词语大全 毁于一旦造句_毁于一旦中英文解释和造句
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篇首语:天才不是别的,而是辛劳和勤奋。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 毁于一旦造句_毁于一旦中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 毁于一旦造句_毁于一旦中英文解释和造句
毁于一旦 huǐ yú yī dàn
形象建立不易,却可以毁于一旦。 A good image is difficult to create, but so easy to destroy.
你耗费数年所建设的可能毁于一旦。 What you spent years building may be destroyed overnight.
人们担心这个镇有可能已毁于一旦。 There are concerns that entire towns may have been lost.
我不知道,多少城镇毁于一旦? I don’t know how many towns were destroyed.
这座城堡竟然在一次大火中毁于一旦。 The great fire destroyed this castle in a single day.
而洪水使人们多年劳作的成果毁于一旦。 Floods have destroyed the fruits of many years of hard work.
有一天,整个逃跑计划差一点毁于一旦。 One day the whole escape plan was almost discovered.
你多年建立的可能毁于一旦。但仍然要建设。 What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight. Build anyway.
这场突发的大火把数月的艰辛血汗毁于一旦。 The sudden fire undid months of hard work.
信任和声誉是慢慢建立起来的,但却能毁于一旦。 Trust and credibility is built slowly but can be lost almost instantly.
你多年建设起来的东西可能毁于一旦。但还是要建设。 What you spend years building, Someone could destroy overnight; Build anyway.
你经年所营造的有可能毁于一旦,不管怎样,还是要营造; What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight, ugg boots; Build anyway.
因为位置隐蔽,躲过了汉妮死后,遗物“毁于一旦”的命运。 Owing to its position, it had escaped the destruction of Henny’s things that had followed her death.
这就是黑暗力量的故事,他能够将我们毁于一旦:他的名字叫黑洞。 This is the story of the power that may one day destroy us all: the black hole.
你多年建立起来的东西,极可能毁于一旦。但不管怎样,还是要建设。 People really need help but may attack you if you do help them. Help people anyway.
而这样,导致的后果是把你玉树临风的光辉形象全部毁于一旦,多不值得! But like this, causes the consequence is the glory image which faces the wind your eucalyptus is destroyed in a moment pletely, many is not worth!
因此找出事情的真相,不是轻易相信谣言,辛辛苦苦建立的事业才不会毁于一旦。 To find out the truth, therefore, not readily believe in rumors, hard to establish the cause will not be destroyed.
苍翠和平的伊索星球毁于一旦。这个消息犹如一股强烈的冲击波震撼了整个银河系。 The annihilation of the verdant and peaceful world was a polarizing shockwave that spread throughout the galaxy.
从贫民窟到总统府,数千幢建筑毁于一旦,街道被废墟阻断无法通行,电话服务中断。 Thousands of buildings from shanties to the presidential palace were destroyed, streets were blocked by debris and telephone service was knocked out.
当时评论人士认为他此举刚愎自用、异想天开,一个境况不错的卡车厂将会毁于一旦。 Critics grumbled that a good truck business was about to be destroyed for the sake of an ill-conceived vanity project.
无孔不入的白蚊对建筑物的破坏极大,有多少高楼大厦,万丈大堤毁于一旦就是它们的杰作。 All-pervasive termites have vast destroy on house and buildings. A lot of the high buildings and large mansions and the solid dam and dyke ruin from termite infestation.
我太郁闷了。我爱我的丈夫,而且很信任他。难道我们这13年的婚姻就要因此毁于一旦么? I am so devastated. I love my husband and want so much to have faith in him. Do we have a shot at building back the trust in this 13-year marriage?
拿破仑的士兵整洁步伐的频率与桥梁的频率发生共振,使桥梁毁于一旦的事例已经早已传为趣闻。 The frequency of the frequency of orderly pace and bridge produces Napoleon taxi arms resonance, make bridge is destroyed at once example has been passed already for anecdote.
中国反腐调查官员警告道:包二奶不仅会让政府官员的仕途毁于一旦还会严重危及到他们的婚姻。 Mistresses can damage officials’ careers as well as their marriages, anti-corruption investigators in China have warned.
东京只有约1%的建筑遭到严重破坏。但是发生了特大火灾,这个城市里木头加纸的房子都毁于一旦。 Only about 1 percent of Tokyo’s buildings were severely damaged by the quake but massive fires broke out and swept across the wood and paper houses in the city.
许多人在听到“股价指数期货”时,可能立刻想起了栽在日经指数期货手里、把霸菱数百年基业毁于一旦的利森。 “Stock index futures” may immediately remind many people of Nick Leeson who toppled Barings Group in rogue futures.
但是,全球变暖的直接后果可能最终使它们毁于一旦,海平面的上升和极端的天气给它们带来潜在的不可替代的破坏。 But the immediate effects of global warming may finally do them in. Rising seas and more extreme weather have the potential to damage irreplaceable sites.
而且,只要中国人开始在世界市场上抛售美元和美国国债,世界经济就有可能毁于一旦,就像20年前日本经济崩溃那样。 S dollars and bonds on the world market, the world economy might well crumble, just as the Japanese economy crashed nearly 20 years ago.
否则,成为共和党第二位继任总统对于他来说将无异于置身险境,他将亲眼目睹自己的政府因为没有正确处理伊拉克问题而毁于一旦。 Otherwise he would be in danger of being the second Republican president in a row to see his administration destroyed by Iraq.
但是,当单身母亲克里斯托玛瑞迪斯获悉,她的儿子因为是白人而不能转到另一所小学时,如果她非要让儿子转校,整个制度将毁于一旦。 But if Crystal Meredith, a single mom who was told her son could not transfer to another elementary school because he is white, has her way, the whole thing will be dismantled.
词语大全 千里之堤,毁于蚁穴造句_千里之堤,毁于蚁穴中
千里之堤,毁于蚁穴 qiān lǐ zhī dī,huǐ yú yǐ xué
千里之行,始于足下;千里之堤,毁于蚁穴。结果是由过程演变而来的,没有计划,何来执行;没有过程,何来结果。 Thousand-mile walking is based on steps,thousand-mile bank is destroyed by an ant hole. Result is the evolvement of process. No plan,no execution; no process,no result.
毕其功于一役 bìqígōngyúyīyì毕其功于一役的意思和解释:把应该分成几步做的事一次做完。毕其功于一役的出处毕其功于一役的例子民主革命和社会主义革命,是两个性质不同的革命
毕其功于一役 bìqígōngyúyīyì毕其功于一役的意思和解释:把应该分成几步做的事一次做完。毕其功于一役的出处毕其功于一役的例子民主革命和社会主义革命,是两个性质不同的革命
千里之堤,毁于蚁穴 qiānlǐzhīdī,huǐyúyǐxué千里之堤,毁于蚁穴的意思和解释:一个小小的蚂蚁洞,可以使千里长堤溃决。比喻小事不注意会造成大乱子。千里之堤,毁于蚁
千里之堤,毁于蚁穴 qiānlǐzhīdī,huǐyúyǐxué千里之堤,毁于蚁穴的意思和解释:一个小小的蚂蚁洞,可以使千里长堤溃决。比喻小事不注意会造成大乱子。千里之堤,毁于蚁
千里之堤,毁于蚁穴 qiānlǐzhīdī,huǐyúyǐxué千里之堤,毁于蚁穴的意思和解释:一个小小的蚂蚁洞,可以使千里长堤溃决。比喻小事不注意会造成大乱子。千里之堤,毁于蚁
千里之堤,毁于蚁穴 qiānlǐzhīdī,huǐyúyǐxué千里之堤,毁于蚁穴的意思和解释:一个小小的蚂蚁洞,可以使千里长堤溃决。比喻小事不注意会造成大乱子。千里之堤,毁于蚁
耳闻目击 ěrwénmùjī耳闻目击的意思和解释:击:接触。亲自听说,亲眼看见。耳闻目击的出处宋·刘克庄《后村全集·回刘汀州书》:“仆不佞,于世之杰士仁人,……皆耳闻目击,一旦因
耳闻目击 ěrwénmùjī耳闻目击的意思和解释:击:接触。亲自听说,亲眼看见。耳闻目击的出处宋·刘克庄《后村全集·回刘汀州书》:“仆不佞,于世之杰士仁人,……皆耳闻目击,一旦因
天无二日 tiānwúèrrì天无二日的意思和解释:日:太阳,比喻君王。天上没有两个太阳。旧喻一国不能同时有两个国君。比喻凡事应统于一,不能两大并存。天无二日的出处《礼记·曾子问
天无二日 tiānwúèrrì天无二日的意思和解释:日:太阳,比喻君王。天上没有两个太阳。旧喻一国不能同时有两个国君。比喻凡事应统于一,不能两大并存。天无二日的出处《礼记·曾子问