词语大全 死不足惜造句_死不足惜中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:入于污泥而不染不受资产阶级糖衣炮弹的侵蚀,是最难能可贵的革命品质。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 死不足惜造句_死不足惜中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 死不足惜造句_死不足惜中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 死不瞑目造句_死不瞑目中英文解释和造句

词语大全 死不足惜造句_死不足惜中英文解释和造句

死不足惜  sǐ bù zú xī








  • 「是的,死不足惜!」文祥异常坚决。 “Yes. Even if I die! ” Wen Xiang was unusually firm.

  • 若此为真理,我死不足惜,反之亦然。 Nay , if this be true, let me die again and again.

  • 有了这些美好的回忆,他也死不足惜了。 With these fond memories, he also had Sibuzuxi.

  • 他们看你的眼神,让你当时当地死不足惜。 That look they give you that make you just want to die right then and there.

  • 他看你的眼神,让你觉得当时当地死不足惜。 That look he give you that makes you just want to die right then and there.

  • 文祥觉得自己逼人太甚,居然连「死不足惜」这种话都出口了。 Wen Xiang felt he was pushing his demand too strongly. He’d even blurted out the words, “even if I die”.

  • 在世俗统治者眼中,异端分子背叛了上帝和国王,因此死不足惜; From the perspective of secular authorities, heretics were traitors to God and the king and therefore deserved death.

  • 半途夭折的爱情,死不足惜,请不要为一段半死不活的爱情蹉跎青春。 The love of midway premature death, dead shortage cherish, the love which please don’t want to a neither dead nor alive wastes youth’s time.

  • 死不足惜造句相关


    词语大全 死不瞑目造句_死不瞑目中英文解释和造句

    死不瞑目  sǐ bù míng mù







  • 我们知道,母亲您死不瞑目。 We know that the mother refuse to close eyes in death.

  • 她知道,如果不得到它,她死不瞑目。 She knew she must either possess it or die in pursuit of that goal.

  • 那双眼睛却还瞪得大大的,死不瞑目呀!! That eyes but still stare consumedly of, refuse to close eyes in death! !

  • 亚连把遗产都赌输了,那会害他老爸死不瞑目。 Allen gambled away his inheritance . That would make his father turn (over) in his grave.

  • 如果我是那群太尉府的刀客,我一定死不瞑目。 If I were those swordsmen from militia, I’d have refused to die.

  • 班:我一定要证明我的意见不错,否则死不瞑目。 BENVOLIO: I’ll pay that doctrine, or else die in debt.

  • 听听那糟透的音乐,它足以使贝多芬死不瞑目的! Listen to that awful music. It’s enough to make Beethoven turn in his grave!

  • 假如哥伦布知道他错过了东方国家的话,他会死不瞑目的。 Had Colurmabus known be had missed the Orient, he would have died disappointed.

  • 假如哥伦布知道他错过了东方国家的话,他会死不瞑目的。 Had Columbus known he had missed the Orient, he would have died disappointed.

  • 战士睁著死不瞑目的双眼看着龙那优美的身影渐渐的离去…! Soldiers Zheng Zhao’s eyes looking at a wasted step that Long Beautiful figure of gradually leave…!

  • 你们想让我死不瞑目吗?反正看着小博子这个样,我也不想活了! Do you hope I will die without closing my eyes?I don’t want to live and see Pony’s cruel face anyway!

  • 医院常会有病人病故,有些人是死不瞑目,其冤气会影响周边气场。 hospitals often have patients deceased, some people are wasted step, the discontent will affect the surrounding gas market.

  • 有个科学家在焦油滴落第二滴的时候就去世了,他真有点死不瞑目。 Had a scientist failed an examination two drop of times in the tar drop to die, he really a little died with injustice unredressed.

  • 如果我先去了,而将永远的哀伤留给世上的他们,那么是死不瞑目的。 If I went first, while the sadness will never leave the world of them, then i won’t rest underneath in ease.

  • 伯克-怀特记录了堆满死尸的街道,死不瞑目的受害者,失去光芒的眼睛盯着天空。 The photographer recorded streets littered with corpses, dead victims with open eyes, refugees with vacant eyes.

  • 如果我是太尉府的刀客,我一定死不瞑目,原来这么多条命加起来,只不过值一个鸡蛋。 If I was those swordsman from the militia, I’d have refused to die. Their lives were worth only an egg!

  • 如果有人打死了一个富拉族人后逃跑,死者的儿子不找到那个凶手报了仇是死不瞑目的。 If someone killed a Foulah and escaped, the Foulah’s sons would never rest until one day they found and killed the murderer.

  • 如果我是那群太尉府的刀客,我一定死不瞑目,原来这么多条命加起来,只不过值一个鸡蛋。 If I were those swordsmen from the militia, I’d have refused to die. All their lives were worth only the value of an egg!

  • 死不瞑目者有许多作祟的方式——尤其以中东地区为甚,此处死者的冤仇已经积压了好几千年。 The unquiet dead have many ways of haunting — particularly in the Middle East, which has been accumulating the grievances of the dead for thousands of years.

  • 这头快要断气的狮子说:「我已勉强忍受了勇者的施暴,但还得含羞忍受你这个小丑的侮辱,真是死不瞑目。」 The expiring Lion said, “I have reluctantly brooked the insults of the brave, but to be pelled to endure such treatment from thee, a disgrace to Nature, is indeed to die a double death.”

  • 乌尔都克猛然刺出长剑穿透了酋长的胸部,然后他目不转睛的盯着酋长死不瞑目的双眼,直到他缓缓的瘫倒在地。 Urduuk thrust the blade forward suddenly and drove it through the chieftain’s chest, staring into the ogre’s eyes as he crumpled to the ground.

  • 如果我是那群太尉府的刀客,我一定死不瞑目,后来这么多条命加起来,只不过值一个鸡蛋。为了一个鸡蛋而失去一个手指,值得吗? If I were those swordman from the militia, I’d have refused to die. All their lives were worth only the value of egg!

  • 死不瞑目造句相关



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