词语大全 死里逃生造句_死里逃生中英文解释和造句
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篇首语:游手好闲地学习,并不比学习游手好闲好。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 死里逃生造句_死里逃生中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 死里逃生造句_死里逃生中英文解释和造句
死里逃生 sǐ lǐ táo shēng
在火灾中许多人设法死里逃生。 Many people were able to escape in the fire.
刚刚又经历了一场死里逃生。 Just had a narrow escape.
他在世界贸易大厦倒塌前一刻死里逃生。 He escaped from the World Trade Center before it collapsed.
他的生命不再有危险了,但已是死里逃生。 His life is no longer in any danger, but it was a close shave .
他死里逃生实在是奇迹! It’s just a miracle that he survived the accident!
我于是死里逃生,从阴阳界上又转了回来。 Thus I escaped with bare life, ing back from the door of death.
在那之后不久,父亲从心脏手术中死里逃生。 A short while after this special moment, my father narrowly escaped death following heart surgery.
去年我死里逃生,因此我不想再去冒生命危险了。 Last year I had a narrow escape , and I don’t want to risk my life a second time.
一名死里逃生的顾客也说火灾是由焰火表演引起的。 A customer also said that survived the fire was caused by the fireworks show.
谁会想到这样一个可爱的女孩刚刚从一场恶疾中死里逃生? Who would have thought that such a lovely girl had just survived such a deadly disease?
欲知一秒钟的价值,不妨问问那个刚从事故中死里逃生的人。 To realize the value of one second, ask the person who has just survived an accident.
我多次被打成重伤,死里逃生。我经常浑身青肿,多次住院。 I survived serious injures, was covered with bruises much of the time and had to be hospitalized on numerous occasions.
2200名游客中只有大约700人在这次海难中死里逃生。 Only about 700 of 2200 passengers on board escape from this sea disaster.
不幸的是,埃斯库罗斯这个“石头”死了,乌龟却死里逃生。 Unfortunately, the so-called “stone” died which is Aeschylus and the tortoise lived.
他们虽然常常冒着几乎是不可逃避的危险,但往往总能死里逃生。 Although they frequently had narrow escapes, they did not often e to grief.
这对于我真是死里逃生,我怕极了,以后许久都不敢再去扒金表。 This was a narrow escape to me, and I was so frightened that I ventured no more at gold watch a great while.
整个鹿群祝贺他多亏在聪明的老师那里努力学习,得以死里逃生。 The whole herd celebrated his survival, thanks to learning so well from the wise teacher.
如果你想要知道「一秒钟」有多么重要,去问问刚从火场死里逃生的幸运儿。 If you want to know how important a second is, ask a lucky person who just ran away from a fire.
我曾经帮助过两个爱沙尼亚来的小姑娘,她们在一场饥荒中死里逃生,幸免饿死。 I once befriended two little girls from Esthonia, who had narrowly escaped death from starvation in a famine .
一位村民告诉台湾的《中国时报》,她同丈夫带着婴儿在房屋遭掩埋前几分钟死里逃生。 One villager told Taiwan’s China Times newspaper that she fled with her husband and baby minutes before their home was buried.
我们这些罪人之所以能够死里逃生,完全是因为神爱我们,甘愿让祂的儿子为我们的罪受死。 The lost can be saved and the sinner can be changed – all because God loves us and His Son died in our place.
为了求生,把身上衣服两头系紧大扣,吹满了气,在海面漂浮,终于侥幸被救上船,死里逃生。 He tied up both ends of his shirt, blew it up as a life-jacket and drifted on the sea. Fortunately, a passing boat rescued him.
在芝加哥郊区,一名男子在繁忙的铁道口死里逃生–在火车撞上他的小货车前,他得以及时逃命。 In suburban Chicago, a man moves off this busy muter rail line just in time before a train collides with his minivan .
如果你打开今天的晨报,就能读到哪些人获救,哪些人受伤,哪些人死里逃生,又有那些人不幸遇难。 If you open up your morning paper, you can read about those who survived and those who were injured, those who barely escaped with their lives and those who didn’t.
除了让我大亏的股票大冷股份令我“刻骨铭心”外,还有一只使我“死里逃生”的股票也同样令我印象深刻。 Let me apart from the stock大亏large stake in the cold I “heart”, the one I have “survived” the same stock also I was impressed.
然后,忽然间,你看到真正在抗争的这些人,他们真正是死里逃生,他们饱经痛苦和损失。那恰恰改变了一切。 And then, suddenly, you see these people who are really fighting something, who are really surviving, who have so much pain and loss. It just changed everything.
我力图从洪水中死里逃生并竭力解释:“亲爱的,我一到旅馆就给你写下爱情短篇,可见你在我心中是多么重要!” I tried to survive her “flood” and explained: “My darling, as soon as I’d arrived in the hotel, I wrote a love letter to you. You know, you are very important in my heart.
迪斯尼与派拉蒙将合作拍摄以畅销书《死里逃生》为蓝本的电影,描写一支足球队所乘飞机在安底斯山中坠毁为求生而奋斗。 Disney and Paramount will team up to make a movie based on the best-selling book”Alive”, about a rugby team’s battle to survive a plane crash in the Andes Mountains.
但有消息称,多名称死里逃生的基地组织领导人现已逃窜至巴基斯坦靠近阿富汗边境的部落地区,而西方军队对此只能是鞭长莫及。 But al-Qaeda’s surviving leaders are reckoned to have decamped across the border to the tribal areas of Pakistan, where Western forces do not tread.
词语大全 虎口逃生造句_虎口逃生中英文解释和造句
虎口逃生 hǔ kǒu táo shēng
虎口逃生的投资者抬高了美元价位并且十个月来第一次把美国单月期国库券回报率压低到负值。 Investors fleeing from risk drove the dollar up and pushed the yield on one-month Treasury bills into negative territory for the first time in ten months.
虎口逃生 hǔkǒutáoshēng虎口逃生的意思和解释:老虎嘴里幸存下来的生命。比喻逃脱极危险的境地侥幸活下来。虎口逃生的出处《庄子·盗蹠》:“孔子曰:‘然,丘所谓无病而自灸也
虎口逃生 hǔkǒutáoshēng虎口逃生的意思和解释:老虎嘴里幸存下来的生命。比喻逃脱极危险的境地侥幸活下来。虎口逃生的出处《庄子·盗蹠》:“孔子曰:‘然,丘所谓无病而自灸也
词语大全 死里逃生 [sǐ lǐ táo shēng]什么意思
死里逃生 [sǐlǐtáoshēng][死里逃生]成语解释从极危险的境地中逃脱,幸免于死。褒义[死里逃生]成语出处《京本通俗小说》:“今日死里逃生;夫妻再合;乃阴德积善之报也。”
词语大全 死里求生 [sǐ lǐ qiú shēng]什么意思
死里求生 [sǐlǐqiúshēng][死里求生]成语解释指在极其危险的境地中求取生存。[死里求生]成语出处清·文康《儿女英雄传》第25回:“合我师傅父女两人,费了无限精神,成全