词语大全 毫无二致造句_毫无二致中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:男人无志,钝铁无钢,女人无志,乱草无秧。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 毫无二致造句_毫无二致中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 毫无二致造句_毫无二致中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 毫无逊色造句_毫无逊色中英文解释和造句

词语大全 毫无二致造句_毫无二致中英文解释和造句

毫无二致  háo wú èr zhì







  • 全世界的政治主导力量毫无二致。 The dominant political group will be the same throughout the world.

  • 这类行为其实与追逐表现的做法毫无二致。 This kind of behavior is really just the same as chasing performance.

  • 里根上台时在做法上跟执政初期的卡特毫无二致。 Early Reagan was a mirror image of early Carter.

  • 这和蓝山咖啡的优雅气息毫无二致,这回来对了。 This Blue Mountain coffee and looks elegant atmosphere, to e back.

  • 这两个案例在资金的最终分配以及经济福利方面毫无二致。 These two scenarios are identical in terms of final allocations and economic welfare.

  • 这事儿可能没有那么极端,但却与席卷土著美国文化的过程毫无二致。 It is less extreme, but it is the same process that wiped to the Native American culture.

  • 我们的问题与其他任何球队毫无二致,但是媒体总是放大国米的一切。 We have the same problems as everyone else, but with Inter everything is blown out of proportion.

  • 你那么地像我,你的神情,你的服饰,以及你手中端著的空碗,与我毫无二致! You look like me so much. your dress: your expression and our empty bow in your hand no different with me!

  • 切记并非你所有的行动、所有的朋友、所有的热情都必须和你的伴侣毫无二致。 Remember not all your activities, friends or enthusiasm will be the same as your mate’s.

  • 而最初的研究表明,对于来自单独一个铜矿石来源的铅,其同位素构成几乎是毫无二致的。 and preliminary studies indicate virtually uniform is topic position of the lead from a single copper-ore source.

  • 那次斗争的要点是人民制定他们自己宪法的权利,在这方面他与共和党人的观点毫无二致。 That struggle was made on a point–the right of a people to make their own Constitution–upon which he and the Republicans have never differed.

  • 而最初的研究表明,对于来自单独一个铜矿石来源的铅来说,其同位素构成几乎是毫无二致的。 and preliminary studies indicate virtually uniform is topic position of the lead from a single copper-ore source.

  • 而最初的研究表明,对于来自单独唯一铜矿石来源的铅来说,其同位素构成几乎是毫无二致的。 The isotopic position of lead frequently varies from one source of mon copper ore to anotIT, with variations exceeding the meacertainment error;

  • 若击“搜索网页”按钮或按回车键,那么返回的搜索结果就将与Google普通搜索毫无二致。 clicking the Search the Web button or pressing the Enter key will return the same results as a normal Google search.

  • 而最初的研究表明,对于来自单独 一个铜矿石来源的铅来说,其同位素构成几乎是毫无二致的。 and preliminary studies indicate virtually uniform isotopic position of the lead from a single copper-ore source.

  • 尽管他们都毫无二致地年轻、白皙和长著印欧人的面容,他们还是不时掠过政治卫道者们的视线。 Though they are uniformly young, white and Aryan, somehow they flit past the keepers of political correctness.

  • 违约行为可能引起严重的精神损害,对此与侵权行为毫无二致,这是违约精神损害赔偿的现实基础。 That breach of contract, like tort, can cause severe spiritual damage is the actual basis of default pensation for spiritual damage.

  • 人们开始意识到他们的领袖并非是“神授”的,而只是一些也有可能失误的凡夫俗子,与他们自己毫无二致。 People began to realize that their leaders were not “heavenly chosen” but merely fallible human beings just like themselves.

  • 他指出,7月9日世界杯决赛中意大利队战胜法国队,其过程之艰险,与他自己4月份在选举中胜出毫无二致。 As he himself noted, Italy’s win against France in the World Cup final on July 9th was as narrow as his own victory in the election in April.

  • 在这两点上,谷歌都更被认定为与其他任何一家“作恶”的赢利公司毫无二致,但这与公司本身的宣传刚好相反。 On both counts, Google—contrary to its own propaganda—is much better judged as being just like any other “evil” money-grabbing pany.

  • 一身便装,背个书包的朱教授与大多数年轻人的装束毫无二致,随和风趣的谈吐更是拉近了大师与学子间的距离。 With his informal attire and satchel clasped behind his back, Zhu looks no different from other young men. His amiable and witty style of conversation has closed the gap between master and students.

  • 一身便装,背个书包的朱教授与大多数年轻人的装束毫无二致,随和风趣的谈吐更是拉近了大师与学子间的距离。 clasped behind his back, Zhu looks no different from other young men. His amiable and witty style of conversation has closed the gap between master and students.

  • 任何人都可以在他的虚拟实境中,或者是在和真实毫无二致的造梦机中,任意选择他所中意的角色,随意安排故事的情节。 Anybody can choose their own favorable character and randomly arrange their story lines in virtual reality, or a dream machine that precisely mimics realty.

  • 在这个问题上,即在这种天然的无法剥夺的遗传素质上,这位马背上的信使跟国王、首相或伦敦城最富有的商人毫无二致。 As to this, his natural and not to be alienated inheritance the messenger on horseback had exactly the same possession as the King, the first Minister of State, or the richest merchant in London.

  • 靠著自然旅游业,它们的经济方才一息尚存。在布林克利,理发师会剪一种“象牙喙”发型,让每个人看上去都毫无二致。 Tiny swamp towns like Clarendon and Brinkley, which are heavily black and almost destitute, rely on nature tourism for the little economic activity they have.

  • 某些戏剧性模式的吸引力具有普遍意义,正如塞米尔·约翰逊所言:人类聪明的形式随天差地远,但笑的形式却总是毫无二致。 Certain ics stereotypes have a universal appeal, just as Semill Johnson once remarked: Man have been wise in many different modes, but they always laughed in the same way.

  • “感同身受”这个字眼,其原意也许和上述两者毫无二致,然而现在,用它去饱含激情地抒发同情之心,这未尝不算得体之举。 Sympathy, though its meaning was, perhaps, originally the same, may now, however, without much impropriety, be made use of to denote our fellow-feeling with any passion whatever.

  • 事实上,他曾很多次沿着我祖父的农舍上方那条航线飞行,所驾驶的飞机也总是一架黄色的、机翼下面带有美国民用飞机编码的“幼狐”,跟我当时的记忆毫无二致。 He had, in fact, flown many times on a route directly over my grandfather’s farmhouse. The flights were always in a yellow Cub, with the NC number under the wing, just as I had remembered.

  • 你们的这样许多言论行动,既然和敌人汉奸的所有这些言论行动一模一样,毫无二致,毫无区别,怎么能够不使人们疑心你们和敌人汉奸互相勾结,或订立了某种默契呢? and indistinguishable in so many words and deeds, how can people help suspecting that you are working hand in glove with them or have e to some secret understanding with them?

  • 组画系列《中国基因》都有非常强烈的精神导向性,而它们的源动力,都毫无二致地出于中国文化的源头——民族母体的文化基因。苏谢伟说,作为一个中国人,面对几千年浩瀚如海的中国文化时,谁不激动,谁不震撼呢?! China gene is very spirit-oriented, and it has no doubt that the foundation of the series es from the origin of the Chinese culture –the cultural gene of the Chinese people.   According to Mr.

  • 毫无二致造句相关


    词语大全 毫无逊色造句_毫无逊色中英文解释和造句

    毫无逊色  háo wú xùn sè






  • 每每憧憬对你的梦想,我的爱毫无逊色。 Often looking forward to your dream, I love no less.

  • 语言这个对象在具体性上比之言语毫无逊色。 Language is concrete, no less so than speaking.

  • 亨利爵士站在那里,他的动作并不逊色于部落战争出征的舞蹈,同样充满了毫无顾忌的狂喜。 There stood Sir Henry doing nothing less than a tribal war dance of sheer unashamed ecstasy.

  • 总的说来他们是正直和有头脑的,是我国能干的驻外工作人员,同我国驻任何地方的人员相比恐怕也毫无逊色。 On the whole, they were decent, forthright and intelligent men, probably as capable agents of this country as could be found anywhere abroad.

  • 中国是一个高度文明的国家,她有历史悠久的文化传统,其建筑在艺术风格方面,与其他国家的相比毫无逊色。 China is a highly civilized nation. She cherishes a time-honored cultural tradition. Chinese architecture is second to none in artistic style.

  • 毫无疑问,村上春树是一名受读者欢迎的小说家,他推陈出新的想法绝不逊色于他那令人迷醉的小说。”——《科柯斯评论》。 “Murakami is of course himself an immensely reader-friendly novelist, and never has he offered more enticing fare than this enchantingly inventive tale. “- Kirkus Review.

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