词语大全 气宇轩昂造句_气宇轩昂中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:天才与凡人只有一步之隔,这一步就是勤奋。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 气宇轩昂造句_气宇轩昂中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 气宇轩昂造句_气宇轩昂中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 昂藏七尺造句_昂藏七尺中英文解释和造句

词语大全 气宇轩昂造句_气宇轩昂中英文解释和造句

气宇轩昂  qì yǔ xuān áng







  • 威尔,气宇轩昂,尚不能挽回她的心。 Will, when looking well can’t move her.

  • 关公的金面塑像威武雄壮,气宇轩昂。 Guan Gong statue of Kim face a magnificent, Qiyuxuanang.

  • 他肯定更加盛气凌人,不,更加气宇轩昂。 He was certainly much more imperious-she ended by calling it imperial.

  • 走在街上两种姿态可选:其一是气宇轩昂; Walking in the street two gesture alternative : one is open;

  • 南门危楼高耸,气宇轩昂,坚厚固实,青石筑砌。 South Gate dangerous high-rise, Qiyuxuanang, Chien-Hou is solid, Qingshi building block.

  • 坐在主席台上的那位老先生气宇轩昂,想必是一位贵宾。 The elderly gentleman sitting at the chairman’s table is dignified and distinguished looking. He must be an honoured guest.

  • 亭高16。1米,重簷翘角,精工巧构,气宇轩昂,金碧辉煌。 Pavilion 16. 1 meters high, Tong Yan preserved, Seiko Qiao structure, widely, millions.

  • 亭高16。1米,重簷翘角,精工巧构,气宇轩昂,金碧辉煌。 Pavilion 16. 1 meters high, Chongyanqiaojiao, conformation Qiao Seiko, Qiyuxuanang, resplendent.

  • 不要做一个“气宇轩昂者/否定论者”,做一个“优良的中尉”。 Don’t be a yes /no man, be a good lieutenant.

  • 这难道不能成为男人果敢面世功成名就气宇轩昂力挽狂澜之动力吗? Could it be motivated to man on facing the plicated society courageously in order to make vigorous efforts to turn the things in right way.

  • 沈厅气宇轩昂,布置精当,器皿玲珑,被列为江苏省重点文物保护单位。 Shen Qiyuxuanang Office, Jingdang arrangement, exquisite containers, is listed as key protection unit in Jiangsu Province.

  • 中年人身体发福,发质渐疏,穿一套名牌休闲装,气宇轩昂,一口台式国语。 Middle-aged body made Fuk, the quality has made clear, wear a designer leisure equipment, styles, flatly desktop Mandarin.

  • 一套普普通通的住宅可以因为具有一座画龙点睛的楼梯而显得气宇轩昂,灵气逼人。 An everyday residence is OK show dignified of eaves of bring about the desired sensation because of the stair that has to make the finishing point, clever gas is threatening.

  • 这款气宇轩昂,气势不凡的车,在老百姓心目中曾具有崇高的地位,也是权力地位的象征。 The Qiyuxuanang, the extraordinary momentum of the car, in the eyes of ordinary people have had such lofty positions of power is also a symbol of status.

  • 他们精神饱满,气宇轩昂,迈著整齐划一,铿锵有力的步伐,到处可见的是他们的朝气和必胜的信念。 They are in high spirit, impressive demeanor, exceed tidy and uniform, sonorous and forceful step. It is clear that everywhere is their vigor and winning conviction.

  • 尽管许多开发商气宇轩昂地评论著“信誉是制约我国房地产业良性发展的关键因素”,但用什么来证实? Although many developers are open to ments, “My real constraint is the credibility of the key factors in the development of healthy, ” but to confirm what?

  • 气宇轩昂的城堡大厅内,回荡著DJ的即兴创作,非洲的鼓手带来原始的激情,来宾们不由得随着音乐摇摆。 Inside the castle hall of air space dignified, resound is worn the extemporaneous creation of DJ, african drummer brings primitive passion, guest people can’t help swaying as music.

  • 有些衣裙摆摆、手握舞扇,划出一道道优美的弧线,还有些气宇轩昂、手持礼炮,向空中放射出五彩的礼花。 some dress swayed, holding a dance fan, to draw a beautiful arc Road, and some Qiyuxuanang , hand-held gun salute in the air emitted by colorful fireworks.

  • 慢慢地,羽毛头停下脚,摆出气宇轩昂的姿态,要让这个漂亮姑娘好好欣赏一番他的丰采,看她还能抵挡多久。 By and by Feathertop paused, and throwing himself into an imposing attitude, seemed to summon the fair girl to survey his figure and resist him longer if she could.

  • 在他们出土的地点展示,并在大棚架保护下,这些气宇轩昂、面带谜样神情的武俑,是中国大陆最广为人知的意象。 Exhibited where they were found and protected inside a massive shed, the fierce figures with enigmatic expressions are among the best-known images of China.

  • 这些票友们通常模仿杰克逊在“颤栗者”一曲里的扮相,然而这位原唱近些年来却和那首歌里气宇轩昂的形象相去甚远。 Such impersonators usually model themselves on his “Thriller” persona, but the singer himself looked nothing like that in recent years.

  • 我们往其它人望着的方向看,看到了一个气宇轩昂的鸭妈妈在路中间悠然地散著步,她后面跟着九个蹒跚学步的小鸭子。 Looking in the same direction as everyone else, we saw a mother duck, sleek and proud, promenading up the middle of the road, nine little ducklings waddling after her.

  • 气宇轩昂、森严肃穆的药店大堂,常年生意兴隆,顾客如流。这张摄于1940年的店员合影,冯根生的父亲也在其中。 The grand and solemn drugstore hall was always full of customers all year around. The photograph of the shop assistants was taken in 1940, Mr. Feng’s father included.

  • 她神情沮丧,没有了平时那种气宇轩昂,轻盈飘逸的风度。这种风度使她能从一万个与她身材相仿的女人中轻易地被辨认出来。 She seemed very depressed, and had none of that proud and buoyant bearing which would have betrayed her among a thousand women of the same stature.

  • 其中一个上台一说话,我就觉得特别熟悉,这莫不是那个漆林吗?但是看他相貌堂堂,气宇轩昂,气定神闲的模样,又有些疑惑。 One of the first came to power, and I feel particularly familiar with this paint that Lin Mo Bushi it?But he Xiangmaotangtang, Qiyuxuanang, the appearance of calm, and some doubts.

  • 荷马史诗中的英雄人物出身高贵、气宇轩昂、英勇善战;其英雄主义价值观的中心内容是比生命更重要、更珍贵的个人的荣誉和尊严。 The traditional Homeric hero is a man of noble birth and impressive appearance who fights bravely for his own honor, which is more important and valuable than life itself.

  • 其正中的一条龙造型最具威严,昂首向前,目光炯炯,气宇轩昂,体现出了我国古代高超的雕刻技艺,颇值得一观,是我国四大龙壁之一。 Its one-stop center of the most majestic style, head forward, Muguangjiongjiong, Qiyuxuanang, reflects China’s great ancient carving skills, is a concept, is one of China’s four major long wall.

  • 因为我们太缺少现代化的建筑了,我们渴望拥有像发达国家那样的城市景观,我们太需要用气宇轩昂的玻璃大厦来宣扬卓然不凡的经济成就。 We too lack modern construction, and we aspire to developed countries such as the urban landscape, we too need to open the glass building to promote his economic achievements enough.

  • 网友们时而妙语联珠的精彩点评、时而气宇轩昂的美好期望甚至是纵情一时的群起而攻之,都让现场短短的两个小时的PK的话题发扬光大至无穷大。 Internet users are sometimes named the pearl of exciting developments, sometimes even above expectations of a hearty temporary oppose it, for the short two-hour PK forward to the endless big topic.

  • 环境高雅,宽敞明亮;气宇轩昂,雍容华贵,可同时容纳约400人,无论是社团宴会,还是各类型会议,都能想您所想,是您选择的绝佳场所,施展形象的宜人之地。 It housing a bout 400 persons is stately decorated, luxurious, lucid and bright. 2000YEAR′S HOTEL is your priority of holding meeting of any kind.

  • 气宇轩昂造句相关


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