须得找到一份工作,但是没地方可去。) 铃月可怜楚楚地说道。 I have to find a job, James, but there”s nowhere to go.”
薛从昏迷中醒来,看到一个可爱的小女孩突然走进他的生活,刁鉆古怪,楚楚可怜。 When Xue came out of the a, he just saw this lovely little girl suddenly appearing in his life. Sometimes, her strange and senseless behavior made the Captain quite at loss.
看她楚楚可怜的样子,我很仗义地指着她胸部说:“别这么说,一分钱也是钱啊!” See her delicate and touching appearance, I very the battle righteousness ground point at her chest to say:”Do not say so, penny money be also money! “”
韦小宝见她楚楚可怜的模样,心肠忽然软了,说道:“你写什么都好,反正我不识字。 Trinket felt sorry for her, and relented. ‘Oh well, write whatever you like. I can’t read anyway.
其实,从火星上看去,它们不仅不让人恐惧、恐怖,反而因为反光微弱,显得楚楚可怜。 Actually, as seen from Mars, they not only didn’t inspire fear or panic, on the contrary, because their reflection was weak, they appeared to be delicate and vulnerable.
记忆中《像雾像雨又像风》中那个楚楚可怜的“方紫仪”,如今已经蜕变成极富女人味的摩登女郎! In memory ” resemble wind again like rain like mist ” in that clear is pitiful ” Fang Ziyi ” , nowadays already the fashionable young woman that exuviate turns extremely wealthy woman into flavour!
直人伴侣总是以性别角色为基线争吵:男人们容易发曝气和冷淡,女人们总是楚楚可怜和敏感脆弱。 Straight couples often argue along gender lines: the men are at turns angry and distant, the women more prone to lugubrious bursts.
我最喜欢的一条鱼儿是那条最小的鱼,可能是因为牠娇小玲珑,楚楚可怜的样子,而且牠不会大便。 I most like a fish is that smallest fish, is possibly because it is delicate and exquisite, miserable appearance, moreover it cannot the bowel movement.
天,我要晕。原来真的是骗子啊,一个并没有像那些人那样装的楚楚可怜的骗子,他要的岂止是4块钱! Goash, I soon learned what he need not 4 yuan, but more. he was a cheat as others who pretended poor people.
相见恨晚,空虚的你们。你伪装的楚楚可怜,只为乞求一点同情?你在浪费时间,并且得不到任何好处。 Glad to see you! Those lonely guys. Are you pretend to be lamentable to beg for sympathy? You’re just wasting your time to bring in nothing.
当我回到坐位上时,客户和雇员总是评论说Maxine的被冷落、无助、粗鲁和楚楚可怜给人印象深刻。 When I return to my desk, clients and employees often ment that Maxine es across as uncaring, unhelpful, rude and just plain miserable.
在早期,姚看起来满足于18英尺外的跳投而不是在可怜无助(其实偶很想翻译为楚楚可怜……)的防守者头上暴扣。 Early on, Yao seemed content shooting 18-ft. jumpers instead of slamming a dunk over the head of some poor, helpless defender.
在《爱情合约》和《恶作剧之吻》中楚楚可怜的杨沛婷,是深受少男喜爱的日系风美少女,继续演出《恶作剧之吻2》。 Petty Yang is a favorite among adolescents for her beauty tinged with a Japanese flavor. She is continuing her career apace.
一天晚上,齐格蒙特对我指手画脚,数落我像朵“楚楚可怜,纯洁无瑕”的狗屎百合,连召唤一个低级恶魔(12)都做不到。 One night, Sigmund started getting on my case, accusing me of being a lily-white shit who was afraid to evoke a Goetic demon.
今天回外婆家吃饭,看到院子里一户人家的2只双胞胎小狗在草地上打滚,可爱得不得了,粉粉嫩嫩的小容貌,水汪汪的眼睛楚楚可怜的看着我。 Today back to grandma for dinner and saw the courtyard of a household’s two twins dog roll in the grass incredibly cute Nennen another on a small face watery eyes delicate and charming to look at me.
二月时节,看着我们花园里那些楚楚可怜的植物——太多灰蒙蒙的日子,太多干旱炎热时节,夺去了我们房子里这些花儿的活力。它们也和我们一样,也希望能再次见到户外的光明。 Our house plants are looking wan and weary in February – too many grey days and too much dry heat in the house rob them of their vigor, and like us they long to be outdoors again.
当大部分孩子成长过程中梦想着在一个“楚楚可怜”的7英尺高的人头上扣篮或者穿花绕步过掉一个NBA的后卫(这句经典翻译来至“楚楚可怜”的乔治)时,巴蒂尔已经在密歇根州贝弗莉山掌握每一项防守技能了。 While most kids grow up dreaming about dunking over a helpless 7-footer or crossing over an NBA point guard, Battier grew up in Beverly Hills, Mich. trying to master every aspect of defense.
词语大全 楚楚可怜造句
一、 语义说明:形容姿态纤弱娇媚,惹人怜爱。 使用说明:用在「娇柔妩媚」的表述上。 楚楚可怜造句:
二、 语义说明:指神情凄楚或处境不佳,令人怜悯。 使用说明:用在「凄楚可怜」的表述上。 楚楚可怜造句:
词语大全 楚楚可怜 [chǔ chǔ kě lián]_成语解释_成语出处_成语造句_近义词_反义词_相关成语_成语接龙_英文翻译
楚楚可怜 [chǔchǔkělián][楚楚可怜]成语解释楚楚:植物丛生的样子,也形容痛苦的神情。本指幼松纤弱可爱,后形容女子娇弱的样子。褒义[楚楚可怜]成语出处清·许豫《白门新
耳目昭彰 ěrmùzhāozhāng耳目昭彰的意思和解释:昭彰:十分明显,人所共见。众人已听到和看到,十分明显。形容被众人了解得清清楚楚,无法藏匿。耳目昭彰的出处耳目昭彰的例子说
耳目昭彰 ěrmùzhāozhāng耳目昭彰的意思和解释:昭彰:十分明显,人所共见。众人已听到和看到,十分明显。形容被众人了解得清清楚楚,无法藏匿。耳目昭彰的出处耳目昭彰的例子说
薄命佳人 bómìngjiārén薄命佳人的意思和解释:薄命:福薄命苦。福薄命苦的美女。薄命佳人的出处元·洪希文《书美人图》:“可怜前代汗青史,薄命佳人类如此。”薄命佳人的例子薄
薄命佳人 bómìngjiārén薄命佳人的意思和解释:薄命:福薄命苦。福薄命苦的美女。薄命佳人的出处元·洪希文《书美人图》:“可怜前代汗青史,薄命佳人类如此。”薄命佳人的例子薄
身后识方干 shēnhòushífānggān身后识方干的意思和解释:比喻一个人才,生前无人赏识,死后才被重视。身后识方干的出处清·袁枚《随园诗话》:“放眼古今多少恨,可怜识后识
身后识方干 shēnhòushífānggān身后识方干的意思和解释:比喻一个人才,生前无人赏识,死后才被重视。身后识方干的出处清·袁枚《随园诗话》:“放眼古今多少恨,可怜识后识
孤身只影 gūshēnzhīyǐng孤身只影的意思和解释:孤零零的一个人。形容孤儿无亲。孤身只影的出处元·关汉卿《窦娥冤》第三折:“可怜我孤身只影无亲眷,则落的吞声忍气空嗟怨。”