词语大全 毫无逊色造句_毫无逊色中英文解释和造句
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篇首语:有志不在年高,无志空长百岁。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 毫无逊色造句_毫无逊色中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 毫无逊色造句_毫无逊色中英文解释和造句
毫无逊色 háo wú xùn sè
每每憧憬对你的梦想,我的爱毫无逊色。 Often looking forward to your dream, I love no less.
语言这个对象在具体性上比之言语毫无逊色。 Language is concrete, no less so than speaking.
亨利爵士站在那里,他的动作并不逊色于部落战争出征的舞蹈,同样充满了毫无顾忌的狂喜。 There stood Sir Henry doing nothing less than a tribal war dance of sheer unashamed ecstasy.
总的说来他们是正直和有头脑的,是我国能干的驻外工作人员,同我国驻任何地方的人员相比恐怕也毫无逊色。 On the whole, they were decent, forthright and intelligent men, probably as capable agents of this country as could be found anywhere abroad.
中国是一个高度文明的国家,她有历史悠久的文化传统,其建筑在艺术风格方面,与其他国家的相比毫无逊色。 China is a highly civilized nation. She cherishes a time-honored cultural tradition. Chinese architecture is second to none in artistic style.
“毫无疑问,村上春树是一名受读者欢迎的小说家,他推陈出新的想法绝不逊色于他那令人迷醉的小说。”——《科柯斯评论》。 “Murakami is of course himself an immensely reader-friendly novelist, and never has he offered more enticing fare than this enchantingly inventive tale. “- Kirkus Review.
词语大全 毫无疑义造句_毫无疑义中英文解释和造句
毫无疑义 háo wú yí yì
我绝不认为这是毫无疑义的。 I do not think this is beyond all doubt.
毫无疑义,他是个间谍。 He is a spy beyond all doubt.
毫无疑义的,我们的同情应该寄在波兰人民方面。 Without the slightest doubt, our sympathy must go out to the Polish people.
(这)是从全世界的主降示的经典,其中毫无疑义。 This is) the Revelation of the Book in which there is no doubt, – from the Lord of the Worlds.
在刑事案件中,控方必须毫无疑义地确认被告犯了罪。 The prosecution in a criminal case has to establish beyond reasonable doubt that the accused mitted the crime.
毫无疑义,世界经济在接下来的几个季度中将得到反弹。 The world economy will no doubt bounce in the next few quarters.
保卫武汉等地的任务,毫无疑义必须认真地提出和执行。 There is no doubt that the task of defending Wuhan and other places must be seriously posed and seriously performed.
还有人将它轻易放弃,就好像它毫无疑义,可以随意取代。 Some discard it lightly as if it were of little value and easily replaced.
毫无疑义,包装制卡和会员卡制作企业有着巨大的市场需求。 Surely, the packaging business card printing and membership card making enterprise has a huge market demand.
塔妮娅:那一定是起源于乌拉尔地的谚语,对我来说毫无疑义。 Tania: That must be a proverb from the Urals, it makes no sense to me.
塔妮亚:那一定是起源于乌拉尔地区的谚语,对我来说毫无疑义。 Tania: That must be a proverb from the Urals, it makes no sense to me.
立法议案、国内政策和起草演讲稿,成为他毫无疑义的工作领域。 The legislative program, domestic policy and speeches became his unchallenged domain .
动物们毫无疑义地从那个由西班牙家具装备(装饰)的房间消失了。 The animals unanimously vanished from the mammal’s room furnished with Spanish furniture.
真主枣除他外,绝无应受崇拜的枣在毫无疑义的复活日必集合你们。 Allah! There is no god but He: of a surety He will gather you together against the Day of Judgment, about which there is no doubt.
答案是零。因为征收100%的所得税就意味着工作毫无疑义可言。 The answer is none, because it wouldn’t make sense for you to go to work.
这份议案是在12月23日交付议会表决的,几乎毫无疑义的通过了。 It was consigned to oblivion on December 23rd, in an almost unanimous vote of the country’s parliament.
尽管应用程序精确地告诉了我们硬盘的状况,但是这种信息交流毫无疑义。 us the state of our disk with precision, it is failing to municate.
毫无疑义好的学校可以帮忙他们发掘他们的潜力,但他们并不能创造奇迹。 Good schools can help them reach their potential, to be sure, but they cannot work miracles.
工程学科必须面向经济建设,优化设计作为工程设计的最终目标是毫无疑义的。 Engineering science must envisage economic construction, so it is beyond all doubt that the optimization design as the final approach of engineering development.
不要把什么都看作心中最紧要的,并依靠它们去活命,因为它们有时候毫无疑义。 Don’t take for granted the things closest to your heart. Hold on to them as you would to life, for without them, it’s meaningless.
除了非常震惊之外,奥巴马周二将赢得超过270张选票入主白宫看似毫无疑义。 Barring an extraordinary shock, Barack Obama will win more than 270 electoral votes on Tuesday, giving him the White House.
毫无疑义,有些人嘱咐别人每半小时叫醒他一次,其目的却仅仅是为了被这样叫醒。 Hardly a man takes a half-hour’s nap after dinner, but when he wakes he holds up his head and asks, “What’s the news?”
但无论如何解释,有一点是明确和毫无疑义的,那就是宪法基本原则是可以用言论批评的。 But explain anyhow, make clear and having a bit is without doubtful point, that is constitution basic principle can be criticized with opinion on public affairs.
对于两方面的担心使我们成了胆小鬼,并使我们的个性和意识的表现是如此毫无疑义的苍白无力。 Concerns on both so that we bee a coward, and that makes us cast a decisive character of the minds of a layer of pale appearance.
大教堂因它的塔高而闻名于世,该塔毫无疑义地成为英国最高最漂亮的塔,塔顶距地面足足404英尺。 The cathedral is famous for the height of its town, which is without doubt the highest and the most handsome in England, being from the ground 404feet.
试用期包括在劳动合同期限之内,所以试用期应缴纳社会保险是毫无疑义的,签订合同后就可以上保险了。 The trial period included in the labor contract within the deadline, so a trial period should be to pay social insurance is no doubt, after the signing of a contract can be insured by.
如果地球的总的体积没有发生变化,那地球在变扁的同时必然会造成表面积的增加;这应该是毫无疑义的。 If the total volume of the Earth has not changed, and that the Earth is changing at the same time more flatter , that will definitely leads to an increase in surface area; this should be no doubt.
那慢慢行进的,参加这毫无疑义的选举队伍会通过那些横幅标语,庆祝世界棒球冠军队圣路易斯红雀队的新赛季。 The trickle of voters turning out for the pointless board election will pass banners celebrating the new season of the world baseball champions , the St Louis Cardinals.
要说死还太早。但如果能保持健康,科比、基德、詹姆斯、安东尼、霍华德和斯塔德迈尔将毫无疑义榜上有名,出征北京。 again, it’s too soon to tell for sure, but if they all stay healthy, bryant, kidd, james, anthony, howard and stoudemire should be on the team that goes to china.
“这似乎印证了那个无可争辩、毫无疑义的传说,此凡人的尸骸属于门徒保罗。”教皇说,随后还补充道,这个发现“以澎湃的感情充实了我们的灵魂”。 “This seems to confirm the unanimous and uncontested tradition that these are the mortal remains of Paul the apostle, ” he said, adding that the discovery “fills our souls with great emotion”.
毫无疑义 háowúyíyì毫无疑义的意思和解释:一点也没有可以怀疑的地方。表示完全明确肯定。毫无疑义的出处毫无疑义的例子毫无疑义造句我绝不认为这是毫无疑义的。Idonotthi
毫无疑义 háowúyíyì毫无疑义的意思和解释:一点也没有可以怀疑的地方。表示完全明确肯定。毫无疑义的出处毫无疑义的例子毫无疑义造句我绝不认为这是毫无疑义的。Idonotthi
毫无二致 háowúèrzhì毫无二致的意思和解释:二致:两样。丝毫没有什么两样。指完全一样。毫无二致的出处毫无二致的例子那时候的文体的变革和近代的文学革命,由文言文改为白话文的
毫无二致 háowúèrzhì毫无二致的意思和解释:二致:两样。丝毫没有什么两样。指完全一样。毫无二致的出处毫无二致的例子那时候的文体的变革和近代的文学革命,由文言文改为白话文的
拱手听命 gǒngshǒutīngmìng拱手听命的意思和解释:拱手:双手合抱在胸前,以示敬意。恭顺地听从对方的命令,毫无反抗。拱手听命的出处《明史·陈九畴传》:“边臣怵利害,拱
拱手听命 gǒngshǒutīngmìng拱手听命的意思和解释:拱手:双手合抱在胸前,以示敬意。恭顺地听从对方的命令,毫无反抗。拱手听命的出处《明史·陈九畴传》:“边臣怵利害,拱
神色自若 shénsèzìruò神色自若的意思和解释:自若:如常,象原来的样子。神情脸色毫无异样。形容态度镇静。神色自若的出处南朝宋·刘义庆《世说新语·任诞》:“文王曰:‘嗣宗毁
神色自若 shénsèzìruò神色自若的意思和解释:自若:如常,象原来的样子。神情脸色毫无异样。形容态度镇静。神色自若的出处南朝宋·刘义庆《世说新语·任诞》:“文王曰:‘嗣宗毁
大公无私 dàgōngwúsī大公无私的意思和解释:指办事公正,没有私心。现多指从集体利益出发,毫无个人打算。大公无私的出处汉·马融《忠经·天地神明》:“忠者中也,至公无私。”大
大公无私 dàgōngwúsī大公无私的意思和解释:指办事公正,没有私心。现多指从集体利益出发,毫无个人打算。大公无私的出处汉·马融《忠经·天地神明》:“忠者中也,至公无私。”大