词语大全 概莫能外造句_概莫能外中英文解释和造句

Posted 政治

篇首语:壮心未与年俱老,死去犹能作鬼雄。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 概莫能外造句_概莫能外中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 概莫能外造句_概莫能外中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 绝口不道造句_绝口不道中英文解释和造句

词语大全 概莫能外造句_概莫能外中英文解释和造句

概莫能外  gài mò néng wài







  • 百度、新浪在谈判时也概莫能外。 Baidu, sina also has no exception when the negotiation.

  • 打假永远是一种群体行为,新闻打假概莫能外。 Fighting against false is always a kind of group behaving, including fighting against false news.

  • 覆水难收,于事业,于爱情,于人生,概莫能外。 Difficult receive pours water, to the enterprise, to the love, to the life, admits no exceptions whatsoever.

  • 有政治就必然有权力斗争,任何国家都概莫能外。 No country is spared from power struggle which is part and parcel of politics.

  • 这些“脊梁”在古今中外的历史 上,数不胜数,概莫能外。 These ” back ” are on the history of at all times and in all over the world, without number, have no exception.

  • 无论是党政机关的办公室,还是企事业单位的办公室概莫能外。 No matter be the office of Party and goverment officials, enterprise or business still the office of the unit has no exception.

  • 你掌握的一切都是通过重复学到的:写字、驾驶、甚至走路,概莫能外。 By doing your best you bee a master. Everything you have ever learned, you learned through repetition.

  • 外交官和军人有时也被迫说谎,二手车推销员、屠夫和建筑工人概莫能外。 Diplomats and military men tell their own kinds of lies on occasion, as do used car salesmen, butchers and builders.

  • 当前,信用缺失已成为困扰中国市场经济发展的桎梏,税收领域也概莫能外。 Nowadays, credit imperfection is disturbing market economy development more and more, including taxation sphere.

  • 除南极洲外,各大洲概莫能外,然而气象专家称,这种旋风在美国最为常见。 Tornadoes have been observed on every continent except Antarctica. But weather experts say they are most mon is the United States.

  • 美国的伟人和精英都对扑克情有独钟,从政客到将军再到产业大亨,概莫能外。 Poker has long fascinated America’s great and good, from politicians to generals to captains of industry.

  • 不同的阶级、政党、国家有其各自不同的政治内容要求,古今中外,概莫能外。 Different class, political party, country has the political content requirement that its differ severally, at all times and in all over the world, have no exception.

  • 离开了对这个原型的感悟,没人能够理智地行事,个人生活与国家大事概莫能外。 Without having had a vision of this form no one can act with wisdom, either in his own life or in matters of state.

  • 它是一个火种,它更是我将继续下去的战斗,直到每一个美国人都被保障,概莫能外。 It is a passion and a cause, and it is a fight I will continue until every single American is insured, no exceptions and no excuses.

  • 真实与客观是每一个真正的新闻从业者必须恪守的最根本最重要的准则,中外概莫能外。 Each objective is real and true information Practitioners must abide by the most fundamental norms of the most important Chinese and foreign there should be no exceptions.

  • 度量衡的尽可能统一,尽可能化繁就简,是历史发展进步的大趋势,古今中外,概莫能外。 weights and measures should be as simplified as possible, which is the trend in history both at home and abroad.

  • 建构主义是当代欧美国家比较流行的社会科学理论,其观点已深刻影响教育教学领域,生物学教学概莫能外。 Constructivism is the social science they that influences contemporary Europe and America nations. Its standpoints already deeply affect the teaching realm, including the biology teaching field.

  • 除非全球需求增长能够持续,否则经济就会对政府刺激政策十分依赖,不管是在中国还是其国内,概莫能外。 Unless growth in global demand is sustained, it remains heavily reliant on pump-priming, both in China and at home.

  • 但现实生活中日益增多的医疗损害事件、医疗纠纷和医疗诉讼,却使医疗陷入了尴尬的境地,世界各国概莫能外。 But in reality, the increasing malpractice, medical disputes and lawsuits have made the medical service fall into an awkward region which the various countries have admitted of no exception.

  • 这些孩子是我们的孩子。他们的未来就是我们的未来。并且此时此刻我们认为他们的教育就是我们的责任,概莫能外。 These children are our children. Their future is our future. And it’s time we understood that their education is our responsibility. All of us.

  • 人类的各种实践活动在总体上是属人的,是为了人类各种各样的需求与欲望,法治作为人类的政治实践活动亦概莫能外。 All activities of man, which are for meeting people’s all kinds of demands and desires, are humanistic, and as one kind of human political practise, Rule by law could not be exceptional.

  • 成本上升、利润下降,迫使一些企业向内地迁移寻求发展空间,作为劳动密集型产业的制卡和会员卡制作业也概莫能外。 The increase in costs, profits fall, forcing enterprises to the relevant mainland migration for development space, as a labour business card printing and membership card manufacturing workers my tong.

  • 消费主义文化作为一种话语权力系统在中国的流行,在政治、经济、文化领域都产生了一系列深重的影响,艺术也概莫能外。 The culture of consumerism as a system of power discourse that poplars in China, has produced a series of deep impacts in the fields of political, economic and cultural, including arts.

  • 随着律师事务所的裁员风愈演愈烈,人们对失业的恐惧似乎正在为权力着装风潮的回归推波助澜,就连年轻一代也概莫能外。 As law-firm layoffs mount, fear of unemployment appears to be speeding up the resurgence of power clothes, even among the youngest recruits.

  • 本书用平静而娴熟的论述将马克思主义学说的支柱一一击碎:劳动价值论、阶级斗争观念、历史唯物主义,凡此种种,概莫能外。 It calmly and expertly demolished the pillars of Marxist thought: the labour theory of value, the idea of class struggle, historical materialism and the like.

  • 由于中国经济吸引了全球生产链各个部位的工作岗位,从低端到高端概莫能外,因此对全球工资和工作条件的决定能力不断增强。 China increasingly sets the global norm for wages and working standards as it attracts jobs at both the high and low ends of the production chain.

  • 普遍认为完好的教育对于找到一份好工作和成为一名有责任感和有贡献的公民来说都是一个关键因素 ,从国家总统到黎民百姓概莫能外。 All the people not only the president but also the citizens believe that good education is a key factor for them to get a fine job and bee a citizen with sense of responsibility and achievements.

  • NEC公司雄心勃勃的成本削减目标表明日本企业和员工之间曾经牢不可摧的雇佣关系如今已经分崩离析,甚至老牌知名企业也概莫能外。 NEC’s ambitious cost-saving target makes it clear that the formerly sacred contract between panies and employees in Japan, even among the corporate aristocracy, is now a thing of the past.

  • 儒学在魏晋时期仍为官方统治性学说,尽管其影响力有所削弱,但对当下政治、学术、文化、艺术等方面的作用不容忽视,文学自概莫能外。 Though the influential power of Confucianism is impaired by metaphysics in WeiJin Dynasty , it still play a great role in the domains of politics, academy, culture, arts, except for the literature.

  • 李银河曾在她的专著《同性恋亚文化》中引大量事实得出如下结论:同性恋现象是在人类社会中普遍存在的一种行为模式,古今中外,概莫能外。 It took Li Yinhe much times to draw a conclusion in her books 《 a culture of homosexuality》that the phenomenon of homosexual is universal and existent kind of bearing model in the mankind”s society.”

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    邹律[作者]苏拯 [朝代]唐代邹律暖燕谷,青史徒编录。人心不变迁,空吹闲草木。世患有三惑,尔律莫能抑。边苦有长征,尔律莫能息。斯术未济时,斯律亦何益。争如至公一开口,吹起贤良霸邦国。苏拯的其