词语大全 欣欣向荣造句_欣欣向荣中英文解释和造句

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1、词语大全 欣欣向荣造句_欣欣向荣中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 繁荣昌盛造句_繁荣昌盛中英文解释和造句

词语大全 欣欣向荣造句_欣欣向荣中英文解释和造句

欣欣向荣  xīn xīn xiàng róng










词语大全 繁荣昌盛造句_繁荣昌盛中英文解释和造句

繁荣昌盛  fán róng chāng shèng







  • 祝贵国繁荣昌盛, 人民幸福。We wish your country prosperity and her people happiness.
  • 祝祖国繁荣昌盛,节日快乐!!! I wish the motherland prosperous and happy holiday!

  • 祝愿我们亲爱的祖国繁荣昌盛! Wishes our beloved motherland to be thriving !

  • 我们为我国的繁荣昌盛而感到自豪。 We take pride in the prosperity of our country.

  • 历史上广平商贾云集,数度繁荣昌盛。 History Guangping merchants gathered several times to prosperity.

  • 祝贵国繁荣昌盛,人民幸福。 We wish your country prosperity and her people happiness.

  • 这是我们的企业走向繁荣昌盛的唯一道路。 This is the only road leading to the prosperity of our enterprise.

  • 中国开始迈向繁荣昌盛。 China started to march forward to prosperity.

  • 一个社会的繁荣昌盛是以丰衣足食为前提的。 The prosperity and fl rourishing of a society presupposes thatoses being well-fed.

  • 中国在科技发展方面呈现出一派繁荣昌盛的景象。 China has been enjoying a boom in scientific and technological development.

  • 我希望999广西旅游频道在新的一年里繁荣昌盛。 I hope Tourism Channel Guangxi 999 have a most prosperous New Year.

  • 派蒂确信这个国家在他的领导下将会更加繁荣昌盛。 Patty is sure that the country will be a better place with him leading it.

  • 每个公民都希望自己的祖国繁荣昌盛,问题是怎么做。 Every citizen wants his country prosperous, but the question is how.

  • 为纪念这段繁荣昌盛的历史,汉初以魏国国名命名魏县。 To memorate the history of this period of prosperity, in the early Han Wei WEI Xian name names.

  • 让我们一起祝福北京2008祝福我们伟大的祖国,更加繁荣昌盛! Let us bless Peking together 2008 bless our great motherland, prosper more prosperous!

  • 大名县文化灿烂,人文荟萃,历史上曾几度繁荣昌盛,益满中国古今大地。 Daming County Cultural brilliant, Gathering of Talents for several prosperous history, ancient and modern China, the earth full benefits.

  • 世界银行和IMF同样也是维护世界经济稳定和全球社会繁荣昌盛的重要工作。 The World Bank and IMF are additional important tools for building a stable world economy and a prosperous global munity.

  • 我在此和劳拉一道送上我们最美好的祝福,愿大家新的一年和平安详、繁荣昌盛。 Laura joins me in sending our best wishes for peace and prosperity in the New Year.

  • 在《社会契约论》(1762)一书中,他试图描绘一个这种原始的高贵在其中繁荣昌盛的社会。 In the “Social Contract”(1762) he attempts to describe a society in which this natural nobility could flourish.

  • 与此同时,日益繁荣昌盛的国家如中国和印度,也意味着那里的人们会吃进更多的肉类和奶制品。 Meanwhile, rising prosperity in countries such as China and India means people are eating more meat and dairy products.

  • 和平解放后,许多上中层的开明人士也认识到,如不改革旧制度,西藏民族断无繁荣昌盛的可能。 After the peaceful liberation, many enlightened people of the upper and middle classes also realized that if the old system was not reformed, the Tibetan people would never attain prosperity.

  • 厦门至1980年规划为经济特区以来,经济繁荣昌盛,这其中大多归功于台湾企业在该地的投资。 But since it was made a “Special Economic Zone” in the 1980s, Xiamen has boomed, largely thanks to investment by Taiwanese firms.

  • 标志以盛开的花朵和绿叶来体现公司自然真色彩的印刷质量,同时表达公司生机勃勃繁荣昌盛的概念。 Logo is in full bloom the flowers and the green leaf manifest the pany nature real color the print quality, simultaneously expresses the pany full of vitality thriving concept.

  • 现在我们已经言归于好,明天夜半将要一同到忒修斯公爵的府中跳着庄严的欢舞,祝福他家繁荣昌盛。 Now thou and I are new in amity, And will to-morrow midnight solemnly Dance in Duke Theseus’ house triumphantly, And bless it to all fair prosperity.

  • 中国将要尽力增加国防和军队,目的是保卫国家,并保证经济的持续繁荣昌盛和社会的稳定,温家宝说。 China will try to improve defense and its military in a view to safeguarding the nation while lending a strong support for economic prosperity and social stability, Wen Jiabao said.

  • 在过去60年里,北约为其全体公民能进入一个前所未有的和平、自由、繁荣昌盛的时期做出了巨大贡献。 In these past 60 years, NATO has contributed to an unprecedented period of peace, freedom and prosperity for all its citizens.

  • 在晚会正式开始之前,请允许我提议,为我们国家的繁荣昌盛,为我们的成功合作,为大家的身体健康干杯。 Before the party begin, please allow me to have a propose, to bottom-up for our nation blooming, our successful cooperation, and our health.

  • 王子又将财物、眼睛、子女、妻子施舍别人,因而感动天神及众人,送还原物,王子回宫,以佛法治国,繁荣昌盛。 Prince will be property, eyes, children, wives charity of others, so God and the people moved, the return of the original, the prince hui gong to Buddhist country, and prosperity.

  • 对美国来说,这涉及到人们重新储蓄,增强美国的金融体系,在能源、教育和医疗领域进行投入,使我们的国家更加繁荣昌盛。 That will involve Americans rebuilding our savings, strengthening our financial system and investing in energy, education and health care to make our nation more productive and prosperous.

  • 北京奥运,凝聚了中国人民的心,更加体现了“同一个世界,同一个梦想”,而我们同一个梦想——让祖国繁荣昌盛,和谐稳定。 Beijing Olympic Games , the heart having condensed Chinese People, have embodied “one world, one dream “especially , we have let a motherland stabilize auspicious , harmonious with a dream .

  • 繁荣昌盛造句相关



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    欣欣向荣造句  一:春天到了,花儿在风中舞蹈,()小鸟在枝头唱歌,到处的植物欣欣向荣。  二:经过几年的培育,大安森林公园的树已亭亭玉立,欣欣向荣。  三:我钟爱春天,正因她是新一年的开始,人生新的开

    词语大全 欣欣向荣造句

    欣欣向荣造句  一:春天到了,花儿在风中舞蹈,()小鸟在枝头唱歌,到处的植物欣欣向荣。  二:经过几年的培育,大安森林公园的树已亭亭玉立,欣欣向荣。  三:我钟爱春天,正因她是新一年的开始,人生新的开

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    欣欣向榮造句欣欣向榮の例文"欣欣向榮"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!山上一

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    欣欣自得  [xīnxīnzìdé][欣欣自得]成语解释犹言欣然自得。心情舒适、自觉得意的样子。[欣欣自得]相关成语一无所得一蹴而得优游自得志满气得楚弓复得欣然自得[欣欣自得]成语