词语大全 横扫千军造句_横扫千军中英文解释和造句
Posted 克莱
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词语大全 横扫千军造句_横扫千军中英文解释和造句
横扫千军 héng sǎo qiān jūn
人生能有几回搏,横扫千军就是我! Life can return to risk a few, swept Jun is me!
后面还可接十字斩,或者横扫千军的技能。 Cross also cut back then, or Total Annihilation skills.
但是,这双不对称的眼睛放起电来,却是横扫千军啊! However, this double-Fang Qi, asymmetrical eyes, is swept Jun ah!
上面是我给《横扫千军》做的框架形式的粗略故事版画。 Above is my rough storyboard that served as the framework for the intro cinematic to Total Annihilation.
不论你是爱它还是恨它,你不能否认微软具有横扫千军的霸气。 Whether you love it or hate it, you can’t deny that Microsoft has had a sweeping impact.
王琳娜赵冠芳以横扫千军之势夺魁,捍卫了中国象棋中国女棋手的名誉。 Wang Linna Zhao Guanfang swept away potential of the thousand armed forces to win, has guarded the Chinese chess China female chess player’s reputation.
一个人可能在战斗中横扫千军,然而征服自己的人才是最伟大的胜利者。 One may overe a thousand men in battle, but he who conquers himself is the greatest victor.
其实,最后的“横扫千军”才是孙大侠所耍的这套月牙铲中最厉害的招数。 In fact, the final “sweep inch” is opened by playing the most powerful of this awesome device.
拜讬…超合金魂的斩舰刀要做大把点!最好是有横扫千军一骑挡千的魄力啊。 Of course, soul of chogokin is the best…! Must be biggest biggest and biggest then others oh…! Hopefully will be surprice…!
的反抗者。一个真实的,充满生机的宇宙融入了《横扫千军》故事背景的骨架。 A real, vibrant universe now hangs on the bones of Total Annihilation’s spartan back story.
到1997年春天,《横扫千军》已经颇具规模而且公众也即将能看到它的首次亮相了。 By the Spring of 1997, Total Annihilation was shaping up nicely and the public was about to get its first glimpse of the game.
如果你们喜欢横扫千军里面展示出来的设计风范,你们在玩至上指挥官的时候也会那么觉得的。 CT: If you like and enjoy the design sensibilities demonstrated in Total Annihilation, you’ll feel the same way when playing Supreme Commander.
既然是横扫千军的精神上的续集,至上指挥官看起来能给即时战略类型带来非常不一般的游戏风格。 Considered the “spiritual successor” to Total Annihilation, Supreme Commander looks to deliver a unique style of gameplay to the real-time strategy genre.
横扫千军因为背景的缺点被大大的责备,包括缺乏任务之间的过场动画…下一步作品你们打算作些改进么? JS : Total Annihilation was greatly reproached for its lack of “background”, absence of video between the missions, … Are you planning to deal with it in your next title?
当我们屁颠屁颠迎来1997年的夏天时,《横扫千军》的许多部分还不完美,支离破碎,甚至还根本不存在。 Many parts of Total Annihilation were unpolished, broken or just plain nonexistent as we crunched our way into the Summer of 1997. Multiplayer was touch and go.
《横扫千军》因为它的游戏性和革命性的设计受到了好评,但由于它缺乏诱人而具有深度的剧情,也受到了些批评。 Total Annihilation was well received for it’s gameplay and design innovations, but there was some criticism for its lack of a deep, engaging story.
这个游戏的名字就叫横扫千军,直到今天,仍然没有哪个游戏能象横扫千军那样对这个类型的游戏作出同样的贡献。 The name of the game was Total Annihilation, and to this day no game has duplicated its contribution to the genre.
托别具一格的智慧,销售以及E3大展的能见度之福,《横扫千军》得以成功地对抗一个如此高姿态高期待值的游戏。 Given the wildly different resources, marketing and E3 visibility, it’s amazing Total Annihilation did as well as it did against such a high profile game.
撇去巨大的胜算不说,一个无名的设计者的在最难的游戏种类里的处女作——《横扫千军》成为了1997年度的黑马。 Despite tremendous odds – it was, after all, a first-time effort from an unknown designer in one of gaming’s toughest categories – Total Annihilation became the surprise hit of 1997.
确实,除了那些嘴巴很紧的程序员和美工,没有一个外人会知晓这个游戏的存在,直到一年之后《横扫千军》正式对外宣布。 Indeed, no one outside his tightly nit circle of programmers and artists would even know about his game until nearly a year later, when Total Annihilation was finally announced to the public.
界面创新:大多数游戏用单位上限和队列单位数以及十分原始的AI来给玩家加了了一道桎梏,横扫千军在这方面走在了时代前列。 Interface Innovation: While most games shackled players with unit limits and queue limits and a very basic AI, Total Annihilation was years ahead of its time.
他们烧毁森林,改变了此地的降雨,他们横扫千军,从平原上大袭野牛,炸毁溪流,对青草赋之一炬,并不顾后果,鲁莽地将其镰刀伸向贞洁且高尚的玉树。 They burned the forests and changed the rainfall, they swept the buffalo from the plains, blasted the streams, set fire to the grass and ran a reckless scythe through the virgin and noble timber.
德拉·阿尔皮球场。迎战老妇人。一场令人信服的3-1。米兰气势如虹,以横扫千军之势击败了强大的尤文。恰恰是在他们的主场。克莱伦斯的表演没有停歇…… Delle Alpi. Against the Gobbi. A superb 3-1 victory. Full of authority which pletely swept the mighty Juve. In their stadium. The Clarence show continues…
德拉.阿尔皮球场。迎战老妇人。一场令人信服的3-1。米兰气势如虹,以横扫千军之势击败了强大的尤文。恰恰是在他们的主场。克莱伦斯的表演没有停歇…… Delle Alpi. Against the Gobbi. A superb 3-1 victory. Full of authority which pletely swept the mighty Juve. In their stadium. The Clarence show continues…
词语大全 千军万马造句_千军万马中英文解释和造句
千军万马 qiān jūn wàn mǎ
千军万马 qiānjūnwànmǎ千军万马的意思和解释:形容雄壮的队伍或浩大的声势。千军万马的出处《南史·陈庆之传》:“名军大将莫自牢,千兵万马避白袍。”千军万马的例子各方面竟如
千军万马 qiānjūnwànmǎ千军万马的意思和解释:形容雄壮的队伍或浩大的声势。千军万马的出处《南史·陈庆之传》:“名军大将莫自牢,千兵万马避白袍。”千军万马的例子各方面竟如
千军万马 qiānjūnwànmǎ千军万马的意思和解释:形容雄壮的队伍或浩大的声势。千军万马的出处《南史·陈庆之传》:“名军大将莫自牢,千兵万马避白袍。”千军万马的例子各方面竟如
千军万马 qiānjūnwànmǎ千军万马的意思和解释:形容雄壮的队伍或浩大的声势。千军万马的出处《南史·陈庆之传》:“名军大将莫自牢,千兵万马避白袍。”千军万马的例子各方面竟如
词语大全 千军易得,一将难求的意思_成语“千军易得,一将难求”是什么意思
千军万马的意思 参考资料一: 千军万马,成语,出自《梁书·陈庆之传》,形容队伍雄壮或声势浩大,含褒义。 参考资料二: 千军万马 [千军万马的意思]有千军万马。形容人很多;势力强大。 [千军