词语大全 欺人之谈造句_欺人之谈中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:人类的历史,就是一个不断地从必然王国向自由王国发展的历史。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 欺人之谈造句_欺人之谈中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 欺人之谈造句_欺人之谈中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 无稽之谈造句_无稽之谈中英文解释和造句

词语大全 欺人之谈造句_欺人之谈中英文解释和造句

欺人之谈  qī rén zhī tán








  • 他说自己已经遵守上帝的律法,这是欺人之谈。 His claim that he had kept the law of God was a deception.

  • 这种强调「队合作」论调其实是欺人之谈—是平凡庸碌之辈的阴谋。 This emphasis on” teamwork” is bunkum-a conspiracy of the mediocre majority.

  • 这种强调「团队合作」的论调其实是欺人之谈—是平凡庸碌之辈的阴谋。 This emphasis on “teamwork”is bunkum-a conspiracy of the mediocre majority.

  • 如果你很认真地学习,却不明白对方的话,那很可能是因为对方在说模棱两可的欺人之谈。 If you cannot understand something after an honest effort, it’s probably because the other guy is giving you double-talk.

  • 很多人认为,一个成功的广告活动不是一个人的功劳。这种强调团队合作的论调其实是欺人之谈——是平庸之辈的阴谋。 Nowadays it is the fashion to pretend that no single individual is ever responsible for a successful advertising campaign. This emphasis on “teamwork” is bunkum-a conspiracy of the mediocre majority.

  • 很显然,以色列的生存和最终要得那位救主的祝福不仅对彰显以色列的这位神和圣经至关重要,而且它还要证实一点:那就是,穆罕默德,伊斯兰教和阿拉都是欺人之谈的事。 Obviously, Isreael’s survival and ultimate blessing under Messiah not ony is essential to vindicate the God of Israel and the Bible but to prove that Muhammad, Islam, and Allah are all frauds.

  • 欺人之谈造句相关


    词语大全 无稽之谈造句_无稽之谈中英文解释和造句

    无稽之谈  wú jī zhī tán








  • 人们怎么就会相信这些无稽之谈呢? Why do people believe this stuff?

  • 如今没人相信这种无稽之谈。 Nobody believes such nonsense in this day and age.

  • 过去,西方人把针灸治疗视为无稽之谈。 In the past, westerners looked on the acupuncture treatment as just an old wives’ tale.

  • 你不会真的以为我会相信那种无稽之谈吧? You don’t really expect me to buy that cock-and-bull story, do you?

  • 如果是其他人说这种话,肯定会被当成无稽之谈。 Coming from almost anyone else such talk would sound preposterous.

  • 他说他遭到矮小的绿种人绑架,这纯粹是无稽之谈。 His story of being kidnapped by little green men was sheer absurdity .

  • 任何评论都是无稽之谈,因为没有正式的官方文件。 Any discussion about figures is purely speculative as there has not been an offer.

  • 无稽之谈,如果没有钱,我伤心的几乎要马上自杀。 That’s nonsense. Without money, I would be so sad I would mit suicide at once.

  • 我从不相信杰克的话。他总是说些荒诞的无稽之谈。 I never believe what jack says, he always tells cock and bull stories .

  • 我已经厌倦了那些所谓“美丽是肤浅的”的无稽之谈。 I am tired of all this nonsense of beauty being only skin deep.

  • 我已经厌倦了那些所谓“美丽是肤浅的”的无稽之谈。 I’m tired of all this nonsense of beauty being only skin deep.

  • 只要涉及到健康保障,“消费者选择”就是个无稽之谈。 Consumer choice is nonsense when it es to health care.

  • 英国舆论氛围就是这样紧张,但(那些报道)纯属无稽之谈。 Such is the intensity in England for news. But there is absolutely no truth (in the reports).

  • 我们坚决地斥责那些认为太平洋会议并非东方慕尼黑的无稽之谈。 We categorically repudiate the absurd view that a Pacific conference would not be an Eastern Munich.

  • 英格兰的舆论环境的确就是那么紧张。但这样的报道完全是无稽之谈。 Such is the intensity in England. But there is absolutely no truth in it.

  • 相信这次或者是下次的惨剧能够起到作用的想法,可能都是无稽之谈。 There is no reason to believe that this massacre, or the next one, will do so either.

  • 我们希望“今年你一定回成功”这类的话不是无稽之谈,而是成为实现。 And we hope that you don’t run into something that makes you angry, that would be like waving a red flag in front of a bull.

  • 一份切尔西的声明说:“这个故事是无稽之谈,我们将不再对它发表评论。” Chelsea statement issued said: The story is nonsense and we will not dignify it with any further ment.

  • 无稽之谈。女人就是女人,就是操持家务的,就像男人更适合做体力活一样。 Nonsense! Women are women and masters of the house, just as men are better cut out for physical work.

  • 虽然我知道,这一定是无稽之谈,也马上决定启程来此,让你知道我的想法。 Though I know it must be a scandalous falsehood, I instantly resolved on setting off for this place, to make my sentiments known to you.

  • 俱乐部今天把报道描述为无稽之谈表明基冈对巴顿的姿态简直是个是个愚蠢的举动。 The club today described as “absolute nonsense” reports suggesting that Keegan is at loggerheads with his board over his stance on Barton.

  • 讨论1914年在塞拉热窝禁枪力度有多大才能防止谋杀案发生会被视为无稽之谈。 ASKING how tight gun-control laws would need to have been to have prevented any assassinations in Sarajevo in 1914 is not a rewarding exercise.

  • 不过,我们能在这里剖析孕育其他许多无稽之谈的谬论之母,也就是该谬论网的主干。 But we can examine here the mother fallacy that has given birth to this progeny, the main stem of the network.

  • 毛泽东在本文中所斥责的那种认为太平洋国际会议并非东方慕尼黑的无稽之谈,是指当时蒋介石的说法。 It was Chiang Kai-shek who used the absurd argument, which Comrade Mao Tse-tung refutes in this article, that such a conference would not constitute an Eastern Munich.

  • “所谓的温和外交是无稽之谈”布拉瓦约的大主教说,“穆加贝不可能被劝下台,只能强行使他下去。” “This so-called quiet diplomacy is hogwash, ” said the Archbishop of Bulawayo. “You can’t persuade Mugabe to leave. He has to be forced out.

  • 不过这也可能是一项无稽之谈,而参议院正迫切希望某位主管可以解决财政危机,所以他很可能会摆脱这次困境。 But this may have been an innocent mistake, and senators are keen to have someone petent handling the financial crisis, so he will probably get away with it.

  • 传说王后抵押了自己后冠上的珠宝来资助他,这纯属无稽之谈,就和说哥伦布航海是为了证明地球是圆的一样荒谬。 The legend that the queen had to hock the crown jewels is as spurious as the fable that Columbus set out to prove the earth was round.

  • 我无所谓这是不是假的,里头提到的故事似乎有些太巧合了,但我真的没有看到你坚持认为是“无稽之谈”的部分。 I’m fine with suspecting it to be a fabrication, as the references in the story seem a bit convenient, but I really do not see the ponents themselves to be “nonsense” as you’re insisting.

  • 特里否定了他预备提交一份转会哀求的这种说法,认为这是无稽之谈,并坚持说他正预备和切尔西商谈签订一份新的长期合同。 Captain John Terry has dismissed suggestions that he was ready to hand in a transfer request as " ludicrous" and insists he is ready to sort out a new long-term contract with Chelsea.

  • 但是,那可并不是这些所谓“保守派”提供的良方:相反,这些人炮制出一个歇斯底里的幻想,而这种狂妄无稽之谈只是覆蓋在不加掩饰的经济利益和各种卑劣偏见上的薄薄外皮。 But that’s not these what so-called “conservatives” are providing: instead, they are pumping up a hysterical fantasy, that is only a thin skin covering raw economic interests and base prejudices.

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