词语大全 毅然决然造句_毅然决然中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:做了好事受到指责而仍坚持下去,这才是奋斗者的本色。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 毅然决然造句_毅然决然中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 毅然决然造句_毅然决然中英文解释和造句

2、成语故事 毅然决然的意思是什么?

词语大全 毅然决然造句_毅然决然中英文解释和造句

毅然决然  yì rán jué rán







  • 毅然决然地重返前线。He resolutely went back to the front.
  • 毅然决然的谋杀了国王邓肯而实现了他的野心。 However, his ambition was materialized by the murder of King Duncan.

  • 产生X射线的设备仍“毅然决然”地依靠真空管。 The machines used to generate them still rely resolutely on vacuum tubes.

  • 他勇敢而毅然决然地处置了他们对他的权威的挑战。 He courageously and decisively confronted their challenge to his authority.

  • 可是,当他结婚后还是毅然决然地携妻回到了松树地。 But he came back to Pine Plains with his wife resolutely after he got married.

  • 我阿姨毅然决然的决定后,就开始准备家庭团聚的事宜。 My aunt decided to take the bull by the horns and begin preparations for the family reunion.

  • 他的不忠激怒了他的妻子 她毅然决然的离开了这 个家。 His disloyalty irritated his wife, who resolutely left home.

  • 她当时立刻想穿,如果他真的爱她,他就该毅然决然地答出一个“不”字。 She realised instantly that if he were really in love with her he would answer with an emphatic “no.”

  • 从沿海到沿江沿边,从东部到中西部,对外开放的大门毅然决然地打开了。 From the coastal areas to areas along the Yangtze River and the borders, and from the eastern to the central and western regions, the door has been resolutely opened to the outside world.

  • 有舆论认为,感情有归宿也是黎姿这次毅然决然做出决定的主要原因之一。 Some public opinions believed that the sentiment has the home to return to is also Li Zizhei time makes one of resolutely decision primary causes.

  • 那时,他已经是个青年了,听到铁匠的请求毅然决然地答应做义军的领袖。 He was now a young man and agreed to lead the people against Zahhāk.

  • 我们都知道,1986年您为了保护黑猩猩与森林,毅然决然地离开刚贝丛林。 We all know that you left your work in 1986 in the Gombe forest, because you wanted to protect the chimpanzees and the forests.

  • 你曾经有过毅然决然的要戒烟结果却发现烟瘾如此之强大让你无法放弃的经历吗? Have you tried to quit smoking cold-turkey, only to find the cravings just too overpowering?

  • 海蒂最近毅然决然的行动和自我牺牲的精神,赢得了她从没享有过的别人对她的尊敬。 Hetty had earned a sort of consideration , that had never before been enjoyed by her, through the self-devotion and decision of her recent conduct.

  • 她喜出望外,急急忙忙唤女儿们来分享她这种愉快。吉英毅然决然地坐在桌位上不动。 her daughters were eagerly called to partake of her joy. jane resolutely kept her place at the table;

  • 30年前,在**先生倡导和带领下,中国人民毅然决然地踏上了改革开放的历史征程。 Deng Xiaoping, the Chinese people resolutely embarked on the historic journey of reform and opening-up, an initiative taken by Deng Xiaoping.

  • 然而,这些并不能阻止这些勇士们冲锋陷阵,毅然决然的以自己的生命来换取更多波斯人的性命! However, that doesn’t stop the Spartans from throwing their hearts into the fray, determined to take as many Persians as possible with them.

  • 林诺的离世,让小紫悲痛难抑,但为了他们共同的梦想——未来人,小紫毅然决然担下主唱的位置。 Lin Nuo’s death caused Xiao Zi unbearable pain and sadness, but for their mon dream —The Next Person, Xiao Zi resolutely decides to take the place of lead vocalist.

  • 当代工订单仍旧源源不绝,在股东与员工多不赞同的情况下,为何经营者仍毅然决然打造自有品牌? When the OEM business kept growing and shareholders and employees gave disapproval, why the management still so determined to create its own brand?

  • 从1978年到现在,中国人民毅然决然地踏上改革开放的伟大征程,开始了新的历史条件下新的伟大革命。 Since 1978, the Chinese people have resolutely embarked upon a path of reform and opening-up, and started a new great revolution under the new circumstances.

  • 过去国内报章经常报导某某“海外人士”,如何放弃国外优越的生活,放弃汽车洋房,毅然决然回归祖国云云。 The domestic press frequently reported in the past that how certain “overseas person” gave up superior living abroad including cars, houses, and resolutely returned to China and so on.

  • 我在唱到第三句的时候,毅然决然地、有礼貌地打断了琴声,向大家解释了情况之后,决定重新清唱这首赞美诗。 Since I had no time to practise it with the piano, at last I chose to sing it without music.

  • 年轻是他们唯一的本钱,不甘受限于穷苦的家境,他们毅然决然赴上海发展,探索著这大城市中彷佛取之不尽的发达机会。 they decide to move to Shanghai in search of whatever opportunities the big city may have in store for them.

  • 在中国短暂的股市历史上,从来没有出现过这样的荣景,投资散户也都纷纷毅然决然投入抢搭牛市列车——朱树良(音译)就是其中一人。 Never in the brief history of China’s stock market has there been a boom like this, and small-time investors are grabbing the bull run by the horns—among them, Zhu Shuliang.

  • 大学法律系毕业那年,就被高薪聘请到一家律师事务所上班,他开跑车、穿名牌,不过3年前毅然决然放弃一切,返回台湾慈济基金会上班。 After pleting a law degree, he got a high-paying job, plete with sports car and designer clothes. But three years ago, he decided to give it all up to work for the Tzu Chi Foundation in Taiwan.

  • 汽车洋房,不是可望而不可及的过去国内报章经常报导某某“海外人士”,如何放弃国外优越的生活,放弃汽车洋房,毅然决然回归祖国云云。 Thedomestic press frequently reported in the past that how certain “overseas person” gave up superior living abroad including cars, houses, and resolutely returned to China and so on.

  • 从农村到城市、从经济领域到其他各个领域,全面改革的进程势不可当地展开了;从沿海到沿江沿边,从东部到中西部,对外开放的大门毅然决然地打开了。 From the countryside to the cities and from the economic to other areas, the process of sweeping reform has unfolded with irresistible momentum.

  • 身为一个时而头脑清晰时而充满迷惑的观察者,他看着他所向往的、所预见的天命循序渐进地被实现,并毅然决然地承担下去直到今天,如同植物的成长过程般。 As a lucid and at times dazzled spectator, he watches the logical fulfillment of a destiny which he foresaw, wanted, and has taken upon himself all alone today-like biological growth of a plant.

  • 一瞬间她脸上的表情复杂至极,但最终,她毅然决然而面无表情的点了点头,弯下腰帮助萨文站立起来。“指引我,我的爱人,我会扶着你的。”她对他耳语道。 Her face was stoic as she nodded once, bending down to help Sarven to his feet. “Guide me, my love, and I will carry you, ” she whispered to him.

  • 2500多年以前,悉达多太子为了探寻宇宙人生的真理,而放弃了王位,毅然决然地剃除须发而成为一名修行的沙门。然而,经过数年的寻师修道,却未能发现真正解决人生痛苦之真谛。 About 2500 years ago Prince Siddhartha, in order to look into the true nature of the universe and living beings, decided to give up his throne, shave his hair and beard and bee a cultivator.

  • 毅然决然造句相关


    成语故事 毅然决然的意思是什么?

    【拼音】 yì rán jué rán

    【解释】 毅然:顽强地;决然:坚决地。意志坚决,毫不犹豫。


    【例子】 他毅然决然地抛弃了国外优裕的生活,回到了祖国。

    【近义词】 当机立断

    【反义词】 优柔寡断 , 犹豫不决



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